how to send minicom to background? - bash

I need to log some data from a serial device. So I would like to first call minicom with the & parameter:
minicom -D /dev/ttyXYZ -b 115200 -C logFile &
But taking a look to ps aux shows, that minicom had become a terminated zombie process:
edeviser 8835 0.0 0.0 19696 2628 pts/0 T 15:29 0:00 minicom -D /dev/ttyXYZ -b 115200 -C logFile
How to send minicom to background?
Further information:
I would like to send it to background because I'll need to trigger some actions after minicom has started to log the serial data to the logFile. Using cat /dev/ttyXYZ > logFile is no option, because I must specify the baudrate. Using a second terminal is also no option, because this work will be done by a bash script.

Have you tried:
nohup minicom -D /dev/ttyXYZ -b 115200 -C logFile &
I ran into the same issue when I was trying to convert movies with handbrake-cli.
nohup will background the task and push the output into a txt file called nohup.txt.


How can I make this bash xautolock script works?

H_i guys, I'm running Arch with i3 as WM, i3lock works fine when manually executed via keybinding, xautolock is ofc installed and the script is launched at startup ( when trying to manually launch it I get this message : " xautolock is already running (PID 1302)" but my screen never automatically locks
Here is the script :
exec xautolock -detectsleep \
-time 3 -locker "i3lock -d -c 000000" \
-notify 30 \
-notifier "notify-send -u critical -t 10000 -- 'LOCKING screen in 30 seconds'"
Thanks in advance.

Can't redirect rfcomm output to a file

I would like to redirect the output of rfcomm to a file in bash like
$ rfcomm watch hci0 > rfcomm.log &
$ rfcomm watch hci0 > rfcomm.log 2>&1 &
However rfcomm.log remains desparately empty.
If this program is writing to the tty directly then you can capture the output by invoking it via ssh with a pseudo-tty (-t). Try:
ssh -t localhost 'rfcomm watch hci0' > rfcomm.log

Execute simultaneous scripts on remote machines and wait until the process completes

The original idea was copy out a script to each IP address which would do a yum-install some RPMs and some configuration steps on each machine. Since the yum-install takes about 20 minutes, the hope was to do the install simultaneously on each machine then wait for all the spawned processes to finish before continuing.
for IP in IPS; do
scp -i $PEM /tmp/ ec2-user#IP:/tmp
ssh -i $PEM ec2-user#$IP chmod 777 /tmp/
for IP in IPS; do
ssh -t -i $PEM ec2-user#$IP sudo /tmp/ &
echo "IPS have been configured."
exit 0
Executing a remote sudo execute command in background on three IP addresses yields three error messages. Obviously, there's flaw in my logic.
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
All machines are CentOS 6.5
You need to tell ssh not to read from standard input
ssh -n -t root#host "sleep 100" &
Here's an example
drao#darkstar:/tmp$ cat a
ssh -n -t me#host1 "sleep 100" &
ssh -n -t me#host2 "sleep 100" &
darkstar:/tmp$ . ./a
Mon May 16 15:32:16 CEST 2016
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
[1]- Done ssh -n -t me#host1 "sleep 100"
[2]+ Done ssh -n -t me#host2 "sleep 100"
Mon May 16 15:33:57 CEST 2016
That waited in all 101 seconds. Obviously I've the ssh keys so I did not get prompted fro the password.
But looking at your output it looks like sudo on the remote machine is failing ... you might not even need -n.
just to push some devopsy doctrine on you.
Ansible does this amazingly well.

Why docker exec is killing nohup process on exit?

I have running docker ubuntu container with just a bash script inside. I want to start my application inside that container with docker exec like that:
docker exec -it 0b3fc9dd35f2 ./
Inside main script I want to run another application with nohup as this is a long running application:
nohup ./ &
#with this strange sleep the script is working
#sleep 1
echo `date` finish main >> /status.log
The script is as follow (for simplicity it is a dummy script):
sleep 10
echo `date` finish java >> /status.log
The problem is that is killed immediately after docker exec returns. The question is why?
The only solution I found out is to add some dummy sleep 1 into the first script after nohup is started. Than second process is running fine. Do you have any ideas why it is like that?
Second solution is to add some echo or trap command to script just before sleep. Than it works fine. Unfortunately I cannot use this workaround as instead of this script I have java process.
This is not an answer, but I still don't have the required reputation to comment.
I don't know why the nohup doesn't work. But I did a workaround that worked, using your ideas:
docker exec -ti running_container bash -c 'nohup ./ &> output & sleep 1'
Okay, let's join two answers above :D
First rcmgleite say exactly right: use
options to run process as 'detached' background.
And second (the most important!) if you run detached process, you don't needed nohup!
cd /opt/git/app
git pull
python3 install
python3 -u >> nohup.out
Execute this inside a container
docker exec -itd container_name bash -c "/opt/scripts/"
Check it
$ docker attach container_name
$ ps aux
root 1 0.0 0.0 11768 1940 pts/0 Ss Aug31 0:00 /bin/bash
root 887 0.4 0.0 11632 1396 pts/1 Ss+ 02:47 0:00 /bin/bash /opt/scripts/deploy_app
root 932 31.6 0.4 235288 32332 pts/1 Sl+ 02:47 0:00 python3 -u
I know this is a late response but I will add it here for documentation reasons.
When using nohup on bash and running it with 'exec' on a docker container, you should use
$ docker exec -d 0b3fc9dd35f2 /bin/bash -c "./"
The -d option means:
-d, --detach Detached mode: run command in the
for more information about docker exec, see:
This should do the trick.

Is it possible to run two programs simultaneously or one after another using a bash or expect script?

I have basically two lines of code which are:
tcpdump -i eth0 -s 65535 -w - >/tmp/Captures
tshark -i /tmp/Captures -T pdml >results.xml
if I run them both in separate terminals it works fine.
However I've been trying to create a simple bash script that will execute them at the same time, but have had no luck. Bash script is as follows:
#! /bin/bash
tcpdump -i eth0 -s 65535 -w - >/tmp/Captures &
tshark -i /tmp/Captures -T pdml >results.xml &
If anyone could possibly help in getting this to work or getting it to "run tcpdump until a key is pressed, then run tshark. then when a key is pressed again close."
I have only a little bash scripting experience.
Do you need to run tcpdump and tshark separately? Using a pipe command will feed the output of tcpdump to the input of tshark.
tcpdump -i eth0 -s 65535 | tshark -T -pdml > results.xml
