Fali to use getAppliedStereotype to get id and name of requirement - acceleo

In Eclipse, Using Papyrus neon and Acceleo 3.7 for SysML 1.4 diagram, the getAppliedStereotype()returns null.
The modules are
[module generate('http://www.eclipse.org/uml2/5.0.0/UML',
I have added the following code in the generate.java but still cannot work
Map<URI, URI> uriMap = resourceSet.getURIConverter().getURIMap();
// UML2 profiles
URI uri = URI.createURI("platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resources");
uriMap.put(URI.createURI(UMLResource.LIBRARIES_PATHMAP), uri.appendSegment("libraries").appendSegment(""));
uriMap.put(URI.createURI(UMLResource.METAMODELS_PATHMAP), uri.appendSegment("metamodels").appendSegment(""));
uriMap.put(URI.createURI(UMLResource.PROFILES_PATHMAP), uri.appendSegment("profiles").appendSegment(""));
// SysML profiles
uri = URI.createURI("platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.papyrus.sysml14");
uriMap.put(URI.createURI(SysMLResource.LIBRARIES_PATHMAP), uri.appendSegment("librairies").appendSegment(""));
uriMap.put(URI.createURI("pathmap://SysML14_PROFILES/"), uri.appendSegment("model").appendSegment(""));
The code like c.getAppliedStereotypes() returns null. I want to get the information of a requirement like the following code which returns nothing because of the getAppliedStereotype operation:
[for (re : uml::Class | uml::Class.allInstances()->select(cl : uml::Class | cl.getAppliedStereotype('SysML::Requirements::Requirement') <> null))]
Modellpfad : [re.qualifiedName/]
Id : [re.getValue(re.getAppliedStereotype('SysML::Requirements::Requirement'), 'id')/]
Text : [re.getValue(re.getAppliedStereotype('SysML::Requirements::Requirement'), 'text')/]

Well, if none of your model elements have an applied stereotype, you will find no classes or objects. Thus, when you try to print the applied stereotype of all elements with an applied stereotype without first ensuring that the list is itself not null, you will fail.


Use one version of java library or another => make code compatible for both

I'm working on a Spring Boot project built with Gradle and the main language is Kotlin.
In this project, there is one imported library (developed in Java) which, depending on the version I use, has 5 or 6 parameters in the constructor of a specific class I use.
For now, I switch between the versions manually by changing the version number in the build.gradle.kts file so my question would be : regardless of the version I use, how could my code work for all the versions ?
So, basically,
library-version1.jar => Class(6 parameters)
library-version2.jar => Class(5 parameters)
project with library-version1.jar or library-version2.jar imported => universal code to create instance of Class
P.S : may I add that I have to use those 2 versions of the library.
I found the solution for my initial question :
val yourVariable = YourClass::class.java
val constructor = yourVariable.constructors[0] //The class I use has only one constructor
val implementationVersion = yourVariable.`package`.implementationVersion
if (implementationVersion < "a specific version number") {
constructor.newInstance(6 parameters) as YourClass
} else {
constructor.newInstance(5 parameters) as YourClass
But now I have a follow-up question that you can find in the comments (I can still post it here though) :
In my build.gradle.kts file, I have this line in my dependencies :
dependencies {
Obviously, I don't want to switch between myLibrary v1 and v2 manually. Just by changing the build.gradle.kts file, would it be possible to have :
build.gradle.kts -> appV1 (if myLibrary v1 used)
-> appV2 (if myLibrary v2 used)

Django Rest Framework: Creating a serializer with a ListField causes circular dependency error

I am new to Django and Rest Framework. I'm following the documentation on serializers and am trying to create a ListField (https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/fields/#listfield)
and when I do I get a nasty circular import error
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The included URLconf 'api.urls' does not appear to have any patterns in it. If you see valid patterns in the file then the issue is probably caused by a circular import.
My serializers file appears as:
class CapacitySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
planeIds = serializers.ListField(
planeId = serializers.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=10)
passangerNums = serializers.ListField(
passangerNum = serializers.IntegerField(min_value=0)
litersPerMinute = serializers.FloatField(required=False)
minutesOfFlight = serializers.FloatField(required=False)
The code would work if I simply left the code as:
class CapacitySerializer(serializers.Serializer):
planeId = serializers.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=10)
passangerNum = serializers.IntegerField(min_value=0)
litersPerMinute = serializers.FloatField(required=False)
minutesOfFlight = serializers.FloatField(required=False)
Any idea why this error is being thrown?
Additionally If I expect my data to be lists of planeIds and passengerNums is this not a good way to go about it?
The documentation linked required the use of the child parameter. Child is required and not a placeholder name

Acceleo java wrapping service doesn't take complex parameter - Invalid result for expression self.invoke

I can't call a java wrapping service in Acceleo because it doesn't recognize parameters type. This is my simple test code: the main calls a query stored in Services.mtl, that calls the java service that just return the name of an object "Send"
[file ('system.P', false, 'UTF-8')]
[for (t : Send | aSystemBehavior.transitions)) ]
[query public getName(arg0 : Send) : String
= invoke('myPackage.Services', 'getName(myPackage.Send)', Sequence{arg0})
public class Services
public String getName(Send t)
{return t.getName();}
The Error Log shows:
Invalid result for expression
'getName(myPakage.Send)', Sequence {arg0}) at line 0 in
Module services for query getName(Send). Last recorded value of self
was org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.DynamicEObjectImpl#1f00eb36 (eClass:
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EClassImpl#2c2aade3 (name: Send)
(instanceClassName: null) (abstract: false, interface: false)).
Problem found while generating the file system.P'.
If I use a String as parameter type instead of Send, everything works fine.
Does the package containing the service "Services" has been exported? If not, open the file MANIFEST.MF, go in the runtime tab and add its package to the list of exported packages. Are you sure that your "Send" object has a name? This message only indicates that null was returned by the query getName.
I don't have anymore this problem... I created a new Acceleo project from scratch, and it works. I am not sure what was the problem... maybe it's something about che choice of metamodels to import during the creation of the Module (I have to choose between run-tim and develop-time metamodel).

wsadmin: How to inspect existing resource references?

With $AdminApp view <applicationName> -MapResRefToEJB it is possible to list the resource references defined for a deployed EJB module. However, the result of that command is plain text (that in addition may be localized). To extract that information one would have to parse this text, which is not very convenient. Is there a way to get the same information (i.e. the resources references of an application) in a structured form using $AdminConfig?
The AppManagement MBean provides this data in a structured format (Vector of AppDeploymentTasks). To obtain this data using wsadmin scripting (jython):
import javax.management as mgmt
appName = sys.argv[0]
appMgmt = mgmt.ObjectName(AdminControl.completeObjectName("WebSphere:*,type=AppManagement"))
appInfo = AdminControl.invoke_jmx(appMgmt, "getApplicationInfo", [appName, java.util.Hashtable(), None], ["java.lang.String", "java.util.Hashtable", "java.lang.String"])
for task in appInfo :
if (task.getName() == "MapResRefToEJB") :
resRefs = task.getTaskData()
# skip the first row since it contains the headers
for i in range(1, len(resRefs)) :
resRef = resRefs[i]
print "URI:", resRef[4]
print "EJB:", resRef[3]
print "Name:", resRef[5]
print "Type:", resRef[6]
print "JNDI:", resRef[8]

Ruby libxml: format XMLParser to expand closing tags [duplicate]

libxml2 (for C) is not preserving empty elements in their original form on a save. It replaces <tag></tag> with <tag/> which is technically correct but causes problems for us.
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseFile("myfile.xml");
xmlNodePtr root = xmlSaveFile("mynewfile.xml", doc);
I've tried playing with the various options (using xlmReadFile) but none seem to affect the output. One post here mentioned disabling tag compression but the example was for PERL and I've found no analog for C.
Is there an option to disable this behavior?
Just found this enum in the xmlsave module documentation:
Enum xmlSaveOption {
XML_SAVE_FORMAT = 1 : format save output
XML_SAVE_NO_DECL = 2 : drop the xml declaration
XML_SAVE_NO_EMPTY = 4 : no empty tags
XML_SAVE_NO_XHTML = 8 : disable XHTML1 specific rules
XML_SAVE_XHTML = 16 : force XHTML1 specific rules
XML_SAVE_AS_XML = 32 : force XML serialization on HTML doc
XML_SAVE_AS_HTML = 64 : force HTML serialization on XML doc
XML_SAVE_WSNONSIG = 128 : format with non-significant whitespace
Maybe you can refactor your application to use this module for serialization, and play a little with these options. Specially with XML_SAVE_NO_EMPTY.
Your code may look like this:
xmlSaveCtxt *ctxt = xmlSaveToFilename("mynewfile.xml", "UTF-8", XML_SAVE_FORMAT | XML_SAVE_NO_EMPTY);
if (!ctxt || xmlSaveDoc(ctxt, doc) < 0 || xmlSaveClose(ctxt) < 0)
//...deal with the error
