Is it possible to obtain a monitor description using Xrandr? - x11

I'm writing a cross platform library which provides low level access to the window system (Win32/Cocoa/X11/Wayland). Right now I'm working on getting info about connected monitors. My "screen-info" utility writes the following output with my current dual monitor setup:
- name: DVI-D-0
size (pixels): (1920, 1080)
physical size (mm): (477, 268)
resolution (px/cm): (40, 40)
- name: DVI-I-1
size (pixels): (1680, 1050)
physical size (mm): (433, 271)
resolution (px/cm): (38, 38)
The name was obtained by name member of the XRRMonitorInfo structure provided by the Xrandr extension library. In my [MATE] control panel, it displays the vendor names for each connected monitor (Acer Technologies and Samsung Electric Company respectively).
I've been digging through the MATE source code to see how they got the vendor name, but it's just been leading me in circles so far. Is there any way to get information such as vendor names using the Xrandr library? If not, how else could this be accomplished? Any help is appreciated.

It looks like you can get this information from reading the monitor's EDID. Using either get-edid or xrandr --verbose, you can get the EDID block. parse-edid can decode the binary data into readable info, which will contain monitor names.
The EDID utils here will likely have usable code to review:
And see also this Stack Overflow post: Linux retrieve monitor names


Equivalent to ZwQueryVirtualMemory that works on system memory?

ZwQueryVirtualMemory reports on virtual memory in the address space of a process. I would like to do the same thing, but for paged memory in system space. Is there an equivalent function that deals with system space instead of process space?
You could use ZwQuerySystemInformation with SystemModuleInformation to get all running drivers. Then you can find the entry you want and get the base and size of the driver. You could if you want to do it properly only get the base of a driver with using the same method of above or using the PsLoadedModuleList to get the base of the targeted driver and then just walk the sections manually with the headers.
Also a tip, if you are going to copy it to dump it, use MmCopyMemory.

FileNet: obtaining available space on a Storage Area

A particular Object Store, in my FileNet environement, is using a NAS as a Storage Area (this is a typical configuration). By the way, I do not have access to that NAS (the team that maintains the storage is remotely distant from me) and I want to know - in a particular moment - the available space. If the NAS will be almost saturated, I wish to know it in time, in order to make a request for adding free space on it.
If I inspect the Storage Area's properties from FEM, I obtain this:
As you can see, it shows no free bytes, but it is not true. It is, by the way, precise in the order of file count.
I also accessed the section "Storage Areas" of http://server:port/P8CE/Health, but it just shows the status of them:
Is there a way to know the available space of a Storage Area, via FEM or APIs?
You can not get the size or free space of the underlying storage device in FileNet. But you can do either of the following two
Set "Maximum size" parameter of the Storage area
Set the "Maximum size" parameter of the Storage Area to the allocated/maximum available space on the NAS.
After having done, you can check and calculate the available free space using the API.
To get the values, something along the line of the following code snippet should do the trick
StorageAreaSet storageAreaSet = filenetConnection.getObjectStore().get_StorageAreas();
Iterator<StorageArea> iter = storageAreaSet.iterator();
StorageArea sa =;
System.out.printf("Storage Area %s is %s uses %f KB of %f KB available\n", sa.get_DisplayName(), sa.get_ResourceStatus().toString(), sa.get_ContentElementKBytes(), sa.get_MaximumSizeKBytes());
Use a monitoring software
What we usually do is, monitor the free space of our storage devices using our monitoring solution. The monitoring solution sends an alarm if the available storage drops below a certain percentage

How to determine what bloks are allocated for the disk device?

A lot of modern storage types use Thin provisioning to allocate blocks. I need to get Block allocation map for the disk device. There is FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP to get volume bitmap, but it is file-system specific and I need an approach that is not FS specific.
Starting in Windows 8 Windows is sending "TRIM and Unmap" hints to storage media to track allocated blocks.
UNMAP is the SCSI command by which an application or the system can
communicate to the storage stack and the disk that a certain sector or
range of sectors are currently not in use, including sectors that were
previously in use by files that were later deleted.
So this should be possible. Unfortunately, I was unable to find Disk Management Control Code or Disk Management Function to get it. Maybe someone know know the way to get it?
Like gubblebozer made a hint - GET LBA STATUS command introduced in SBC-3 is the way to retrieve the low-level mappings from the device itself. From Thin Provisioning
The application can call the IOCTL DSM allocation routine to send the SCSI
command and retrieve the mapped or unmapped state of each slab in a particular
range. If the LBA provisioning status returned does not describe the entire
allocation range, the application sends another SCSI command to retrieve the
provisioning status of the remaining LBA range.
Looks like this can be done with the help of IOCTL_STORAGE_MANAGE_DATA_SET_ATTRIBUTES
then DEVICE_DATA_SET_LB_PROVISIONING_STATE structure will contain a bitmap of
slab allocations.

How to identify PC (motherboard) in win32 api? [duplicate]

How to uniquely identify computer (mainboard) using C#(.Net/Mono, local application)?
Edition. We can identify mainboard in .Net using something like this (see Get Unique System Identifiers in C#):
using System.Management;
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("select * from Win32_MotherboardDevice");
But unfortunately Mono does not support System.Management. How to do it under Mono for Linux? - I don't know :(
Write a function that takes a few unique hardware parameters as input and generates a hash out of them.
For example, Windows activation looks at the following hardware characteristics:
Display Adapter
SCSI Adapter
IDE Adapter (effectively the motherboard)
Network Adapter (NIC) and its MAC Address
RAM Amount Range (i.e., 0-64mb, 64-128mb, etc.)
Processor Type
Processor Serial Number
Hard Drive Device
Hard Drive Volume Serial Number (VSN)
You can pick up a few of them to generate your unique computer identifier.
Please see: Get Unique System Identifiers in C#
You realistically have MotherboardID, CPUID, Disk Serial and MAC address, from experience none of them are 100%.
Our stats show
Disk serial Is missing 0.1 %
MAC Is missing 1.3 %
Motherboard ID Is missing 30 %
CPUID Is missing 99 %
0.04% of machines tested yielded no information, we couldn't even read the computer name. It maybe that these were some kind of virtual PC, HyperV or VMWare instance, or maybe just very locked down? In any case your design has to be able to cope with these cases.
Disk serial is the most reliable, but easy to change, mac can be changed and depending on the filtering applied when reading it can change if device drivers are added (hyperv, wireshark etc).
Motherboard and CPUID sometimes return values that are invalid "NONE", "AAAA..", "XXXX..." etc.
You should also note that these functions can be very slow to call (they may take a few seconds even on a fast PC), so it may be worth kicking them off on a background thread as early as possible, you ideally don't want to be blocking on them.
Try this:
Personally though, I'd go with hard drive serial number. If a mainboard dies and is replaced, that PC isn't valid any more. If the HDD drive is replaced, it doesn't matter too much because the software was on it.
Of course, on the other hand, if the HDD is just moved elsewhere, the information goes with it, so you might want to look at a combination of serial numbers, depending what you want it for.
How about the MAC address of the network card?

Can ETW (event tracing for windows) be used to gather also memory statistics?

Is it possible using ETW to also get memory statistics of all the processes and the system ?
With memory statistics I mean : e.g. Commited bytes, private bytes,paged pool,working set,...
I cannot find anything about using xperf to get and see memory statistics. It is always about CPU , disk , network.
One could probably use performance counters to get that kind of information, but how can one overlay the statistics graphically in one chart (how to correlate/sync the timestamps) ?
Your best bet on Windows 8.1 and higher is the Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Memory provider, which records per-process memory information every 0.5 s. See for details. UIforETW enables this by default when it is available.
You could also try the MEMINFO provider. It gives a system-wide overview of memory pressure. It shows the Active List (currently in use memory), the Standby List ('useful' pages not currently in use, such as the disk cache), and the Zero and Free lists (genuinely free memory). This at least lets you tell whether a system is running out of memory.
You could also try MEMINFO_WS and CONTMEMGEN but these are undocumented so I really don't know what they do. They show up in xperf -providers k but when I record with them I can't see any new graphs appearing. Apparently Microsoft ships these providers but no way to view them. Sigh...
If you want more memory details on Windows 7 -- such as per-process working sets -- your best bet is to have a process running which periodically queries this data and emits it in custom ETW events. This is available in a prepackaged form in UIforETW which can query the working set of a specified set of processes once a second. See the announcement post for how to get UIforETW:
UIforETW's Windows 7 working set data shows up in Generic Events under Task Name == WorkingSet. On Windows 8.1 the OS working set data (more detailed, more efficiently recorded) shows up under Memory-> Virtual Memory Snapshots.
You can trace memory usage with ReferenceSet kernel group. It includes the following traceflags:
MEMORY = Memory tracing
FOOTPRINT+REFSET = Support footprint analysis
MEMINFO = Memory List Info (active, standby and oters you see from ResMon)
VIRT_ALLOC = Virtual allocation reserve and release
VAMAP = mapped files information
MEMINFO_WS = Working set Info
As you can see xperf can capture a lot of memory data when you sue the right flags.
