I'm using lastLogonTimeStamp to track the users last logon time as the following code:
$Domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$ADSearch = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$ADSearch.SearchRoot ="LDAP://$Domain"
$ADSearch.SearchScope = "subtree"
$ADSearch.PageSize = 100
$ADSearch.Filter = "(objectClass=user)"
$properies = #("distinguishedName",
foreach ($pro in $properies) {
$userObjects = $ADSearch.FindAll()
foreach ($user in $userObjects) {
$logon = $user.Properties.Item("lastLogonTimeStamp")[0]
$lastLogon = [datetime]::fromfiletime($logon)
$lastLogon= $lastLogon.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")
I've gotten so far:
This is not the first time I'm bloody confused about the 1601/01/01 value. And I've read also the MS document about this value and for me it's nonsense, it does not describe much what is the purposes of it. Not only lastLogonTimeStamp has this output, many other attributes have return this as well. So my questions are:
What is the purpose of this value?
In this case, what should I return as a proper human readable output ? (This attribute is not valid for this user?)
There is a known bug with the "last logon timestamp" and Windows 2016 domain controllers.
LDAP simple bind are not updating the last logon timestamp like previous OS ( 2012, 2008 ). Be careful.
I spent 2 months with MS on this. A patch will be released eventually... but for now it's not fixed.
I am writing this question related to this. In his reply, Marco gave me an excellent answer but, unfortunately, I am new with OpenModelica so I would need some further help.
I am actually using OpenModelica and not Dymola so unfortunately I have to build the function that does it for me and I am very new with OpenModelica language.
So far, I have a model that simulates the physical behavior based on a DAEs. Now, I am trying to build what you suggest here:
With get time() you can build a function that: reads the system time as t_start translates the model and simulate for 0 seconds reads the system time again and as t_stop computes the difference between t_start and t_stop.
Could you please, give me more details: Which command can I use to read the system at time t_start and to simulate it for 0 seconds? To do this for both t_start and t_stop do I need to different function?
Once I have done this, do I have to call the function (or functions) inside the OpenModelica Model of which I want to know its time?
Thank you so much again for your precious help!
Very best regards, Gabriele
From the other question:
I noticed in Modelica there are different flags for the simulation time but actually the time I get is very small compared to the time that elapses since I press the simulation button to the end of the simulation (approximately measured with the clock of my phone).
The time that is reported is correct. Most of the time taken is not initialisation or simulation, but compilation. If you use the re-simulate option in OMEdit (right-click a result-file in the plot view for variables), you will notice the simulation is very fast.
$ cat e.mos
loadString("model M
Real r(fixed=true, start=2.0);
der(r) = time;
end M;");getErrorString();
$ omc e.mos
record SimulationResult
resultFile = "/mnt/data/#Mech/martin/tmp/M_res.mat",
simulationOptions = "startTime = 0.0, stopTime = 1.0, numberOfIntervals = 500, tolerance = 1e-06, method = 'dassl', fileNamePrefix = 'M', options = '', outputFormat = 'mat', variableFilter = '.*', cflags = '', simflags = ''",
messages = "LOG_SUCCESS | info | The initialization finished successfully without homotopy method.
LOG_SUCCESS | info | The simulation finished successfully.
timeFrontend = 0.004114061,
timeBackend = 0.00237546,
timeSimCode = 0.0008126780000000001,
timeTemplates = 0.062749837,
timeCompile = 0.633754155,
timeSimulation = 0.006627571000000001,
timeTotal = 0.7106012479999999
end SimulationResult;
OMEdit does not report these other numbers (time to translate and compile the model) as far as I know. On Windows, these times are quite big because linking takes longer.
I am trying to download public comments and replies from the FACEBOOK public post by page.
my code is working until 5 Feb'18, Now it is showing below error for the "Replies".
Error in data.frame(from_id = json$from$id, from_name = json$from$name, :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
Called from: data.frame(from_id = json$from$id, from_name = json$from$name,
message = ifelse(!is.null(json$message), json$message, NA),
created_time = json$created_time, likes_count = json$like_count,
comments_count = json$comment_count, id = json$id, stringsAsFactors = F)
please refer below code I am using.
test <- list()
test.reply<- list()
for (i in II:length(page$id)){
test[[i]] <- getPost(post=page$id[i], token = my_oauth,n= 100000, comments = TRUE, likes = FALSE)
if (nrow(test[[i]][["comments"]]) > 0) {
write.csv(test[[i]], file = paste0(page$from_name[2],"_comments_", i, ".csv"), row.names = F)
for (j in JJ:length(test[[i]]$comments$id)){
test.reply[[j]] <-getCommentReplies(comment_id=test[[i]]$comments$id[j],token=my_oauth,n = 100000, replies = TRUE,likes = FALSE)
if (nrow(test.reply[[j]][["replies"]]) > 0) {
write.csv(test.reply[[j]], file = paste0(page$from_name[2],"_replies_",i,"_and_", j, ".csv"), row.names = F)
Thanks For Your support In advance.
I had the very same problem as Facebook changed the api rules at the end of January. If you update your package with 'devtools' from Pablo Barbera's github, it should work for you.
I have amended my code (a little) and it works fine now for replies to comments.There is one frustrating thing though, is that Facebook dont appear to allow one to extract the user name. I have a pool of data already so I am now using that to train and predict gender.
If you have any questions and want to make contact - drop me an email at 'robert.chestnutt2#mail.dcu.ie'
By the way - it may not be an issue for you, but I have had challenges in the past writing the Rfacebook output to a csv. Saving output as an .RData file maintains the form a lot better
Im using codeigniter to pull blog posts from my database and I want to display how much time has elapsed since the post is posted. By default codeigniters timespan() function is displaying for example:
1 Year, 10 Months, 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 10 Hours, 16 Minutes
but i want to translate the words Year,Months,Weeks,Days,Hours,Minutes in other language, for example Bosnian,Croatian or Serbian.
How can I translate it?
I found the answer. You need to go to the application/language/english folder and create a file called date_lang.php. In my case I just want to have one language on my website, so i made the file in the default (english) folder. If you have more languages you can change the language in the application/config/config.php and change the $config['language'] = 'english' to whatever language you made in the application/language/YOURLANGUAGE.php file.
I added this piece of code in my date_lang.php file and it works well.
$lang['date_year'] = 'Godinu';
$lang['date_years'] = 'Godina';
$lang['date_month'] = 'Mjesec';
$lang['date_months'] = 'Mjeseci';
$lang['date_week'] = 'Sedmica';
$lang['date_weeks'] = 'Sedmice';
$lang['date_day'] = 'Dan';
$lang['date_days'] = 'Dana';
$lang['date_hour'] = 'Sat';
$lang['date_hours'] = 'Sat';
$lang['date_minute'] = 'Minute';
$lang['date_minutes'] = 'Minuta';
$lang['date_second'] = 'Sekundu';
$lang['date_seconds'] = 'Sekunde';
Trying to measure a website performance I created a simple logging sub to see what parts are slow during the execution of a classic asp page.
sub log(logText)
dim fs, f
set fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f = fs.OpenTextFile("log.txt", 8, true)
f.WriteLine(now() & " - " & logText)
set f = Nothing
set fs = Nothing
end sub
log "Loading client countries"
set myR = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
myR.ActiveConnection = aConnection
myR.Source = "SELECT * FROM CC ORDER BY ccName ASC"
log "Opening db connection"
log "Opened db connection"
Here are the results (only showing the time part):
11:13:01 - Loading client countries
11:13:06 - Opening db connection
11:13:06 - Opened db connection
Creating the ADODBRecordSet and setting a few properties takes about 5 seconds. This does not always happen, sometimes the code is executed fast, but usually when I reload the page
after a few minutes the loading times are more or less the same as the example's. Could this really be a server/resources issue or should I consider rewriting the code? (My best option would be to write this in C#, but I have to study this code first before moving forward anyway).
Update: I added more code after receiving 1st comment to present a few more code. Explanation: The code creates a combobox (selection menu) with the retrieved countries (it continues where the previous piece of code stopped).
if not myR.eof then
clientCountries = myR.getrows
send("<option value='0'>Select country</option>")
log "Creating combobox options"
for i = 0 to ubound(clientCountries, 2)
if cstr(session("clientCountry")) <> "" then
if cstr(clientCountries(1, i)) = cstr(session("clientCountry")) then
isSelected = "selected" else isSelected = ""
end if
end if
if cstr(session("clientCountry")) = "" then
if cstr(clientCountries(1, i)) = "23" then
isSelected = "selected"
isSelected = ""
end if
end if
optionString = ""
optionString = clientCountries(2, i)
send("<option value='" & clientCountries(1, i) & "' " & isSelected & ">" & convertToProperCase(optionString) & "</option>")
log "Created combobox options"
end if
myR.ActiveConnection = nothing
set myR = nothing
log "Loaded client countries"
The next two log entries are as follows:
11:13:06 - Creating combobox options
11:13:06 - Created combobox options
So far, the SELECT query as the rest of the page (2 or 3 queries more) is executed within the next second more or less. The only part slowing the page down is what you can see in the first part of the log. I'm not sure if I can profile the SQLServer, because I only have cPanel access. This is the only way I know of, unless there's something else I could have a look at.
First, Check your connection string, I've experienced slower times with certain providers. The best provider I've found for classic asp is sqloledb
Second, I would close my SQL object before I did the For statement on the GetRows() array. You don't want to keep that open if you don't need to.
Third, I'd use stored procedures. You'll get a performance improvement by saving on compile time.
Fourth, I would avoid doing a SELECT * statement at all cost, instead I would return ONLY the columns I need. (Your code looks like it only needs 2 columns)
Fifth, I would build indexes on the tables taking longer than expected.
If this doesn't resolve the issue, I would consider other languages/solutions. Not sure what the dataset looks like, so can't say if a flat-file database should be considered or not.
Also, try this for a recordset instead and see what happens:
Set myR = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
myR.Open "SELECT * FROM CC ORDER BY ccName ASC", aConnection
If myR.RecordCount > 0 Then clientCountries = myR.GetRows()
Set myR = Nothing
If IsArray(myR) Then
For ....
I am working on an application in which I need to get the current year, month, and day. Is there a way to get this information in the pre block of a rule?
Can I get this data as a string or a number or both?
There are currently time functions documented on http://docs.kynetx.com/docs/Time but none of them seem to work for what I am trying to do.
Is there a way to set the timezone when getting this data?
I was able to do it using strftime which appears to be an undocumented feature so use with caution.
ruleset a60x518 {
meta {
name "date-test"
description <<
author "Mike Grace"
logging on
rule testing {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
retTime = time:strftime(time:now({"tz":"America/Denver"}), "%c");
month = time:strftime(time:now({"tz":"America/Denver"}), "%B");
year = time:strftime(time:now({"tz":"America/Denver"}), "%Y");
day = time:strftime(time:now({"tz":"America/Denver"}), "%d");
notify("time",retTime) with sticky = true;
notify("month",month) with sticky = true;
notify("year",year) with sticky = true;
notify("day",day) with sticky = true;
App run on example.com twice. Once with the timezone set to New York and onother time set to Denver
I used this site http://www.statoids.com/tus.html to get the correct strings to use for the timezone. I have no idea if they all work. I just found this site and tried a few and they worked so use with caution.
Perhaps the docs got reverted. For convenience, here is the documentation for strftime:
Convert a datetime string to a different format
Valid format arguments to strftime follow the POSIX strftime conventions.
time:strftime(xTime,”%F %T”) # 2010-10-06 18:15:24
time:strftime(xTime,”%F”) # 2010-10-06
time:strftime(xTime,”%T”) # 18:19:29
time:strftime(xTime,”%A %d %b %Y”) # Wednesday 06 Oct 2010
time:strftime(xTime,”%c”) # Oct 6, 2010 6:25:55 PM
The other time functions:
Current datetime based upon user’s location data
time:now({“tz” : <timezone>)
Create a new RFC 3339 datetime string from a string (allows some flexibility in how the source string is formatted)
time:new() # Equivalent to time:now()
Valid formats for the datetime source string can be found in ISO8601 (v2000).
Add (or subtract) a specific number of time units to a source string
time:add(<string>,{<unit> : n})