Spring MVC Websockets with STOMP - Authenticate against specific channels - spring

Is there a way in AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer (Spring Boot) to intercept the registration of users to a specific channel?
I have a basic authentication done in registerStompEndpoints using a HandshakeHandler:
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
HandshakeHandler handler = new DefaultHandshakeHandler() {
protected Principal determineUser(ServerHttpRequest request,
WebSocketHandler wsHandler, Map<String, Object> attributes) {
Principal principal = request.getPrincipal();
if (principal == null) {
return () -> getPrincipal();
return principal;
Now I would like to prevent this user from registering to '/topic/admin/news' if the user does not have the permission 'admin'. I'm not using Spring Security. I'd like to have an interceptor before the registration to a channel happens.
As an alternative, I'd like to use the SimpMessagingTemplate to only send out messages to users from the channel that have the permission. Is there a way to see what users are currently connected to my stomp-connection?

public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
registration.setInterceptors(new TopicSubscriptionInterceptor());
And the interceptor:
public class TopicSubscriptionInterceptor implements ChannelInterceptor {
private static Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(TopicSubscriptionInterceptor.class);
public Message<?> postReceive(Message<?> message, MessageChannel chanenel) {
return message;
public void postSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel chanel, boolean sent) {
public boolean preReceive(MessageChannel channel) {
return true;
public Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel) {
StompHeaderAccessor headerAccessor= StompHeaderAccessor.wrap(message);
if (StompCommand.SUBSCRIBE.equals(headerAccessor.getCommand()) && headerAccessor.getHeader("simpUser") !=null && headerAccessor.getHeader("simpUser") instanceof UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken userToken = (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) headerAccessor.getHeader("simpUser");
if(!validateSubscription((User)userToken.getPrincipal(), headerAccessor.getDestination()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No permission for this topic");
return message;
private boolean validateSubscription(User principal, String topicDestination)
logger.debug("Validate subscription for {} to topic {}",principal.getUsername(),topicDestination);
//Validation logic coming here
return true;


EventListener don't catch events

I have problem with listening to AuthenticationSuccessEvent and AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent, none of this event is triggered. Here's my code:
public class AuthenticationFailureListener {
private final LoginAttemptService loginAttemptService;
public void onAuthenticationFailure(AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent event) {
Object principal = event.getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
if (principal instanceof String) {
String username = (String) principal;
Second class
public class AuthenticationSuccessListener {
private final LoginAttemptService loginAttemptService;
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(AuthenticationSuccessEvent event) {
Object principal = event.getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
if (principal instanceof UserPrincipal) {
UserPrincipal user = (UserPrincipal) principal;
and I added this to Security Configuration
public AuthenticationEventPublisher authenticationEventPublisher(ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher) {
return new DefaultAuthenticationEventPublisher(applicationEventPublisher);
But my fail and successful login don't trigger any listener :disappointed: I'm using spring security 5.7.6. I've checked and all these beans are created. What's maybe a reason for that behavior ?

Spring stomp session (StompHeaderAccessor accessor)

I'm loading the desired 'session' into the StompHeaderAccessor via a ChannelInterceptor.
public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
// ... skip
public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
registration.interceptors(new ChannelInterceptor() {
public Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel) {
StompHeaderAccessor accessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(message, StompHeaderAccessor.class);
* session check
if (accessor != null && Arrays.asList(StompCommand.CONNECT, StompCommand.SEND).contains(accessor.getCommand())) {
String token = StringUtil.fixNull(accessor.getFirstNativeHeader("Authorization"),"");
String cno = accessor.getFirstNativeHeader("cno");
HashMap<String, Object> param = new HashMap<>();
param.put("Authorization", token);
param.put("cno", cno);
if (!token.equals("")) {
accessor.setSessionAttributes(Collections.singletonMap("session", sessionService.getSession(param)));
return message;
And I want to use the session I put in the controller.
But I can't see the session I put in the controller's Accessor.
public void publishInquiry(SimpMessageHeaderAccessor accessor) throws Exception {
Object session = accessor.getSessionAttributes().get("session");
// null
Map<String, Object> sessionAttributes = accessor.getSessionAttributes();
System.out.println("sessionAttributes = " + sessionAttributes);
// sessionAttributes = {}
How do I use the session I put in the interceptor in the controller?

How to get endpoint path in ChannelInterceptor with spring boot stomp?

I am new in stomp use spring boot 2.1.2.RELEASE. I have multi endpoint and config a ChannelInterceptor to get some info.
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
.addInterceptors(new IpHandshakeInterceptor())
.addInterceptors(new IpHandshakeInterceptor())
// other andpoint
public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
All endpoint use myChannelInterceptor(actually, i want endpoint use its own ChannelInterceptor), i want do thing in ChannelInterceptor by endpoint path.
public Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel) {
if (endpoint.equals("endpoint1")) {
} else if (endpoint.equals("endpoint2")) {
How can i get endpoint info in ChannelInterceptor?
You can use:
In class IpHandshakeInterceptor write value to attributes map:
public boolean beforeHandshake(ServerHttpRequest serverHttpRequest, ServerHttpResponse serverHttpResponse, WebSocketHandler webSocketHandler, Map<String, Object> map) throws Exception {
if (serverHttpRequest instanceof ServletServerHttpRequest) {
ServletServerHttpRequest servletRequest = (ServletServerHttpRequest) serverHttpRequest;
HttpSession session = servletRequest.getServletRequest().getSession();
//add value to session attributes
map.put("endpoint", servletRequest.getURI().getPath());
// ... your logic ...
return true;
In your myChannelInterceptor read value from session attributes:
public Message<?> preSend(final Message<?> message, final MessageChannel channel) throws AuthenticationException {
final StompHeaderAccessor accessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(message, StompHeaderAccessor.class);
String endpoint=accessor.getSessionAttributes().get("endpoint").toString();
// ... your logic ...
return message;
You can get the destination topic and also user object (if you populated it earlier) in the SUBSCRIBE command like this:
public Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel) {
StompHeaderAccessor accessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(message, StompHeaderAccessor.class);
if (StompCommand.CONNECT.equals(accessor.getCommand())) {
// authenticate request and populate user object
if (StompCommand.SUBSCRIBE.equals(accessor.getCommand())) {
authorizeRequest(accessor.getUser(), accessor.getDestination());
return message;

Spring Boot 4.3.5 WebSocket Chat with jwt authorization. No destination in GenericMessage

I'm trying to implement a 1-1 chat for a mobile app(ionic 3) with a spring boot back-end. Seems like run into some config problems.
Can't send message probably because the target channel wasn't created
public class ChatController {
private PrivateChatService privateChatService;
private final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ChatController.class.getName());
#RequestMapping(value = "/chat/messages/{item_id}/chat_with/{buyer_login}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
public ResponseEntity<String> getExistingChatMessages(#PathVariable("item_id") String itemId, #PathVariable("buyer_login") String buyerLogin) {
List<ChatMessage> messages = privateChatService.getExistingChatMessages(itemId, buyerLogin);
logger.info("Here get messages");
return JSONResponseHelper.createResponse(messages, HttpStatus.OK);
public ChatMessage send(#Payload ChatMessage message,
#DestinationVariable("item_id") String item_id) throws Exception {
// logger.info(principal.getName());
return message;
#Order(Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE + 99)
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
private final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(WebSocketConfig.class.getName());
private JwtTokenProvider jwtTokenProvider;
private PrivateChatService privateChatService;
private static final String MESSAGE_PREFIX = "/topic";
private static final String END_POINT = "/chat";
private static final String APPLICATION_DESTINATION_PREFIX = "/live";
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
if (registry != null) {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
if (registry != null) {
public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
registration.setInterceptors(new ChannelInterceptorAdapter() {
public Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel) {
StompHeaderAccessor accessor = MessageHeaderAccessor.getAccessor(message, StompHeaderAccessor.class);
if (StompCommand.CONNECT.equals(accessor.getCommand())) {
String authToken = accessor.getFirstNativeHeader("Authentication");
String jwt = JwtUtils.resolveToken(authToken);
if (jwtTokenProvider.validateToken(jwt)) {
Authentication authentication = jwtTokenProvider.getAuthentication(jwt);
String itemId = accessor.getFirstNativeHeader("item_id");
accessor.setDestination("/topic" + privateChatService.getChannelId(itemId, authentication.getName()));
logger.info(accessor.getDestination()); //ex: /topic/chat/3434/chat_with/user3797474342423
return message;
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
protected boolean sameOriginDisabled() {
return true;
Mobile client, ng2-stomp-service:
private _initWebsock(auth_token:string, item_id: number) {
let headers: Object = {
Authentication: `Bearer ${auth_token}`,
item_id: item_id
host :this.websocketApi + 'chat',
headers: headers,
console.log("Connecting stomp socket...");
//start connection
this.stomp.startConnect().then(() => {
this.subscription = this.stomp.subscribe(`/chat/${item_id}/`, this.socketListener);
public socketListener = (data) => {
send(msg: ChatMessage, item_id: number){
//send data
this.stomp.send(`/live/chat/${item_id}/send`, {}, JSON.stringify(msg));
Problem 1(probably):
In the browser console it shows that a client subscribes to /chat/item_id instead of /topic/chat/3434/chat_with/user3797474342423 => seems like configureClientInboundChannel doesn't work?
Problem 2:
When trying to execute this.stomp.send(/live/chat/${item_id}/send, {}, JSON.stringify(msg));, getting
o.s.m.s.b.DefaultSubscriptionRegistry : No destination in GenericMessage [payload=byte[2], headers={simpMessageType=MESSAGE.... Error.
This is how I solved this problem:
When user authenticates with Spring Security, WebSocket module creates
unique channel for that user based on his Principal. Example
"/user/queue/position-updates" is translated to
So on the client side all I had to do, was subscribe to
And on the server side, send messages to
/user/{username}/queue/requests with
convertAndSendToUser(request.getFromUser(), "/queue/requests",
request) and Spring handles the rest.

Spring Boot Social Login and Local OAuth2-Server

I'm currently working on a Spring Boot-Application with OAuth2-Authentication. I have a local OAuth2-Server where I receive a token when posting username and password of the local database against in my case http://localhost:8080/v1/oauth/token using Spring Boot's UserDetails and UserService. Everything works fine and nice.
But now I want to enhance my program with Facebook social login and want either log in to my local OAuth2-Server or using the external Facebook-Server. I checked out the Spring Boot example https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-boot-oauth2/ and adapted the idea of an SSO-Filter. Now I can login using my Facebook client and secret id, but I cannot access my restricted localhost-sites.
What I want is that the Facebook-Token "behaves" the same way as the locally generated tokens by for instance being part of my local token storage. I checked out several tutorials and other Stackoverflow questions but with no luck. Here is what I have so far with a custom Authorization-Server and I think I'm still missing something very basic to get the link between external Facebook- and internal localhost-Server:
public class OAuth2ServerConfiguration {
private static final String SERVER_RESOURCE_ID = "oauth2-server";
private TokenStore tokenStore;
public TokenStore tokenStore() {
return new InMemoryTokenStore();
protected class ClientResources {
private AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails client = new AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails();
private ResourceServerProperties resource = new ResourceServerProperties();
public AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails getClient() {
return client;
public ResourceServerProperties getResource() {
return resource;
protected class ResourceServerConfiguration extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {
private boolean requireAuth;
public void configure(ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer resources) throws Exception {
OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext;
public FilterRegistrationBean oauth2ClientFilterRegistration(OAuth2ClientContextFilter filter) {
FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return registration;
public ClientResources facebook() {
return new ClientResources();
private Filter ssoFilter() {
CompositeFilter filter = new CompositeFilter();
List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<>();
filters.add(ssoFilter(facebook(), "/login/facebook"));
return filter;
private Filter ssoFilter(ClientResources client, String path) {
OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter filter = new OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter(path);
OAuth2RestTemplate template = new OAuth2RestTemplate(client.getClient(), oauth2ClientContext);
UserInfoTokenServices tokenServices = new UserInfoTokenServices(client.getResource().getUserInfoUri(),
return filter;
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
if (!requireAuth) {
} else {
.antMatchers("/", "/login**", "/webjars/**").permitAll().anyRequest().authenticated().and()
.addFilterBefore(ssoFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
protected class OAuth2Configuration extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
private int expiration;
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
// password encryptor
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer configurer) throws Exception {
public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
.authorities("ROLE_USER").scopes("read", "write").authorizedGrantTypes("password", "refresh_token")
Any help and/or examples covering this issue greatly appreciated! :)
One possible solution is to implement the Authentication Filter and Authentication Provider.
In my case I've implemented an OAuth2 authentication and also permit the user to access some endpoints with facebook access_token
The Authentication Filter looks like this:
public class ServerAuthenticationFilter extends GenericFilterBean {
private BearerAuthenticationProvider bearerAuthenticationProvider;
private FacebookAuthenticationProvider facebookAuthenticationProvider;
public ServerAuthenticationFilter(BearerAuthenticationProvider bearerAuthenticationProvider,
FacebookAuthenticationProvider facebookAuthenticationProvider) {
this.bearerAuthenticationProvider = bearerAuthenticationProvider;
this.facebookAuthenticationProvider = facebookAuthenticationProvider;
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
Optional<String> authorization = Optional.fromNullable(httpRequest.getHeader("Authorization"));
try {
AuthType authType = getAuthType(authorization.get());
if (authType == null) {
String strToken = authorization.get().split(" ")[1];
if (authType == AuthType.BEARER) {
if (strToken != null) {
Optional<String> token = Optional.of(strToken);
logger.debug("Trying to authenticate user by Bearer method. Token: " + token.get());
} else if (authType == AuthType.FACEBOOK) {
if (strToken != null) {
Optional<String> token = Optional.of(strToken);
logger.debug("Trying to authenticate user by Facebook method. Token: " + token.get());
logger.debug(getClass().getSimpleName() + " is passing request down the filter chain.");
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} catch (InternalAuthenticationServiceException internalAuthenticationServiceException) {
logger.error("Internal Authentication Service Exception", internalAuthenticationServiceException);
} catch (AuthenticationException authenticationException) {
httpResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, authenticationException.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
httpResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, e.getMessage());
private AuthType getAuthType(String value) {
if (value == null)
return null;
String[] basicSplit = value.split(" ");
if (basicSplit.length != 2)
return null;
if (basicSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("bearer"))
return AuthType.BEARER;
if (basicSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("facebook"))
return AuthType.FACEBOOK;
return null;
private void processBearerAuthentication(Optional<String> token) {
Authentication resultOfAuthentication = tryToAuthenticateWithBearer(token);
private void processFacebookAuthentication(Optional<String> token) {
Authentication resultOfAuthentication = tryToAuthenticateWithFacebook(token);
private Authentication tryToAuthenticateWithBearer(Optional<String> token) {
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken requestAuthentication = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(token,
return tryToAuthenticateBearer(requestAuthentication);
private Authentication tryToAuthenticateWithFacebook(Optional<String> token) {
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken requestAuthentication = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(token,
return tryToAuthenticateFacebook(requestAuthentication);
private Authentication tryToAuthenticateBearer(Authentication requestAuthentication) {
Authentication responseAuthentication = bearerAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(requestAuthentication);
if (responseAuthentication == null || !responseAuthentication.isAuthenticated()) {
throw new InternalAuthenticationServiceException(
"Unable to Authenticate for provided credentials.");
logger.debug("Application successfully authenticated by bearer method.");
return responseAuthentication;
private Authentication tryToAuthenticateFacebook(Authentication requestAuthentication) {
Authentication responseAuthentication = facebookAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(requestAuthentication);
if (responseAuthentication == null || !responseAuthentication.isAuthenticated()) {
throw new InternalAuthenticationServiceException(
"Unable to Authenticate for provided credentials.");
logger.debug("Application successfully authenticated by facebook method.");
return responseAuthentication;
This, filters Authorization headers, identifies whether they are facebook or bearer and then directs to specific provider.
The Facebook Provider looks like this:
public class FacebookAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
private String facebookResourceURL;
private static final String PARAMETERS = "fields=name,email,gender,picture";
FacebookUserRepository facebookUserRepository;
UserRoleRepository userRoleRepository;
#SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication auth) throws AuthenticationException {
Optional<String> token = auth.getPrincipal() instanceof Optional ? (Optional) auth.getPrincipal() : null;
if (token == null || !token.isPresent() || token.get().isEmpty())
throw new BadCredentialsException("Invalid Grants");
SocialResourceUtils socialResourceUtils = new SocialResourceUtils(facebookResourceURL, PARAMETERS);
SocialUser socialUser = socialResourceUtils.getResourceByToken(token.get());
if (socialUser != null && socialUser.getId() != null) {
User user = findOriginal(socialUser.getId());
if (user == null)
throw new BadCredentialsException("Authentication failed.");
Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(credentials, credentials.getId(),
} else
throw new BadCredentialsException("Authentication failed.");
protected User findOriginal(String id) {
FacebookUser facebookUser = facebookUserRepository.findByFacebookId(facebookId);
return null == facebookUser ? null : userRepository.findById(facebookUser.getUserId()).get();
protected List<String> getUserRoles(String id) {
List<String> roles = new ArrayList<>();
userRoleRepository.findByUserId(id).forEach(applicationRole -> roles.add(applicationRole.getRole()));
return roles;
private List<Roles> parseRoles(List<String> strRoles) {
List<Roles> roles = new ArrayList<>();
for(String strRole : strRoles) {
return roles;
private Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> parseAuthorities(Collection<String> roles) {
if (roles == null || roles.size() == 0)
return Collections.emptyList();
return roles.stream().map(role -> (GrantedAuthority) () -> "ROLE_" + role).collect(Collectors.toList());
public boolean supports(Class<?> auth) {
return auth.equals(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class);
The FacebookUser only makes a reference to the Local User Id and the Facebook Id (this is the link between facebook and our application).
This SocialResourceUtils is used to get the facebook user information via facebook API (using the method getResourceByToken). The facebook resource url is setted on application.properties (config.oauth2.facebook.resourceURL). This method is basically:
public SocialUser getResourceByToken(String token) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String authorization = token;
JsonNode response = null;
try {
response = restTemplate.getForObject(accessUrl + authorization, JsonNode.class);
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Authentication failed.");
return buildSocialUser(response);
The Bearer Provider is your local Authentication, you can make your own, or use the springboot defaults, use other authentication methods, idk (I will not put my implementation here, thats by you).
And finally you need to make your Web Security Configurer:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private BearerAuthenticationProvider bearerAuthenticationProvider;
private FacebookAuthenticationProvider facebookAuthenticationProvider;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.addFilterBefore(new ServerAuthenticationFilter(bearerAuthenticationProvider,
facebookAuthenticationProvider), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
Notice that it has the annotation ConditionalOnProperty to enable/disable on properties security.basic.enabled. The #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true) enables the usage of the annotation #PreAuthorize which enables us to protect endpoints by roles for example (using #PreAuthorize("hasRole ('ADMIN')") over an endpoint, to allow acces only to admins)
This code needs many improvements, but I hope I have helped.
