How are code lengths limited to 16 bits at maximum in JPEG? - algorithm

According to ITU T.81 that describes the JPEG format, BITS stores the "code length counts". Creation of it is described in Annex K Figure K.2 of the specification. JPEG specification expects that symbols will exist that will require huffman codes upto 32 bits in length when encoding is being carrying out. However, it limits huffman code length to 16 bits at maximum for when data is encoded. For this purpose the code lengths must be limited to 16 bits. The procedure for this is contained in Annex K Figure K.3 shown below:
My question is that will BITS have negative values as well when we do BITS(I)-2 and BITS(I)-1? Does it have to be declared as signed? If so, what meaning do negative values have? I have implemented this in code but it gives me negative values. So some images encode just fine but others where BITS has to be manipulated to 16 bits, the images always get corrupted.

As I understand it, negative values should be fine since those are i=[17,32] values, which are not used once you are done reducing it to 16 bits. The algorithm assumes signed math, notice the BITS(i) > 0 condition, negative values will fall through the "No" branch and eventually end after dealing with BITS(17).
In your implementation, I think you could use unsigned math if you really want to and just clamp the underflow to 0 (Naively, something like BITS(i) = BITS(i) > 2 ? BITS(i) - 2 : 0).


Bitmasking--when to use hex vs binary

I'm working on a problem out of Cracking The Coding Interview which requires that I swap odd and even bits in an integer with as few instructions as possible (e.g bit 0 and 1 are swapped, bits 2 and 3 are swapped, etc.)
The author's solution revolves around using a mask to grab, in one number, the odd bits, and in another num the even bits, and then shifting them off by 1.
I get her solution, but I don't understand how she grabbed the even/odd bits. She creates two bit masks --both in hex -- for a 32 bit integer. The two are: 0xaaaaaaaa and 0x55555555. I understand she's essentially creating the equivalent of 1010101010... for a 32 bit integer in hexadecimal and then ANDing it with the original num to grab the even/odd bits respectively.
What I don't understand is why she used hex? Why not just code in 10101010101010101010101010101010? Did she use hex to reduce verbosity? And when should you use one over the other?
It's to reduce verbosity. Binary 10101010101010101010101010101010, hexadecimal 0xaaaaaaaa, and decimal 2863311530 all represent exactly the same value; they just use different bases to do so. The only reason to use one or another is for perceived readability.
Most people would clearly not want to use decimal here; it looks like an arbitrary value.
The binary is clear: alternating 1s and 0s, but with so many, it's not obvious that this is a 32-bit value, or that there isn't an adjacent pair of 1s or 0s hiding in the middle somewhere.
The hexadecimal version takes advantage of chunking. Assuming you recognize that 0x0a == 0b1010, you can mentally picture the 8 groups of 1010 in the assumed value.
Another possibility would be octal 25252525252, since... well, maybe not. You can see that something is alternating, but unless you use octal a lot, it's not clear what that alternating pattern in binary is.

Fixed Point Multiplication for FFT

I’m writing a Radix-2 DIT FFT algorithm in VHDL, which requires some fractional multiplication of input data by Twiddle Factor (TF). I use Fixed Point arithmetic’s to achieve that, with every word being 16 bit long, where 1 bit is a sign bit and the rest is distributed between integer and fraction. Therefore my dilemma:
I have no idea, in what range my input data will be, so if I just decide that 4 bits go to integer and the rest 11 bits to fraction, in case I get integer numbers higher than 4 bits = 15 decimal, I’m screwed. The same applies if I do 50/50, like 7 bits to integer and the rest to fraction. If I get numbers, which are very small, I’m screwed because of truncation or rounding, i.e:
Let’s assume I have an integer "3"(0000 0011) on input and TF of "0.7071" ( 0.10110101 - 8 bit), and let’s assume, for simplicity, my data is 8 bit long, therefore:
3x0.7071 = 2.1213
3x0.7071 = 0000 0010 . 0001 1111 = 2.12109375 (for 16 bits).
Here comes the trick - I need to up/down round or truncate 16 bits to 8 bits, therefore, I get 0000 0010, i.e 2 - the error is way too high.
My questions are:
How would you solve this problem of range vs precision if you don’t know the range of your input data AND you would have numbers represented in fixed point?
Should I make a process, which decides after every multiplication where to put the comma? Wouldn’t it make the multiplication slower?
Xilinx IP Core has 3 different ways for Fixed Number Arithmetic’s – Unscaled (similar to what I want to do, just truncate in case overflow happens), Scaled fixed point (I would assume, that in that case it decides after each multiplication, where the comma should be and what should be rounded) and Block Floating Point(No idea what it is or how it works - would appreciate an explanation). So how does this IP Core decide where to put the comma? If the decision is made depending on the highest value in my dataset, then in case I have just 1 high peak and the rest of the data is low, the error will be very high.
I will appreciate any ideas or information on any known methods.
You don't need to know the fixed-point format of your input. You can safely treat it as normalized -1 to 1 range or full integer-range.
The reason is that your output will have the same format as the input. Or, more likely for FFT, a known relationship like 3 bits increase, which would the output has 3 more integer bits than the input.
It is the core user's burden to know where the decimal point will end up, you have to document the change to dynamic range of course.

Compress many numbers into a string

I was wondering if there's a way to compress 20 or so large numbers (~10^8) into a string of a reasonable length. For instance, if the numbers were stored as hex and concatenated, it'd be at least 160 characters long. I wonder if there's a smart way to compress the numbers in and get them back out. I was thinking about having a sequence 0-9 as reference and let one part of the input string be a number <1024. That number is to be converted to binary, which serves as a mask, i.e. indicating which digits exist in the number. It's still not clear where to go on from here.
Are there any better alternatives?
If these large numbers are of the same size in bytes, and if you always know the count of those numbers, there is an easy way to do it. You simply Have an array of your bytes, and instead of reading them out as integers, you read them out as characters. Are you trying to obfuscate your values or just pack them to be easily transferred?
When I'm compacting a lot of values into one, reversible String, I usually go with base 64 conversion. This can really cut off quite a lot of the length from a String, but note that it may take up just as much memory in representing it.
This number in decimal:
is the following in Base 64:
Why you can't do this too an extreme level
Think about it for a second. Let's say you've got a number of length 10. And you want to represent that number with 5 characters, so a 50% rate compression scheme. First, we work out how many possible numbers you can represent with 10 digits.. which is..
2^10 = 1024
Okay, that's fine. How many numbers can we express with 5 digits:
2^5 = 32
So, you can only display 32 different numbers with 5 bits, whereas you can display 1024 numbers with 10 bits. For compression to work, there needs to be some mapping between the compressed value and the extracted value. Let's try and make that mapping happen..
Normal - Compressed
0 0
1 1
2 2
.. ...
31 31
32 ??
33 ??
34 ??
... ...
1023 ??
There is no mapping for most of the numbers that can be represented by the expanded value.
This is known as the Pigeonhole Principle and in this example our value for n is greater than our value for m, hence we need to map values from our compressed values to more than one normal value, which makes things incredibly complex. (thankyou Oli for reminding me).
You need to be much more descriptive about what you mean by "string" and "~10^8". Can your "string" contain any sequence of bytes? Or is it restricted to a subset of possible bytes? If so, how exactly is it restricted? What are the limits on your "large numbers"? What do they represent?
Numbers up to 108 can be represented in 27 bits. 20 of them would be 540 bits, which could be stored in a string of 68 bytes, if any sequence of bytes is permitted. If the contents of a string are limited, it will take more bits. If your range of numbers is larger, it will take more bits.
store all numbers as strings to a marisa trie:
Base64 the resulting trie dictionary
It depends of course a lot on your input. But it is a possibility to build a (very) compact representation this way.

Encode an array of integers to a short string

I want to compress an array of non-negative integers of non-fixed length (but it should be 300 to 400), containing mostly 0's, some 1's, a few 2's. Although unlikely, it is also possible to have bigger numbers.
For example, here is an array of 360 elements:
The goal is to compress an array like this, into a shortest possible encoding using letters and numbers. Ideally, something like: sd58x7y
What I've tried:
I tried to use "delta encoding", and use zeroes to denote any value higher than 1. For example: {0,0,1,0,0,0,2,0,1} would be denoted as: 2,3,0,1. To decode it, one would read from left to right, and write down "2 zeroes, one, 3 zeroes, one, 0 zeroes, one (this would add to the previous one, and thus have a two), 1 zero, one".
To eliminate the need of delimiters (commas) and thus saves more space, I tried to use only one alphanumerical character to denote delta values of 0 to 35 (using 0 to y), while leaving letter z as "35 PLUS the next character". I think this is called "variable bit" or something like that. For example, if there are 40 zeroes in a row, I'd encode it as "z5".
That's as far as I got... the resultant string is still very long (it would be about 20 characters long in the above example). I would ideally want something like, 8 characters or even shorter. Thanks for your time; any help or inspiration would be greatly appreciated!
Since your example contains long runs of zeroes, your first step (which it appears you have already taken) could be to use run-lenth encoding (RLE) to compress them. The output from this step would be a list of integers, starting with a run-length count of zeroes, then alternating between that and the non-zero values. (a zero-run-length of 0 will indicate successive non-zero values...)
Second, you can encode your integers in a small number of bits, using a class of methods called universal codes. These methods generally compress small integers using a smaller number of bits than larger integers, and also provide the ability to encode integers of any size (which is pretty spiffy...). You can tune the encoding to improve compression based on the exact distribution you expect.
You may also want to look into how JPEG-style encoding works. After DCT and quantization, the JPEG entropy encoding problem seems similar to yours.
Finally, if you want to go for maximum compression, you might want to look up arithmetic encoding, which can compress your data arbitrarily close to the statistical minimum entropy.
The above links explain how to compress to a stream of raw bits. In order to convert them to a string of letters and numbers, you will need to add another encoding step, which converts the raw bits to such a string. As one commenter points out, you may want to look into base64 representation; or (for maximum efficiency with whatever alphabet is available) you could try using arithmetic compression "in reverse".
Additional notes on compression in general: the "shortest possible encoding" depends greatly on the exact properties of your data source. Effectively, any given compression technique describes a statistical model of the kind of data it compresses best.
Also, once you set up an encoding based on the kind of data you expect, if you try to use it on data unlike the kind you expect, the result may be an expansion, rather than a compression. You can limit this expansion by providing an alternative, uncompressed format, to be used in such cases...
In your data you have:
14 1s (3.89% of data)
4 2s (1.11%)
1 3s, 4s and 5s (0.28%)
339 0s (94.17%)
Assuming that your numbers are not independent of each other and you do not have any other information, the total entropy of your data is 0.407 bits per number, that is 146.4212 bits overall (18.3 bytes). So it is impossible to encode in 8 bytes.

Encoding / Error Correction Challenge

Is it mathematically feasible to encode and initial 4 byte message into 8 bytes and if one of the 8 bytes is completely dropped and another is wrong to reconstruct the initial 4 byte message? There would be no way to retransmit nor would the location of the dropped byte be known.
If one uses Reed Solomon error correction with 4 "parity" bytes tacked on to the end of the 4 "data" bytes, such as DDDDPPPP, and you end up with DDDEPPP (where E is an error) and a parity byte has been dropped, I don't believe there's a way to reconstruct the initial message (although correct me if I am wrong)...
What about multiplying (or performing another mathematical operation) the initial 4 byte message by a constant, then utilizing properties of an inverse mathematical operation to determine what byte was dropped. Or, impose some constraints on the structure of the message so every other byte needs to be odd and the others need to be even.
Alternatively, instead of bytes, it could also be 4 decimal digits encoded in some fashion into 8 decimal digits where errors could be detected & corrected under the same circumstances mentioned above - no retransmission and the location of the dropped byte is not known.
I'm looking for any crazy ideas anyone might have... Any ideas out there?
It may be a bit contrived, but the situation that I'm trying to solve is one where you have, let's say, a faulty printer that prints out important numbers onto a form, which are then mailed off to a processing firm which uses OCR to read the forms. The OCR isn't going to be perfect, but it should get close with only digits to read. The faulty printer could be a bigger problem, where it may drop a whole number, but there's no way of knowing which one it'll drop, but they will always come out in the correct order, there won't be any digits swapped.
The form could be altered so that it always prints a space between the initial four numbers and the error correction numbers, ie 1234 5678, so that one would know whether a 1234 initial digit was dropped or a 5678 error correction digit was dropped, if that makes the problem easier to solve. I'm thinking somewhat similar to how they verify credit card numbers via algorithm, but in four digit chunks.
Hopefully, that provides some clarification as to what I'm looking for...
In the absence of "nice" algebraic structure, I suspect that it's going to be hard to find a concise scheme that gets you all the way to 10**4 codewords, since information-theoretically, there isn't a lot of slack. (The one below can use GF(5) for 5**5 = 3125.) Fortunately, the problem is small enough that you could try Shannon's greedy code-construction method (find a codeword that doesn't conflict with one already chosen, add it to the set).
Encode up to 35 bits as a quartic polynomial f over GF(128). Evaluate the polynomial at eight predetermined points x0,...,x7 and encode as 0f(x0) 1f(x1) 0f(x2) 1f(x3) 0f(x4) 1f(x5) 0f(x6) 1f(x7), where the alternating zeros and ones are stored in the MSB.
When decoding, first look at the MSBs. If the MSB doesn't match the index mod 2, then that byte is corrupt and/or it's been shifted left by a deletion. Assume it's good and shift it back to the right (possibly accumulating multiple different possible values at a point). Now we have at least seven evaluations of a quartic polynomial f at known points, of which at most one is corrupt. We can now try all possibilities for the corruption.
EDIT: bmm6o has advanced the claim that the second part of my solution is incorrect. I disagree.
Let's review the possibilities for the case where the MSBs are 0101101. Suppose X is the array of bytes sent and Y is the array of bytes received. On one hand, Y[0], Y[1], Y[2], Y[3] have correct MSBs and are presumed to be X[0], X[1], X[2], X[3]. On the other hand, Y[4], Y[5], Y[6] have incorrect MSBs and are presumed to be X[5], X[6], X[7].
If X[4] is dropped, then we have seven correct evaluations of f.
If X[3] is dropped and X[4] is corrupted, then we have an incorrect evaluation at 3, and six correct evaluations.
If X[5] is dropped and X[4] is corrupted, then we have an incorrect evaluation at 5, and six correct evaluations.
There are more possibilities besides these, but we never have fewer than six correct evaluations, which suffices to recover f.
I think you would need to study what erasure codes might offer you. I don't know any bounds myself, but maybe some kind of MDS code might achieve this.
EDIT: After a quick search I found RSCode library and in the example it says that
In general, with E errors, and K erasures, you will need
* 2E + K bytes of parity to be able to correct the codeword
* back to recover the original message data.
So looks like Reed-Solomon code is indeed the answer and you may actually get recovery from one erasure and one error in 8,4 code.
Parity codes work as long as two different data bytes aren't affected by error or loss and as long as error isn't equal to any data byte while a parity byte is lost, imho.
Error correcting codes can in general handle erasures, but in the literature the position of the erasure is assumed known. In most cases, the erasure will be introduced by the demodulator when there is low confidence that the correct data can be retrieved from the channel. For instance, if the signal is not clearly 0 or 1, the device can indicate that the data was lost, rather than risking the introduction of an error. Since an erasure is essentially an error with a known position, they are much easier to fix.
I'm not sure what your situation is where you can lose a single value and you can still be confident that the remaining values are delivered in the correct order, but it's not a situation classical coding theory addresses.
What algorithmist is suggesting above is this: If you can restrict yourself to just 7 bits of information, you can fill the 8th bit of each byte with alternating 0 and 1, which will allow you to know the placement of the missing byte. That is, put a 0 in the high bit of bytes 0, 2, 4, 6 and a 1 in the high bits of the others. On the receiving end, if you only receive 7 bytes, the missing one will have been dropped from between bytes whose high bits match. Unfortunately, that's not quite right: if the erasure and the error are adjacent, you can't know immediately which byte was dropped. E.g., high bits 0101101 could result from dropping the 4th byte, or from an error in the 4th byte and dropping the 3rd, or from an error in the 4th byte and dropping the 5th.
You could use the linear code:
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1
0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1
0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
(i.e. you'll send data like (a, b, c, d, b+c+d, a+c+d, a+b+d, a+b+c) (where addition is implemented with XOR, since a,b,c,d are elements of GF(128))). It's a linear code with distance 4, so it can correct a single-byte error. You can decode with syndrome decoding, and since the code is self-dual, the matrix H will be the same as above.
In the case where there's a dropped byte, you can use the technique above to determine which one it is. Once you've determined that, you're essentially decoding a different code - the "punctured" code created by dropping that given byte. Since the punctured code is still linear, you can use syndrome decoding to determine the error. You would have to calculate the parity-check matrix for each of the shortened codes, but you can do this ahead of time. The shortened code has distance 3, so it can correct any single-byte errors.
In the case of decimal digits, assuming one goes with first digit odd, second digit even, third digit odd, etc - with two digits, you get 00-99, which can be represented in 3 odd/even/odd digits (125 total combinations) - 00 = 101, 01 = 103, 20 = 181, 99 = 789, etc. So one encodes two sets of decimal digits into 6 total digits, then the last two digits signify things about the first sets of 2 digits or a checksum of some sort... The next to last digit, I suppose, could be some sort of odd/even indicator on each of the initial 2 digit initial messages (1 = even first 2 digits, 3 = odd first two digits) and follow the pattern of being odd. Then, the last digit could be the one's place of a sum of the individual digits, that way if a digit was missing, it would be immediately apparent and could be corrected assuming the last digit was correct. Although, it would throw things off if one of the last two digits were dropped...
It looks to be theoretically possible if we assume 1 bit error in wrong byte. We need 3 bits to identify dropped byte and 3 bits to identify wrong byte and 3 bits to identify wrong bit. We have 3 times that many extra bits.
But if we need to identify any number of bits error in wrong byte, it comes to 30 bits. Even that looks to be possible with 32 bits, although 32 is a bit too close for my comfort.
But I don't know hot to encode to get that. Try turbocode?
Actually, as Krystian said, when you correct a RS code, both the message AND the "parity" bytes will be corrected, as long as you have v+2e < (n-k) where v is the number of erasures (you know the position) and e is the number of errors. This means that if you only have errors, you can correct up to (n-k)/2 errors, or (n-k-1) erasures (about the double of the number of errors), or a mix of both (see Blahut's article: Transform techniques for error control codes and A universal Reed-Solomon decoder).
What's even nicer is that you can check that the correction was successful: by checking that the syndrome polynomial only contains 0 coefficients, you know that the message+parity bytes are both correct. You can do that before to check if the message needs any correction, and also you can do the check after the decoding to check that both the message and the parity bytes were completely repaired.
The bound v+2e < (n-k) is optimal, you cannot do better (that's why Reed-Solomon is called an optimal error correction code). In fact it's possible to go beyond this limit using bruteforce approaches, up to a certain point (you can gain 1 or 2 more symbols for each 8 symbols) using list decoding, but it's still a domain in its infancy, I don't know of any practical implementation that works.
