What is the purpose of spring cloud stream instanceCount? - spring

In Spring cloud stream, what exactly is the usage of that property spring.cloud.stream.instanceCount?
I mean if that value become wrong because at a moment one or more micro services instances are down, how could this affect the behavior of our infrastructure?

instanceCount is used to partition data across different consumers. Having one or more services down should not really impact your producers, that's the job of the broker.
So let's say you have a source that sends data to 3 partitions, so you'd have instanceCount=3 and each instance would have it's own partition assigned via instanceIndex.
Each instance would be consuming data, but if instance 2 crashes, 0,1 would still be reading data from the partitions, and source would still be sending data as usual.
Assuming your platform has some sort of recoverability in place, your crashed instance should come back to life and resume it's operations.
What we still don't support is dynamic allocation of partitions on runtime, we are investigating this as a story for a future release.


Best way to track/trace a JSON Object (a time series data) as it flows through a system of microservices on a IOT platform

We are working on an IOT platform, which ingests many device parameter
values (time series) every second from may devices. Once ingested the
each JSON (batch of multiple parameter values captured at a particular
instance) What is the best way to track the JSON as it flows through
many microservices down stream in an event driven way?
We use spring boot technology predominantly and all the services are
Eg: Option 1 - Is associating UUID to each object and then updating
the states idempotently in Redis as each microservice processes it
ideal? Problem is each microservice will be tied to Redis now and we
have seen performance of Redis going down as number api calls to Redis
increase as it is single threaded (We can scale this out though).
Option 2 - Zipkin?
Note: We use Kafka/RabbitMQ to process the messages in a distributed
way as you mentioned here. My question is about a strategy to track
each of this message and its status (to enable replay if needed to
attain only once delivery). Let's say a message1 is being by processed
by Service A, Service B, Service C. Now we are having issues to track
if the message failed getting processed at Service B or Service C as
we get a lot of messages
Better approach will be using Kafka instead of Redis.
Create a topic for every microservice & keep moving the packet from
one topic to another after processing.
topic(raw-data) - |MS One| - topic(processed-data-1) - |MS Two| - topic(processed-data-2) ... etc
Keep appending the results to same object and keep moving it down the line, untill every micro-service has processed it.

Spring Boot Kafka: Consume same message with all instances for specific topic

I have a spring boot application (let's say it's called app-1) that is connected to a kafka cluster and that consumes from a specific topic, let's say the topic is called "foo". Topic foo always receives a message when another application (let's say it's called app-2) has imported a new foo-item into the database.
The topic is primarily meant to be used in a third application (let's say it's called app-3) which sends out some e-Mail notification to people that may be interested in this new foo-item. App-3 is clustered, meaning there are multiple instances of it running at the same time. Kafka automatically balances the foo-topic messages between all these instances because they use the same consumer-id. This is good and in the case of app-3 it is actually desired.
In the case of app-2, however, the messages from the foo-topic are used for cache eviction. The logic is, basically, that if there is a new foo-item then the currently existing caches should probably be cleared, because their content depends on the foo-items. The issue is that app-2 is also clustered, which means that by default kafka-logic, every instance will only receive some of the messages sent to the foo-topic. This does not work correctly for this specific app tho, because whenever there is a new foo-item, all of the instances need to know about it because all of them need their clear their local caches.
From what I understand I have these two options if I want to keep the current logic:
Introduce a distributed cache for all instances of app-2 so that they all share the same cache. Then it does not matter if only one instance receives a foo-item, because the cache eviction will also affect the cache of the other instances; even though they never learned about the foo-item. I would like to avoid this solution, as a distributed cache would add a noticeable amount of complexity and also overhead.
Somehow manage to use a different consumer-id for each instance of app-2. Then they would be considered different consumers by kafka and they all would get each foo-topic message. However, I don't even know how to programmatically do this. The code of the application is not aware of replicated instances, there is no way to access any information about what node it is. If I use a randomly generated string on startup, then each time such instance restarts it would be considered a new consumer and would have to re-process all previous messages. That would be incorrect behavior as well.
Here is my bottom line question: Is it possible to make all instances of app-2 receive all messages from the foo-topic without completely breaking the way kafka is supposed to work? I know that it is probably very unconventional to use kafka-messages for cache eviction and I am entirely able to find an alternative mechanism for the cache eviction logic that does not depend on kafka-topic messages. However, the applications are for demonstration purposes and I thought it would be cool if more than one app read from this topic. But if I end up having to hack a dirty workaround to make it work then it's also bad for demonstration purposes and I would rather implement an alternative way of cache eviction.
As you mentioned, you could use different consumer ids with random strings.
If notifications are being read from the beginning, then you probably have ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG set to "earliest" somewhere in your consumer configuration. If this is the case, removing it will probably solve your problems - when the app will start it will only receive notification sent after the consumer started listening.

How to solve two generals issue between event store and persistence layer?

Two General Problems - EventStore and persistence layer?
I would like to understand how industry is actually dealing with this problems!
If a microservice 1 persists object X into Database A. In the same time, for micro-service 2 to feed on the data from micro-service 1, micro-service 1 writes the same object X to an event store B.
Now, the question I have is, where do I write object X first?
Database A first and then to event store B, is it fair to roll back the thread at the app level if Database A is down? Also, what should be the ideal error handle if Database A is online and persisted object X but event store B is down?
What should be the error handle look like if we go vice-versa of point 1?
I do understand that in today's world of distributed high-available systems, systems going down is questionable thing. But, it can happen. I want to understand what needs to be done when either database or event store system/cluster is down?
In general you want to avoid relying on a two-phase commit of the kind you describe.
In general, (presuming an event-sourced system; not sure if that's implicit in your question/an option for you - perhaps SqlStreamStore might be relevant in your context?), this is typically managed by having something project from from a single authoritative set of events on a pull basis - each event being written that requires an associated action against some downstream maintains a pointer to how far it has got projecting events from the base stream, and restarts from there if interrupted.
First of all, an Event store is a type of Persistence, which stores the applications state as a series of events as opposed to a flat persistence that stores the last projected state.
If a microservice 1 persists object X into Database A. In the same time, for micro-service 2 to feed on the data from micro-service 1, micro-service 1 writes the same object X to an event store B.
You are trying to have two sources of truth that must be kept in sync by some sort of distributed transaction which is not very scalable.
This is an unusual mode of using an Event store. In general an Event store is the canonical source of information, the single source of truth. You are trying to use it as an communication channel. The Event store is the persistence of an event-sourced Aggregate (see Domain Driven Design).
I see to options:
you could refactor your architecture and make the object X and event-sourced entity having as persistence the Event store. Then have a Read-model subscribe to the Event store and build a flat representation of the object X that is persisted in the database A. In other words, write first to the Event store and then in the Database A (but in an eventually consistent manner!). This is a big jump and you should really think if you want to go event-sourced.
you could use CQRS without Event sourcing. This means that after every modification, the object X emits one or more Domain events, that are persisted in the Database A in the same local transaction as the object X itself. The microservice 2 could subscribe to the Database A to get the emitted events. The actual subscribing depends on the type of database.
I have a feeling you are using event store as a channel of communication, instead of using it as a database. If you want micro-service 2 to feed on the data from micro-service 1, then you should communicate with REST services.
Of course, relying on REST services might make you less resilient to outages. In that case, using a piece of technology dedicated to communication would be the right way to go. (I'm thinking MQ/Topics, such as RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc.)
Then, once your services are talking to each other, you will still need to persist your data... but only at one single location.
Therefore, you will need to define where you want to store the data.
Ask yourself:
Who will have the governance of the data persistance ?
Is it Microservice1 ? if so, then everytime Microservice2 needs to read the data, it will make a REST call to Microservice1.
is it the other way around ? Microservice2 has the governance of the data, and Microservice1 consumes it ?
It could be a third microservice that you haven't even created yet. It depends how you applied your separation of concerns.
Let's take an example :
Microservice1's responsibility is to process our data to export them in PDF and other formats
Microservice2's responsibility is to expose a service for a legacy partner, that requires our data to be returned in a very proprietary representation.
who is going to store the data, here ?
Microservice1 should not be the one to persist the data : its job is only to convert the data to other formats. If it requires some data, it will fetch them from the one having the governance of the data.
Microservice2 should not be the one to persist the data. After all, maybe we have a number of other Microservices similar to this one, but for other partners, with different proprietary formats.
If there is a service where you can do CRUD operations, this is your guy. If you don't have such a service, maybe you can find an existing Microservice who wouldn't have conflicting responsibilities.
For instance : if I have a Microservice3 that makes sure everytime an my ObjectX is changed, it will send a PDF-representation of it to some address, and notify all my partners that the data are out-of-date. In that scenario, this Microservice looks like a good candidate to become the "governor of the data" for this part of the domain, and be the one-stop-shop for writing/reading in the database.

Turn recovery on after first message

I have a persistent actor which receives many messages. Fist message is CREATE (case class) and next messages are UPDATEs (case classes). So if it receives CREATE then it should not go into persistence to run recovery because the storage is empty for this actor. It's performance wasting from my perspective.
Is there any possibility to do not call recovery for particular input message (the first one which is CREATE), please?
A persistent actor will always have to hit the database, because there is no other way to know whether it having existed before - it could have been created in a previous instance of the application that was stopped or it could have been created on a different node in a cluster.
In general a good pattern for performance is to keep the actor in memory after it has been hit the first time, as that will allow as fast responses as possible. The most common way to do this is using Cluster Sharding (which you can read more about in the docs here: https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/cluster-sharding.html?language=scala#cluster-sharding
I have never heard of anyone seeing the hit for an empty persistent actor as a performance problem and I'm not sure it is possible to solve that in a general way, so if you have such a problem and somehow can know the actor was never created before you can not do that with Akka Persistence but would have to build a special solution for that yourself.

How to ensure data is eventually written to two Azure blobs?

I'm designing a multi-tenant Azure Service Fabric application in which we'll be storing event data in Azure Append-Only blobs.
There'll be two kinds of blobs; merge blobs (one per tenant); and instance blobs (one for each "object" owned by a tenant - there'll be 100K+ of these per tenant)
There'll be a single writer per instance blob. This writer keeps track of the last written blob position and can thereby ensure (using conditional writes) that no other writer has written to the blob since the last successful write. This is an important aspect that we'll use to provide strong consistency per instance.
However, all writes to an instance blob must also eventually (but as soon as possible) reach the single (per tenant) merge blob.
Under normal operation I'd like these merge writes to take place within ~100 ms.
My question is about how we best should implement this guaranteed double-write feature:
The implementation must guarantee that data written to an instance blob will eventually also be written to the corresponding merge blob exactly once.
The following inconsistencies must be avoided:
Data is successfully written to an instance blob but never written to the corresponding merge blob.
Data is written more than once to the merge blob.
Most easiest way as for me is to use events: Service Bus or Event Hubs or any other provider to guaranty that an event will be stored and reachable at least somewhere. Plus, it will give a possibility to write events to Blob Storage in batches. Also, I think it will significantly reduce pressure on Service Fabric and will allow to process events at desired timing.
So you could have a lot of Stateless Services or just Web Workers that will pick up new messages from a queue and in batch send them to a Statefull Service.
Let's say that it will be a Merge service. You would need to partition these services and the best way to send a batch of events grouped by one partition is to make such Stateless Service or Web Worker.
Than you can have a separate Statefull Actor for each object. But on your place I would try to create 100k actors or any other real workload and see how expensive it would be. If it is too expensive and you cannot afford such machines, then everything could be handled in another partitioned Stateless Service.
Okay, now we have the next scheme: something puts logs into ESB, something peaks these evetns from ESB in batches or very frequently, handling transactions and processing errors. After that something peaks bunch of events from a queue, it sends it to a particular Merge service that stores data in its state and calls particular actor to do the same thing.
Once actor writes its data to its state and service does the same, then such sevent in ESB can be marked as processed and removed from the queue. Then you just need to write stored data from Merge service and actors to Blob storage once in a while.
If actor is unable to store event, then operation is not complete and Merge service should not store data too. If Blob storage is unreachable for actors or Merge services, it will become reachable in the future and logs will be stored as they are saved in state or at least they could be retrieved from actors/service manually.
If Merge service is unreachable, I would store such event in a poison message queue for later processing, or try to write logs directly to Blob storage but it is a little bit dangerous though chances to write at that moment only to one kind of storage are pretty low.
You could use a Stateful Actor for this. You won't need to worry about concurrency, because there is none. In the state of the Actor you can keep track of which operations were successfully completed. (write 1, write 2)
Still, writing 'exactly once' in a distributed system (without a DTC) is never 100% waterproof.
Some more info about that:
