"/bin/sh: 1: [“apache2ctl”,: not found" in docker - bash

I have a simple Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y apache2
RUN apt-get install -y apache2-utils
RUN apt-get clean
RUN apt-get upgrade -y
CMD [“apache2ctl”, “-D FOREGROUND”]
I build it with the following statement
docker build -t mywebserver .
That works quite well, but when I want to execute it with
docker run -p 80:80 mywebserver
it returns the error message you can see in the headline.
I also tried /usr/sbin/apache2ctl instead of apache2ctl to make sure that it is not because of missing in the PATH but that did not help.
So thanks in advance for your help.

You have typographic quotes in CMD (“ ”), use straight quotes ("). – Dan Lowe

change this line
CMD [“apache2ctl”, “-D FOREGROUND”]
CMD ["apache2ctl", "-D","FOREGROUND"]
You should group your RUN, by the way, see


No such file or directory when executing command via docker run -it

I have this Dockerfile (steps based on installation guide from AWS)
FROM amazon/aws-cli:latest
RUN yum install python37 -y
RUN curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
RUN python3 get-pip.py --user
RUN pip3 install awsebcli --upgrade --user
RUN echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
RUN source ~/.bashrc
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
When I build the image with docker build -t eb-cli . and then run eb --version inside container docker run -it eb-cli, everything works
bash-4.2# eb --version
EB CLI 3.20.3 (Python 3.7.1)
But, when I run the command directly as docker run -it eb-cli eb --version, it gives me this error
/bin/bash: eb: No such file or directory
I think that is problem with bash profiles, but I can't figure it out.
Your sourced .bashrc would stay in the layer it was sourced, but won't apply to the resulting container. This is actually more thoroughly explained in this answer:
Each command runs a separate sub-shell, so the environment variables are not preserved and .bashrc is not sourced
Source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55213158/2123530
A solution for you would be to set the PATH in an environment variable of the container, rather, and blank the ENTRYPOINT as set by your base image.
So you could end with an image as simple as:
FROM amazon/aws-cli:latest
ENV PATH="/root/.local/bin:${PATH}"
RUN yum install python37 -y \
&& pip3 install awsebcli
With this Dockerfile, here is the resulting build and run:
$ docker build . -t eb-cli -q
$ docker run eb-cli eb --version
EB CLI 3.20.3 (Python 3.7.1)
you can install the really latest version of pip, as you did it, but it is not needed as it is already bundled in the package python37
installing packages for the user, with the --user flag, is a good practice indeed, but since you are running this command as root, there is no real point in doing so, in the end
having the --upgrade flag does not makes much more sense, here, as the package won't be installed beforehand. And upgrading the package would be as simple as rebuilding the image
reducing the number of layer of an image by reducing the number of RUN in your Dockerfile is an advisable practice that you can find in the best practice

Docker build fails to fetch packages from archive.ubuntu.com inside bash script used in Dockerfile

Trying to build a docker image with the execution of a pre-requisites installation script inside the Dockerfile fails for fetching packages via apt-get from archive.ubuntu.com.
Using the apt-get command inside the Dockerfile works flawless, despite being behind a corporate proxy, which is setup via the ENV command in the Dockerfile.
Anyway, executing the apt-get command from a bash-script in a terminal inside the resulting docker container or as "postCreateCommand" in a devcontainer.json of Visual Studio Code does work as expected too. But it won't work in my case for the invocation of a bash script from inside a Dockerfile.
It simply will tell:
Starting installation of package iproute2
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
The following additional packages will be installed:
libatm1 libcap2 libcap2-bin libmnl0 libpam-cap libxtables12
Suggested packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
iproute2 libatm1 libcap2 libcap2-bin libmnl0 libpam-cap libxtables12
0 upgraded, 7 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 971 kB of archives.
After this operation, 3,287 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Err:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal/main amd64 libcap2 amd64 1:2.32-1
Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntu.com'
... more output ...
E: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcap2/libcap2_2.32-1_amd64.deb Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntu.com'
... more output ...
Just for example a snippet of the Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM ubuntu:20.04 as builderImage
USER root
ENV https_proxy=$http_proxy
ENV HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy
ENV HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy
ENV ftp_proxy=$http_proxy
ENV FTP_PROXY=$http_proxy
# it is always helpful sorting packages alpha-numerically to keep the overview ;)
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get -y upgrade && \
apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends apt-utils dialog 2>&1 \
&& \
apt-get -y install \
default-jdk \
git \
python3 python3-pip
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
ADD ./env-setup.sh .
RUN chmod +x env-setup.sh && ./env-setup.sh
CMD ["bash"]
The minimal version of the environment script env-setup.sh, which is supposed to be invoked by the Dockerfile, would look like this:
sudo $packageCommand update;
packageInstallCommand="$packageCommand install";
packageInstallCommand+=" -y";
sudo $packageInstallCommand $package;
Of course the usage of variables is down to making use of a list for the packages to be installed and other aspects.
Hopefully that has covered everything essential to the question:
Why is the execution of apt-get working with a RUN and as well running the bash script inside the container after creating, but not from the very same bash script while building the image from a Dockerfile?
I was hoping to find the answer with the help of an extensive web-search, but unfortunately I was only able to find anything but an answer to this case.
As pointed out in the comment section underneath the question:
using sudo to launch the command, wiping out all the current vars set in the current environment, more specifically your proxy settings
So that is the case.
The solution is either to remove sudo from the bash script and invoke the script as root inside the Dockerfile.
Or, using sudo will work with ENV variables, just apply sudo -E.

Install base docker image from bash

My dockerfile is as below:
FROM bash:4.4
COPY prerequisites_ubuntu.sh /temp/prerequisites_ubuntu.sh
RUN /temp/prerequisites_ubuntu.sh
prerequisites_ubuntu.sh :
FROM ubuntu:latest
apt-get update
apt-get install -y coreutils git-core ssh scons build-essential g++ libglib2.0-dev unzip uuid-dev python-dev autotools-dev gcc libjansson-dev cmake
When I do docker build "docker build --rm --no-cache -t my_image ."
It gives error as
/temp/prerequisites_ubuntu.sh: line 1: FROM: not found
/temp/prerequisites_ubuntu.sh: line 3: apt-get: not found
/temp/prerequisites_ubuntu.sh: line 4: apt-get: not found
The prerequisites_ubuntu.sh file will change for RaspberryPI or other platform
There are a couple of issues with the prerequisites_ubuntu.sh file. First of all, it is not an sh file. You are missing a shebang (which specifies which shell to use to execute the script). the FROM statement is part of the Dockerfile spec, not of shell scripts (which is why you get FROM: not found) as an error. And the bash image is based on alpine linux, which does not use apt-get but it uses apk add. Once you change the shell script to use apk add, add a shebang, and remove the FROM statement it should work.

How do I get LaraDock to use yum instead of apt-get?

I am trying to setup a container using laradock with the following command:
docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
The problem is I am getting the following error:
E: There were unauthenticated packages and -y was used without --allow-unauthenticated
ERROR: Service 'workspace' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update -yqq && apt-get -yqq install nasm' returned a non-zero code: 100`
Is there a way to get it to use yum instead of apt-get?
(I'm a server noob, thought docker would be easy and it seems that it is. Just can't figure out why it's trying to use apt-get instead of yum. Thanks.)
I suggest to read about the problems with different package system: Getting apt-get on an alpine container
Most official docker images are available with different version of Linux (alpine, debian, cent). I would rather create a own Dockerfile and change "FROM x:y" than use different package systems.
But, read the linked comment.

Cannot (apt-get) install packages inside docker

I installed ubuntu 14.04 virtual machine and run docker(1.11.2). I try to build sample image (here).
docker file :
FROM java:8
# Install maven
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y maven
I get following error:
Step 3: RUN apt-get update
--> Using cache
Step 4: RUN apt-get install -y maven
---> Running in a6c1d5d54b7a
Reading package lists...
Reading dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package maven
INFO[0029] The command [/bin/sh -c apt-get install -y maven] returned a non-zero code:100
following solutions I have tried, but no success.
restarted docker here
run as apt-get -qq -y install curl here :same error :(
how can i view detailed error message ?
any way to fix the issue?
you may need to update os inside docker before
try to run apt-get update first, then apt-get install xxx
The cached result of the apt-get update may be very stale. Redesign the package pull according to the Docker best practices:
FROM java:8
# Install maven
RUN apt-get update \
&& DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
apt-get install -y maven \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
Based on similar issues I had, you want to both look at possible network issues and possible image related issues.
Network issues : you are already looking at proxy related stuff. Make sure also the iptables setup done automatically by docker has not been messed up unintentionnaly by yourself or another application. Typically, if another docker container runs with a net=host option, this can cause trouble.
Image issues : The distro you are running on in your container is not Ubuntu 14.04 but the one that java:8 was built from. If you took the java image from official library on docker hub, you have a hierarchy of images coming initially from Debian jessie. You might want to look the different Dockerfile in this hierarchy to find out where the repo setup is not the one you are looking at.
For both situations, to debug this, I recommand you run inside the latest image a shell to look the actual network and repo situation in your image. In your case
docker run -ti --rm 64345sdd332 /bin/bash
gives you a shell just before running your install maven command.
I am currently working behind proxy. it failed to download some dependency. for that you have to mention proxy configuration in docker file. ref
but, now I facing difficulty to run "mvn", "dependency:resolve" due to the proxy, maven itself block to download some dependency and build failed.
thanks buddies for your great support !
Execute 'apt-get update' and 'apt-get install' in a single RUN instruction. This is done to make sure that the latest packages will be installed. If 'apt-get install' were in a separate RUN instruction, then it would reuse a layer added by 'apt-get update', which could have been created a long time ago.
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y <tool..eg: maven>
Note: RUN instructions build your image by adding layers on top of the initial image.
