Can Hive deal with binary data? - hadoop

Can Hive deal with unstructured data .
If we are having image file in oracle database and we have to run sqoopout to load that image from oracle to another source database and export as well in hive table.
Could you please help me on same how to handled that image file in hive?????

Your Oracle data is probably stored as BLOB.
In Hive it should be stored as BINARY.
Here is an Hortonworks article demonsrating sqoop import of oracle blob into hive
Here is an example for processing of binary type using Hive UDF


How to retain datatypes when importing data from Oracle to HDFS using sqoop?

We are using sqoop to import data from Oracle to HDFS.
In HDFS we are creating an avro file.
Issue we are facing is that, date is being converted to long and all other datatypes are being converted to string.
Is there any way to preserve the datatypes, when importing data using sqoop?

What is the best way to store Blob data type in a Hive table, as a string or Binary?

What is the best way to store Blob data type in a Hive table, as a string or Binary?
We have archived RDBMS table into Hive using Sqoop. Which is having a column of type BLOB, So in Hive we kept in Binary. But We are not able to read the binary content into PDF or any document. So Do we have any possibility to read that Hive binary data as a document?
Storing BLOB data into Hive Binary is recommendable approach or do we have any other ways?
Is there any Big data Component like HBase,Cassandra will support BLOB types?
It is better to use HIVE binary to store blob data into HIVE. You can follow the below link Import blob from oracle to HIVE
You can also use Cassandra or parallel nosql to store the blob data. Again it's based on your use case whether to chose HIVE or nosql databases.

Where does the Hive data gets stored?

I am a little confused on where does the hive stores it's data.
Does it stores it's data in HDFS or in a RDBMS ??
Does Hive Meta store uses a RDBMS to store the hive tables metadata ??
Thanks in Advance !!
Hive data are stored in one of Hadoop compatible filesystem: S3, HDFS or other compatible filesystem.
Hive metadata are stored in RDBMS like MySQL, see supported RDBMS.
The location of Hive tables data in S3 or HDFS can be specified for both managed and external tables.
The difference between managed and external tables is that DROP TABLE statement, in managed table, will drop the table and delete table's data. Whereas, for external table DROP TABLE will drop only the table and data will remain as is and can be used for creating other tables over it.
See details here: Create/Drop/Truncate Table
Here is the answer to your question. But I will suggest you to read hive books or apache hive site for better understanding.
Does it stores it's data in HDFS or in a RDBMS ?? - The Data for HIVE is always stored in HDFS. For managed tables the data is stored in hive warehouse by default which is a directory in HDFS. For HIVE External table user can specify the location anywhere in HDFS.
Does Hive Meta store uses a RDBMS to store the hive tables metadata ?? - Yes HIVE uses RDBMS to store the metadata.

Questions about Hive

I have this environment:
Haddop environment (1 master, 4 slaves) with several applications:
ambari, hue, hive, sqoop, hdfs ... Server in production (separate
from hadoop) with mysql database.
My goal is:
Optimize the queries made on this mysql server that are slow to
execute today.
What did I do:
I imported the mysql data to HDFS using Sqoop.
My doubts:
I can not make selects direct in HDFS using Hive?
Do I have to load the data into Hive and make the queries?
If new data is entered into the mysql database, what is the best way
to get this data and insert it into HDFS and then insert it into
Hive again? (Maybe in real time)
Thank you in advance
I can not make selects direct in HDFS using Hive?
You can. Create External Table in hive specifying your hdfs location. Then you can perform any HQL over it.
Do I have to load the data into Hive and make the queries?
In case of external table, you don't need to load data in hive; your data resides in the same HDFS directory.
If new data is entered into the mysql database, what is the best way to get this data.
You can use Sqoop Incremental Import for this. It will fetch only newly added/updated data (depending upon incremental mode). You can create a sqoop job and schedule it as per your need.
You can try Impala which is much faster than Hive in case of SQL queries. You need to define tables most probably specifying some delimiter, storage format and where the data is stored on HDFS (I don't know what kind of data are you storing). Then you can write SQL queries which will take the data from HDFS.
I have no experience with real-time data ingestion from relational databases, however you can try scheduling Sqoop jobs with cron.

How to transfer data & metadata from Hive to RDBMS

There are more than 300 tables in my hive environment.
I want to export all the tables from Hive to Oracle/MySql including metadata.
My Oracle database doesn't have any tables corresponding to these Hive tables.
Sqoop import from Oracle to Hive creates tables in Hive if the table doesn't exists.But Sqoop export from Hive to Oracle doesn't create table if not exists and fails with an exception.
Is there any option in Sqoop to export metadata also? or
Is there any other Hadoop tool through which I can achieve this?
Thanks in advance
The feature you're asking for isn't in Spark. I don't know of a current hadoop tool which can do what you're asking either unfortunately. A potential workaround is using the "show create table mytable" statement in Hive. It will return the create table statements. You can parse this manually or pragmatically via awk and get the create tables in a file, then run this file against your oracle db. From there, you can use sqoop to populate the tables.
It won't be fun.
Sqoop can't copy metadata or create table in RDBMS on the basis of Hive table.
Table must be there in RDBMS to perform sqoop export.
Why is it so?
Mapping from RDBMS to Hive is easy because hive have only few datatypes(10-15). Mapping from multiple RDBMS datatypes to Hive datatype is easily achievable. But vice versa is not that easy. Typical RDBMS has 100s of datatypes (that too different in different RDBMS).
Also sqoop export is newly added feature. This feature may come in future.
