I downloaded Anaconda3 and can not see a Spyder icon. Should it come automatically (and is there any difference between windows10 and OSx) and if not, what might be my problem?
It works well on Windows but on macOS it's not working at the moment.
We plan to make it work in the future, but we I don't know when that
will exactly happen, sorry. – Carlos Cordoba Jul 16 at 19:14
Edit: The right icon should be shown in the macOS Dock since Spyder 3.2.3.
Today I updated the macOS to Monterey. And so far faced some problems for which I got few solutions, but for this problem there no Solution anywhere!!
When I run a tkinter program then GUI window is blank black.
This is a headache for me today.
Had the same problem. Just updating to Python 3.10.0 from http://www.python.org solved this problem for me.
The 3.10.0 installer gives us a glimpse of this fix as you can see in this image taken from it.
Currently have Macs updated to Python 3.10.+ on Monterey and GUIs continue to be black. Updating to Python 3.10+ is not always enough. Using Brew to install Python 3.10+ seems to be the answer for me and my students.
After succesfull upgrade Anaconda Navigator from version 1.9.x to 1.10.0, I missed the so called 'maximize window' opportunity in the right top section of window (only the 'minimize' and 'close' window opportunities exists.
It seems, all others are work perfectly inside Anaconda (I can run subsystems, like Jupyter notebook, Spyder, etc), except this. Is there any solution to resolve this issue ?
I'm on Ubuntu 20 (Focal Fossa).
Thanks in advance your response !
I recently installed Anaconda 4.3.0 on my Macbook, running OSX EL Capitan 10.11.1. I tried to launching the 'Anaconda Navigator' but it crashes upon launching it. I tried online help and nothing really works. Users tell me to update my bash profile file, but i really have no idea on where to find this bash profile file. Please explain in layman's terms
Had the same trouble and I couldn't do something to change the situation except reinstalled Anaconda navigator on mac(OS EL Capitan 10.11.6). BTW, symptoms the same as you described "it crashes upon launching it". Try reinstalling the Anaconda Navigator; hope someone will give you more reasonable answer. Good Luck
This question already has answers here:
Keymap issues with NX from Mac OS X Lion to Ubuntu
(8 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I tried to answer the question from Mark:
Keymap issues with NX from Mac OS X Lion to Ubuntu
However, it is locked so I figured I would post a new question / answer.
I have been trying to answer this for a few days now because I have no issues when connecting through NX Client (technically OpenNX) to FreeNX server from an iMac (with Lion), but if I try to connect with a Macbook Pro I get horrible keyboard binding issues.
I had the same issue (I'am on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.7 Lion) and reverting back to fixed the problem for me too.
I'm on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.8.4. I've tried release 648, 649, and 725 of OpenNX to connect to Ubuntu 13.04. Each didn't work out of the box and even with the above trick of editing my profile's cfg, my keyboard mapping still isn't right. (The sshlog shows '--keyboard="empty/empty"')
Once connected, in all of these cases, the 'd' key minimizes all open windows, the up arrow key maximizes the current window, and the down key restores it to its original size. My point is that with all of the above attempts changing something on the Mac OpenNX client, I'm starting to think the problem is something Canonical has done with Ubuntu 13.04 and/or FreeNX. That latter doesn't look like its been updated since I had to install it from the 12.xx ppa.
As a further datapoint, even X2Go connections exhibit the exact same behavior when using the Gnome desktop. In the X2Go case, the client dialog shows using a pc105/us keyboard.
I hope this gives others something to go on. I couldn't add this as a comment so had to do it as an answer, sorry.
I had this problem with 10.7.5, the fix was to install XQuartz instead of the native X server. Well, mostly fix. The CAPS LOCK is inverted, that is, it's all caps when it's off and normal when it's on but otherwise the keyboard works with XQuartz. Installation is easy
and it didn't break anything else on the Mac. Although what is working even better for me was to load Ubuntu on the Mac, right now I have it setup dual-boot.
The fix that is working for me is to go into:
and change:
<option key="Current keyboard" value="false"/>
<option key="Custom keyboard layout" value="empty"/>
<option key="Grab keyboard" value="false"/>
I have tried this on three NX Servers and all are fixed. Hope it helps or gets you closer. Always check in the ~/.nx/temp/ for the sshlog and see if --keyboard="empty/empty" instead of "pc105/en" because the Mac is really pc104.
9:05:35: startsession --session="HOST" --type="unix-gnome"
--cache="8M" --images="32M" --link="adsl" --geometry="2556\ x1396" --screeninfo="2560x1440x32+render" --keyboard="empty/empty" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --composite="1" --\ shmem="1" --shpix="1" --streaming="1" --samba="0" --cups="0" --nodelay="1" --defer="0" --client="macosx" --media="0" --st\ rict="0" --aux="1"
I was hoping Haskell would be the first programming language I would learn, but I can't even get to square 1: when I run the GHC..pkg, the "install button" is greyed out. I tried asking at the Haskell irc, but I'm always asked whether I have Xcode installed. I have Xcode 3.2.4 installed on my computer, so there should be no problem, as it's up to date with the latest GHC package.
I'm completely stuck, any help is appreciated.
Is this on the step where you choose the install location? I think you need to click on the drive (even if there's only one) before you can press the install button.
I know you already solved your problem, but maybe this is useful for someone else.
If you already have Xcode you could install Homebrew, a package manager for OSX:
Once you have that, Haskell is just a
brew install haskell-platform