Why docker exec is killing nohup process on exit? - bash

I have running docker ubuntu container with just a bash script inside. I want to start my application inside that container with docker exec like that:
docker exec -it 0b3fc9dd35f2 ./main.sh
Inside main script I want to run another application with nohup as this is a long running application:
nohup ./java.sh &
#with this strange sleep the script is working
#sleep 1
echo `date` finish main >> /status.log
The java.sh script is as follow (for simplicity it is a dummy script):
sleep 10
echo `date` finish java >> /status.log
The problem is that java.sh is killed immediately after docker exec returns. The question is why?
The only solution I found out is to add some dummy sleep 1 into the first script after nohup is started. Than second process is running fine. Do you have any ideas why it is like that?
Second solution is to add some echo or trap command to java.sh script just before sleep. Than it works fine. Unfortunately I cannot use this workaround as instead of this script I have java process.

This is not an answer, but I still don't have the required reputation to comment.
I don't know why the nohup doesn't work. But I did a workaround that worked, using your ideas:
docker exec -ti running_container bash -c 'nohup ./main.sh &> output & sleep 1'

Okay, let's join two answers above :D
First rcmgleite say exactly right: use
options to run process as 'detached' background.
And second (the most important!) if you run detached process, you don't needed nohup!
cd /opt/git/app
git pull
python3 setup.py install
python3 -u webui.py >> nohup.out
Execute this inside a container
docker exec -itd container_name bash -c "/opt/scripts/deploy_app.sh"
Check it
$ docker attach container_name
$ ps aux
root 1 0.0 0.0 11768 1940 pts/0 Ss Aug31 0:00 /bin/bash
root 887 0.4 0.0 11632 1396 pts/1 Ss+ 02:47 0:00 /bin/bash /opt/scripts/deploy_app
root 932 31.6 0.4 235288 32332 pts/1 Sl+ 02:47 0:00 python3 -u webui.py

I know this is a late response but I will add it here for documentation reasons.
When using nohup on bash and running it with 'exec' on a docker container, you should use
$ docker exec -d 0b3fc9dd35f2 /bin/bash -c "./main.sh"
The -d option means:
-d, --detach Detached mode: run command in the
for more information about docker exec, see:
This should do the trick.


Why is Bash handling child processes different compared to Sh

The tini init-process, used in Docker, mentions that process group killing is not activated by default and gives the following example:
docker run krallin/ubuntu-tini sh -c 'sleep 10'
If I run this, and press Ctrl-C immediately after, I indeed have to wait for 10 seconds till the child process exits.
However, if instead of sh I used bash:
docker run krallin/ubuntu-tini bash -c 'sleep 10'
and press Ctrl-C, the process exits immediately.
Why do sh (which is symlinked to dash) and bash behave differently towards this child process?
And how does Bash kill the child process, I thought Bash does not propagate signals by default?
Answered thanks to chepner and Charles Duffy:
bash -c has an implicit optimization where it uses exec to replace itself if possible. sh (dash) does not have this optimization. See also this observation.
To verify:
Process tree using bash:
❯ docker run --name test --rm --detach krallin/ubuntu-tini bash -c 'sleep 60'
❯ docker exec test ps axfo pid,ppid,args
1 0 /usr/bin/tini -- bash -c sleep 60
7 1 sleep 60
Process tree using sh:
❯ docker run --name test --rm --detach krallin/ubuntu-tini sh -c 'sleep 60'
❯ docker exec test ps axfo pid,ppid,args
1 0 /usr/bin/tini -- sh -c sleep 60
7 1 sh -c sleep 60
8 7 \_ sleep 60

Unable to Find Entrypoint For Nextcloud (Alpine-based Version) For a Cron Container

I'm using Docker with Rancher v1.6, setting up a Nextcloud stack.
I would like to use a dedicated container for running cron tasks every 15 minutes.
The "normal" Nextcloud Docker image can simply use the following:
entrypoint: |
bash -c 'bash -s <<EOF
trap "break;exit" SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM
while /bin/true; do
su -s "/bin/bash" -c "/usr/local/bin/php /var/www/html/cron.php" www-data
echo $$(date) - Running cron finished
sleep 900
(Pulled from this GitHub post)
However, the Alpine-based image does not have bash, and so it cannot be used.
I found this script in the list of examples:
set -eu
exec busybox crond -f -l 0 -L /dev/stdout
However, I cannot seem to get that working with my docker-compose.yml file.
I don't want to use an external file, just to have the script entirely in the docker-compose.yml file, to make preparation and changes a bit easier.
Thank you!

How to check if docker daemon is running?

I am trying to create a bash utility script to check if a docker daemon is running in my server.
Is there a better way of checking if the docker daemon is running in my server other than running a code like this?
ps -ef | grep docker
root 1250 1 0 13:28 ? 00:00:04 /usr/bin/dockerd --selinux-enabled
root 1598 1250 0 13:28 ? 00:00:00 docker-containerd -l unix:///var/run/docker/libcontainerd/docker-containerd.sock --shim docker-containerd-shim --metrics-interval=0 --start-timeout 2m --state-dir /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/containerd --runtime docker-runc
root 10997 10916 0 19:47 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto docker
I would like to create a bash shell script that will check if my docker daemon is running. If it is running then do nothing but if it is not then have the docker daemon started.
My pseudocode is something like this. I am thinking of parsing the output of my ps -ef but I just would like to know if there is a more efficient way of doing my pseudocode.
if(docker is not running)
run docker
I am no linux expert and I just need to do this utility on my own environment.
I made a little Script (Mac Osx) to ensure Docker is running by checking the exit code of docker stats.
#Open Docker, only if is not running
if (! docker stats --no-stream ); then
# On Mac OS this would be the terminal command to launch Docker
open /Applications/Docker.app
#Wait until Docker daemon is running and has completed initialisation
while (! docker stats --no-stream ); do
# Docker takes a few seconds to initialize
echo "Waiting for Docker to launch..."
sleep 1
#Start the Container..
This works for me on Ubuntu
$ systemctl status docker
You have a utility called pgrep on almost all the Linux systems.
You can just do:
pgrep -f docker > /dev/null || echo "starting docker"
Replace the echo command with your docker starting command.
if curl -s --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http/_ping 2>&1 >/dev/null
echo "Running"
echo "Not running"
Ref: Docker api v1.28
The following works on macOS and on Windows if git bash is installed. On macOS open /Applications/Docker.app would start the docker deamon. Haven't seen anything similar for Windows however.
## check docker is running at all
## based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22009364/is-there-a-try-catch-command-in-bash
## will throw an error if the docker daemon is not running and jump
## to the next code chunk
docker ps -q
} || {
echo "Docker is not running. Please start docker on your computer"
echo "When docker has finished starting up press [ENTER} to continue"
You can simply:
docker version > /dev/null 2>&1
The exit code of that command will be stored to $? so you can check if it's 0, then docker is running.
docker version will exit 1 if daemon is not running. If other issues are encountered, such as docker not being installed at all, the exit code will vary.
But in the end of the day, if docker is installed and daemon is running, the exit code will be 0.
The 2>&1 will redirect stderr to stdout and > /dev/null will redirect stdout to /dev/null practically silencing the output no matter what was the result of the execution.
You could also just check for the existence of /var/run/docker.pid.
Following #madsonic, I went for the following
if (! docker stats --no-stream 2>/dev/null); then
# On Mac OS this would be the terminal command to launch Docker
open /Applications/Docker.app
echo -n "Waiting for Docker to launch"
sleep 1
# Wait until Docker daemon is running and has completed initialisation
while (! docker stats --no-stream >/dev/null 2>&1); do
# Docker takes a few seconds to initialize
echo -n "."
sleep 1
echo "Docker started"
A function could looks so:
isRunning {
`ps -ef | grep "[d]ocker" | awk {'print $2'}`
I created a script to start, stop, restart a mongodb-server.
You only need to change some path inside the scripts, and i also works for you:
I'm sure you want to start the docker daemon so here's the code to start it before executing your Docker run statement:
sudo systemctl start docker

"bash -c" vs. "dash -c"

dash -c behaves differently from bash -c:
docker run -it ubuntu /bin/dash -c ps
1 ? 00:00:00 sh
7 ? 00:00:00 ps
docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash -c ps
1 ? 00:00:00 ps
Is there an explanation for this difference?
bash has an optimisation where the very last command in a script implicitly gets executed with exec. dash recently gained this optimisation as well, but not yet in the version you're using. You'll see the same behaviour with bash -c 'exec ps' and dash -c 'exec ps'.

Bash script to get into a running container and then run another bash script from that container

I have a shell script which runs as follows :
image_id=$(docker ps -a | grep postgres | awk -F' ' '{print $1}')
full_id=$(docker ps -a --no-trunc -q | grep $image_id)
docker exec -i -t $full_id bash
When I run this from the base linux OS, I expect to actually enter the postgres container which is a running container. But the issue is that the shell script hangs on 3rd line during ' docker exec' step.
My end goal is using the bash script, enter a running postgres container and run another bash script inside that container.
However the same command when I run it from command line, it works fine and gets me into the postgres container.
Please help, I have spent hours and hours to solve this but no progress.
Thanks again
Your setup is a bit more complex than it needs to be.
Docker ps can filter containers directly with the --filter= option
docker ps --no-trunc --quiet --filter="ancestor=postgres"
You can also --name containers when you run them which will be less fraught with danger than the script you are attempting
docker run --detach --name postgres_whatever postgres
docker exec -ti postgres_whatever bash
I'm not sure that your script is hanging as opposed to sitting there waiting for input. Try running a command directly
Using naming
#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker exec postgres_whatever echo "I have run the test"
When run
$ ./exec_test.sh
I have run the test
Without naming
#!/usr/bin/env bash
id=$(docker ps --no-trunc --quiet --filter="ancestor=postgres")
[ -z "$id" ] && echo "no id" && exit 1
docker exec "${id}" echo "I have run the test"
When run
$ ./exec_filter_test.sh
I have run the test
