Laravel 4.2 method not allowed SSL POST - laravel

But the same thing is working in http POST
and all GET URL also working only form POST SSL not working?
Any clue?


Laravel 5 get response header

I need to get the Http response Link Header from a Shopify orders http request. Unfortunately, the application is still using Laravel 5.1 and not the latest version.
(I believe) The call is being made using Custom HTTP Requests with some docs on this page:
This is the call being made that returns order data but no other info.
This returns a response variable, but I do not know how to return any headers from this response.

How do I convert Gitpod's Root url to https?

I'm using Gitpod for my laravel application. Although the frontend is working perfectly, I cannot save data to my mysql database(gives me 405 method error whenever I signup). I tried to investigate this issue and found out that Gitpod is using "http" for submitting my form. But the client's URL is in https (https://8000-***** How do I change the form submission action to "https" so it would match the URL?

Laravel api returns 401(guzzle http client and php curl)

I am implementing laravel api with 'api_token' method.
API working fine in POSTMAN REST CLIENT and core php curl request.
But i tried to get response in laravel app using Guzzle Http client and native curl method. Both request returns 401 unauthenticated. i used same api_token which i was used to test in postman rest client. Any idea?
Note: Its not a CORS problem.
Its happen because of app cache.
Just cache:clear and config:cache will resolve this problem!

Laravel 5 AngularJS CORS issue

Folks i am new to Laravel and trying to do Authentication from AngularJS for which i need to set-up CORS in Laravel 5.
Tried setting-up CORS middleware.
Tried setting-up:
Tried putting CORS headers in index.php
None of the above solutions works for me please if someone can just guide me a little.
Much appreciated.
If you get CORS exception error in browser, it may because of another exception. with laravel-cors package if your application excepted any exception, CORS exception throwed.
Check your laravel.log file for more details

django-rest-framework: how to allow http PUT to succeed

I have a startup django-rest-framework app, which I'm using to serve data to another Django app
I have no issues with GET, POST, and DELETE, but when I issue a PUT - I get 405
What can I do to fix that?
if I'm remembering well, I has the same issue. Following the tutorial of django-rest-framework I noticed that pressing PUT botton request and monitoring network tab of chrome developer tools it did a POST request instead of PUT request.
Maybe '405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED' error message caused by request without '/' at the end of the url.
Not working
If not, check how you request it. It's similar to request DELETE method.
This is an example I've just testing using PAW http client application
PUT Method request screenshot
PUT Method request result screenshot
