How can I determine if an Okuma lathe has live tooling on the A turret - okuma

I've looked through all of the spec code tables and can't find any way of detecting if the A turret has an M spindle.

To check for milling spindle on A turret (active tooling), look for NC spec "MULTIPLE MACHINE" / "CCM" No.3, bit 0. You can accomplish this using the SCOUT library by doing the following:
bool MSpindle = Okuma.Scout.SpecCode.NC.Bit(Okuma.Scout.Enums.NCSpecGroup.NC1MG, 3, 0);
Alternatively, you can use the GetMSpindleState() THINC API function in the CMSpindle Class of the Lathe Data API. It will throw a NotSupportedException if the MULTIPLE MACHINE spec is not active.
To check manually, open the file OSPMNGCD.CNC in the C:\OSP-P\ directory of the machine. Scroll down to the NC-SPEC CODE No.1 section and look for the MULTIPLE MACHINE spec. Use the following image as a guide to find the spec:


MFC: Conflicting information on how to clean up after using COleDataSource::DoDragDrop()

Can someone clear up all the conflicting information.
The documentation for COleDataSource::CacheData() says:
After the call to CacheData the ptd member of lpFormatEtc and the
contents of lpStgMedium are owned by the data object, not by the
The documentation for COleDataSource::CacheGlobalData() doesn't say that.
You find code examples of how to use COleDataSource::DoDragDrop() on places like Code Project which call COleDataSource::CacheGlobalData() then check the DoDragDrop() results and free the memory if it didn't drop:
DROPEFFECT dweffect=datasrc->DoDragDrop(DROPEFFECT_COPY);
// They say if operation wasn't accepted, or was canceled, we
// should call GlobalFree() to clean up.
if (dweffect==DROPEFFECT_NONE) {
You also have Q182219 (which for some unknown reason MS has totally broken all the good old MSKB links and you can't find any information anymore (links all over the Internet are dead). Q182219 says something about after a successful move operation on NT based OS (Win10), it will return DROPEFFECT_NONE so you have to check if things really moved.
So the questions are:
1) Should you really free the memory if the drop operation returns DROPEFFECT_NONE or would MFC handle all that?
2) Does it still return DROPEFFFECT_NONE after a successful move operation or does MFC handle that internally (or fixed in some Windows version) ?
3) If it does return DROPEFFECT_NONE after a move, wouldn't logic like the above be a double free on memory if it was a move operation?
You also find examples and usage of people doing COleDataSource mydatasource which is WRONG. You have to allocate it like COleDataSource *mydatasource=new ColeDataSource() and then at the end use mydatasource->ExternalRelease() to release it. (ExternalRelease() handles calling InternalRelease() if the object isn't using aggregation (that is a derived class that acts as a wrapper))

Is it possible to obtain a monitor description using Xrandr?

I'm writing a cross platform library which provides low level access to the window system (Win32/Cocoa/X11/Wayland). Right now I'm working on getting info about connected monitors. My "screen-info" utility writes the following output with my current dual monitor setup:
- name: DVI-D-0
size (pixels): (1920, 1080)
physical size (mm): (477, 268)
resolution (px/cm): (40, 40)
- name: DVI-I-1
size (pixels): (1680, 1050)
physical size (mm): (433, 271)
resolution (px/cm): (38, 38)
The name was obtained by name member of the XRRMonitorInfo structure provided by the Xrandr extension library. In my [MATE] control panel, it displays the vendor names for each connected monitor (Acer Technologies and Samsung Electric Company respectively).
I've been digging through the MATE source code to see how they got the vendor name, but it's just been leading me in circles so far. Is there any way to get information such as vendor names using the Xrandr library? If not, how else could this be accomplished? Any help is appreciated.
It looks like you can get this information from reading the monitor's EDID. Using either get-edid or xrandr --verbose, you can get the EDID block. parse-edid can decode the binary data into readable info, which will contain monitor names.
The EDID utils here will likely have usable code to review:
And see also this Stack Overflow post: Linux retrieve monitor names

Where do I start when creating a microcontroller interfacing program with a GUI?

I'm in a senior design class for my college's computer engineering program. I'm not very good with Embedded Systems. I need to create a program that can send instruction to a microcontroller and it should have a GUI. Someone else is programming the microcontroller so I'm mostly just responding to what they will output to me. I really have no idea where to start with this, I'm a little swamped/overwhelmed on my final semester. Would someone mind pointing me in the right direction?
Additional info: We are using a TI-msp430f2274 for the device and it's really just outputting the readings of 3 gyroscopes. I'm thinking about using GTK to create the GUI but I am looking to see if there's something better.
Edit: My project is a roller alignment tool that uses gyroscopes to compare two rollers. The program would send an instruction to "zero" the tool to one roller and receive a stream of data that says the offset difference of the next roller.
We are using a TTL-232R cable with a UART interface and the program should work on Windows. I have no idea how you talk to it. College has crushed me.
If you're using a windows machine then Visual Studio and a Windows Forms Application could do the trick. I've used it previously to interface with temperature sensors and other control equipment via USB and other projects involving reading from USB Human Interface Devices. So without understanding the specifics of your project, as an IDE Visual Studio, I think, is the best and most intuitive and using the Windows API you can achieve a lot with your code.
Visual Studio 2012
p.s. I write most of my code in VB using VS but it will support other languages too...
Edit: some example code of reading from a com port:
Sub ReceiveSerialData()
' Receive strings from a com port
Dim comport as string = "COM 6" 'or whatever com you want...
Dim baud as integer = 9600 'or whatever baud you want...
com = My.Computer.Ports.OpenSerialPort(comport)
com.ReadTimeout = 10000
com.BaudRate = baud
While (com.IsOpen)
Dim Incoming As String = com.ReadLine()
If Incoming Is Nothing Then
Exit While
'do something here with your com data
'i.e. display it in a rich text box, or whatever...
End If
End While
Catch ex As Exception
' display your errors here if you wish....
End Try
End Sub
I think the other answers though, esp about using tcl probably make more sense from an embedded systems point of view. I simply have no experience with them whatsoever hence my VB'ness. :-)
Since you mentioned that you've used tcl before, I'm giving my answer in tcl since IMHO it's the easiest way to do this and therefor the right tool for the right job.
The core advantage of tcl (and indeed one of the reasons it's loved by its fans) is that it's very, very cross-platform. While in other languages cross platform simply means "can run on multiple platforms" but still requires you to use different API depending on the platform, tcl smooths out platform differences providing a unified API across platforms.
Tcl treats serial ports like files so you just open it to talk to it. Granted, different platforms provides different ways of naming the ports. So on Windows, to talk to the serial port you simply do:
set rs232 [open COM1 w+]
On unixen (Linux, MacOSX etc.) you'd do:
set rs232 [open /dev/ttyS0 w+]
To set the baud rate and parity bits you can now do
fconfigure $rs232 -mode "9600,n,8,1"
Be sure to also configure the serial port to binary mode otherwise tcl will re-interpret "\n" for you depending on your OS:
fconfigure $rs232 -mode "9600,n,8,1" -translation binary -blocking 0
The "blocking" bit is to set it to non-blocking mode so that we can write event oriented code which is critical for UI apps since we don't want the IO to block our UI.
So now for a simple program that reads data from the serial port:
package require Tk ;# in case we're running in tclsh
if {[catch {set rs232 [open COM1 w+] err}]} {
tk_dialog .error Error "Could not open COM1: $err" error 0 OK
fconfigure $rs232 -mode "9600,n,8,1" -translation binary -blocking 0
# Draw a simple UI do dump data to:
pack [label .l -text "Gyroscope outputs:"]
pack [label .g1 -textvariable gyro1]
pack [label .g2 -textvariable gyro2]
pack [label .g3 -textvariable gyro3]
# Now the fun part, read from the serial continuously with fileevent:
set buffer ""
fileevent $rs232 readable {
append buffer [read $rs232]
# Here, you need to parse the data returned.
# Due to the byte-wise nature of serial ports the data read may not be
# complete so we need to check if it's complete. "Completeness" depends
# on you. For example the data packet may end with a newline. Or it may
# simply be a timeout between data packets.
if {[message_is_complete $buffer]} {
set gyros [parse_message $buffer]
set buffer ""
# Update the UI:
foreach x $gyros y {gyro1 gyro2 gyro2} {
set $y $x
Minus the comments and empty lines that's just 16 lines of code. You can of course go further and implement a more fancy UI rather than just text labels.
If you need to send data to the microcontroller simply puts to it. Just remember to override tcl's automatic newline termination:
puts -nonewline $rs232 $somedata
Use tcl's binary command if you need to format to and from binary.
I personally still prefer tcl for this because you can get a prototype up and running to read the output from your hardware in under 5 minutes. But you also mentioned interest in a node.js solution. So here's an alternative starting point for node.js
First you need to install node.js. This may or may not be trivial depending on your OS. You will need Python 2.x (not 3.0) installed on your system in order to compile node.js modules writen in C (and even node.js itself). Even if you're installing a binary distribution of node you will still have to compile the serial port library since it's not included in the core.
Next you will need to install the serialport module. The instructions vary depending on your OS. See the npm page for the module:
Once you've got things up and running you can simply communicate with your serial port using the serialport module:
var SerialPort = require("serialport").SerialPort
var rs232 = new SerialPort("COM1", {
baudrate: 57600
}, false);
Again, like the tcl case, the name of the serial port depends on your OS. The above is an example for Windows. For unixen you'd do:
var rs232 = new SerialPort("/dev/ttyS0", {
baudrate: 57600
}, false);
For UI, node doesn't have a core toolkit like tcl. There are many libraries on npm available allowing you to use QT or GTK or some other widget set. But the most common way of doing UI on node is to simply run it as a web server and connect to it with your web browser. The downside of this is a little additional complexity and the need to mess with HTML. The upside is HTML & CSS! Which means you can leverage tools like CSS3 effects and jQuery to create a really slick UI with very little effort.
Unfortunately, writing an interactive webapp (even a simple one) is fairly involved so I won't be providing a "simple" example implementation. I'd only suggest you read up on the more popular frameworks like express.js and templating libraries like dust or handlebars. You may also want to take a look at to simplify the implementation of real-time communications between your server and the web browser.

What's the meaning of mutex_.AssertHeld() in source of leveldb

Recently I read the source of leveldb, the source url is
And when I read db/,there comes the following code:
I follow it into file port/port_posix.h,and I find the following :
void AssertHeld() { }
Then I grep in the souce dir,but can't find anyother implementation of the AssertHeld() anymore.
So here is my question,what does the mutex_.AssertHeld() do in db/ THX
As you have observed it does nothing in the default implementation. The function seems to be a placeholder for checking whether a particular thread holds a mutex and optionally abort if it doesn't. This would be equivalent to the normal asserts we use for variables but applied on mutexes.
I think the reason it is not implemented yet is we don't have an equivalent light weight function to assert whether a thread holds a lock in pthread_mutex_t used in the default implementation. Some platforms which has that capability could fill this implementation as part of porting process. Searching online I did find some implementation for this function in the windows port of leveldb. I can see one way to implement it using a wrapper class over pthread_mutex_t and setting some sort of a thread id variable to indicate which thread(s) currently holds the mutex, but it will have to be carefully implemented given the race conditions that can arise.

How to attach to a already running process noninvasively

I have a process suspended at breakpoint under visual studio debugger.
I can attach as many as cdb (Microsoft's console debugger) in non-invasive mode as
cdb -p pid -pvr
How to achieve the same using my own program which uses Debug Engine API.
IDebugClient* debugClient = 0;
(DebugCreate( __uuidof(IDebugClient), (void **)&debugClient );
This code causes E_INVALIDARG. Is this combination is not allowed ? The one below works, but when it calls GetStackTrace, it returns E_UNEXPECTED.
debugControl->GetStackTrace(0, 0, 0, pStackFrames, maxFrames, &framesFilled);
I am interested to attach to a process already at debug break noninvasive way , and get a few local variable from its current stack & some global variable value.
Secondly, can someone point me the function used to dump the content of memory for a symbol iteratively like !stl does. I need to write a plugin to dump one of my vector like structure.
I believe there's nothing wrong with
combination - it is perfectly permissible and is even featured in assert sample.
Otherwise, as far as documentation goes - it is not that detailed. I would suggest debugging your extension with the help of wt (trace and watch data) - it is particularly useful when you need to locate the exact subroutine that is returning an error which might provide you with better insight on the problem.
As for remotely accessing typed data in your apps from an extension, I've found ExtRemoteTyped class (available in engextcpp.hpp in the sdk subfolder) to be very helpful and intuitive to use.
