path param in URL in GO without any web framework - go

While developing a REST api in Go, how can we use path params? meaning to say what will be the format of the URI?
I tried using something like this to create the route but the handler function is not getting invoked.
Please note that, i intent to use only the net/http package , not any other web framework like gorilla mux.

What I tend to do is nested handlers. "/" is handled by the root handler. It pops the first part of the path, assigns the rest back to req.URL.Path (effectively acting like StripPrefix), determines which handler handles routes by that prefix (if any), then chains the appropriate handler. If that handler needs to parse an ID out of the path, it can, by the same mechansim - pop the first part of the path, parse it as necessary, then act.
This not only has no external dependencies, but it is faster than any router could ever be, because the routing is hard-coded rather than dynamic. Unless routing changes at runtime (which would be pretty unusual), there is no need for routing to be handled dynamically.

Well this is why people use frameworks like gin-gonic because this is not easy to do this in the net/http package IIUC.
Otherwise, you would need to strings.Split(r.URL.Path, "/") and work from those elements.

With net/http the following would trigger when calling localhost:8080/myapp/foo/entries/bar
http.HandleFunc("/myapp/", yourHandlerFunction)
Then inside yourHandlerFunction, manually parse r.URL.Path to find foo and bar.
Note that if you don't add a trailing / it won't work. The following would only trigger when calling localhost:8080/myapp:
http.HandleFunc("/myapp", yourHandlerFunction)


Why I put the DELETE router after GET, the DELETE endpoint did not get triggered

I was creating restful API with Golang and I put the delete router after the getOne router by index, and the delete router never got triggered? I don't know why? When I reverse them, it works!
Can someone know the reason??
This is for Building Restful API with Golang.
Not works:
myRouter.HandleFunc("/article", createNewArticle).Methods("POST")
myRouter.HandleFunc("/article/{id}", getOneArticle)
myRouter.HandleFunc("/article/{id}", deleteArticle).Methods("DELETE")
myRouter.HandleFunc("/article", createNewArticle).Methods("POST")
myRouter.HandleFunc("/article/{id}", deleteArticle).Methods("DELETE")
myRouter.HandleFunc("/article/{id}", getOneArticle)
When I test the api using postman with DELETE methods, it always trigger the getOneArticle and respond with the delete item, but did not actually delete in the database!
You're using gorilla/mux. When an HTTP request comes in, this router tries to match routes in the order in which you add them.
When you add the route without specifying an HTTP method, it applies to all HTTP methods.
So, if your more specific route matching the DELETE method comes first, then it will match DELETE method calls, and the next route will match all methods. While it would match DELETE also, an actual DELETE call would never reach it because of the route preceding it.
But if you reverse them, the route which doesn't specify an HTTP method will match all methods, including DELETE.
Gorilla/mux matches the routes in an order in which you have defined them. Without specifying the Http Method it will match it no matter what you have selected from the postman i.e. GET, DELETE
for instance, you have a route /todo/1 and the method is not specified, It will run in case of GET, DELETE, POST and PUT.
Same route with method DELETE defined under the first one will never get triggered.

How can I have a parameter with slashes in gin url

I want to have a parameter with slashes in the router in gin.
From what I gathered I can do this by adding a wildcard to the URL. For example: /api/v0/files/*addr
But this approach doesn't work if I want to have the addr in the middle of the URL like /api/v0/*addr/files, and it returns this error:
catch-all routes are only allowed at the end of the path.
I was wondering whether there is another way of having it?
Seems that is a limitation of the Gin framework, as seen #
You could always invert the order and do a rewrite using a proxy and a regexp (i.e. /api/v0/*addr/files to /api/v0/files/*addr) or only accept methods ending with /files inside your handling function, but I'm afraid that is a hardcoded limitation of the Gin framework.

Laravel DELETE request as API

When you want to delete an item from the db, I know that you can use /resource/{id} and use the contrller#destroy action.
What is the advantage of passing a parameter in the URL as oppose to send a DELETE request and pass the parameter $id via an Input?
You can certainly do both, but the first method (using the dedicated /resource/{id} URL) is following the RESTFUL design pattern. Here is a very good video on that.
To highlight some important points:
We avoid verbs in URLs, unless they're used for very specific actions. We should try to use nouns instead if it's possible, so a url like /resource/deleteis not advisable.
When someone used to the REST way of communicating with an API uses 'DELETE' on the /resource url, he/she expects to delete ALL resources. If he/she uses it on /resource/{id}, then only that specific item should be removed.
Hope this made sense =)

Asp.Net Web Api - Change parameter name

In my team we have coding rule that requires that every function's parameter starts with prefix, e.g. *p_someParam*.
With Web Api if we want to request a GET function that takes two parameters, we should add those parameters like "...?p_firstParam=value1&p_secondParam=value2".
Is there some way to use in requests more user-friendly names, like someParam without prefix, that will automatically map to parameters in controller's action? Maybe there is some attribute to rename action parameters? I couldn't find any similar example.
Every clue is appreciated.
I think you looking for URL rewriting, in that you need to map the urls to config or programmatic nice article to follow, its in ASP.Net,

Symfony, action accessible by forward only

Is it possible to prevent direct access to an action in symfony. The action is only accessible by "forward" only. So basically, a way to see if the request is coming from another action.
I'm trying to achieve this because the first action handles plenty of verifications then if it fails, it stays on that action. If it succeed, it will forward to an appropriate action; this action needs to have safe inputs (validated from the first action). In order to keep the code DRY, the second action doesn't need to re-verify all the inputs again.
Then why not doing simply a private method? The second action is sort of a plugin, it's decided on the fly where it's going from the first one, that action has its own set of other future action/template. It makes more sense to simply forward instead of trying to handle plenty of cases that Symfony already takes care of.
There are multiple ways to achieve this.
1) Make sure your action isn't accessible by the routing. If you have wildcard routes this will be harder, but you can always add a route which would point the url for your action to a 404 page. Add something like this to your routing.yml:
url: /disabledController/disabledAction
params: { module: default, action: error404 }
2) Check the action stack upon executing your action. The action stack let's you know from which action you were redirected. You can access it within your action using $this->getController()->getActionStack(). If the getSize() is bigger than 1 (in a default configuration) you we're forwarded.
Use referrer parameter available in request
$request->getReferer() will give you full url of previous action
I'm curious why you're trying to achieve this. Are you looking to have multiple points of access that forward to this action? What if you simply defined a private method (which by default aren't web-accessible) and called it directly from another action?
