Spring Boot Social Login and Local OAuth2-Server - spring

I'm currently working on a Spring Boot-Application with OAuth2-Authentication. I have a local OAuth2-Server where I receive a token when posting username and password of the local database against in my case http://localhost:8080/v1/oauth/token using Spring Boot's UserDetails and UserService. Everything works fine and nice.
But now I want to enhance my program with Facebook social login and want either log in to my local OAuth2-Server or using the external Facebook-Server. I checked out the Spring Boot example https://spring.io/guides/tutorials/spring-boot-oauth2/ and adapted the idea of an SSO-Filter. Now I can login using my Facebook client and secret id, but I cannot access my restricted localhost-sites.
What I want is that the Facebook-Token "behaves" the same way as the locally generated tokens by for instance being part of my local token storage. I checked out several tutorials and other Stackoverflow questions but with no luck. Here is what I have so far with a custom Authorization-Server and I think I'm still missing something very basic to get the link between external Facebook- and internal localhost-Server:
public class OAuth2ServerConfiguration {
private static final String SERVER_RESOURCE_ID = "oauth2-server";
private TokenStore tokenStore;
public TokenStore tokenStore() {
return new InMemoryTokenStore();
protected class ClientResources {
private AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails client = new AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails();
private ResourceServerProperties resource = new ResourceServerProperties();
public AuthorizationCodeResourceDetails getClient() {
return client;
public ResourceServerProperties getResource() {
return resource;
protected class ResourceServerConfiguration extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {
private boolean requireAuth;
public void configure(ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer resources) throws Exception {
OAuth2ClientContext oauth2ClientContext;
public FilterRegistrationBean oauth2ClientFilterRegistration(OAuth2ClientContextFilter filter) {
FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return registration;
public ClientResources facebook() {
return new ClientResources();
private Filter ssoFilter() {
CompositeFilter filter = new CompositeFilter();
List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<>();
filters.add(ssoFilter(facebook(), "/login/facebook"));
return filter;
private Filter ssoFilter(ClientResources client, String path) {
OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter filter = new OAuth2ClientAuthenticationProcessingFilter(path);
OAuth2RestTemplate template = new OAuth2RestTemplate(client.getClient(), oauth2ClientContext);
UserInfoTokenServices tokenServices = new UserInfoTokenServices(client.getResource().getUserInfoUri(),
return filter;
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
if (!requireAuth) {
} else {
.antMatchers("/", "/login**", "/webjars/**").permitAll().anyRequest().authenticated().and()
.addFilterBefore(ssoFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
protected class OAuth2Configuration extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
private int expiration;
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
private UserDetailsService userDetailsService;
// password encryptor
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer configurer) throws Exception {
public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
.authorities("ROLE_USER").scopes("read", "write").authorizedGrantTypes("password", "refresh_token")
Any help and/or examples covering this issue greatly appreciated! :)

One possible solution is to implement the Authentication Filter and Authentication Provider.
In my case I've implemented an OAuth2 authentication and also permit the user to access some endpoints with facebook access_token
The Authentication Filter looks like this:
public class ServerAuthenticationFilter extends GenericFilterBean {
private BearerAuthenticationProvider bearerAuthenticationProvider;
private FacebookAuthenticationProvider facebookAuthenticationProvider;
public ServerAuthenticationFilter(BearerAuthenticationProvider bearerAuthenticationProvider,
FacebookAuthenticationProvider facebookAuthenticationProvider) {
this.bearerAuthenticationProvider = bearerAuthenticationProvider;
this.facebookAuthenticationProvider = facebookAuthenticationProvider;
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpServletResponse httpResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
Optional<String> authorization = Optional.fromNullable(httpRequest.getHeader("Authorization"));
try {
AuthType authType = getAuthType(authorization.get());
if (authType == null) {
String strToken = authorization.get().split(" ")[1];
if (authType == AuthType.BEARER) {
if (strToken != null) {
Optional<String> token = Optional.of(strToken);
logger.debug("Trying to authenticate user by Bearer method. Token: " + token.get());
} else if (authType == AuthType.FACEBOOK) {
if (strToken != null) {
Optional<String> token = Optional.of(strToken);
logger.debug("Trying to authenticate user by Facebook method. Token: " + token.get());
logger.debug(getClass().getSimpleName() + " is passing request down the filter chain.");
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} catch (InternalAuthenticationServiceException internalAuthenticationServiceException) {
logger.error("Internal Authentication Service Exception", internalAuthenticationServiceException);
} catch (AuthenticationException authenticationException) {
httpResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, authenticationException.getMessage());
} catch (Exception e) {
httpResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, e.getMessage());
private AuthType getAuthType(String value) {
if (value == null)
return null;
String[] basicSplit = value.split(" ");
if (basicSplit.length != 2)
return null;
if (basicSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("bearer"))
return AuthType.BEARER;
if (basicSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("facebook"))
return AuthType.FACEBOOK;
return null;
private void processBearerAuthentication(Optional<String> token) {
Authentication resultOfAuthentication = tryToAuthenticateWithBearer(token);
private void processFacebookAuthentication(Optional<String> token) {
Authentication resultOfAuthentication = tryToAuthenticateWithFacebook(token);
private Authentication tryToAuthenticateWithBearer(Optional<String> token) {
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken requestAuthentication = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(token,
return tryToAuthenticateBearer(requestAuthentication);
private Authentication tryToAuthenticateWithFacebook(Optional<String> token) {
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken requestAuthentication = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(token,
return tryToAuthenticateFacebook(requestAuthentication);
private Authentication tryToAuthenticateBearer(Authentication requestAuthentication) {
Authentication responseAuthentication = bearerAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(requestAuthentication);
if (responseAuthentication == null || !responseAuthentication.isAuthenticated()) {
throw new InternalAuthenticationServiceException(
"Unable to Authenticate for provided credentials.");
logger.debug("Application successfully authenticated by bearer method.");
return responseAuthentication;
private Authentication tryToAuthenticateFacebook(Authentication requestAuthentication) {
Authentication responseAuthentication = facebookAuthenticationProvider.authenticate(requestAuthentication);
if (responseAuthentication == null || !responseAuthentication.isAuthenticated()) {
throw new InternalAuthenticationServiceException(
"Unable to Authenticate for provided credentials.");
logger.debug("Application successfully authenticated by facebook method.");
return responseAuthentication;
This, filters Authorization headers, identifies whether they are facebook or bearer and then directs to specific provider.
The Facebook Provider looks like this:
public class FacebookAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
private String facebookResourceURL;
private static final String PARAMETERS = "fields=name,email,gender,picture";
FacebookUserRepository facebookUserRepository;
UserRoleRepository userRoleRepository;
#SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication auth) throws AuthenticationException {
Optional<String> token = auth.getPrincipal() instanceof Optional ? (Optional) auth.getPrincipal() : null;
if (token == null || !token.isPresent() || token.get().isEmpty())
throw new BadCredentialsException("Invalid Grants");
SocialResourceUtils socialResourceUtils = new SocialResourceUtils(facebookResourceURL, PARAMETERS);
SocialUser socialUser = socialResourceUtils.getResourceByToken(token.get());
if (socialUser != null && socialUser.getId() != null) {
User user = findOriginal(socialUser.getId());
if (user == null)
throw new BadCredentialsException("Authentication failed.");
Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(credentials, credentials.getId(),
} else
throw new BadCredentialsException("Authentication failed.");
protected User findOriginal(String id) {
FacebookUser facebookUser = facebookUserRepository.findByFacebookId(facebookId);
return null == facebookUser ? null : userRepository.findById(facebookUser.getUserId()).get();
protected List<String> getUserRoles(String id) {
List<String> roles = new ArrayList<>();
userRoleRepository.findByUserId(id).forEach(applicationRole -> roles.add(applicationRole.getRole()));
return roles;
private List<Roles> parseRoles(List<String> strRoles) {
List<Roles> roles = new ArrayList<>();
for(String strRole : strRoles) {
return roles;
private Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> parseAuthorities(Collection<String> roles) {
if (roles == null || roles.size() == 0)
return Collections.emptyList();
return roles.stream().map(role -> (GrantedAuthority) () -> "ROLE_" + role).collect(Collectors.toList());
public boolean supports(Class<?> auth) {
return auth.equals(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class);
The FacebookUser only makes a reference to the Local User Id and the Facebook Id (this is the link between facebook and our application).
This SocialResourceUtils is used to get the facebook user information via facebook API (using the method getResourceByToken). The facebook resource url is setted on application.properties (config.oauth2.facebook.resourceURL). This method is basically:
public SocialUser getResourceByToken(String token) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String authorization = token;
JsonNode response = null;
try {
response = restTemplate.getForObject(accessUrl + authorization, JsonNode.class);
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Authentication failed.");
return buildSocialUser(response);
The Bearer Provider is your local Authentication, you can make your own, or use the springboot defaults, use other authentication methods, idk (I will not put my implementation here, thats by you).
And finally you need to make your Web Security Configurer:
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private BearerAuthenticationProvider bearerAuthenticationProvider;
private FacebookAuthenticationProvider facebookAuthenticationProvider;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.addFilterBefore(new ServerAuthenticationFilter(bearerAuthenticationProvider,
facebookAuthenticationProvider), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class);
Notice that it has the annotation ConditionalOnProperty to enable/disable on properties security.basic.enabled. The #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true) enables the usage of the annotation #PreAuthorize which enables us to protect endpoints by roles for example (using #PreAuthorize("hasRole ('ADMIN')") over an endpoint, to allow acces only to admins)
This code needs many improvements, but I hope I have helped.


Use sAMAccountName instead of userPrincipalName in LDAP auth in Spring Boot

So I am using the code below to connect to our LDAP server in my spring boot app, I can authorized successfully using the userPrincipalName -> (LastName.FirstName#enterprise.com), but I want to use the assigned sAMAccountName instead (ID00001).
I messed around with the setSearchFilter by doing: provider.setSearchFilter("(sAMAccountName ={0})")
but it's not working. (I'm getting bad credentials)
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManager() {
return new ProviderManager(Arrays.asList(activeDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider()));
public AuthenticationProvider activeDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider() {
ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider provider = new ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider("", "ldap://test.enterprise.com","dc=ORG1, dc=ORG2");
provider.setSearchFilter("(sAMAccountName={0})"); // THIS DOES NOT WORK
provider.setSearchFilter("(userPrincipalName={0})"); // THIS WORKS
return provider;
EDIT: OK turns out I have been using the wrong field, there is another field: sAMAccountName that has the same value that I should be using, updated the title and question contents.
Ok I tried:
and it's still the same error,
bad credentials, AcceptSecurityContextError, 52e v2580
I managed to solve my issue but instead of using spring ldap dependencies, I created a custom authentication provider that implements AuthenticationProvider and and used the following code to connect to ldap and validate the credentials:
autowire it to WebSecurityConfig class.
public class CustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
private UserDetails userDetails;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication auth) throws
AuthenticationException {
String user = authentication.getName();
String pass = authentication.getCredentials.ToString();
try {
if (isRegistrered(user,pass) {
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user,pass, new
} else {
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
return authentication.equals(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class);
private isRegisterd(String user, String pass) {
boolean result = false;
try {
// Set up the environment for creating the initial context
Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<String, String>();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ldap://ldap_server:389");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
// Create the initial context
DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
if(ctx != null) {
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
return result;
private void retrieveUserDetails(DirContext ctx, String username) throws NamingException {
String userSearchBase = "dc=TEST,dc=SAMPLE";
String userSearchFilter = String.format("sAMAccountName=%s", username);
//any attributes that you want
String[] attributes = { "sAMAccountName", "department" };
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
SearchResult result = null;
NamingEnumeration<?> users = ctx.search(userSearchBase, userSearchFilter, controls);
while(users.hasmore()) {
result = (SearchResult) users.next();
Attributes attr = result.getAttribtutes();
String sAMAccountName = attr.get("sAMAccountName").get(0).toString();
String department = attr.get("department").get(0).toString();
//assign to autowired object to be accessed anywhere
There's another approach by using LdapAuthenticationProvider. I use LdapAuthenticationProvider with a single parameter constructor.
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true, securedEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfigurationT extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private final AuthenticationManagerBuilder authenticationManagerBuilder;
private final TokenProvider tokenProvider;
public SecurityConfigurationT(
AuthenticationManagerBuilder authenticationManagerBuilder,
TokenProvider tokenProvider) {
this.authenticationManagerBuilder = authenticationManagerBuilder;
this.tokenProvider = tokenProvider;
public void initIntegration() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BeanInitializationException("Security configuration failed", e);
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
return super.authenticationManagerBean();
public LdapAuthenticationProvider ldapAuthenticationProvider() throws Exception {
return new LdapAuthenticationProvider(ldapAuthenticator());
public LdapContextSource ldapContextSource() throws Exception {
PasswordPolicyAwareContextSource contextSource = new PasswordPolicyAwareContextSource("ldaps://int.root.company.ag:636");
contextSource.setUserDn("CN=system_user,OU=companygroup svc accs,DC=int,DC=root,DC=company,DC=ag");
return contextSource;
// Use this for other filter such as "sAMAccountName".
public LdapAuthenticator ldapAuthenticator() {
BindAuthenticator authenticator = new BindAuthenticator(ldapContextSource());
authenticator.setUserSearch(new FilterBasedLdapUserSearch("OU=company,OU=companygroup users,DC=int,DC=root,DC=company,DC=ag", "(sAMAccountName={0})", ldapContextSource()));
return authenticator;

Spring reactive security

I am trying for reactive security and the unauthenticated calls are not going to auth manager.
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class WebSecurityConfig{
private WebAuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
private ServerSecurityContextRepository securityContextRepository;
private static final String[] AUTH_WHITELIST = {
public SecurityWebFilterChain securitygWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
return http.exceptionHandling().authenticationEntryPoint((swe, e) -> {
return Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {
}).accessDeniedHandler((swe, e) -> {
return Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {
public PBKDF2Encoder passwordEncoder() {
return new PBKDF2Encoder();
WebAuthentication Manager,
public class WebAuthenticationManager implements ReactiveAuthenticationManager {
private JWTUtil jwtUtil;
public Mono<Authentication> authenticate(Authentication authentication) {
String authToken = authentication.getCredentials().toString();
String username;
try {
username = jwtUtil.getUsernameFromToken(authToken);
} catch (Exception e) {
username = null;
if (username != null && jwtUtil.validateToken(authToken)) {
Claims claims = jwtUtil.getAllClaimsFromToken(authToken);
List<String> rolesMap = claims.get("role", List.class);
List<Role> roles = new ArrayList<>();
for (String rolemap : rolesMap) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken auth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
roles.stream().map(authority -> new SimpleGrantedAuthority(authority.name())).collect(Collectors.toList())
return Mono.just(auth);
} else {
return Mono.empty();
Here, I have registered my WebAuthentication manager in Securityconfig. But, still the unauthenticated calls are not going to the WebAuthenticationManager.
It is expected to go to AuthenticationManager when the protected URL's are hit. For ex,
Not sure, why the calls are not going to AuthManager.
In non reactive, we have OncePerRequestFilter and the auth is being taken care over there. Not sure, how to implement the same for reactive.
You disabled all authentication mechanisms hence there is nothing calling your authentication manager. As you mentioned, you can implement authentication flow through filters.
Sample implementation of authentication filter:
public AuthenticationWebFilter webFilter() {
AuthenticationWebFilter authenticationWebFilter = new AuthenticationWebFilter(authenticationManager);
return authenticationWebFilter;
Then add this filter to ServerHttpSecurity: http.addFilterBefore(webFilter(),SecurityWebFiltersOrder.HTTP_BASIC)
Then finally your authentication manager will be called.
You must provide few additional things to make it working.
Matcher to check if Authorization header is added to request:
public ServerWebExchangeMatcher serverWebExchangeMatcher() {
return exchange -> {
Mono<ServerHttpRequest> request = Mono.just(exchange).map(ServerWebExchange::getRequest);
return request.map(ServerHttpRequest::getHeaders)
.filter(h -> h.containsKey(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION))
.flatMap($ -> ServerWebExchangeMatcher.MatchResult.match())
Token converter responsible for getting token from request and preparing basic AbstractAuthenticationToken
public ServerAuthenticationConverter tokenAuthenticationConverter() {
return exchange -> Mono.justOrEmpty(exchange)
.map(e -> getTokenFromRequest(e))
.filter(token -> !StringUtils.isEmpty(token))
.map(token -> getAuthentication(token));
I intentionally omitted implementation of getTokenFromRequest and getAuthentication because there is a lot of examples available.

Can i append some information in oauth/check_token endpoint and retrieve it at authorization server?

I am working on an OAuth application for security between two servers. I have an OAuth Server and a Resource Server. The Resource Server has a single .war deployed that contains 4 APIs.
Single Responsibility
The OAuth server has to validate a the access token that was passed by an API (1 of the 4) from that same .war.
The OAuth server has to keep a hit count for a particular accessToken for a particular API. If the hit count exceeds the configured hits the OAuth server would throw a 403: Forbidden.
Every API in the .war must first validate the accessToken from the OAuth server and if it's validated, then proceed to provide the response.
What I've done:
If a .war has a single API then I can simply make the two servers communicate using a webHook, below is the code that does it.
On the Resource Server Side:
My urls for different APIs are:
Below code routes any request if they have /API/anything towards the spring security filters
<http pattern="/API/**" create-session="never" authentication-manager-ref="authenticationManager" entry-point-ref="oauthAuthenticationEntryPoint" xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security">
<anonymous enabled="false" />
<intercept-url pattern="/places/**" method="GET" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY" />
<custom-filter ref="resourceServerFilter" before="PRE_AUTH_FILTER" />
<access-denied-handler ref="oauthAccessDeniedHandler" />
I have used remote token services and defined the webHook to route the request to the OAuth server
<bean id="tokenServices" class="org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.token.RemoteTokenServices">
<property name="checkTokenEndpointUrl" value="http://localhost:8181/OUTPOST/oauth/check_token"/>
<property name="clientId" value="atlas"/>
<property name="clientSecret" value="atlas"/>
Configuration for Auth server
public class AuthorizationServerConfig extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
private static String REALM="OUTPOST_API";
private ClientDetailsService clientService;
public AuthorizationServerConfig(AuthenticationManager authenticationManager,RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) {
this.authenticationManager = authenticationManager;
this.redisTokenStore = new RedisTokenStore(redisConnectionFactory);
// #Autowired
// #Qualifier("authenticationManagerBean")
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
private TokenStore redisTokenStore;
private UserApprovalHandler userApprovalHandler;
private RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory;
public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer security) throws Exception {
public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
.authorizedGrantTypes("password", "client_credentials", "refresh_token")
.authorities("ROLE_CLIENT", "ROLE_ADMIN")
.scopes("read", "write", "trust")/*
public TokenStore tokenStore(RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) {
this.redisTokenStore = new RedisTokenStore(redisConnectionFactory);
return this.redisTokenStore;
public WebResponseExceptionTranslator loggingExceptionTranslator() {
return new DefaultWebResponseExceptionTranslator() {
public ResponseEntity<OAuth2Exception> translate(Exception e) throws Exception {
// This is the line that prints the stack trace to the log. You can customise this to format the trace etc if you like
// Carry on handling the exception
ResponseEntity<OAuth2Exception> responseEntity = super.translate(e);
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
OAuth2Exception excBody = responseEntity.getBody();
return new ResponseEntity<>(excBody, headers, responseEntity.getStatusCode());
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception {
public void setRedisConnectionFactory(RedisConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory) {
this.redisConnectionFactory = redisConnectionFactory;
public TokenStoreUserApprovalHandler userApprovalHandler(){
TokenStoreUserApprovalHandler handler = new TokenStoreUserApprovalHandler();
handler.setRequestFactory(new DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory(clientService));
return handler;
public ApprovalStore approvalStore() throws Exception {
TokenApprovalStore store = new TokenApprovalStore();
return store;
public DefaultTokenServices tokenServices() {
DefaultTokenServices tokenServices = new DefaultTokenServices();
return tokenServices;
class MyOAuth2AuthenticationEntryPoint extends OAuth2AuthenticationEntryPoint{}
What I need help with:
The issue is with the support for single .war and multiple API. The issue is the spring config is created at a package level because of which all the APIs in the .war have the same clientID and clientSecret.
How would my OAuth server know, which specific API is being accessed and of which API the hitCount needs to be deducted.
Possible Solution?
I was thinks of customizing RemoteTokenService and adding a request parameter at the webHoot URL and then using a filter at OAuth server to get the passed tag (if I may call it that)
Is this even possible? Is there any better approch than this, that doesn't involve all these work arounds?
Eureka !! I finally found a way out to resolve this problem.
All you have to do is :
Configuration at Resource server
Instead of using RemoteTokenService make a custom remote token service which appends some data (query parameter) in the generated request.
public class CustomRemoteTokenService implements ResourceServerTokenServices {
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private RestOperations restTemplate;
private String checkTokenEndpointUrl;
private String clientId;
private String clientSecret;
private String tokenName = "token";
private AccessTokenConverter tokenConverter = new DefaultAccessTokenConverter();
public CustomRemoteTokenService() {
restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
((RestTemplate) restTemplate).setErrorHandler(new DefaultResponseErrorHandler() {
// Ignore 400
public void handleError(ClientHttpResponse response) throws IOException {
if (response.getRawStatusCode() != 400) {
public void setRestTemplate(RestOperations restTemplate) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
public void setCheckTokenEndpointUrl(String checkTokenEndpointUrl) {
this.checkTokenEndpointUrl = checkTokenEndpointUrl;
public void setClientId(String clientId) {
this.clientId = clientId;
public void setClientSecret(String clientSecret) {
this.clientSecret = clientSecret;
public void setAccessTokenConverter(AccessTokenConverter accessTokenConverter) {
this.tokenConverter = accessTokenConverter;
public void setTokenName(String tokenName) {
this.tokenName = tokenName;
public OAuth2Authentication loadAuthentication(String accessToken) throws AuthenticationException, InvalidTokenException {
* This code needs to be more dynamic. Every time an API is added we have to add its entry in the if check for now.
* Should be changed later.
HttpServletRequest request = Context.getCurrentInstance().getRequest();
MultiValueMap<String, String> formData = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
String uri = request.getRequestURI();
formData.add(tokenName, accessToken);
if(request != null) {
if(uri.contains("API1")) {
formData.add("api", "1");
}else if(uri.contains("API2")) {
formData.add("api", "2");
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("Authorization", getAuthorizationHeader(clientId, clientSecret));
Map<String, Object> map = postForMap(checkTokenEndpointUrl, formData, headers);
if (map.containsKey("error")) {
logger.debug("check_token returned error: " + map.get("error"));
throw new InvalidTokenException(accessToken);
Assert.state(map.containsKey("client_id"), "Client id must be present in response from auth server");
return tokenConverter.extractAuthentication(map);
public OAuth2AccessToken readAccessToken(String accessToken) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported: read access token");
private String getAuthorizationHeader(String clientId, String clientSecret) {
String creds = String.format("%s:%s", clientId, clientSecret);
try {
return "Basic " + new String(Base64.encode(creds.getBytes("UTF-8")));
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not convert String");
private Map<String, Object> postForMap(String path, MultiValueMap<String, String> formData, HttpHeaders headers) {
if (headers.getContentType() == null) {
Map map = restTemplate.exchange(path, HttpMethod.POST,
new HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>>(formData, headers), Map.class).getBody();
Map<String, Object> result = map;
return result;
By implementing ResourceServerTokenServices you can modify the request that is sent by the resource server to the auth server for authentication and authorization.
configuration at Auth Server
Override the spring security controller. What i mean by overring is make a custom controller so that the request for oauth/check_token is handled by your custom controller and not the spring defined controller.
public class CustomCheckTokenEndpoint {
private ResourceServerTokenServices resourceServerTokenServices;
private AccessTokenConverter accessTokenConverter = new DefaultAccessTokenConverter();
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private WebResponseExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator = new DefaultWebResponseExceptionTranslator();
KeyHitManager keyHitManager;
public CustomCheckTokenEndpoint(ResourceServerTokenServices resourceServerTokenServices) {
this.resourceServerTokenServices = resourceServerTokenServices;
* #param exceptionTranslator
* the exception translator to set
public void setExceptionTranslator(WebResponseExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator) {
this.exceptionTranslator = exceptionTranslator;
* #param accessTokenConverter
* the accessTokenConverter to set
public void setAccessTokenConverter(AccessTokenConverter accessTokenConverter) {
this.accessTokenConverter = accessTokenConverter;
#RequestMapping(value = "/oauth/check_token")
public Map<String, ?> customCheckToken(#RequestParam("token") String value, #RequestParam("api") int api) {
OAuth2AccessToken token = resourceServerTokenServices.readAccessToken(value);
if (token == null) {
throw new InvalidTokenException("Token was not recognised");
if (token.isExpired()) {
throw new InvalidTokenException("Token has expired");
OAuth2Authentication authentication = resourceServerTokenServices.loadAuthentication(token.getValue());
Map<String, ?> response = accessTokenConverter.convertAccessToken(token, authentication);
String clientId = (String) response.get("client_id");
if (!keyHitManager.isHitAvailble(api,clientId)) {
throw new InvalidTokenException(
"Services for this key has been suspended due to daily/hourly transactions limit");
return response;
public ResponseEntity<OAuth2Exception> handleException(Exception e) throws Exception {
logger.info("Handling error: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", " + e.getMessage());
// This isn't an oauth resource, so we don't want to send an
// unauthorized code here. The client has already authenticated
// successfully with basic auth and should just
// get back the invalid token error.
InvalidTokenException e400 = new InvalidTokenException(e.getMessage()) {
public int getHttpErrorCode() {
return 400;
return exceptionTranslator.translate(e400);

How to get custom user info from OAuth2 authorization server /user endpoint

I have a resource server configured with #EnableResourceServer annotation and it refers to authorization server via user-info-uri parameter as follows:
user-info-uri: http://localhost:9001/user
Authorization server /user endpoint returns an extension of org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User which has e.g. an email:
Whenever some resource server endpoint is accessed Spring verifies the access token behind the scenes by calling the authorization server's /user endpoint and it actually gets back the enriched user info (which contains e.g. email info, I've verified that with Wireshark).
So the question is how do I get this custom user info without an explicit second call to the authorization server's /user endpoint. Does Spring store it somewhere locally on the resource server after authorization or what is the best way to implement this kind of user info storing if there's nothing available out of the box?
The solution is the implementation of a custom UserInfoTokenServices
Just Provide your custom implementation as a Bean and it will be used instead of the default one.
Inside this UserInfoTokenServices you can build the principal like you want to.
This UserInfoTokenServices is used to extract the UserDetails out of the response of the /usersendpoint of your authorization server. As you can see in
private Object getPrincipal(Map<String, Object> map) {
for (String key : PRINCIPAL_KEYS) {
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
return map.get(key);
return "unknown";
Only the properties specified in PRINCIPAL_KEYS are extracted by default. And thats exactly your problem. You have to extract more than just the username or whatever your property is named. So look for more keys.
private Object getPrincipal(Map<String, Object> map) {
MyUserDetails myUserDetails = new myUserDetails();
for (String key : PRINCIPAL_KEYS) {
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
if( map.containsKey("email") {
//and so on..
return myUserDetails;
private ResourceServerProperties sso;
public ResourceServerTokenServices myUserInfoTokenServices() {
return new MyUserInfoTokenServices(sso.getUserInfoUri(), sso.getClientId());
!!UPDATE with Spring Boot 1.4 things are getting easier!!
With Spring Boot 1.4.0 a PrincipalExtractor was introduced. This class should be implemented to extract a custom principal (see Spring Boot 1.4 Release Notes).
All the data is already in the Principal object, no second request is necessary. Return only what you need. I use the method below for Facebook login:
public Map<String, String> user(Principal principal) {
if (principal != null) {
OAuth2Authentication oAuth2Authentication = (OAuth2Authentication) principal;
Authentication authentication = oAuth2Authentication.getUserAuthentication();
Map<String, String> details = new LinkedHashMap<>();
details = (Map<String, String>) authentication.getDetails();
logger.info("details = " + details); // id, email, name, link etc.
Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("email", details.get("email"));
return map;
return null;
In the Resource server you can create a CustomPrincipal Class Like this:
public class CustomPrincipal {
public CustomPrincipal(){};
private String email;
//Getters and Setters
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
Implement a CustomUserInfoTokenServices like this:
public class CustomUserInfoTokenServices implements ResourceServerTokenServices {
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private final String userInfoEndpointUrl;
private final String clientId;
private OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate;
private String tokenType = DefaultOAuth2AccessToken.BEARER_TYPE;
private AuthoritiesExtractor authoritiesExtractor = new FixedAuthoritiesExtractor();
private PrincipalExtractor principalExtractor = new CustomPrincipalExtractor();
public CustomUserInfoTokenServices(String userInfoEndpointUrl, String clientId) {
this.userInfoEndpointUrl = userInfoEndpointUrl;
this.clientId = clientId;
public void setTokenType(String tokenType) {
this.tokenType = tokenType;
public void setRestTemplate(OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate) {
this.restTemplate = restTemplate;
public void setAuthoritiesExtractor(AuthoritiesExtractor authoritiesExtractor) {
Assert.notNull(authoritiesExtractor, "AuthoritiesExtractor must not be null");
this.authoritiesExtractor = authoritiesExtractor;
public void setPrincipalExtractor(PrincipalExtractor principalExtractor) {
Assert.notNull(principalExtractor, "PrincipalExtractor must not be null");
this.principalExtractor = principalExtractor;
public OAuth2Authentication loadAuthentication(String accessToken)
throws AuthenticationException, InvalidTokenException {
Map<String, Object> map = getMap(this.userInfoEndpointUrl, accessToken);
if (map.containsKey("error")) {
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("userinfo returned error: " + map.get("error"));
throw new InvalidTokenException(accessToken);
return extractAuthentication(map);
private OAuth2Authentication extractAuthentication(Map<String, Object> map) {
Object principal = getPrincipal(map);
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = this.authoritiesExtractor
OAuth2Request request = new OAuth2Request(null, this.clientId, null, true, null,
null, null, null, null);
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
principal, "N/A", authorities);
return new OAuth2Authentication(request, token);
* Return the principal that should be used for the token. The default implementation
* delegates to the {#link PrincipalExtractor}.
* #param map the source map
* #return the principal or {#literal "unknown"}
protected Object getPrincipal(Map<String, Object> map) {
CustomPrincipal customPrincipal = new CustomPrincipal();
if( map.containsKey("principal") ) {
Map<String, Object> principalMap = (Map<String, Object>) map.get("principal");
customPrincipal.setEmail((String) principalMap.get("email"));
//and so on..
return customPrincipal;
Object principal = this.principalExtractor.extractPrincipal(map);
return (principal == null ? "unknown" : principal);
public OAuth2AccessToken readAccessToken(String accessToken) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported: read access token");
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
private Map<String, Object> getMap(String path, String accessToken) {
if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
this.logger.debug("Getting user info from: " + path);
try {
OAuth2RestOperations restTemplate = this.restTemplate;
if (restTemplate == null) {
BaseOAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails resource = new BaseOAuth2ProtectedResourceDetails();
restTemplate = new OAuth2RestTemplate(resource);
OAuth2AccessToken existingToken = restTemplate.getOAuth2ClientContext()
if (existingToken == null || !accessToken.equals(existingToken.getValue())) {
DefaultOAuth2AccessToken token = new DefaultOAuth2AccessToken(
return restTemplate.getForEntity(path, Map.class).getBody();
catch (Exception ex) {
this.logger.warn("Could not fetch user details: " + ex.getClass() + ", "
+ ex.getMessage());
return Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("error",
"Could not fetch user details");
A Custom PrincipalExtractor:
public class CustomPrincipalExtractor implements PrincipalExtractor {
private static final String[] PRINCIPAL_KEYS = new String[] {
"user", "username", "principal",
"userid", "user_id",
"login", "id",
"name", "uuid",
public Object extractPrincipal(Map<String, Object> map) {
for (String key : PRINCIPAL_KEYS) {
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
return map.get(key);
return null;
public DaoAuthenticationProvider daoAuthenticationProvider() {
DaoAuthenticationProvider daoAuthenticationProvider = new DaoAuthenticationProvider();
return daoAuthenticationProvider;
In your #Configuration file define a bean like this one
public ResourceServerTokenServices myUserInfoTokenServices() {
return new CustomUserInfoTokenServices(sso.getUserInfoUri(), sso.getClientId());
And in the Resource Server Configuration:
public class OAuth2ResourceServerConfig extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer config) {
If everything is set correctly you can do something like this in your controller:
String userEmail = ((CustomPrincipal) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal()).getEmail();
Hope this helps.
A Map representation of the JSON object returned by the userdetails endpoint is available from the Authentication object that represents the Principal:
Map<String, Object> details = (Map<String,Object>)oauth2.getUserAuthentication().getDetails();
If you want to capture it for logging, storage or cacheing I'd recommend capturing it by implementing an ApplicationListener. For example:
public class AuthenticationSuccessListener implements ApplicationListener<AuthenticationSuccessEvent> {
private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
public void onApplicationEvent(AuthenticationSuccessEvent event) {
Authentication auth = event.getAuthentication();
log.debug("Authentication class: "+auth.getClass().toString());
if(auth instanceof OAuth2Authentication){
OAuth2Authentication oauth2 = (OAuth2Authentication)auth;
Map<String, Object> details = (Map<String, Object>)oauth2.getUserAuthentication().getDetails();
log.info("User {} logged in: {}", oauth2.getName(), details);
log.info("User {} has authorities {} ", oauth2.getName(), oauth2.getAuthorities());
} else {
log.warn("User authenticated by a non OAuth2 mechanism. Class is "+auth.getClass());
If you specifically want to customize the extraction of the principal from the JSON or the authorities then you could implement org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.security.oauth2.resource.PrincipalExtractor and/ org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.security.oauth2.resource.AuthoritiesExtractor respectively.
Then, in a #Configuration class you would expose your implementations as beans:
public PrincipalExtractor merckPrincipalExtractor() {
return new MyPrincipalExtractor();
public AuthoritiesExtractor merckAuthoritiesExtractor() {
return new MyAuthoritiesExtractor();
You can use JWT tokens. You won't need datastore where all user information is stored instead you can encode additional information into the token itself. When token is decoded you app will be able to access all this information using Principal object
We retrieve it from the SecurityContextHolder's getContext method, which is static, and hence can be retrieved from anywhere.
// this is userAuthentication's principal
Map<?, ?> getUserAuthenticationFromSecurityContextHolder() {
Map<?, ?> userAuthentication = new HashMap<>();
try {
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
if (!(authentication instanceof OAuth2Authentication)) {
return userAuthentication;
OAuth2Authentication oauth2Authentication = (OAuth2Authentication) authentication;
Authentication userauthentication = oauth2Authentication.getUserAuthentication();
if (userauthentication == null) {
return userAuthentication;
Map<?, ?> details = (HashMap<?, ?>) userauthentication.getDetails(); //this effect in the new RW OAUTH2 userAuthentication
Object principal = details.containsKey("principal") ? details.get("principal") : userAuthentication; //this should be effect in the common OAUTH2 userAuthentication
if (!(principal instanceof Map)) {
return userAuthentication;
userAuthentication = (Map<?, ?>) principal;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Got exception while trying to obtain user info from security context.", e);
return userAuthentication;

Two factor authentication with spring security oauth2

I'm looking for ideas how to implement two factor authentication (2FA) with spring security OAuth2. The requirement is that the user needs two factor authentication only for specific applications with sensitive information. Those webapps have their own client ids.
One idea that popped in my mind would be to "mis-use" the scope approval page to force the user to enter the 2FA code/PIN (or whatever).
Sample flows would look like this:
Accessing apps without and with 2FA
User is logged out
User accesses app A which does not require 2FA
Redirect to OAuth app, user logs in with username and password
Redirected back to app A and user is logged in
User accesses app B which also does not require 2FA
Redirect to OAuth app, redirect back to app B and user is directly logged in
User accesses app S which does require 2FA
Redirect to OAuth app, user needs to additionally provide the 2FA token
Redirected back to app S and user is logged in
Directly accessing app with 2FA
User is logged out
User accesses app S which does require 2FA
Redirect to OAuth app, user logs in with username and password, user needs to additionally provide the 2FA token
Redirected back to app S and user is logged in
Do you have other ideas how to apporach this?
So this is how two factor authentication has been implemented finally:
A filter is registered for the /oauth/authorize path after the spring security filter:
public class SecurityWebApplicationInitializer extends AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer {
protected void afterSpringSecurityFilterChain(ServletContext servletContext) {
FilterRegistration.Dynamic twoFactorAuthenticationFilter = servletContext.addFilter("twoFactorAuthenticationFilter", new DelegatingFilterProxy(AppConfig.TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_BEAN));
twoFactorAuthenticationFilter.addMappingForUrlPatterns(null, false, "/oauth/authorize");
This filter checks if the user hasn't already authenticated with a 2nd factor (by checking if the ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATED authority isn't available) and creates an OAuth AuthorizationRequest which is put into the session. The user is then redirected to the page where he has to enter the 2FA code:
* Stores the oauth authorizationRequest in the session so that it can
* later be picked by the {#link com.example.CustomOAuth2RequestFactory}
* to continue with the authoriztion flow.
public class TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
private RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy = new DefaultRedirectStrategy();
private OAuth2RequestFactory oAuth2RequestFactory;
public void setClientDetailsService(ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService) {
oAuth2RequestFactory = new DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory(clientDetailsService);
private boolean twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities) {
return authorities.stream().anyMatch(
authority -> ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED.equals(authority.getAuthority())
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
// Check if the user hasn't done the two factor authentication.
if (AuthenticationUtil.isAuthenticated() && !AuthenticationUtil.hasAuthority(ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATED)) {
AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = oAuth2RequestFactory.createAuthorizationRequest(paramsFromRequest(request));
/* Check if the client's authorities (authorizationRequest.getAuthorities()) or the user's ones
require two factor authenticatoin. */
if (twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled(authorizationRequest.getAuthorities()) ||
twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getAuthorities())) {
// Save the authorizationRequest in the session. This allows the CustomOAuth2RequestFactory
// to return this saved request to the AuthenticationEndpoint after the user successfully
// did the two factor authentication.
request.getSession().setAttribute(CustomOAuth2RequestFactory.SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, authorizationRequest);
// redirect the the page where the user needs to enter the two factor authentiation code
redirectStrategy.sendRedirect(request, response,
} else {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
private Map<String, String> paramsFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String[]> entry : request.getParameterMap().entrySet()) {
params.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()[0]);
return params;
The TwoFactorAuthenticationController that handles entering the 2FA-code adds the authority ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATED if the code was correct and redirects the user back to the /oauth/authorize endpoint.
public class TwoFactorAuthenticationController {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TwoFactorAuthenticationController.class);
public static final String PATH = "/secure/two_factor_authentication";
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String auth(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session, ....) {
if (AuthenticationUtil.isAuthenticatedWithAuthority(ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATED)) {
LOG.info("User {} already has {} authority - no need to enter code again", ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATED);
throw ....;
else if (session.getAttribute(CustomOAuth2RequestFactory.SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) == null) {
LOG.warn("Error while entering 2FA code - attribute {} not found in session.", CustomOAuth2RequestFactory.SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
throw ....;
return ....; // Show the form to enter the 2FA secret
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String auth(....) {
if (userEnteredCorrect2FASecret()) {
return "forward:/oauth/authorize"; // Continue with the OAuth flow
return ....; // Show the form to enter the 2FA secret again
A custom OAuth2RequestFactory retrieves the previously saved AuthorizationRequest from the session if available and returns that or creates a new one if none can be found in the session.
* If the session contains an {#link AuthorizationRequest}, this one is used and returned.
* The {#link com.example.TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter} saved the original AuthorizationRequest. This allows
* to redirect the user away from the /oauth/authorize endpoint during oauth authorization
* and show him e.g. a the page where he has to enter a code for two factor authentication.
* Redirecting him back to /oauth/authorize will use the original authorizationRequest from the session
* and continue with the oauth authorization.
public class CustomOAuth2RequestFactory extends DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory {
public static final String SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "savedAuthorizationRequest";
public CustomOAuth2RequestFactory(ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService) {
public AuthorizationRequest createAuthorizationRequest(Map<String, String> authorizationParameters) {
ServletRequestAttributes attr = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes();
HttpSession session = attr.getRequest().getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = (AuthorizationRequest) session.getAttribute(SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
if (authorizationRequest != null) {
return authorizationRequest;
return super.createAuthorizationRequest(authorizationParameters);
This custom OAuth2RequestFactory is set to the authorization server like:
<bean id="customOAuth2RequestFactory" class="com.example.CustomOAuth2RequestFactory">
<constructor-arg index="0" ref="clientDetailsService" />
<!-- Configures the authorization-server and provides the /oauth/authorize endpoint -->
<oauth:authorization-server client-details-service-ref="clientDetailsService" token-services-ref="tokenServices"
user-approval-handler-ref="approvalStoreUserApprovalHandler" redirect-resolver-ref="redirectResolver"
<oauth:authorization-code authorization-code-services-ref="authorizationCodeServices"/>
<oauth:implicit />
<oauth:refresh-token />
<oauth:client-credentials />
<oauth:password />
When using java config you can create a TwoFactorAuthenticationInterceptor instead of the TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter and register it with an AuthorizationServerConfigurer with
public class AuthorizationServerConfig implements AuthorizationServerConfigurer {
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception {
public HandlerInterceptor twoFactorAuthenticationInterceptor() {
return new TwoFactorAuthenticationInterceptor();
The TwoFactorAuthenticationInterceptor contains the same logic as the TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter in its preHandle method.
I couldn't make the accepted solution work. I have been working on this for a while, and finally I wrote my solution by using the ideas explained here and on this thread "null client in OAuth2 Multi-Factor Authentication"
Here is the GitHub location for the working solution for me:
I appreciate if you share your feedback in case you see any issues or better approach.
Below you can find the key configuration files for this solution.
public class AuthorizationServerConfig extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
private ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService;
public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer security) throws Exception {
public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception {
public DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory customOAuth2RequestFactory(){
return new CustomOAuth2RequestFactory(clientDetailsService);
public FilterRegistrationBean twoFactorAuthenticationFilterRegistration(){
FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean();
return registration;
public TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter twoFactorAuthenticationFilter(){
return new TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter();
public class CustomOAuth2RequestFactory extends DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomOAuth2RequestFactory.class);
public static final String SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "savedAuthorizationRequest";
public CustomOAuth2RequestFactory(ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService) {
public AuthorizationRequest createAuthorizationRequest(Map<String, String> authorizationParameters) {
ServletRequestAttributes attr = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes();
HttpSession session = attr.getRequest().getSession(false);
if (session != null) {
AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = (AuthorizationRequest) session.getAttribute(SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
if (authorizationRequest != null) {
LOG.debug("createAuthorizationRequest(): return saved copy.");
return authorizationRequest;
LOG.debug("createAuthorizationRequest(): create");
return super.createAuthorizationRequest(authorizationParameters);
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class ResourceServerConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
CustomDetailsService customDetailsService;
public PasswordEncoder encoder() {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
#Bean(name = "authenticationManager")
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
return super.authenticationManagerBean();
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { // #formatter:off
.antMatchers("/login", "/oauth/authorize", "/secure/two_factor_authentication","/exit", "/resources/**")
} // #formatter:on
#Autowired // <-- This is crucial otherwise Spring Boot creates its own
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
// auth//.parentAuthenticationManager(authenticationManager)
// .inMemoryAuthentication()
// .withUser("demo")
// .password("demo")
// .roles("USER");
public class TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter.class);
private RedirectStrategy redirectStrategy = new DefaultRedirectStrategy();
private OAuth2RequestFactory oAuth2RequestFactory;
//These next two are added as a test to avoid the compilation errors that happened when they were not defined.
public void setClientDetailsService(ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService) {
oAuth2RequestFactory = new DefaultOAuth2RequestFactory(clientDetailsService);
private boolean twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled(Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities) {
return authorities.stream().anyMatch(
authority -> ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED.equals(authority.getAuthority())
private Map<String, String> paramsFromRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, String[]> entry : request.getParameterMap().entrySet()) {
params.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()[0]);
return params;
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
// Check if the user hasn't done the two factor authentication.
if (isAuthenticated() && !hasAuthority(ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATED)) {
AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = oAuth2RequestFactory.createAuthorizationRequest(paramsFromRequest(request));
/* Check if the client's authorities (authorizationRequest.getAuthorities()) or the user's ones
require two factor authentication. */
if (twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled(authorizationRequest.getAuthorities()) ||
twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled(SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getAuthorities())) {
// Save the authorizationRequest in the session. This allows the CustomOAuth2RequestFactory
// to return this saved request to the AuthenticationEndpoint after the user successfully
// did the two factor authentication.
request.getSession().setAttribute(CustomOAuth2RequestFactory.SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, authorizationRequest);
LOG.debug("doFilterInternal(): redirecting to {}", TwoFactorAuthenticationController.PATH);
// redirect the the page where the user needs to enter the two factor authentication code
redirectStrategy.sendRedirect(request, response,
LOG.debug("doFilterInternal(): without redirect.");
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
public boolean isAuthenticated(){
return SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().isAuthenticated();
private boolean hasAuthority(String checkedAuthority){
return SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getAuthorities().stream().anyMatch(
authority -> checkedAuthority.equals(authority.getAuthority())
public class TwoFactorAuthenticationController {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TwoFactorAuthenticationController.class);
public static final String PATH = "/secure/two_factor_authentication";
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String auth(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession session) {
if (isAuthenticatedWithAuthority(TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter.ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATED)) {
LOG.debug("User {} already has {} authority - no need to enter code again", TwoFactorAuthenticationFilter.ROLE_TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATED);
//throw ....;
else if (session.getAttribute(CustomOAuth2RequestFactory.SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) == null) {
LOG.debug("Error while entering 2FA code - attribute {} not found in session.", CustomOAuth2RequestFactory.SAVED_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
//throw ....;
LOG.debug("auth() HTML.Get");
return "loginSecret"; // Show the form to enter the 2FA secret
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String auth(#ModelAttribute(value="secret") String secret, BindingResult result, Model model) {
LOG.debug("auth() HTML.Post");
if (userEnteredCorrect2FASecret(secret)) {
return "forward:/oauth/authorize"; // Continue with the OAuth flow
model.addAttribute("isIncorrectSecret", true);
return "loginSecret"; // Show the form to enter the 2FA secret again
private boolean isAuthenticatedWithAuthority(String checkedAuthority){
return SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getAuthorities().stream().anyMatch(
authority -> checkedAuthority.equals(authority.getAuthority())
private boolean addAuthority(String authority){
Collection<SimpleGrantedAuthority> oldAuthorities = (Collection<SimpleGrantedAuthority>)SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getAuthorities();
SimpleGrantedAuthority newAuthority = new SimpleGrantedAuthority(authority);
List<SimpleGrantedAuthority> updatedAuthorities = new ArrayList<SimpleGrantedAuthority>();
new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(
return true;
private boolean userEnteredCorrect2FASecret(String secret){
/* later on, we need to pass a temporary secret for each user and control it here */
/* this is just a temporary way to check things are working */
return true;
return false;
