Maximum sum increasing subsequence, changing algorithm to use memoization - algorithm

I have the following code which implements a recursive solution for this problem, instead of using the reference variable 'x' to store overall max, How can I or can I return the result from recursion so I don't have to use the 'x' which would help memoization?
// Test Cases:
// Input: {1, 101, 2, 3, 100, 4, 5} Output: 106
// Input: {3, 4, 5, 10} Output: 22
int sum(vector<int> seq)
int x = INT32_MIN;
helper(seq, seq.size(), x);
return x;
int helper(vector<int>& seq, int n, int& x)
if (n == 1) return seq[0];
int maxTillNow = seq[0];
int res = INT32_MIN;
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
res = helper(seq, i, x);
if (seq[i - 1] < seq[n - 1] && res + seq[n - 1] > maxTillNow) maxTillNow = res + seq[n - 1];
x = max(x, maxTillNow);
return maxTillNow;

First, I don't think this implementation is correct. For this input {5, 1, 2, 3, 4} it gives 14 while the correct result is 10.
For writing a recursive solution for this problem, you don't need to pass x as a parameter, as x is the result you expect to get from the function itself. Instead, you can construct a state as the following:
Current index: this is the index you're processing at the current step.
Last taken number: This is the value of the last number you included in your result subsequence so far. This is to make sure that you pick larger numbers in the following steps to keep the result subsequence increasing.
So your function definition is something like sum(current_index, last_taken_number) = the maximum increasing sum from current_index until the end, given that you have to pick elements greater than last_taken_number to keep it an increasing subsequence, where the answer that you desire is sum(0, a small value) since it calculates the result for the whole sequence. by a small value I mean smaller than any other value in the whole sequence.
sum(current_index, last_taken_number) could be calculated recursively using smaller substates. First assume the simple cases:
N = 0, result is 0 since you don't have a sequence at all.
N = 1, the sequence contains only one number, the result is either that number or 0 in case the number is negative (I'm considering an empty subsequence as a valid subsequence, so not taking any number is a valid answer).
Now to the tricky part, when N >= 2.
Assume that N = 2. In this case you have two options:
Either ignore the first number, then the problem can be reduced to the N=1 version where that number is the last one in the sequence. In this case the result is the same as sum(1,MIN_VAL), where current_index=1 since we already processed index=0 and decided to ignore it, and MIN_VAL is the small value we mentioned above
Take the first number. Assume the its value is X. Then the result is X + sum(1, X). That means the solution includes X since you decided to include it in the sequence, plus whatever the result is from sum(1,X). Note that we're calling sum with MIN_VAL=X since we decided to take X, so the following values that we pick have to be greater than X.
Both decisions are valid. The result is whatever the maximum of these two. So we can deduce the general recurrence as the following:
sum(current_index, MIN_VAL) = max(
sum(current_index + 1, MIN_VAL) // ignore,
seq[current_index] + sum(current_index + 1, seq[current_index]) // take
The second decision is not always valid, so you have to make sure that the current element > MIN_VAL in order to be valid to take it.
This is a pseudo code for the idea:
sum(current_index, MIN_VAL){
if(current_index == END_OF_SEQUENCE) return 0
if( state[current_index,MIN_VAL] was calculated before ) return the perviously calculated result
decision_1 = sum(current_index + 1, MIN_VAL) // ignore case
if(sequence[current_index] > MIN_VAL) // decision_2 is valid
decision_2 = sequence[current_index] + sum(current_index + 1, sequence[current_index]) // take case
decision_2 = INT_MIN
result = max(decision_1, decision_2)
memorize result for the state[current_index, MIN_VAL]
return result


How to find number of possible ways to pick numbers greater than or equal to a given number from multiple lists?

I am trying to pick one number from multiple arraylists and find all possible ways to pick the numbers such that the sum of those numbers is greater than a given number. I can only think of brute force implementation.
For example, I have five arraylists such as
A = [2, 6, 7]
B = [6, 9]
C = [4]
D = [4, 7]
E = [8, 10, 15]
and a given number is 40.
Then after picking one number from each list, all possible ways could be
[7, 9, 4, 7, 15]
[6, 9, 4, 7, 15]
So, these are the two possible ways to pick numbers greater than or equal to 40. In case the given number is small then there could be many solutions. So how can I count them without brute force? Even with brute force how do I devise the solution in Java.
Below is my implementation. It works fine for small numbers but if the numbers are large then it gives me runtime error since the program runs for too long.
public static void numberOfWays(List<Integer> A, List<Integer> B, List<Integer> C, List<Integer> D,
List<Integer> E, int k){
long ways = 0;
for(Integer a:A){
for(Integer b:B){
for(Integer c:C){
for(Integer d:D){
for(Integer e:E){
int sum = a+b+c+d+e;
//System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+c+" "+d+" "+e+" "+sum);
if(sum > k)
The list can contain up to 1000 elements and the elements can range from 1 to 1000. The threshold value k can range from 1 to 10^9.
I am not a java programmer.But I think its a logical problem.So,I have solved it for you in python.I am pretty sure you can convert it into java.
Here is the code:
x = input('Enter the number:')
a = [2, 6, 7]
b = [6, 9]
c = [4]
d = [4, 7]
e = [8, 10, 15]
i = 0
z = 0
final_list = []
while i <= int(x):
i += a[z]
except BaseException:
i += b[z]
except BaseException:
i += c[z]
except BaseException:
i += d[z]
except BaseException:
i += e[z]
except BaseException:
z += 1
One way is this. There has to be at least one solution where you pick one number from each array and add them up to be greater than or equal to another.
Considering the fact that arrays might have random numbers in any order, first use this sort function to have them in decreasing order (largest number first, smallest number last) :
Arrays.sort(<array name>, Collections.reverseOrder());
Then pick the 1st element in the array :
v = A[0]
w = B[0]
x = C[0]
y = D[0]
z = E[0]
Then you can print them like this : v,w,x,y,z
Now your output will be :
Since it took the largest number of each array, it has to be equal to or greater than the given number, unless the number is greater than all of these combined in which case it is impossible.
Edit : I think I got the question wrong. If you want to know how many of the possible solutions there are, that is much easier.
First create a variable to store the possibilities
var total = 0
Use the rand function to get a random number. In your array say something like :
Do the same thing for all arrays, then add them up
var sum = v+w+x+y+z
Now you have an if statement to see if the sum is greater than or equal to the number given (lets say the value is stored in the variable "given")
if(sum >= given){
<repeat the random function to restart the process and generate a new sum>
Finally, you need to repeat this multiple times as incase there are multiple solutions, the code will only find one and give you a false total.
To solve this, create a for loop and put all of this code inside it :
//create a variable outside to store the total number of elements in all the arrays
var elements = A[].length + B[].length + C[].length + D[].length + E[].length
for(var i = 0; i <= elements; i++){
<The code is inside here, except for "total" as otherwise the value will keep resetting>
The end result should look something like this :
var total = 0
var elements = A[].length + B[].length + C[].length + D[].length + E[].length
for(var i = 0; i <= elements; i++){
var sum = v+w+x+y+z
if(sum >= given){
At the end just print the total once the entire cycle is over or just do
This is just for reference and the code might not work, it probably has a bunch of bugs in it, this was just my 1st draft attempt at it. I have to test it out on my own but i hope you see where I'm coming from. Just look at the process, make your own amendments and this should work fine.
I have not deleted the first part of my answer even though it isn't the answer to this question just so that if you're having trouble in that part as well, where you select the highest possible number, it might help you
Good luck!

Minimum common remainder of division

I have n pairs of numbers: ( p[1], s[1] ), ( p[2], s[2] ), ... , ( p[n], s[n] )
Where p[i] is integer greater than 1; s[i] is integer : 0 <= s[i] < p[i]
Is there any way to determine minimum positive integer a , such that for each pair :
( s[i] + a ) mod p[i] != 0
Anything better than brute force ?
It is possible to do better than brute force. Brute force would be O(A·n), where A is the minimum valid value for a that we are looking for.
The approach described below uses a min-heap and achieves O(n·log(n) + A·log(n)) time complexity.
First, notice that replacing a with a value of the form (p[i] - s[i]) + k * p[i] leads to a reminder equal to zero in the ith pair, for any positive integer k. Thus, the numbers of that form are invalid a values (the solution that we are looking for is different from all of them).
The proposed algorithm is an efficient way to generate the numbers of that form (for all i and k), i.e. the invalid values for a, in increasing order. As soon as the current value differs from the previous one by more than 1, it means that there was a valid a in-between.
The pseudocode below details this approach.
1. construct a min-heap from all the following pairs (p[i] - s[i], p[i]),
where the heap comparator is based on the first element of the pairs.
2. a0 = -1; maxA = lcm(p[i])
3. Repeat
3a. Retrieve and remove the root of the heap, (a, p[i]).
3b. If a - a0 > 1 then the result is a0 + 1. Exit.
3c. if a is at least maxA, then no solution exists. Exit.
3d. Insert into the heap the value (a + p[i], p[i]).
3e. a0 = a
Remark: it is possible for such an a to not exist. If a valid a is not found below LCM(p[1], p[2], ... p[n]), then it is guaranteed that no valid a exists.
I'll show below an example of how this algorithm works.
Consider the following (p, s) pairs: { (2, 1), (5, 3) }.
The first pair indicates that a should avoid values like 1, 3, 5, 7, ..., whereas the second pair indicates that we should avoid values like 2, 7, 12, 17, ... .
The min-heap initially contains the first element of each sequence (step 1 of the pseudocode) -- shown in bold below:
1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 7, 12, 17, ...
We retrieve and remove the head of the heap, i.e., the minimum value among the two bold ones, and this is 1. We add into the heap the next element from that sequence, thus the heap now contains the elements 2 and 3:
1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 7, 12, 17, ...
We again retrieve the head of the heap, this time it contains the value 2, and add the next element of that sequence into the heap:
1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 7, 12, 17, ...
The algorithm continues, we will next retrieve value 3, and add 5 into the heap:
1, 3, 5, 7, ...
2, 7, 12, 17, ...
Finally, now we retrieve value 5. At this point we realize that the value 4 is not among the invalid values for a, thus that is the solution that we are looking for.
I can think of two different solutions. First:
p_max = lcm (p[0],p[1],...,p[n]) - 1;
for a = 0 to p_max:
zero_found = false;
for i = 0 to n:
if ( s[i] + a ) mod p[i] == 0:
zero_found = true;
if !zero_found:
return a;
return -1;
I suppose this is the one you call "brute force". Notice that p_max represents Least Common Multiple of p[i]s - 1 (solution is either in the closed interval [0, p_max], or it does not exist). Complexity of this solution is O(n * p_max) in the worst case (plus the running time for calculating lcm!). There is a better solution regarding the time complexity, but it uses an additional binary array - classical time-space tradeoff. Its idea is similar to the Sieve of Eratosthenes, but for remainders instead of primes :)
p_max = lcm (p[0],p[1],...,p[n]) - 1;
int remainders[p_max + 1] = {0};
for i = 0 to n:
int rem = s[i] - p[i];
while rem >= -p_max:
remainders[-rem] = 1;
rem -= p[i];
for i = 0 to n:
if !remainders[i]:
return i;
return -1;
Explanation of the algorithm: first, we create an array remainders that will indicate whether certain negative remainder exists in the whole set. What is a negative remainder? It's simple, notice that 6 = 2 mod 4 is equivalent to 6 = -2 mod 4. If remainders[i] == 1, it means that if we add i to one of the s[j], we will get p[j] (which is 0, and that is what we want to avoid). Array is populated with all possible negative remainders, up to -p_max. Now all we have to do is search for the first i, such that remainder[i] == 0 and return it, if it exists - notice that the solution does not have to exists. In the problem text, you have indicated that you are searching for the minimum positive integer, I don't see why zero would not fit (if all s[i] are positive). However, if that is a strong requirement, just change the for loop to start from 1 instead of 0, and increment p_max.
The complexity of this algorithm is n + sum (p_max / p[i]) = n + p_max * sum (1 / p[i]), where i goes from to 0 to n. Since all p[i]s are at least 2, that is asymptotically better than the brute force solution.
An example for better understanding: suppose that the input is (5,4), (5,1), (2,0). p_max is lcm(5,5,2) - 1 = 10 - 1 = 9, so we create array with 10 elements, initially filled with zeros. Now let's proceed pair by pair:
from the first pair, we have remainders[1] = 1 and remainders[6] = 1
second pair gives remainders[4] = 1 and remainders[9] = 1
last pair gives remainders[0] = 1, remainders[2] = 1, remainders[4] = 1, remainders[6] = 1 and remainders[8] = 1.
Therefore, first index with zero value in the array is 3, which is a desired solution.

Where is my logic going wrong which involves multiplying by two and subtracting by one to obtain a given number?
Vasya has found a strange device. On the front panel of a device there are: a red button, a blue button and a display showing some positive integer. After clicking the red button, device multiplies the displayed number by two. After clicking the blue button, device subtracts one from the number on the display. If at some point the number stops being positive, the device breaks down. The display can show arbitrarily large numbers. Initially, the display shows number n.
Bob wants to get number m on the display. What minimum number of clicks he has to make in order to achieve this result?
The first and the only line of the input contains two distinct integers n and m (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 10^4), separated by a space .
Print a single number — the minimum number of times one needs to push the button required to get the number m out of number n.
I developed the following recursive solution. I know it will time out, but I will memoise it, and that will get my solution accepted. But as of now, I am getting a wrong answer in one of the inputs.
My code is:
int func (int n, int m);
int main (void)
int n,m;
int count = func(n,m);
return 0;
int func (int n, int m)
if (n == 0)
return INT_MAX; // this should be because we can never go to some
// other digit if we are at 0
if (n == m)
return 0;
else if (2*n == m || n == m+1)
return 1;
else if (n > m)
return func(n-1,m)+1;
return min(func(n-1,m),func(n*2,m))+1;
Now, when I enter the input as (1,3), my code shows Segmentation fault. I tried to debug it, and I found out that it sorts of go in an infinite loop because of which I get the Seg fault. However, I want to know, then how should I make the logic for this? What will be the recursive function for this? Thanks!
The SEG fault is due to calculating doing INT_MAX+1.
Actually I think this problem is better solved working this way.
For all cases n>m, the shortest count is n-m.
if (n<m)
return n-m;
For all cases n==m, the shortest count is 0.
else if (n==m)
return 0;
For all cases n < m, the shortest count can be calculated as:
let sequence Y= [(m/(2^1), m/(2^2), ... 1] // use the ceiling values
find X is the next number in the Y where n >= X.
return func(X*2) + n-X + 1;
For n = 57, m = 201, then Y = [101, 51, 26, 13, 7, 4, 2, 1], X would be 51.
So the answer can be calculated as
(57-51)+1 = 7 steps, result now 51*2 = 102
(102-101)+1 = 2 steps, result now 101*2 = 202
(202-201) = 1 steps
=====> Total steps 10
For n = 4, m = 6, then Y = [3, 2, 1], X would be 3.
So the answer can be calculated as
(4-3)+1 = 2 steps, result now 3*2=6
=====> Total steps 2
For n = 1, m = 3, then Y = [2, 1], X would be 1.
So the answer can be calculated as
already in Y= 1 steps, result now 1*2 = 2
already in Y= 1 steps, result now 2*2 = 4
(4-3) = 1 step
=====> Total steps 3
Notice you can precalcuate Y before entering your function and pass it in so you don't have to recompute each time.

How to find longest increasing sequence starting at each position within the array in O(n log n) time,

How could we find longest increasing sub-sequence starting at each position of the array in O(n log n) time, I have seen techniques to find longest increasing sequence ending at each position of the array but I am unable to find the other way round.
for the sequence " 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 "
output must be " 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 "
I made a quick and dirty JavaScript implementation (note: it is O(n^2)):
function lis(a) {
var tmpArr = Array(),
result = Array(),
i = a.length;
while (i--) {
var theValue = a[i],
longestFound = tmpArr[theValue] || 1;
for (var j=theValue+1; j<tmpArr.length; j++) {
if (tmpArr[j] >= longestFound) {
longestFound = tmpArr[j]+1;
result[i] = tmpArr[theValue] = longestFound;
return result;
We run through the array right-to-left, keeping previous calculations in a separate temporary array for subsequent lookups.
The tmpArray contains the previously found subsequences beginning with any given value, so tmpArray[n] will represent the longest subsequence found (to the right of the current position) beginning with the value n.
The loop goes like this: For every index, we look up the value (and all higher values) in our tmpArray to see if we already found a subsequence which the value could be prepended to. If we find one, we simply add 1 to that length, update the tmpArray for the value, and move to the next index. If we don't find a working (higher) subsequence, we set the tmpArray for the value to 1 and move on.
In order to make it O(n log n) we observe that the tmpArray will always be a decreasing array -- it can and should use a binary search rather than a partial loop.
EDIT: I didn't read the post completely, sorry. I thought you needed the longest increasing sub-sequence for all sequence. Re-edited the code to make it work.
I think it is possible to do it in linear time, actually. Consider this code:
int a[10] = {4, 2, 6, 10, 5, 3, 7, 5, 4, 10};
int maxLength[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // array of zeros
int n = 10; // size of the array;
int b = 0;
while (b != n) {
int e = b;
while (++e < n && a[b] < a[e]) {} //while the sequence is increasing, ++e
while (b != e) { maxLength[b++] = e-b-1; }

Generate Random(a, b) making calls to Random(0, 1)

There is known Random(0,1) function, it is a uniformed random function, which means, it will give 0 or 1, with probability 50%. Implement Random(a, b) that only makes calls to Random(0,1)
What I though so far is, put the range a-b in a 0 based array, then I have index 0, 1, 2...b-a.
then call the RANDOM(0,1) b-a times, sum the results as generated idx. and return the element.
However since there is no answer in the book, I don't know if this way is correct or the best. How to prove that the probability of returning each element is exactly same and is 1/(b-a+1) ?
And what is the right/better way to do this?
If your RANDOM(0, 1) returns either 0 or 1, each with probability 0.5 then you can generate bits until you have enough to represent the number (b-a+1) in binary. This gives you a random number in a slightly too large range: you can test and repeat if it fails. Something like this (in Python).
def rand_pow2(bit_count):
"""Return a random number with the given number of bits."""
result = 0
for i in xrange(bit_count):
result = 2 * result + RANDOM(0, 1)
return result
def random_range(a, b):
"""Return a random integer in the closed interval [a, b]."""
bit_count = math.ceil(math.log2(b - a + 1))
while True:
r = rand_pow2(bit_count)
if a + r <= b:
return a + r
When you sum random numbers, the result is not longer evenly distributed - it looks like a Gaussian function. Look up "law of large numbers" or read any probability book / article. Just like flipping coins 100 times is highly highly unlikely to give 100 heads. It's likely to give close to 50 heads and 50 tails.
Your inclination to put the range from 0 to a-b first is correct. However, you cannot do it as you stated. This question asks exactly how to do that, and the answer utilizes unique factorization. Write m=a-b in base 2, keeping track of the largest needed exponent, say e. Then, find the biggest multiple of m that is smaller than 2^e, call it k. Finally, generate e numbers with RANDOM(0,1), take them as the base 2 expansion of some number x, if x < k*m, return x, otherwise try again. The program looks something like this (simple case when m<2^2):
int RANDOM(0,m) {
// find largest power of n needed to write m in base 2
int e=0;
while (m > 2^e) {
// find largest multiple of m less than 2^e
int k=1;
while (k*m < 2^2) {
--k; // we went one too far
while (1) {
// generate a random number in base 2
int x = 0;
for (int i=0; i<e; ++i) {
x = x*2 + RANDOM(0,1);
// if x isn't too large, return it x modulo m
if (x < m*k)
return (x % m);
Now you can simply add a to the result to get uniformly distributed numbers between a and b.
Divide and conquer could help us in generating a random number in range [a,b] using random(0,1). The idea is
if a is equal to b, then random number is a
Find mid of the range [a,b]
Generate random(0,1)
If above is 0, return a random number in range [a,mid] using recursion
else return a random number in range [mid+1, b] using recursion
The working 'C' code is as follows.
int random(int a, int b)
if(a == b)
return a;
int c = RANDOM(0,1); // Returns 0 or 1 with probability 0.5
int mid = a + (b-a)/2;
if(c == 0)
return random(a, mid);
return random(mid + 1, b);
If you have a RNG that returns {0, 1} with equal probability, you can easily create a RNG that returns numbers {0, 2^n} with equal probability.
To do this you just use your original RNG n times and get a binary number like 0010110111. Each of the numbers are (from 0 to 2^n) are equally likely.
Now it is easy to get a RNG from a to b, where b - a = 2^n. You just create a previous RNG and add a to it.
Now the last question is what should you do if b-a is not 2^n?
Good thing that you have to do almost nothing. Relying on rejection sampling technique. It tells you that if you have a big set and have a RNG over that set and need to select an element from a subset of this set, you can just keep selecting an element from a bigger set and discarding them till they exist in your subset.
So all you do, is find b-a and find the first n such that b-a <= 2^n. Then using rejection sampling till you picked an element smaller b-a. Than you just add a.
