did cobalt RC_9 implement webGL? - cobalt

in WebGL performance Tests of qual-e, video["webkitDecodedFrameCount"] is undefined.
did cobalt RC_9 implement webGL on latest GIT version ?
if cobalt support webGL, could you tell us how to test it?

No, Cobalt does not support WebGL. For 360 video, Cobalt supports the map-to-mesh CSS extension instead.
See here for info on how to support 360 video:


Cobalt 23 in OpenGL-less platform (reviving Blitter API?)

We are running Cobalt on a MIPS based platform with no OpenGL support. We have Cobalt from 20.lts.x and it runs perfectly. Now I m experimenting with Cobalt 23 version and I see that OpenGL is the only way to make graphics (we were using Blitter API with 20 version which was removed).
How difficult will it be to port-back blitter API?
As Cobalt is just perfect for constrained systems (embedded systems), what will be your advice for platforms lacking OpenGL support?

glTF 2.0 video texture support

I have been reading the glTF specs and looking around and haven't been able to find an explicit answer to this: are video textures supported by glTF 2.0 or one of its extensions? Could anyone point me to the right thread or documentation if such exists?
This might be possible with the upcoming KHR_texture_transmission extension. However, it is not finalized yet. Check out the following presentation for more information:
It says on page 12:
Video Texture formats currently in design phase

Does webgl depend on the OpenGL in the OS?

Mac OS does not support OpenGL anymore after MacOS 10.14 Mojave. Will the change influence the compatibility of Webgl?
Does webgl depend on the OpenGL in the OS?
Not necessarily. For instance on Windows Firefox and Chrome use ANGLE (defaulting to its Direct3D backend) to provide hardware-accelerated WebGL.
Per this post from the Apple Developer Forums:
"Apple's announcement that it is deprecating OpenGL doesn't have any impact for WebGL development using Safari. The underlying technologies might change in the future, but WebGL won't change."

Geometry shader in web

I'm interested to use geometry shader in web(site / application)
Is it possible to directly use opengl es 3.1 in web without webgl?
Is any other API to use newer version of opengl es than webgl2?
Totally is any way to I can use geometry shader in web?
thanks in advance
or is anyway to use opengl in web?
Is any other API to use newer version of opengl es than webgl2
Is it possible to directly use opengl es 3.1 in web without webgl
is any way to I can use geometry shader in web?
is anyway to use opengl in web?
No (wrt using anything else besides OpenGL ES 3.0 using WebGL 2.0)
I think that this feature can not be added to webgl2 by extensions
Well in theory it could, in fact the majority of API features were extensions once. As of now though there's no extension exposing geometry shaders for WebGL 2

trying to find best way to develop opengl es 2.0 in windows

i like to develop games to android based on opengl es 2.0 , with the emulator its a apain
is there any better way to develop opengl es 2.0 app on windows fast toolkit /engine ?
something that i can debug the code .
You can use one of OpenGL ES 2.0 emulations on Windows to develop your application. Then majority of your rendering code will be same C/C++ code for Windows and for Android. Only platform specific stuff would be opening window, getting inputs (toches) and reading files.
Here are some of GLES2 emulators from different vendors:
Imgtec PowerVR - supports PVR texture compression
Qualcomm Ardeno - supports ATITC texture compression
ARM Mali
Nvidia Tegra - supports DXT texture compression
Google ANGLE - supports DXT texture compression. Opensource! Used by Chrome & Firefox as WebGL backend.
I myself like and use Google ANGLE to develop my app on Windows. After that I can run app on Android without changing any of rendering code.
