How to find number of possible ways to pick numbers greater than or equal to a given number from multiple lists? - algorithm

I am trying to pick one number from multiple arraylists and find all possible ways to pick the numbers such that the sum of those numbers is greater than a given number. I can only think of brute force implementation.
For example, I have five arraylists such as
A = [2, 6, 7]
B = [6, 9]
C = [4]
D = [4, 7]
E = [8, 10, 15]
and a given number is 40.
Then after picking one number from each list, all possible ways could be
[7, 9, 4, 7, 15]
[6, 9, 4, 7, 15]
So, these are the two possible ways to pick numbers greater than or equal to 40. In case the given number is small then there could be many solutions. So how can I count them without brute force? Even with brute force how do I devise the solution in Java.
Below is my implementation. It works fine for small numbers but if the numbers are large then it gives me runtime error since the program runs for too long.
public static void numberOfWays(List<Integer> A, List<Integer> B, List<Integer> C, List<Integer> D,
List<Integer> E, int k){
long ways = 0;
for(Integer a:A){
for(Integer b:B){
for(Integer c:C){
for(Integer d:D){
for(Integer e:E){
int sum = a+b+c+d+e;
//System.out.println(a+" "+b+" "+c+" "+d+" "+e+" "+sum);
if(sum > k)
The list can contain up to 1000 elements and the elements can range from 1 to 1000. The threshold value k can range from 1 to 10^9.

I am not a java programmer.But I think its a logical problem.So,I have solved it for you in python.I am pretty sure you can convert it into java.
Here is the code:
x = input('Enter the number:')
a = [2, 6, 7]
b = [6, 9]
c = [4]
d = [4, 7]
e = [8, 10, 15]
i = 0
z = 0
final_list = []
while i <= int(x):
i += a[z]
except BaseException:
i += b[z]
except BaseException:
i += c[z]
except BaseException:
i += d[z]
except BaseException:
i += e[z]
except BaseException:
z += 1

One way is this. There has to be at least one solution where you pick one number from each array and add them up to be greater than or equal to another.
Considering the fact that arrays might have random numbers in any order, first use this sort function to have them in decreasing order (largest number first, smallest number last) :
Arrays.sort(<array name>, Collections.reverseOrder());
Then pick the 1st element in the array :
v = A[0]
w = B[0]
x = C[0]
y = D[0]
z = E[0]
Then you can print them like this : v,w,x,y,z
Now your output will be :
Since it took the largest number of each array, it has to be equal to or greater than the given number, unless the number is greater than all of these combined in which case it is impossible.
Edit : I think I got the question wrong. If you want to know how many of the possible solutions there are, that is much easier.
First create a variable to store the possibilities
var total = 0
Use the rand function to get a random number. In your array say something like :
Do the same thing for all arrays, then add them up
var sum = v+w+x+y+z
Now you have an if statement to see if the sum is greater than or equal to the number given (lets say the value is stored in the variable "given")
if(sum >= given){
<repeat the random function to restart the process and generate a new sum>
Finally, you need to repeat this multiple times as incase there are multiple solutions, the code will only find one and give you a false total.
To solve this, create a for loop and put all of this code inside it :
//create a variable outside to store the total number of elements in all the arrays
var elements = A[].length + B[].length + C[].length + D[].length + E[].length
for(var i = 0; i <= elements; i++){
<The code is inside here, except for "total" as otherwise the value will keep resetting>
The end result should look something like this :
var total = 0
var elements = A[].length + B[].length + C[].length + D[].length + E[].length
for(var i = 0; i <= elements; i++){
var sum = v+w+x+y+z
if(sum >= given){
At the end just print the total once the entire cycle is over or just do
This is just for reference and the code might not work, it probably has a bunch of bugs in it, this was just my 1st draft attempt at it. I have to test it out on my own but i hope you see where I'm coming from. Just look at the process, make your own amendments and this should work fine.
I have not deleted the first part of my answer even though it isn't the answer to this question just so that if you're having trouble in that part as well, where you select the highest possible number, it might help you
Good luck!


Maximum sum increasing subsequence, changing algorithm to use memoization

I have the following code which implements a recursive solution for this problem, instead of using the reference variable 'x' to store overall max, How can I or can I return the result from recursion so I don't have to use the 'x' which would help memoization?
// Test Cases:
// Input: {1, 101, 2, 3, 100, 4, 5} Output: 106
// Input: {3, 4, 5, 10} Output: 22
int sum(vector<int> seq)
int x = INT32_MIN;
helper(seq, seq.size(), x);
return x;
int helper(vector<int>& seq, int n, int& x)
if (n == 1) return seq[0];
int maxTillNow = seq[0];
int res = INT32_MIN;
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i)
res = helper(seq, i, x);
if (seq[i - 1] < seq[n - 1] && res + seq[n - 1] > maxTillNow) maxTillNow = res + seq[n - 1];
x = max(x, maxTillNow);
return maxTillNow;
First, I don't think this implementation is correct. For this input {5, 1, 2, 3, 4} it gives 14 while the correct result is 10.
For writing a recursive solution for this problem, you don't need to pass x as a parameter, as x is the result you expect to get from the function itself. Instead, you can construct a state as the following:
Current index: this is the index you're processing at the current step.
Last taken number: This is the value of the last number you included in your result subsequence so far. This is to make sure that you pick larger numbers in the following steps to keep the result subsequence increasing.
So your function definition is something like sum(current_index, last_taken_number) = the maximum increasing sum from current_index until the end, given that you have to pick elements greater than last_taken_number to keep it an increasing subsequence, where the answer that you desire is sum(0, a small value) since it calculates the result for the whole sequence. by a small value I mean smaller than any other value in the whole sequence.
sum(current_index, last_taken_number) could be calculated recursively using smaller substates. First assume the simple cases:
N = 0, result is 0 since you don't have a sequence at all.
N = 1, the sequence contains only one number, the result is either that number or 0 in case the number is negative (I'm considering an empty subsequence as a valid subsequence, so not taking any number is a valid answer).
Now to the tricky part, when N >= 2.
Assume that N = 2. In this case you have two options:
Either ignore the first number, then the problem can be reduced to the N=1 version where that number is the last one in the sequence. In this case the result is the same as sum(1,MIN_VAL), where current_index=1 since we already processed index=0 and decided to ignore it, and MIN_VAL is the small value we mentioned above
Take the first number. Assume the its value is X. Then the result is X + sum(1, X). That means the solution includes X since you decided to include it in the sequence, plus whatever the result is from sum(1,X). Note that we're calling sum with MIN_VAL=X since we decided to take X, so the following values that we pick have to be greater than X.
Both decisions are valid. The result is whatever the maximum of these two. So we can deduce the general recurrence as the following:
sum(current_index, MIN_VAL) = max(
sum(current_index + 1, MIN_VAL) // ignore,
seq[current_index] + sum(current_index + 1, seq[current_index]) // take
The second decision is not always valid, so you have to make sure that the current element > MIN_VAL in order to be valid to take it.
This is a pseudo code for the idea:
sum(current_index, MIN_VAL){
if(current_index == END_OF_SEQUENCE) return 0
if( state[current_index,MIN_VAL] was calculated before ) return the perviously calculated result
decision_1 = sum(current_index + 1, MIN_VAL) // ignore case
if(sequence[current_index] > MIN_VAL) // decision_2 is valid
decision_2 = sequence[current_index] + sum(current_index + 1, sequence[current_index]) // take case
decision_2 = INT_MIN
result = max(decision_1, decision_2)
memorize result for the state[current_index, MIN_VAL]
return result

Allocate an array of integers proportionally compensating for rounding errors

I have an array of non-negative values. I want to build an array of values who's sum is 20 so that they are proportional to the first array.
This would be an easy problem, except that I want the proportional array to sum to exactly
20, compensating for any rounding error.
For example, the array
input = [400, 400, 0, 0, 100, 50, 50]
would yield
output = [8, 8, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1]
sum(output) = 20
However, most cases are going to have a lot of rounding errors, like
input = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 18]
naively yields
output = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10]
sum(output) = 16 (ouch)
Is there a good way to apportion the output array so that it adds up to 20 every time?
There's a very simple answer to this question: I've done it many times. After each assignment into the new array, you reduce the values you're working with as follows:
Call the first array A, and the new, proportional array B (which starts out empty).
Call the sum of A elements T
Call the desired sum S.
For each element of the array (i) do the following:
a. B[i] = round(A[i] / T * S). (rounding to nearest integer, penny or whatever is required)
b. T = T - A[i]
c. S = S - B[i]
That's it! Easy to implement in any programming language or in a spreadsheet.
The solution is optimal in that the resulting array's elements will never be more than 1 away from their ideal, non-rounded values. Let's demonstrate with your example:
T = 36, S = 20. B[1] = round(A[1] / T * S) = 2. (ideally, 1.666....)
T = 33, S = 18. B[2] = round(A[2] / T * S) = 2. (ideally, 1.666....)
T = 30, S = 16. B[3] = round(A[3] / T * S) = 2. (ideally, 1.666....)
T = 27, S = 14. B[4] = round(A[4] / T * S) = 2. (ideally, 1.666....)
T = 24, S = 12. B[5] = round(A[5] / T * S) = 2. (ideally, 1.666....)
T = 21, S = 10. B[6] = round(A[6] / T * S) = 1. (ideally, 1.666....)
T = 18, S = 9. B[7] = round(A[7] / T * S) = 9. (ideally, 10)
Notice that comparing every value in B with it's ideal value in parentheses, the difference is never more than 1.
It's also interesting to note that rearranging the elements in the array can result in different corresponding values in the resulting array. I've found that arranging the elements in ascending order is best, because it results in the smallest average percentage difference between actual and ideal.
Your problem is similar to a proportional representation where you want to share N seats (in your case 20) among parties proportionnaly to the votes they obtain, in your case [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 18]
There are several methods used in different countries to handle the rounding problem. My code below uses the Hagenbach-Bischoff quota method used in Switzerland, which basically allocates the seats remaining after an integer division by (N+1) to parties which have the highest remainder:
def proportional(nseats,votes):
"""assign n seats proportionaly to votes using Hagenbach-Bischoff quota
:param nseats: int number of seats to assign
:param votes: iterable of int or float weighting each party
:result: list of ints seats allocated to each party
quota=sum(votes)/(1.+nseats) #force float
frac=[vote/quota for vote in votes]
res=[int(f) for f in frac]
n=nseats-sum(res) #number of seats remaining to allocate
if n==0: return res #done
if n<0: return [min(x,nseats) for x in res] # see siamii's comment
#give the remaining seats to the n parties with the largest remainder
remainders=[ai-bi for ai,bi in zip(frac,res)]
#n parties with remainter larger than limit get an extra seat
for i,r in enumerate(remainders):
if r>=limit:
n-=1 # attempt to handle perfect equality
if n==0: return res #done
raise #should never happen
However this method doesn't always give the same number of seats to parties with perfect equality as in your case:
proportional(20,[3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 18])
You have set 3 incompatible requirements. An integer-valued array proportional to [1,1,1] cannot be made to sum to exactly 20. You must choose to break one of the "sum to exactly 20", "proportional to input", and "integer values" requirements.
If you choose to break the requirement for integer values, then use floating point or rational numbers. If you choose to break the exact sum requirement, then you've already solved the problem. Choosing to break proportionality is a little trickier. One approach you might take is to figure out how far off your sum is, and then distribute corrections randomly through the output array. For example, if your input is:
[1, 1, 1]
then you could first make it sum as well as possible while still being proportional:
[7, 7, 7]
and since 20 - (7+7+7) = -1, choose one element to decrement at random:
[7, 6, 7]
If the error was 4, you would choose four elements to increment.
A naïve solution that doesn't perform well, but will provide the right result...
Write an iterator that given an array with eight integers (candidate) and the input array, output the index of the element that is farthest away from being proportional to the others (pseudocode):
function next_index(candidate, input)
// Calculate weights
for i in 1 .. 8
w[i] = candidate[i] / input[i]
end for
// find the smallest weight
min = 0
min_index = 0
for i in 1 .. 8
if w[i] < min then
min = w[i]
min_index = i
end if
end for
return min_index
end function
Then just do this
result = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
result[next_index(result, input)]++ for 1 .. 20
If there is no optimal solution, it'll skew towards the beginning of the array.
Using the approach above, you can reduce the number of iterations by rounding down (as you did in your example) and then just use the approach above to add what has been left out due to rounding errors:
result = <<approach using rounding down>>
while sum(result) < 20
result[next_index(result, input)]++
So the answers and comments above were helpful... particularly the decreasing sum comment from #Frederik.
The solution I came up with takes advantage of the fact that for an input array v, sum(v_i * 20) is divisible by sum(v). So for each value in v, I mulitply by 20 and divide by the sum. I keep the quotient, and accumulate the remainder. Whenever the accumulator is greater than sum(v), I add one to the value. That way I'm guaranteed that all the remainders get rolled into the results.
Is that legible? Here's the implementation in Python:
def proportion(values, total):
# set up by getting the sum of the values and starting
# with an empty result list and accumulator
sum_values = sum(values)
new_values = []
acc = 0
for v in values:
# for each value, find quotient and remainder
q, r = divmod(v * total, sum_values)
if acc + r < sum_values:
# if the accumlator plus remainder is too small, just add and move on
acc += r
# we've accumulated enough to go over sum(values), so add 1 to result
if acc > r:
# add to previous
new_values[-1] += 1
# add to current
q += 1
acc -= sum_values - r
# save the new value
# accumulator is guaranteed to be zero at the end
print new_values, sum_values, acc
return new_values
(I added an enhancement that if the accumulator > remainder, I increment the previous value instead of the current value)

Balanced partition

I know this was talked over a lot here, but I am struggling with this problem.
We have a set of numbers, e.g [3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1], and we need to break it into two subsets, so the each sum is equal or difference is minimal.
I've seen wikipedia entry, this page (problem 7) and a blog entry.
But every algorithm listed is giving only YES/NO result and I really don't understand how to use them to print out two subsets (e.g S1 = {5, 4} and S2 = {5, 3, 3}). What am I missing here?
The pseudo-polynomial algorithm is designed to provide an answer to the decision problem, not the optimization problem. However, note that the last row in the table of booleans in the example indicates that the current set is capable of summing up to N/2.
In the last row, take the first column where the boolean value is true. You can then check what the actual value of the set in the given column is. If the sets summed value is N/2 you have found the first set of the partition. Otherwise you have to check which set is capable of being the difference to N/2. You can use the same approach as above, this time for the difference d.
This will be O(2^N). No Dynamic Programming used here. You can print result1, result2 and difference after execution of the function. I hope this helps.
vector<int> p1,p2;
vector<int> result1,result2;
vector<int> array={12,323,432,4,55,223,45,67,332,78,334,23,5,98,34,67,4,3,86,99,78,1};
void partition(unsigned int i,long &diffsofar, long sum1,long sum2)
long diff= abs(sum1 - sum2);
if(diffsofar > diff)
result1 = p1;
result2 = p2;
diffsofar = diff;
I faced this same problem recently, and I posted a question about it (here: Variant of Knapsack). The difference in my case is that the resulting subsets must be the same size (if the original set has an even number of elements). In order to assure that, I added a few lines to #Sandesh Kobal answer;
void partition(unsigned int i,long &diffsofar, long sum1,long sum2)
int maxsize = (array.size()+1)/2;
Also, after both calls to partition, I added if(diffsofar==0) return;. If we already found an optimal solution, it makes no sense to keep searching...
All the articles I've seen take a dynamic programming approach. Do we really need one?
Suppose the array given is arr
Use the following algorithm :
Sort the array in descending order
Create two empty arrays, a = [] and b = []
sum_a = sum_b = 0
for x in arr:
if sum_a > sum_b:
sum_b += x
sum_a += x
The absolute difference between sum_a and sum_b would be the minimum possible difference between the two subsets.
Consider arr = [3,1,1,2,2,1]
Sorting the array : arr = [3,2,2,1,1,1]
a = [], b = []
a = [3], b = []
a = [3], b = [2]
a = [3], b = [2,2]
a = [3,1], b = [2,2]
a = [3,1,1], b = [2,2]
a = [3,1,1], b = [2,2,1]
sa = 5, sb = 5
Minimum difference : 5 - 5 = 0

Find all possible combinations from 4 input numbers which can add up to 24

Actually, this question can be generalized as below:
Find all possible combinations from a given set of elements, which meets
a certain criteria.
So, any good algorithms?
There are only 16 possibilities (and one of those is to add together "none of them", which ain't gonna give you 24), so the old-fashioned "brute force" algorithm looks pretty good to me:
for (unsigned int choice = 1; choice < 16; ++choice) {
int sum = 0;
if (choice & 1) sum += elements[0];
if (choice & 2) sum += elements[1];
if (choice & 4) sum += elements[2];
if (choice & 8) sum += elements[3];
if (sum == 24) {
// we have a winner
In the completely general form of your problem, the only way to tell whether a combination meets "certain criteria" is to evaluate those criteria for every single combination. Given more information about the criteria, maybe you could work out some ways to avoid testing every combination and build an algorithm accordingly, but not without those details. So again, brute force is king.
There are two interesting explanations about the sum problem, both in Wikipedia and MathWorld.
In the case of the first question you asked, the first answer is good for a limited number of elements. You should realize that the reason Mr. Jessop used 16 as the boundary for his loop is because this is 2^4, where 4 is the number of elements in your set. If you had 100 elements, the loop limit would become 2^100 and your algorithm would literally take forever to finish.
In the case of a bounded sum, you should consider a depth first search, because when the sum of elements exceeds the sum you are looking for, you can prune your branch and backtrack.
In the case of the generic question, finding the subset of elements that satisfy certain criteria, this is known as the Knapsack problem, which is known to be NP-Complete. Given that, there is no algorithm that will solve it in less than exponential time.
Nevertheless, there are several heuristics that bring good results to the table, including (but not limited to) genetic algorithms (one I personally like, for I wrote a book on them) and dynamic programming. A simple search in Google will show many scientific papers that describe different solutions for this problem.
Find all possible combinations from a given set of elements, which
meets a certain criteria
If i understood you right, this code will helpful for you:
>>> from itertools import combinations as combi
>>> combi.__doc__
'combinations(iterable, r) --> combinations object\n\nReturn successive r-length
combinations of elements in the iterable.\n\ncombinations(range(4), 3) --> (0,1
,2), (0,1,3), (0,2,3), (1,2,3)'
>>> set = range(4)
>>> set
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> criteria = range(3)
>>> criteria
[0, 1, 2]
>>> for tuple in list(combi(set, len(criteria))):
... if cmp(list(tuple), criteria) == 0:
... print 'criteria exists in tuple: ', tuple
criteria exists in tuple: (0, 1, 2)
>>> list(combi(set, len(criteria)))
[(0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 3), (0, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)]
Generally for a problem as this you have to try all posebilities, the thing you should do have the code abort the building of combiantion if you know it will not satesfie the criteria (if you criteria is that you do not have more then two blue balls, then you have to abort calculation that has more then two). Backtracing
def perm(set,permutation):
if lenght(set) == lenght(permutation):
print permutation
for element in set:
if permutation.add(element) == criteria:
permutation.pop() //remove the element added in the if
The set of input numbers matters, as you can tell as soon as you allow e.g. negative numbers, imaginary numbers, rational numbers etc in your start set. You could also restrict to e.g. all even numbers, all odd number inputs etc.
That means that it's hard to build something deductive. You need brute force, a.k.a. try every combination etc.
In this particular problem you could build an algoritm that recurses - e.g. find every combination of 3 Int ( 1,22) that add up to 23, then add 1, every combination that add to 22 and add 2 etc. Which can again be broken into every combination of 2 that add up to 21 etc. You need to decide if you can count same number twice.
Once you have that you have a recursive function to call -
combinations( 24 , 4 ) = combinations( 23, 3 ) + combinations( 22, 3 ) + ... combinations( 4, 3 );
combinations( 23 , 3 ) = combinations( 22, 2 ) + ... combinations( 3, 2 );
This works well except you have to be careful around repeating numbers in the recursion.
private int[][] work()
const int target = 24;
List<int[]> combos = new List<int[]>();
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
for(int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < 9; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < 9; z++)
int res = x + y + z + i;
if (res == target)
combos.Add(new int[] { x, y, z, i });
return combos.ToArray();
It works instantly, but there probably are better methods rather than 'guess and check'. All I am doing is looping through every possibility, adding them all together, and seeing if it comes out to the target value.
If i understand your question correctly, what you are asking for is called "Permutations" or the number (N) of possible ways to arrange (X) numbers taken from a set of (Y) numbers.
N = Y! / (Y - X)!
I don't know if this will help, but this is a solution I came up with for an assignment on permutations.
You have an input of : 123 (string) using the substr functions
1) put each number of the input into an array
2)Create a swap function
function swap(Number A, Number B)
temp = Number B
Number B = Number A
Number A = temp
3)This algorithm uses the swap function to move the numbers around until all permutations are done.
original_string= '123'
While( temp_string != original_string)
swap(array element[i], array element[i+1])
if (i == 1)
i == 0
temp_string = array.toString
Hopefully you can follow my pseudo code, but this works at least for 3 digit permutations
(n X n )
built up a square matrix of nxn
and print all together its corresponding crossed values
1 2 3 4
1 11 12 13 14
2 .. .. .. ..
3 ..
4 .. ..

Problem coming up with an array function

Let's say I have an increasing sequence of integers: seq = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4 ... ] not guaranteed to have exactly the same number of each integer but guaranteed to be increasing by 1.
Is there a function F that can operate on this sequence whereby F(seq, x) would give me all 1's when an integer in the sequence equals x and all other integers would be 0.
For example:
t = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]
F(t, 2) = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
EDIT: I probably should have made it more clear. Is there a solution where I can do some algebraic operations on the entire array to get the desired result, without iterating over it?
So, I'm wondering if I can do something like: F(t, x) = t op x ?
In Python (t is a numpy.array) it could be:
(t * -1) % x or something...
EDIT2: I found out that the identity function I(t[i] == x) is acceptable to use as an algebraic operation. Sorry, I did not know about identity functions.
There's a very simple solution to this that doesn't require most of the restrictions you place upon the domain. Just create a new array of the same size, loop through and test for equality between the element in the array and the value you want to compare against. When they're the same, set the corresponding element in the new array to 1. Otherwise, set it to 0. The actual implementation depends on the language you're working with, but should be fairly simple.
If we do take into account your domain, you can introduce a couple of optimisations. If you start with an array of zeroes, you only need to fill in the ones. You know you don't need to start checking until the (n - 1)th element, where n is the value you're comparing against, because there must be at least one of the numbers 1 to n in increasing order. If you don't have to start at 1, you can still start at (n - start). Similarly, if you haven't come across it at array[n - 1], you can jump n - array[n - 1] more elements. You can repeat this, skipping most of the elements, as much as you need to until you either hit the right value or the end of the list (if it's not in there at all).
After you finish dealing with the value you want, there's no need to check the rest of the array, as you know it'll always be increasing. So you can stop early too.
A simple method (with C# code) is to simply iterate over the sequence and test it, returning either 1 or 0.
foreach (int element in sequence)
if (element == myValue)
yield return 1;
yield return 0;
(Written using LINQ)
sequence.Select(elem => elem == myValue ? 1 : 0);
A dichotomy algorithm can quickly locate the range where t[x] = n making such a function of sub-linear complexity in time.
Are you asking for a readymade c++, java API or are you asking for an algorithm? Or is this homework question?
I see the simple algorithm for scanning the array from start to end and comparing with each. If equals then put as 1 else put as 0. Anyway to put the elements in the array you will have to access each element of the new array atleast one. So overall approach will be O(1).
You can certainly reduce the comparison by starting a binary search. Once you find the required number then simply go forward and backward searching for the same number.
Here is a java method which returns a new array.
public static int[] sequence(int[] seq, int number)
int[] newSequence = new int[seq.length];
for ( int index = 0; index < seq.length; index++ )
if ( seq[index] == number )
newSequence[index] = 1;
newSequence[index] = 0;
return newSequence;
I would initialize an array of zeroes, then do a binary search on the sequence to find the first element that fits your criteria, and only start setting 1's from there. As soon as you have a not equal condition, stop.
Here is a way to do it in O(log n)
>>> from bisect import bisect
>>> def f(t, n):
... i = bisect(t,n-1)
... j = bisect(t,n,lo=i) - i
... return [0]*i+[1]*j+[0]*(len(t)-j-i)
>>> t = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4]
>>> print f(t, 2)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
