How to get the data from BehaviorSubject after its completed? - rxjs

I have a function that returns a BehaviorSubject but when I try to use the data I get back from the function I need to use it once all the data is back, is there a way to know when the BehaviorSubject is done pulling all the data?
I tried using .finally but it never gets called. Here is the code I'm using.
getData() {
let guideList = '';
function(data) {
guideList = data.join(',');
function(err) {
function() {
getChildren(node: TreeNode) {
const nodeIds$ = new BehaviorSubject([]);
//doForAll is a promise
node.doForAll((data) => {
return nodeIds$;
Attached is a screen shot of the console.log

Easiest way is to just collect all the data in the array and only call next once the data is all collected. Even better: don't use a subject at all. It is very rare that one ever needs to create a subject. Often people use Subjects when instead they should be using a more streamlined observable factory method or operator:
getChildren(node: TreeNode) {
return Observable.defer(() => {
const result = [];
return node.doForAll(d => result.push( => result);


React Query queryClient.setQueryData isn't updating the cached data

I have a custom hook that looks something like this:
import { useQuery, useQueryClient } from 'react-query'
import { get } from '#/util/api' // Custom API utility
import produce from 'immer' // Using immer for deep object mutation
export function useData() {
const queryClient = useQueryClient()
const { data, isSuccess } = useQuery(
'myData', () => get('data')
function addData(moreData) {
const updatedData = produce(data.results, (draft) => {
function setData(newData) {
queryClient.setQueryData('myData', newData)
return {
data: data && data.results,
My data in data.results is an array of objects. When I call addData it creates a copy of my current data, mutates it, then calls setData where queryClient.setQueryData is called with a new array of objects passed in as my second argument. But my cached data either doesn't update or becomes undefined in the component hooked up to the useData() hook. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
code looks good from react-query perspective, but I'm not sure if that's how immer works. I think with your code, you will get back the same data instance with just a new data.results object on it. I would do:
const updatedData = produce(data, (draft) => {

Promise proces one by one (Sequential)

function one_by_one(objects_array, iterator, callback) {
var start_promise = objects_array.reduce(function (prom, object) {
return prom.then(function () {
return iterator(object);
}, Promise.resolve()); // initial
return start_promise;
I tried the above code but it processed only the first file. Can someone help please?
requestBodyAll - contains the files list to process.
task - function returns promise.
Looks about right. If the reduction is not progressing past the first file, then it's likely that task(first_file) throws. You can find out by logging errors.
Also, you're better off returning a promise from one_by_one and not passing a callback.
function one_by_one(objects_array, work) {
return objects_array.reduce(function (prom, object) {
return prom.then(function() {
return work(object);
}, Promise.resolve()); // initial
one_by_one(requestBodyAll, someWorkFn)
.catch(function(error) {
one_by_one() will (as in the question) deliver the result of iterator(last_file) as an argument to task. You may prefer to pass nothing, in which case write :
.then(function() {
return task();
You could immunize the process against errors by catching inside one_by_one().

Observable from Subject

I'm trying to create actions from updates from a RX Subject
It's working but I get the error below.
Here is my Epic
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({payload}) =>
.subscribe(res => {
if (res.progress > 0)
else if(res.progress === -1){
requestSceneProcessing(res).map(res => {
And here is the Subject
export function UploadSceneWithFile(scene){
const subject$ = new Subject()
const uploader = new S3Upload({
getSignedUrl: getSignedUrl,
uploadRequestHeaders: {'x-amz-acl': 'public-read'},
contentType: scene.file.type,
contentDisposition: 'auto',
s3path: 'assets/',
onProgress: (val)=> subject$.next({...scene,progress:val}),
onFinishS3Put: ()=>subject$.next({...scene,progress:-1}),
return subject$
I read from a previous post that I'm supposed to be using .map, not .subscribe but nothing happens if I don't subscribe (the upload doesn't happen)
What's the best way of doing this?
subscribeToResult.js:74 Uncaught TypeError: You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
at Object.subscribeToResult (subscribeToResult.js:74)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._innerSub (mergeMap.js:132)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._tryNext (mergeMap.js:129)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/mergeMap.js.MergeMapSubscriber._next (mergeMap.js:112)
at MergeMapSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/ (Subscriber.js:89)
at FilterSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/operators/filter.js.FilterSubscriber._next (filter.js:89)
at FilterSubscriber../node_modules/rxjs/ (Subscriber.js:89)
at Subject../node_modules/rxjs/ (Subject.js:55)
at createEpicMiddleware.js:60
at createEpicMiddleware.js:59
at SafeSubscriber.dispatch [as _next] (applyMiddleware.js:35)
The problem is that you subscribe inside mergeMap and return a Subscription which is invalid. The callback needs to return only Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
I'm not sure what exactly you need to do but if you need to perform some side-effects you can use do() operator instead of subscribing.
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({ payload }) => UploadSceneWithFile(payload)
.do(res => {
Or it looks like you could put do after mergeMap as well:
export function uploadSceneFile(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(CREATE_SCENE_SUCCESS)
.mergeMap(({ payload }) => UploadSceneWithFile(payload))
.do(res => {

Is It good to subscribe to an observable within another subscription handler?

I'm using Angular2 and I have a question about what is the best way to do if I have many observables.
Can I put subscriptions inside each other or put each one in a different method and put the results in class properties?
Example :
ngOnInit() {
this.route.params**.subscribe**(params => {
if (params['id']) {
this.load = true;
this.batchService.getPagesOfCurrentObject(params['id'], "10", "0")
**.subscribe**(result => { = result;
if ( > 0) { => { this.batchService.getPageStreamById
(page.pageId)**.subscribe**(pageStream => {
let base64 = btoa(new Uint8Array(
.reduce((data, byte)
=> data + String.fromCharCode(byte), ''));
this.pages.push(base64 );
error => this.errorService.setError(<any>error),
() => this.load = false
try {
this.customer = this.sharedService.processSelect.subscription.customer;
} catch (err) {
Having multiple observables is totally fine, this is what reactive programming is about :)
But here your problem is having too much subscribe. Keep in mind that subscribe is a way to create side effect. To have an easy to read code, you should try to use the least possible subscribe.
Your use case is the perfect use case for the mergeMap operator, that allows you to flatten nested observables.
Here what your code would look like
const response$ = this.route.params
.mergeMap(params => {
return this.batchService.getPagesOfCurrentObject(params['id'])
.mergeMap(stream => {
return Rx.Observable.merge( => this.batchService.getPageStreamById(page.pageId))
.map(pageStream => /* do your stuff with pageStream, base64 ... */)
response$.subscribe(pageStreamData => pages.push(pageStreamData))
See how there is a single subscription that triggers the side-effect that will modify your app's state
Note that I voluntarily simplified the code (removed error handling and checks) for you to get the idea of how to do that.
I hope it will help you thinking in reactive programming :)

Angular: update scope with async AJAX data from a factory

What's the recommended way to do this?
factory.updater = function(varObjToBeUpdated){
$'/url', {})
for (data_field in data)
varObjToBeUpdated[data_field] = data[data_field];
Or 2.,
myFactory.updater().success(function(data, ..){
$scope.varObjToBeUpdated = data;
factory.updater = function(){
return $'/url', {});
Is it ok to to pass a reference scope variable to a factory? I always thought factories as delivering data.
And what's wrong with the second method (if it's less acceptable)?
I prefer the second approach, as this allows you to just inject the service when you need it across multiple controllers. Use .then to continue the promise pattern:
myFactory.updater().then(function(data, ..){
$scope.varObjToBeUpdated = data;
app.factory('myFactor', function($http) {
return {
updater: function() {
return $http({'/url',}).then(function(result) {
