Rocket.Chat chat-ops integrations? -

The readme mentions fly-in panel integration and has a sample screenshot -
Is there documentation anywhere to help get started with a fly-in panel chatops integration like that google maps example?

The chatops package was very much added as a proof of concept to show off the kind of customization that could be done in the Rocket.Chat code base.
If you would like to play around with it. You can goto the .meteor/packages file and uncomment the rocketchat:chatops package. Currently on line 138
The code for it can be found here
You will need to clone the source code as well as run meteor to get up and going.
In the future we will have that ability to do this sort of thing with out needing to edit the source code.


How to run Microsoft Teams sample app in debug mode

I am using this app
It works fine.
I wish to extend the functionality - specifically in auth.js - so I need to be able to run it in Debug mode.
I have tried for some time but have no success getting a breakpoint hit. I use the instructions at as guidance but have no success. (In particular I don't have 'Debug (Chrome)' or same for Edge available as a config in VS Code.
Can anyone point to guidance on this please or perhaps advise if I need a specific launch.json config
Update – the Teams sample code I was using comes from
They run fine but I had no success getting them to debug. Any search for ‘Teams samples’ is going to find those first!
The repo linked from the ‘Samples’ button of the VS Code Teams Toolkit is at and works as the article above describes.
As for why there are 2 sets of official samples, not cross referenced … go figure.
Hope that helps someone.

Hyperledger composer generator: Trying to copy from a source that doesn't exist (no concepts support for Angular)

I have a composer-rest-server running on localhost:3000. To go with that, I tried to generate an Angular 2 app using yo hyperledger-composer. My business network models also have a abstract concept Spray{...} present.
I believe the documentation is outdated as I was presented with slightly different options than on the documentation. After choosing Angular and following through the steps, I got an
AssertionError: Trying to copy from source that does not exist ... /concept/concept.component.ts
Based on some quick google searches, I was able to find this issue on their Github - however in my case, I am not even able to build the Angular app so I don't even get to the compilation stage.
Is there any way to build the app right now where it's at?
I've created a Github issue explaining steps to reproduce this and also included a hacky fix which is to comment out the lines in the generator code which copy over the concept files.
Link -

Autocomplete + suggest search bar for nodejs express framework, using a mongodb database

I'm looking for an example to go off on how to setup a search bar for a project I'm working on.
I've got a mongodb database and am using nodejs with the express framework.
I'd like to have autocomplete and suggest functionality for the search bar.
I've had a look at typeahead.js but am overwhelmed by how to implement it. If anyone knows of a place to find a working version (that I can upload to my dev environment and take apart) or has the time to run be through it step by step, I'd be very grateful.
Alternatively if there is a much easier to achieve what I want to do, let me know.
Thanks in advance.
My recent research has shown a blog post that might be of help.
Sorry for the brevity, unfortunately I am of novice level with node.js so I don't want to submit code directly on here as I cannot confirm it has been tested and will work.
The link above does look like it will work and has been vetted on the original article post as functional. As a general example I believe this will definitely lead you in the right direction to a functioning search bar with the functionality you require.
Note this doesn't implement typeahead.js but works in a similar fashion.

What IDE to use to start contributing code for CKEditor?

It's my first question here on stackoverflow so please be easy on me.
I've been trying to set up the source for CKEditor so I can start contributing to this editor. I have followed this link:!/guide/dev_contributing_code but I got stuck on step 4 as I haven't got the following file: bender.js. I also need something called gruntfile for step 5. Do you know where I can get them from as when I fork, the following project does not come with them. Also, what IDE do I need to use to develop code? Sorry, for this question as it might seem a bit stupid but I come from the Java background and Node.js is really new to me, therefore I'm struggling a bit here.
Thanks for any help
There are no requirements regarding IDE, at the end it's all just text.
Regarding your problems: Make sure you're forking ckeditor-dev, and not ckeditor-releases repository. Only dev repository contains all the helpers like gruntfile.
The gruntfile is there so if you cloned CKEditor repository, you must have it.
Then all you need to do is follow up the instructions of CKEditor contribution guide closesly, and you're good to go!

How do you create a project from scratch using, without using their skeletons?

I couldn't find any skeleton that suited my project and so I tried to start from scratch and create my own. But it wasn't before long that I was only scratching my head instead.
Could someone please explain how to start a new project in an empty folder and integrate it with Brunch, using just the terminal and a text editor?
Ideally I'm looking for a tutorial like this:, but with more detail at each step.
I suggest to take a look at dead-simple brunch, this is official skeleton which is maximally minimal.
Maybe still take it and add your own framework, lang plugins and stuff.
Or, you can re-create your own, by following the same path: add bower.json, brunch-config and package.json. That's it, I guess.
Going through the dead-simple skeleton helped me understand how Brunch works but I couldn't fire any of my custom js. But I finally, got it... add this code to the brunch-config file to execute all your js files as expected.
definition: false
wrapper: false
Not sure why this isn't the default behaviour or why it isn't explicitly mentioned anywhere. I spent ages sifting through the net to get this answer.
Have a look at this part of the documentation:
