In the SceneKit editor, if I copy a node, either using copy-paste or via option-drag, the resulting node is somehow "linked" to the original. Attempting to modify this new node in any way other than position changes the attributes of the original as well. This is infuriating, how do I "unlink" a duplicated node from the original?
UPDATE: Per request, here is a video of the behavior I am describing:
By Apple documents
However, it also means that changes to the objects attached to one node will affect other nodes that share the same attachments.
When yor copiying node in editor it actually makes a clone node.
I am not aware about the default values of geometries, but if the geometry specified as shared then all the similar clones will get changed when you are changing one of them.
In your case you just have to click the Unshare button to let the clones to use a distinct copy of the geometry.
Which will not be affected by another node changes.
When I am trying to align two point clouds in meshlab, there is an error saying No successful arc among candidate Alignment arcs. And even though the point clouds after alignment can be seen in window, I cannot save it successfully. However I try, the ply file which I save always contains only the last layer, rather than all the layers. Dose the saving failure have something to do with the process error? How can I overcome this error? I work on Ubuntu 18.04 version.
Meshlab will only export one layer when you export to any output file format. If you have several layers that should be exported to same file you need to merge the layer with the filter Flatten visible layer.
To run this filter you can click with the right mouse button on the layer list, or find it in the menu Filter->Mesh Layer->Flatten visible layer
I have inserted one image in the tree body in one of my columns with
new TreeImagePainter(true, GUIHelper.getImage("right"), GUIHelper.getImage("right_down"), image);
in class TreeConfiguration, but I need to add one more image beside root rows.
Moreover I need to dynamicly obtain this image from some other class, where data is already read . As it turns out i can't because either this class is null or it is called later than it should. Could you guild me how to do that.
Kind Regards
The painting of the tree structure with node icons etc. is done by the IndentedTreeImagePainter. The TreeImagePainter is used as a decorator to the base painter for the content (typically text). If you need an additional icon you need to wrap the IndentedTreeImagePainter with another CellPainterDecorator.
Or in case the additional icon should be on the right of the tree icon, maybe the base painter can already be a CellPainterDecorator that combines both, an ImagePainter and a TextPainter.
If you only want to show that icon on root nodes, you will need some more customization, probably with a custom painter.
Sorry, I don't really understand your requirement.
I was thinking that you need a deformer to read the clusters etc to be able to get the original (usually T pose) position of the skeleton.
Also FBX supports poses etc but never had a file that implemented it.
But my surprise was that importing an fbx file into 3dsmax without any mesh inside if I uncheck "animation" I get the T pose.
Any idea about it?
Thank you in adavnce
FbxCluster has GetTransformMatrix and GetTransformLinkMatrix. The former returns the original transform of the bone (that should be used to initialize the skinning), and the latter the corresponding orientation of the skinned node. Additionally, the skin node can also have "geometric rotation". I don't think there's anything more than that.
I am trying to archive my SceneKit scene for saving using NSKeyedArchiver. This is so I can save the scene allowing me to restore it at a later date. I am finding that the restored scene seems to ignore/lose the SCNTransformConstraints I have added to various SCNNodes. This results is the nodes being placed in the wrong place.
I am wondering if this is by design or a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?
Any pointers would be appreciated.
SCNTransformConstraints works with a block provided by the client of the API. Blocks can't be archived with NSKeyedArchiver.
You need to archive another object instead that is be able to reconstruct the block and re-assign the transform constraint.
I have a graph with a network and a few histograms.
For the network, each node has a few properties with continuous value. The histograms are for node properties. Is there an easy way to highlight the node in the network, when users brush the histogram? Could I bind a dimension of the network data to the node class attribute "selectednode"?
I have checked dc.js, but it seems not support network graph.
Crossfilter isn't really built for highlighting, as filtering will remove the data outside the filter from the view of other dimensions and groups. It sounds like you don't want unselected network nodes to disappear, but rather want nodes with property values falling within the selection to be highlighted. I'd build either your histogram or your network directly based on unfiltered data (not based on the Crossfilter) and then whenever the brush event happens, re-render the network nodes, checking the current brush extent against the property values.
How about two crossfilters built from the same records? The filtering one (cfFilt) would work as expected with dimensions for everything that can be filtered. The highlighting filter (cfHigh) would have one dimension (based on a record id or an identity function, d=>d) that is filtered by inclusion in cfFilt.groupAll(), plus dimensions that filter anything that can be highlighted. (cfFilt().groupAll().reduce() will need to return records, not counts. I can say how in comments if anyone needs to know.)
So cfHigh.groupAll() returns the records that pass through all the filtering and all the highlighting.
An interesting (and otherwise hard to achieve) consequence of this approach is that if you highlight something, then a filter makes that thing disappear, and then that filter is removed and the thing comes back, it will stay highlighted as long as nothing came along to change the highlighting filter in the meantime.