How to solve two generals issue between event store and persistence layer? - microservices

Two General Problems - EventStore and persistence layer?
I would like to understand how industry is actually dealing with this problems!
If a microservice 1 persists object X into Database A. In the same time, for micro-service 2 to feed on the data from micro-service 1, micro-service 1 writes the same object X to an event store B.
Now, the question I have is, where do I write object X first?
Database A first and then to event store B, is it fair to roll back the thread at the app level if Database A is down? Also, what should be the ideal error handle if Database A is online and persisted object X but event store B is down?
What should be the error handle look like if we go vice-versa of point 1?
I do understand that in today's world of distributed high-available systems, systems going down is questionable thing. But, it can happen. I want to understand what needs to be done when either database or event store system/cluster is down?

In general you want to avoid relying on a two-phase commit of the kind you describe.
In general, (presuming an event-sourced system; not sure if that's implicit in your question/an option for you - perhaps SqlStreamStore might be relevant in your context?), this is typically managed by having something project from from a single authoritative set of events on a pull basis - each event being written that requires an associated action against some downstream maintains a pointer to how far it has got projecting events from the base stream, and restarts from there if interrupted.

First of all, an Event store is a type of Persistence, which stores the applications state as a series of events as opposed to a flat persistence that stores the last projected state.
If a microservice 1 persists object X into Database A. In the same time, for micro-service 2 to feed on the data from micro-service 1, micro-service 1 writes the same object X to an event store B.
You are trying to have two sources of truth that must be kept in sync by some sort of distributed transaction which is not very scalable.
This is an unusual mode of using an Event store. In general an Event store is the canonical source of information, the single source of truth. You are trying to use it as an communication channel. The Event store is the persistence of an event-sourced Aggregate (see Domain Driven Design).
I see to options:
you could refactor your architecture and make the object X and event-sourced entity having as persistence the Event store. Then have a Read-model subscribe to the Event store and build a flat representation of the object X that is persisted in the database A. In other words, write first to the Event store and then in the Database A (but in an eventually consistent manner!). This is a big jump and you should really think if you want to go event-sourced.
you could use CQRS without Event sourcing. This means that after every modification, the object X emits one or more Domain events, that are persisted in the Database A in the same local transaction as the object X itself. The microservice 2 could subscribe to the Database A to get the emitted events. The actual subscribing depends on the type of database.

I have a feeling you are using event store as a channel of communication, instead of using it as a database. If you want micro-service 2 to feed on the data from micro-service 1, then you should communicate with REST services.
Of course, relying on REST services might make you less resilient to outages. In that case, using a piece of technology dedicated to communication would be the right way to go. (I'm thinking MQ/Topics, such as RabbitMQ, Kafka, etc.)
Then, once your services are talking to each other, you will still need to persist your data... but only at one single location.
Therefore, you will need to define where you want to store the data.
Ask yourself:
Who will have the governance of the data persistance ?
Is it Microservice1 ? if so, then everytime Microservice2 needs to read the data, it will make a REST call to Microservice1.
is it the other way around ? Microservice2 has the governance of the data, and Microservice1 consumes it ?
It could be a third microservice that you haven't even created yet. It depends how you applied your separation of concerns.
Let's take an example :
Microservice1's responsibility is to process our data to export them in PDF and other formats
Microservice2's responsibility is to expose a service for a legacy partner, that requires our data to be returned in a very proprietary representation.
who is going to store the data, here ?
Microservice1 should not be the one to persist the data : its job is only to convert the data to other formats. If it requires some data, it will fetch them from the one having the governance of the data.
Microservice2 should not be the one to persist the data. After all, maybe we have a number of other Microservices similar to this one, but for other partners, with different proprietary formats.
If there is a service where you can do CRUD operations, this is your guy. If you don't have such a service, maybe you can find an existing Microservice who wouldn't have conflicting responsibilities.
For instance : if I have a Microservice3 that makes sure everytime an my ObjectX is changed, it will send a PDF-representation of it to some address, and notify all my partners that the data are out-of-date. In that scenario, this Microservice looks like a good candidate to become the "governor of the data" for this part of the domain, and be the one-stop-shop for writing/reading in the database.


Does storing another service's data violate the Single Responsibility Principle of Microservice

Say I have a service that manages warehouses(that is not very frequently updated). I have a sales service that requires the list of stores( to search through and use as necessary). If I get the list of stores from the store service and save it( lets say in redis) inside my sales service but ensure that redis is updated if the list of stores changes. Would it violate the single responsibility principle of Microservice architecture?
No it does not, actually it is quite common approach in microservice architecture when service stores a copy of related data from another services and uses some mechanism to sync it (usually using some async communications via message broker).
Storing the copy of data does not transfer ownership of that data from service which manages it.
It is common and you have a microservice pattern (CQRS).
If you need some information from other services / microservices to join with your data, then you need to store that information.
Whenever you are making design decision whether always issue requests against the downstream system or use a local copy then you are basically making trade-off analysis between performance and data freshness.
If you always issue RPC calls then you prefer data freshness over performance
The frequency of how often do you need to issue RPC calls has direct impact on performance
If you utilize caching to gain performance then there is a chance to use stale data (depending on your business it might be okay or unacceptable)
Cache invalidation is a pretty tough problem domain so, it can cause headache
Caching one microservice's data does not violate data ownership because caching just reads the data, it does not delete or update existing ones. It is similar to have a single leader (master) - multiple followers setup or a read-write lock. Until there is only one place where data can be created, modified or deleted then data ownership is implemented in a right way.

Eventually consistent DB : How to deal with relational data?

So let's say we have microservices that uses an event broker to communicate each other.
To secure sovereignty of data, each microservices has denormalized documents.
So whenever the data is changed, from the service changed the data, 'DataAHasChanged' event gets fired. Next, all the microservices that have subscribed this event will change document they have to maintain consistency of data A. (A here is not foreign key, but it's actual data, since it's denormalized)
This seems really not good to me if services have multiple documents that have data A. And if data A is changing often. I would just send API call to other services using data A's ID as a foreign key.
Real world use case would be:
User creates 'contract requests' and it has multiple vendor information.
Vendors information will be changed often.
So if there are 2000 contract requests. It means whenever vendor changes their information. We should go through every contract requests and change the denormalized document.
Is eventual consistency still the best practice in this case? or should I just use synchronous call to just read data from vendor service?
Thank you.
I would revisit the microservices decoupling and would ask a question - who is the source of truth for each type of data? You'll probably arrive to one service owning documents and that service will be responsible for updating those documents as well.
Even with a dedicated service owning documents, you still have to answer what are the consistency guarantees you need. Usually you start with SLA's - how available your service should be? How the data is stored? Often the underlaying data storage will dictate those.
Also, I would like to note that even with synchronous calls your system will be eventually consistent - since it takes time to execute all those calls, it will be a period when the system as a whole might see non-latest data.
If you really need true strong consistency, you may will have to pick right storage for that. I would go with a strongly consistent option assuming my performance and availability goals are met. And the reason for strong consistency - it is much easier to reason about; hence the system gets simpler.

Event sourcing, hold read side consistent

I'm new in ES, and only trying to sort everything in my head. I have heard that ES is actually solving the consistency issue between write and read database (with some delay for sure). But I still do not fully understand how?
If command is coming to domain and aggregate root firing event to update event store, same event is sending to update read side?? But what if message lost, we will have outdated read side.
Is projections the only solution??So instead of updating from event, read side walking through event store and reproducing aggregate (from beginning or from some snapshot). But in such case it's probably breaking some rules as read side should be simple and it should not know about domain. And also usually read side is a separate application so she can't know about aggregate.
For sure we also can use rabbitMQ or some other message broker to not lost messages,and actually I think we need. But I also read that to make it consistent "you can use rabbit or ES", but again how ES can make it consistent by own??
Benjamin is completely right about the purpose of Event Sourcing.
My answer aims to add some more details.
Read models and projections aren't suppose to represent the aggregate state.
Projections are the way for event-sourced systems to build the read model for CQRS. CQRS in essence postulates that write and read models usually serve different purposes and therefore it makes perfect sense to use another model for the read side.
Therefore, you often find multiple projections building different, narrowly purposed models, targeting specific needs for queries.
By "solving consistency issues" you probably mean that in event-sourced systems each state transition is represented as an event (or multiple events). Therefore, writes are always transactional. The database you choose as your event store should support (could using some library or additional tool) real-time subscription that would allow you to receive new events in your projection, in order. For new projections, it will start reading from the start and eventually come real-time. Subscriptions usually need to keep the current processing position in the global stream of events so when the projection restarts, it starts receiving events from the point which is last known to it.
By doing this, you will guarantee that every state transition in the write model will be reflected in the read model. This is probably what you mean in your original question.
Now, all those things above imply that you cannot use a message bus (only) to deliver events to projections. Brokers give no ordering guarantees and can deliver one message more than once. Also, message brokers don't keep history so you cannot build new projections at will.
However, it doesn't mean that you can't use brokers at all. Some projections don't require ordering and are idempotent. But the feed for events to publish via a broker is the same subscription, so you get guaranteed delivery and can read past events if necessary.
CQRS doesn't imply separate databases. Sometimes, using CQRS just means that you use some persistence layer for your domain objects, so you read and write aggregates. But for queries, you just query at will, whatever you want. A database view is a technical example of CQRS.
Almost there:
Projections need to have little to no logic, it is true. The main point here is to ensure idempotency, if possible, so projections usually should not use operations to calculate new values based on old values and information from events.
But projections will know about your domain. Everything in your system should know about your domain.
And last:
You can definitely use different databases for write and read models without getting to Event Sourcing. You just need to choose a database that supports a change feed. SQL Server, Postgres, CosmosDb and other databases have such functionality.
P.S. I'd suggest spending some time studying those concepts. I can point to the book repository, it has CQRS and Event Sourcing examples:
I have heard that ES is actually solving the consistency issue between
write and read database
To the best of my knowledge, Event sourcing has NOTHING to do with consistency between read/write to your db. Consistency between read/write has actually more to do with the type of db you are using such as relational which are mostly ACID versus the non-relational db which are often eventual consistency.
ES is not meant for that, instead ES : "Capture all changes to an application state as a sequence of events" Martin Fowler.
ES works like time machine, which allows you to change the state of your application to a specific date time in the past.

How to handle events processing time between services

Let's say we have two services A and B. B has a relation to A so it needs to know about the existing entities of A.
Service A publishes events every time an entity is created or updated. Service B subscribes to the events published by A and therefore knows about the entities existing in service A.
Problem: The client (UI or other micro services) creates a new entity 'a' and right away creates a new entity 'b' with a reference to 'a'. This is done without much delay so what happens if service B did not receive/handle the event from B before getting the create request with a reference to 'b'?
How should this be handled?
Service B must fail and the client should handle this and possibly do retry.
Service B accepts the entity and over time expect the relation to be fulfilled when the expected event is received. Service B provides a state for the entity that ensures it cannot be trusted before the relation have been verified.
It is poor design that the client can/has to do these two calls in the same transaction. The design should be different. How?
Other ways?
I know that event platforms like Kafka ensures very fast event transmittance but there will always be a delay and since this is an asynchronous process there will be kind of a race condition.
What you're asking about falls under the general category of bridging the gap between Eventual Consistency and good User Experience which is a well-documented challenge with a distributed architecture. You have to choose between availability and consistency; typically you cannot have both.
Your example raises the question as to whether service boundaries are appropriate. It's a common mistake to define microservice boundaries around Entities, but that's an anti-pattern. Microservice boundaries should be consistent with domain boundaries related to the business use case, not how entities are modeled within those boundaries. Here's a good article that discusses decomposition, but the TL;DR; is:
Microservices should be verbs, not nouns.
So, for example, you could have a CreateNewBusinessThing microservice that handles this specific case. But, for now, we'll assume you have good and valid reasons to have the services divided as they are.
The "right" solution in your case depends on the needs of the consuming service/application. If the consumer is an application or User Interface of some sort, responsiveness is required and that becomes your overriding need. If the consumer is another microservice, it may well be that it cares more about getting good "finalized" data rather than being responsive.
In either of those cases, one good option is a facade (aka gateway) service that lives between your client and the highly-dependent services. This service can receive and persist the request, then respond however you'd like. It can give the consumer a 200 - OK response with an endpoint to call back to check status of the request - very responsive. Or, it could receive a URL to use as a webhook when the response is completed from both back-end services, so it could notify the client directly. Or it could publish events of its own (it likely should). Essentially, you can tailor the facade service to provide to as many consumers as needed in the way each consumer wants to talk.
There are other options too. You can look into Task-Based UI, the Saga pattern, or even just Faking It.
I think you would like to leverage the flexibility of a broker and the confirmation of a synchronous call . Both of them can be achieved by this

Is Event sourcing using Database CDC considered good architecture?

When we talk about sourcing events, we have a simple dual write architecture where we can write to database and then write the events to a queue like Kafka. Other downstream systems can read those events and act on/use them accordingly.
But the problem occurs when trying to make both DB and Events in sync as the ordering of these events are required to make sense out of it.
To solve this problem people encourage to use database commit logs as a source of events, and there are tools build around it like Airbnb's Spinal Tap, Redhat's Debezium, Oracle's Golden gate, etc... It solves the problem of consistency, ordering guaranty and all these.
But the problem with using the Database commit log as event source is we are tightly coupling with DB schema. DB schema for a micro-service is exposed, and any breaking changes in DB schema like datatype change or column name change can actually break the downstream systems.
So is using the DB CDC as an event source a good idea?
A talk on this problem and using Debezium for event sourcing
Extending Constantin's answer:
Transaction log tailing/mining should be hidden from others.
It is not strictly an event-stream, as you should not access it directly from other services. It is generally used when transitioning a legacy system gradually to a microservices based. The flow could look like this:
Service A commits a transaction to the DB
A framework or service polls the commit log and maps new commits to Kafka as events
Service B is subscribed to a Kafka stream and consumes events from there, not from the DB
Longer story:
Service B doesn't see that your event is originated from the DB nor it accesses the DB directly. The commit data should be projected into an event. If you change the DB, you should only modify your projection rule to map commits in the new schema to the "old" event format, so consumers must not be changed. (I am not familiar with Debezium, or if it can do this projection).
Your events should be idempotent as publishing an event and committing a transaction
atomically is a problem in a distributed scenario, and tools will guarantee at-least-once-delivery with exactly-once-processing semantics at best, and the exactly-once part is rarer. This is due to an event origin (the transaction log) is not the same as the stream that will be accessed by other services, i.e. it is distributed. And this is still the producer part, the same problem exists with Kafka->consumer channel, but for a different reason. Also, Kafka will not behave like an event store, so what you achieved is a message queue.
I recommend using a dedicated event-store instead if possible, like Greg Young's: This solves the problem by integrating an event-store and message-broker into a single solution. By storing an event (in JSON) to a stream, you also "publish" it, as consumers are subscribed to this stream. If you want to further decouple the services, you can write projections that map events from one stream to another stream. Your event consuming should be idempotent with this too, but you get an event store that is partitioned by aggregates and is pretty fast to read.
If you want to store the data in the SQL DB too, then listen to these events and insert/update the tables based on them, just do not use your SQL DB as your event store cuz it will be hard to implement it right (failure-proof).
For the ordering part: reading events from one stream will be ordered. Projections that aggregates multiple event streams can only guarantee ordering between events originating from the same stream. It is usually more than enough. (btw you could reorder the messages based on some field on the consumer side if necessary.)
If you are using Event sourcing:
Then the coupling should not exist. The Event store is generic, it doesn't care about the internal state of your Aggregates. You are in the worst case coupled with the internal structure of the Event store itself but this is not specific to a particular Microservice.
If you are not using Event sourcing:
In this case there is a coupling between the internal structure of the Aggregates and the CDC component (that captures the data change and publish the event to an Message queue or similar). In order to limit the effects of this coupling to the Microservice itself, the CDC component should be part of it. In this way when the internal structure of the Aggregates in the Microservice changes then the CDC component is also changed and the outside world doesn't notice. Both changes are deployed at the same time.
So is using the DB CDC as an event source a good idea?
"Is it a good idea?" is a question that is going to depend on your context, the costs and benefits of the different trade offs that you need to make.
That said, it's not an idea that is consistent with the heritage of event sourcing as I learned it.
Event sourcing - the idea that our book of record is a ledger of state changes - has been around a long long time. After all, when we talk about "ledger", we are in fact alluding to those documents written centuries ago that kept track of commerce.
But a lot of the discussion of event sourcing in software is heavily influenced by domain driven design; DDD advocates (among other things) aligning your code concepts with the concepts in the domain you are modeling.
So here's the problem: unless you are in some extreme edge case, your database is probably some general purpose application that you are customizing/configuring to meet your needs. Change data capture is going to be limited by the fact that it is implemented using general purpose mechanisms. So the events that are produced are going to look like general purpose patch documents (here's the diff between before and after).
But if we trying to align our events with our domain concepts (ie, what does this change to our persisted state mean), then patch documents are a step in the wrong direction.
For example, our domain might have multiple "events" that make changes to the same, or very similar, sets of fields in our model. Trying to rediscover the motivation for a change by reverse engineering the diff is kind of a dumb problem to have; especially when we have already fought with the same sort of problem learning user interface design.
In some domains, a general purpose change is good enough. In some contexts, a general purpose change is good enough for now. Horses for courses.
But it's not really the sort of implementation that the "event sourcing" community is talking about.
Besides Constantin Galbenu mentioned CDC component side, you can also do it in event storage side like Kafka stream API.
What is Kafka stream API? Input is read from one or more topics in order to generate output to one or more topics, effectively transforming the input streams to output streams.
After transfer detailed data to abstract data, your DB schema is only bind with the transformation now and can release the tightly relation between DB and subscribers.
If your data schema need to change a lot, maybe you should add a new topic for it.
