Issue in Facebook Replies download from post comments - rstudio

I am trying to download public comments and replies from the FACEBOOK public post by page.
my code is working until 5 Feb'18, Now it is showing below error for the "Replies".
Error in data.frame(from_id = json$from$id, from_name = json$from$name, :
arguments imply differing number of rows: 0, 1
Called from: data.frame(from_id = json$from$id, from_name = json$from$name,
message = ifelse(!is.null(json$message), json$message, NA),
created_time = json$created_time, likes_count = json$like_count,
comments_count = json$comment_count, id = json$id, stringsAsFactors = F)
please refer below code I am using.
test <- list()
test.reply<- list()
for (i in II:length(page$id)){
test[[i]] <- getPost(post=page$id[i], token = my_oauth,n= 100000, comments = TRUE, likes = FALSE)
if (nrow(test[[i]][["comments"]]) > 0) {
write.csv(test[[i]], file = paste0(page$from_name[2],"_comments_", i, ".csv"), row.names = F)
for (j in JJ:length(test[[i]]$comments$id)){
test.reply[[j]] <-getCommentReplies(comment_id=test[[i]]$comments$id[j],token=my_oauth,n = 100000, replies = TRUE,likes = FALSE)
if (nrow(test.reply[[j]][["replies"]]) > 0) {
write.csv(test.reply[[j]], file = paste0(page$from_name[2],"_replies_",i,"_and_", j, ".csv"), row.names = F)
Thanks For Your support In advance.

I had the very same problem as Facebook changed the api rules at the end of January. If you update your package with 'devtools' from Pablo Barbera's github, it should work for you.
I have amended my code (a little) and it works fine now for replies to comments.There is one frustrating thing though, is that Facebook dont appear to allow one to extract the user name. I have a pool of data already so I am now using that to train and predict gender.
If you have any questions and want to make contact - drop me an email at ''
By the way - it may not be an issue for you, but I have had challenges in the past writing the Rfacebook output to a csv. Saving output as an .RData file maintains the form a lot better


Creating button that clips Entries

I've created a program that is supposed to take the question and entry from a user and copy it to the clipboard. It works fine as a regular program but when I try to adapt it in trying to adapt it to a GUI I am running into an issue. Currently the program is only copying the question and the entries are returning empty strings. I know that if a broke down each entry into its own named variable I could probably fix this issue but a loop seems like a much cleaner solution. Can anyone assist?
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
import pyperclip
system = 'What is the system?'
product = 'What is the product?'
issue = 'What is the issue?'
error = 'Is there an error message?'
screenshot = 'Do you have a screenshot or documentation for this issue?'
impact = 'Is the floor impacted. If so, what is the impact?'
users = 'How many users is this affecting?'
troubleshooting = 'Was there troubleshooting performed?'
changes = 'Are you aware of any changes that may have led up to the issue?'
ticket = 'Do you have an internal ticket number?'
questions = (
system, product, issue, error,
screenshot, impact, users, troubleshooting,
changes, ticket)
entries = []
clip = []
index = 0
root = tk.Tk()
top_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=W)
bottom_frame.grid(column=0, row=1)
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=600, height=800)
while index < 10:
label = tk.Label(top_frame, text=questions[index])
label.grid(columnspan=2, column=c, row=r, sticky=W)
index += 1
for r in range(1,20,2):
entry = tk.Entry(top_frame, width=50)
entry.grid(columnspan=2, column=c, row=r, sticky=W, padx=10, pady=5)
def enact_clip(entries, questions):
responses = []
outfile= open('copy.txt', 'w')
for entry in entries:
clip = list(zip(questions, responses))
for line in clip:
outfile.write(str(line) + '\n')
infile = open('copy.txt', 'r')
copy_contents =
return pyperclip.copy(copy_contents)
clip_button = Button(bottom_frame, text='Clip', command= enact_clip(entries, questions))
clip_button.grid(column=0, row=1)

How can I get the score from Question-Answer Pipeline? Is there a bug when Question-answer pipeline is used?

When I run the following code
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForQuestionAnswering
import torch
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad")
model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained("bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking-finetuned-squad")
text = r"""
As checked Dis is not yet on boarded to ARB portal, hence we cannot upload the invoices in portal
questions = [
"Dis asked if it is possible to post the two invoice in ARB.I have not access so I wanted to check if you would be able to do it.",
for question in questions:
inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(question, text, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors="pt")
input_ids = inputs["input_ids"].tolist()[0]
text_tokens = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(input_ids)
answer_start_scores, answer_end_scores = model(**inputs)
answer_start = torch.argmax(
) # Get the most likely beginning of answer with the argmax of the score
answer_end = torch.argmax(answer_end_scores) + 1 # Get the most likely end of answer with the argmax of the score
answer = tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_string(tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(input_ids[answer_start:answer_end]))
print(f"Question: {question}")
print(f"Answer: {answer}\n")
The answer that I get here is:
Question: Dis asked if it is possible to post the two invoice in ARB.I have not access so I wanted to check if you would be able to do it.
Answer: dis is not yet on boarded to ARB portal
How do I get a score for this answer? Score here is very similar to what is I get when I run Question-Answer pipeline .
I have to take this approach since Question-Answer pipeline when used is giving me Key Error for the below code
from transformers import pipeline
nlp = pipeline("question-answering")
context = r"""
As checked Dis is not yet on boarded to ARB portal, hence we cannot upload the invoices in portal.
print(nlp(question="Dis asked if it is possible to post the two invoice in ARB?", context=context))
This is my attempt to get the score. It appears that I cannot figure out what feature.p_mask. So I could not remove the non-context indexes that contribute to the softmax at the moment.
# ... assuming imports and question and context
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(model_name)
inputs = tokenizer(question, context,
input_ids = inputs['input_ids'].tolist()[0]
outputs = model(**inputs)
# used to compute score
start = outputs.start_logits.detach().numpy()
end = outputs.end_logits.detach().numpy()
# from source code
# Ensure padded tokens & question tokens cannot belong to the set of candidate answers.
#?? undesired_tokens = np.abs(np.array(feature.p_mask) - 1) & feature.attention_mask
# Generate mask
undesired_tokens = inputs['attention_mask']
undesired_tokens_mask = undesired_tokens == 0.0
# Make sure non-context indexes in the tensor cannot contribute to the softmax
start_ = np.where(undesired_tokens_mask, -10000.0, start)
end_ = np.where(undesired_tokens_mask, -10000.0, end)
# Normalize logits and spans to retrieve the answer
start_ = np.exp(start_ - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(start_), axis=-1, keepdims=True)))
end_ = np.exp(end_ - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(end_), axis=-1, keepdims=True)))
# Compute the score of each tuple(start, end) to be the real answer
outer = np.matmul(np.expand_dims(start_, -1), np.expand_dims(end_, 1))
# Remove candidate with end < start and end - start > max_answer_len
max_answer_len = 15
candidates = np.tril(np.triu(outer), max_answer_len - 1)
scores_flat = candidates.flatten()
idx_sort = [np.argmax(scores_flat)]
start, end = np.unravel_index(idx_sort, candidates.shape)[1:]
end += 1
score = candidates[0, start, end-1]
start, end, score = start.item(), end.item(), score.item()
See more source code

Editing the get_string function in Game Maker Studio 2

Everything works yet when I get prompted up to enter my name it looks like an error. Is there anyway I can edit it?
I am new to GameMaker, this is just my personal work for fun.
I have been looking online for a solution but it does not seem to be anywhere, I not sure if it's possible.
The following is the code that I am referring to.
if (currentHealth <= 0) {
name = get_string("Please enter your name: ","Anonymus");
highscore_add(name, global.points);
Maybe try "get_string_async()"
get_string should only be used for debugging. if you use get_string_async() your code will look like this
Create Event:
async = -1
input = 0
Step Event:
if (currentHealth <= 0 && input == 0) {
name = get_string_async("Please enter your name: ","Anonymus");
input = 1
Async_Dialogue Event:
var i_d = ds_map_find_value(async_load, "id");
if i_d == async
if ds_map_find_value(async_load, "status")
name = ds_map_find_value(async_load, "result");
highscore_add(name, global.points);
This works fine for me
If you want an "input field" (term to look for), you can use keyboard_string. For example,
keyboard_string = "";
if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_enter)) {
input = keyboard_string;
// ... do something with `input`
draw_text(x, y, keyboard_string);
Or a slightly less basic example that I made in 2013.

Is stdWrap.cache still working in v7.6/8.7?

Tried to use stdWrap.cache on different instances (TYPO3 7.6.23 and 8.7.8) according to But the content is rendered for each page instead of sharing it with other pages.
Also the exact example doesn't work:
page = PAGE
page.5 = TEXT
page.5 {
stdWrap.cache.key = mycurrenttimestamp
stdWrap.cache.tags = tag_a,tag_b,tag_c
stdWrap.cache.lifetime = 3600 = date : U
stdWrap.strftime = %H:%M:%S
Can anybody confirm this? Or does anybody currently have a working usecase?
It had been a documentation thing.
Caching has changed a little bit. You should use cache directly on your object - without stdWrap:
page = PAGE
page.5 = TEXT
page.5 {
cache.key = mycurrenttimestamp
cache.tags = tag_a,tag_b,tag_c
cache.lifetime = 3600
data = date : U
strftime = %H:%M:%S

web app is sharing the same memory storage [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Computing Result on server side but session data not isolated per user
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I working in a app that i use to compute user details. But somehow, the values of a user alter that of another user.
Below is a fragment of the code
def Compute_UserScore(self, details, ques_no):
if(HomePage.answer_.strip() == ""):
self.response.write("""<script type = "text/javascript">
alert("Dear User, You can not answer same answer twice.. Take test Again !");
count = 0
HomePage.ans_no = 0
HomePage.unans_no = 0
HomePage.correct_no = 0
HomePage.wrong_no = 0
HomePage.failed_ques = list()
HomePage.answer_ = HomePage.answer_.strip()
question_1 = HomePage.question_.split(" gcdc_split_format ")
while (count != (ques_no)):
user_answer = str(details[count]).strip().capitalize()
real_answer = str(HomePage.answer_[count]).strip().capitalize()
if (len(str(user_answer).strip()) == 1):
HomePage.ans_no = HomePage.ans_no + 1
if(user_answer.strip() == real_answer.strip()):
HomePage.correct_no = HomePage.correct_no + 1
HomePage.wrong_no = HomePage.wrong_no + 1
HomePage.failed_ques.append(str("No. " + str(int((count + 1))) + " " + str(question_1[count])))
HomePage.unans_no = HomePage.unans_no + 1
count = count + 1
HomePage.answer_ = ""
return " "
and this is how my homepage looks like
class HomePage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
percentage = None
subject_answered = None
username_ = None
email_ = None
super_date = None
answer_ = " "
question_ = " "
failed_ques = list()
wrong_no = 0
correct_no = 0
ans_no = 0
unans_no = 0
The problem is, when a user A, take a test, He sees the result of another user B.
Read about Using instance variable, but still have not figure ouut how to make it work
Solution is simple: Stop setting class variables in web development! :)
Web requests are stateless, it's mean you never know what's happen between requests - between setting class variable and redirect.
Use database to store temporary data with user login/name (or use hashing/random for security) or send values by parameters (hidden or after '?') to other html page.
Using database is better, if you don't want this then send values (hidden in html) over http. Here is one version of solution (without database):
1.Use normal html form and write handler for this form - question page.
2.In handler write get method like this:
def post(self, some_parameters):
self.render('homepage.html', {'ans_no': ans_no,\
'uans_no': uans_no ...})
3.homepage.html have to be template for showing results
