Using a ruby regular expression - ruby

I'm completely new to Ruby so I was just wondering if someone could help me out.
I have the following String:
What is the regex I have to write to get the center part OR-J8U?

Use the following:
str = "<planKey><key>OR-J8U</key></planKey>"
#=> "OR-J8U"
This captures anything in between opening and closing 'key' tags using lookahead and lookbehinds

If you want to get the string OR-J8U then you could simply use that string in the regular expression; the - character has to be escaped:
Though, I believe you want any string that is enclosed within <planKey><key> and </key></planKey>. In that case ice's answer is useful if you allow for an empty string:
If you don't allow for an empty string, replace the * with +:
If you prefer a more general approach (any string enclosed within any tags), then I believe the common opinion is not to use a regular expression. Instead consider using an HTML parser. On SO you can find some questions and answers in that regard.


How can I check for repeated strings with check-tail plugin in Sensu?

I am using sensu and the check-tail.rb plugin to alert if any errors appear in my app logs. The problem is that I want the check to be successful if it finds 3 or more error messages.
The solution that I came up with is using a regex like:
But it seems to not work because of the match function: instead of passing the variable as a ruby regex it passes it as a string (this can be seen here).
You need to pass the pattern as a string literal, not as a Regexp object.
Thus, you need to remove the regex delimiters and change the modifiers to their inline option variants, that is, prepend the pattern with (?im).
Note that to match the start of string in Ruby, you need to use \A and to match the end of string, you need to use \z anchors.

Ruby Regular Expression lookahead to Split at pipe unless contained in brackets

I'm trying to decode the following string:
body = '{type:paragaph|class:red|content:[class:intro|body:This is the introduction paragraph.][body:This is the second paragraph.]}'
body << '{type:image|class:grid|content:[id:1|title:image1][id:2|title:image2][id:3|title:image3]}'
I need the string to split at the pipes but not where a pipe is contained with square brackets, to do this I think I need to perform a lookahead as described here: How to split string by ',' unless ',' is within brackets using Regex?
My attempt(still splits at every pipe):
x = self.body.scan(/\{(.*?)\}/).map {|m| m[0].split(/ *\|(?!\]) */)}
["type:paragaph", "class:red", "content:[class:intro", "body:This is the introduction paragraph.][body:This is the second paragraph.]"]
["type:image", "class:grid", "content:[id:1", "title:image1][id:2", "title:image2][id:3", "title:image3]"]
["type:paragaph", "class:red", "content:[class:intro|body:This is the introduction paragraph.][body:This is the second paragraph.]"]
["type:image", "class:grid", "content:[id:1|title:image1][id:2|title:image2][id:3|title:image3]"]
Does anyone know the regex required here?
Is it possible to match this regex? I can't seem to modify it correctly Regular Expression to match underscores not surrounded by brackets?
I modified the answer here Split string in Ruby, ignoring contents of parentheses? to get:
self.body.scan(/\{(.*?)\}/).map {|m| m[0].split(/\|\s*(?=[^\[\]]*(?:\[|$))/)}
Seems to do the trick. Though I'm sure if there's any shortfalls.
Dealing with nested structures that have identical syntax is going to make things difficult for you.
You could try a recursive descent parser (a quick Google turned up - not sure if any good)
Personally, I'd go for something really hacky - some gsubs that convert your string into JSON, then parse with a JSON parser :-). That's not particularly easy either, though, but here goes:
require 'json'
b1 = body.gsub(/([^\[\|\]\:\}\{]+)/,'"\1"').gsub(':[',':[{').gsub('][','},{').gsub(']','}]').gsub('}{','},{').gsub('|',',')
JSON.parse('[' + b1 + ']')
It wasn't easy because the string format apparently uses [foo:bar][baz:bam] to represent an array of hashes. If you have a chance to modify the serialised format to make it easier, I would take it.
I modified the answer here Split string in Ruby, ignoring contents of parentheses? to get:
self.body.scan(/\{(.*?)\}/).map {|m| m[0].split(/\|\s*(?=[^\[\]]*(?:\[|$))/)}
Seems to do the trick. If it has any shortfalls please suggest something better.

Ruby Regular Expressions: Matching if substring doesn't exist

I'm having an issue trying to capture a group on a string:
"type=gist\nYou need to gist this though\nbecause its awesome\nright now\n</code></p>\n\n<script src=\"\"> </script>\n\n\n<p><code>Not code</code></p>\n"
My regex currently looks like this:
My goal is to get everything in between the code brackets. Unfortunately, it's matching up to the 2nd closing code bracket Is there a way to match everything inside the code brackets up until the first occurrence of ending code bracket?
All repetition quantifiers in regular expressions are greedy by default (matching as many characters as possible). Make the * ungreedy, like this:
But please consider using a DOM parser instead. Regex is just not the right tool to parse HTML.
And I just learned that for going through multiple parts, the
String.scan( /<code>(.*?)<\/code>/ ){
puts $1
is a very nice way of going through all occurences of code - but yes, getting a proper parser is better...

Tokenize (lex? parse?) a regular expression

Using Ruby I'd like to take a Regexp object (or a String representing a valid regex; your choice) and tokenize it so that I may manipulate certain parts.
Specifically, I'd like to take a regex/string like this:
regex = /var (\w+) = '([^']+)';/
parts = ["foo","bar"]
and create a replacement string that replaces each capture with a literal from the array:
"var foo = 'bar';"
A naïve regex-based approach to parsing the regex, such as:
i = -1
result = regex.source.gsub(/\([^)]+\)/){ parts[i+=1] }
…would fail for things like nested capture groups, or non-capturing groups, or a regex that had a parenthesis inside a character class. Hence my desire to properly break the regex into semantically-valid pieces.
Is there an existing Regex parser available for Ruby? Is there a (horror of horrors) known regex that cleanly matches regexes? Is there a gem I've not found?
The motivation for this question is a desire to find a clean and simple answer to this question.
I have a JavaScript project on GitHub called: Dynamic (?:Regex Highlighting)++ with Javascript! you may want to look at. It parses PCRE compatible regular expressions written in both free-spacing and non-free-spacing modes. Since the regexes are written in the less-feature-rich JavaScript syntax, these regexes could be easily converted to Ruby.
Note that regular expressions may contain arbitrarily nested parentheses structures and JavaScript has no recursive regex features, so the code must parse the tree of nested parens from the-inside-out. Its a bit tricky but works quite well. Be sure to try it out on the highlighter demo page, where you can input and dynamically highlight any regex. The JavaScript regular expressions used to parse regular expressions are documented here.

Using regexes in ruby with a need to match lots of * and /

I need to find strings with * and / using reg-exes, I am writing in Ruby.The reason for this need to find lots of * and / is that I am building a tokenizer for an language and there are multi-line comments that use the C style of multi-line comments (/* */). I have the single line comments handled already.
Is there a way to use reg-ex without having to use the two foreword slashes to indicate some regular expression because I am finding it impossible to find my mistakes due to the insane amount of escaping. Or can someone give me advise on how to handle the escaping in a sane matter? I already tried writing the sequence first then escaping it.
Thank you for your time and advise.
One trick that might help is the %r literal:
I like to use pipes myself, when they're not in the regex.
You can also create new instances of Regexp via and pass a string.
Finally, you might also look at Regexp.quote:
Escapes any characters that would have special meaning in a regular expression. Returns a new escaped string, or self if no characters are escaped. For any string, will be true.
