How to add List in GraphQL - graphql

I am new to graphQL. My Ghapgh Ql query wants following format {"offers": false, "new": true, "favourites": true} where offers, new, favourites are of Filters in java class. Query can have any number of such filters. How to write graphql query which will accept list of filters and build query like above. I tried by writting above hadcoded query.

This question is similar to yours in that it discusses the concept of filtering with GraphQL. There is also a comment on the first answer that leads to some GraphCool documentation that discusses their approach to filtering. (GraphCool Docs). I'm not super knowledgeable on the Java front so hopefully this is still helpful.
Generally though, you can include optional params in your query, that if present filter your result in your resolve.
Resolves take args as the second argument. Depending on how many potential filters you would like to provide, you can choose the correct implementation.
Two options are, 1) have a param filter that takes a list of filters. (This is similar to GraphCool; 2) Just use variable names as args and filter on those things.
So for your example, I'm not really sure what your models look like exactly or what type of DB/ORM you are using, but if you went with option 2, you can essentially in your resolve just filter the result (JS sorry I'm not much of a java expert).
resolve: (_, args, context) => {
const result = someDbInteractionForResult()
result.filter( (item) => {
for (const [filter, value] of Object.entries(args)) {
const passFilter = value === item.filter;
if (!passFilter) {
return false;
return true;
This is still a similar approach to passing the filters in in the GraphCool manner. I think the decision is just that if you have other args that you will also include. If so, then you will want to block off your filters in its own object so it's easier to separate your concerns.


Filtering a list of values by a field value in GraphQL

So I'm doing some tests with GraphQL, and I'm failing in doing something that I believe is fairly simple.
When going to the GraphQL demo site ( I'm presented with a default query which goes like this:
allFilms {
films {
This works as expected and returns a list of films.
Now - I would like to modify this query to return only the films where the director is George Lucas, and for the life of me - I can't figure out how to do that.
I've tried using the where and filter expressions, and also change the second line to films: (director: "George Lucas") but keep getting error messages.
What's the correct syntax for doing that?
If you check the docs of the provided GraphQL schema, you'll see that this is not possible. Following is the definition of the allFilms field:
after: String
first: Int
before: String
last: Int
): FilmsConnection
As per the doc, it has 4 input arguments, which are after, first, before, and last. There is no way to filter this out using the director's name.
GraphQL is not SQL. You cannot use expressions like WHERE or FILTER in GraphQL. The schema is already defined and the filters are pre-defined too. If the schema does not allow you to filter values using a certain field, you just can't do it.
You can to see the graphql schema here
The allFilms query does not contain a filter for the field director. Also i can't find other query with this filter.
Most likely you need to write a filter on the result of the query.

filter by Time in graphql (using faunaDB service)

My graphQL schema looks like this,
type Todo {
name: String!
created_at: Time
type Query {
allTodos: [Todo!]!
todosByCreatedAtFlag(created_at: Time!): [Todo!]!
This query works.
query {
todosByCreatedAtFlag(created_at: "2017-02-08T16:10:33Z") {
data {
Could anyone point out how i can create greater than (or less than) Time query in graphql (using faunaDB).
GraphQL range queries are not supported (yet.. they're coming!)
FaunaDB does not provide range queries for their GraphQL out-of-the-box, we are working on these features.
.. but there is a workaround.
That doesn't mean though that it can't do range queries since range queries are supported in FQL and you can always 'escape' from GraphQL to FQL to implement more advanced queries by writing a User Defined Function (UDF).
.. using resolvers
By using the #resolver keyword in your schema you can implement GraphQL queries yourself by writing a User Defined Function in FaunaDB in FQL. There are some basic examples in the documentation bt I imagine you might need some help so I'll write you a simple example.
I added your schema and added two documents:
First thing is that our schema will be extended with the resolver:
type Todo {
name: String!
created_at: Time
type Query {
allTodos: [Todo!]!
todosByCreatedAtFlag(created_at: Time!): [Todo!]!
todosByCreatedRange(before: Time, after:Time): [Todo!]! #resolver
All this does is add a function for us to implement:
Which if we call via GraphQL gives us exactly that Abort message we saw in the screenshot before since it has not been implemented yet. But we can see that the GraphQL statement actually calls the function.
.. UDF implementation
First thing we will do is add the parameter which is just writing a name as the first parameter of the lambda:
Which also takes an array in case you need to pass multiple parameters (which I do in the resolver that I defined in the schema):
We'll add an index to support our query. Values are for ranges (and for return values and sorting). We'll add created_at to range over it and also add ref since we'll need the return value to get the actual document behind the index.
We could then start off by just writing a simple function (that won't work yet)
["before", "after"],
Range(Match(Index("todosByCreatedAtRange")), Var("before"), Var("after"))
and could test this by calling the function manually via the shell.
This indeed returns the two objects (range is inclusive).
Of course, there is one problem with this, it does not return the data in the structure that GraphQL expects it so we'll get these strange errors:
We can do two things now, either define a type in our Schema that fits these and/or we can adapt the data the returns. We'll do the latter and adapt our result to the expected [Todo!]! result to show you.
Step one, map over the result. The only thing we introduce here is the Map and the Lambda. We do not do anything special yet, we just return the reference instead of both the ts and the reference as an example.
["before", "after"],
Lambda(["created_at", "ref"], Var("ref"))
Calling it indeed shows that the function now only returns references.
Let's get the actual documents. I know that FQL is verbose (and with good reasons, although it should become less verbose in the future) so I started adding comments to clarify things
["before", "after"],
// This is just the query to get your range
// This is a function that will be executed on each result (with the help of Map)
Lambda(["created_at", "ref"],
// We'll use Let to structure our queries ( allowing us to use varaibles )
todo: Get(Var("ref"))
// And then we return something
Our function now returns data.. woohoo!
We still need to make sure this data is conforms to what GraphQL expects, and from the schema we can see that it expects a [Todo!]! (See docs tab) and a Todo looks like (see the schema tab):
type Todo {
_id: ID!
_ts: Long!
name: String!
created_at: Time
As you can also see from that docs tab is that 'non-resolver' queries are automatically changed to return TodoPages. The function we wrote so far actually return pages.
Option 1, change the schema and turn it into a paginated resolver.
We can fix this by adding the paginated: true option to the resolver. You will have to take into account for extra parameters that will be added to the resolver as explained here. I haven't tried that myself, so I'm not 100% certain how that would work. The advantage of a paginated resolve is that you can immediately take advantage of sane pagination in the GraphQL endpoint.
Option 2, turn it into a non-paginated result.
A paginated result is a result that looks as follows:
{ data: [ document1, document2, .. ],
before: ...
after: ..
The result doesn't accept pages but an array so I'll change it and retrieve the data field:
And we have our result.
The complete query looks as follows:
["before", "after"],
["created_at", "ref"],
Let({ todo: Get(Var("ref")) }, Var("todo"))
Once you go custom, pagination also becomes your responsibility (e.g. pass an extra parameter). You can't fetch relations out of the box anymore as you would normally do by just requesting the relations in the GraphQL body.
Some words on the benefits of UDFs and the hybrid of GraphQL/FQL
Before you shy away from FQL (and yes, we do have to add range queries and are working on that), here is some explanation on the UDF approach in general and why it makes sense to think about it anyway.
You will at a certain moment encounter things in GraphQL that are just impossible (complex conditional transactions, e.g. update document and update this other document only if some condition that results form the previous update is true). Users that use other GraphQL implementations typically solve this by writing a serverless function in case you have to implement advanced logic or transactions.
FaunaDB's answer to this is to use their User Defined Functions (UDFs). This is not a serverless function, it's a FaunaDB function implemented in FQL which might seem cumbersome at first but it's important to realize that it gives you the same benefits ( multi-region/strong consistency/scalability/free-tier/pay-as-you-go) that FaunaDB provides.

How Should Complex ReQL Queries be Composed?

Are there any best practices or ReQL features that that help with composing complex ReQL queries?
In order to illustrate this, imagine a fruits table. Each document has the following structure.
"id": 123,
"name": "name",
"colour": "colour",
"weight": 5
If we wanted to retrieve all green fruits, we might use the following query.
.filter({colour: 'green'})
However, in more complex cases, we might wish to use a variety of complex command combinations. In such cases, bespoke queries could be written for each case, but this could be difficult to maintain and could violate the Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. Instead, we might wish to write bespoke queries which could chain custom commands, thus allowing complex queries to be composed in a modular fashion. This might take the following form.
The component could be a function which accepts the last entity in the command chain as its argument and returns something, as follows.
function component(chain)
return chain
.filter({colour: 'green'});
This is not so much a feature proposal as an illustration of the problem of complex queries, although such a feature does seem intuitively useful.
Personally, my own efforts in resolving this problem have involved the creation of a compose utility function. It takes an array of functions as its main argument. Each function is called, passed a part of the query chain, and is expected to return an amended version of the query chain. Once the iteration is complete, a composition of the query components is returned. This can be viewed below.
function compose(queries, parameters)
if (queries.length > 1)
let composition = queries[0](parameters);
for (let index = 1; index < queries.length; index++)
let query = queries[index];
composition = query(composition, parameters);
return composition;
throw 'Must be two or more queries.';
function startQuery()
return RethinkDB;
function filterQuery1(query)
return query.filter({name: 'Grape'});
function filterQuery2(query)
return query.filter({colour: 'Green'});
function filterQuery3(query)
return query.orderBy(RethinkDB.desc('created'));
let composition = compose([startQuery, filterQuery1, filterQuery2, filterQuery3]);;
It would be great to know whether something like this exists, whether there are best practises to handle such cases, or whether this is an area where ReQL could benefit from improvements.
In RethinkDB doc, they state it clearly: All ReQL queries are chainable
Queries are constructed by making function calls in the programming
language you already know. You don’t have to concatenate strings or
construct specialized JSON objects to query the database. All ReQL
queries are chainable. You begin with a table and incrementally chain
transformers to the end of the query using the . operator
You do not have to compose another thing which just implicit your code, which gets it more difficult to read and be unnecessary eventually.
The simple way is assign the rethinkdb query and filter into the variables, anytime you need to add more complex logic, add directly to these variables, then run() it when your query is completed
Supposing I have to search a list of products with different filter inputs and getting pagination. The following code is exposed in javascript (This is simple code for illustration only)
let sorterDirection = 'asc';
let sorterColumnName = 'created_date';
var buildFilter = r.row('app_id').eq(appId).and(r.row('status').eq('public'))
// if there is no condition to start up, you could use r.expr(true)
// append every filter into the buildFilter var if they are positive
if (escapedKeyword != "") {
buildFilter = buildFilter.and(r.row('name').default('').downcase().match(escapedKeyword))
// you may have different filter to add, do the same to append them into buildFilter.
// start to make query
let query = r.table('yourTableName').filter(buildFilter);
.slice(pageIndex * pageSize, (pageIndex * pageSize) + pageSize).run();

GraphQL Authorization / Permission

So basically how do you handle permissions?
Let's say we have a list of Post(s) of some kind, with an argument first to limit the amount of posts. And only the owner and approved users can read the posts, everyone else can't. What is the best way to implement this?
query {
viewer {
posts(first: 10) {
What I'm currently thinking of, is to have a single source of truth to whether a user can read the post or not, and hook it up with the dataloader module.
But, how do I query for exactly 10 posts? If I query my DB for exactly 10 rows, when I then later on filter them with some business logic, then I can get for example 8 posts returned.
A solution is to not put a limit on the query, but that's not very efficient. So what is a good way to go about this?
Inspiration from here
(1) solved it by
export const DB = {
Lists: {
all: (user_id) => {
return sql.raw("SELECT id FROM lists WHERE owner_id is NULL or owner_id = %s, user_id);
as the query, and then to filter out which rows can be read:
resolve: (root, _, ctx) => {
// factor out data fetching
return DB.Lists.all(ctx.user_id)
.then( lists => {
// enforce auth on each node
So, we can clearly see that it's querying for all the rows, even if, say, the first argument was 1, which is what I'm trying to avoid.
Maybe I'm approaching the problem wrong in some way, as the business logic lives on another layer than the DB one, so there's no way but to query all the rows. Any help appreciated.
For future reference and other people searching for solutions.
Used Dataloader to solve the authentication problem.
Literally implemented what they did in and used this boilerplate repo as guidance. Not much more to say than that.

Spring Data Mongodb - findBy query with OR clause on same field

I'm working on mongo with spring data and using the query "findBy" based on property fields.
My goal will be find same value across multiple properties by OR clause like this:
List<Event> findByCreatorOrOrganizersOrGuests(User user);
this query involves 3 properties: "creator", "organizers" and "guests" that are a single value (creator) and 2 lists (organizers and guests) that contains the same class type (User)
at compile time I receive this error: Invalid parameter index! You seem to have declare too little query method parameters!
Do I need to repeat the same parameter 3 times? There's no workaround?
The using of Mongo queries for lists are not so efficient even if you define it with an index.
Another important thing is that the query:
List<Event> findByCreatorOrOrganizersOrGuests(User user);
includes some syntax errors (The MongoDB expects to get 3 parameters as variables int the ( ) relatively to the findBy keys, the return value should be inserted into a list object, and I am not sure that the Or in the find query is legal syntax.
As a concept the DB documents should have a good ability to be searched, cause it is the most expensive action.
When find using OR in MongoDB the direct query should looks like that:
def events = find({ $or: [ { user.username: { $lt: 20 } }, { price: 10 } ] } )
While searching in a list this is should be different, so please follow the links I attached.
When I try to think of the use you are looking for, I would suggest a different aspect. If the events is what interest you please read about the AbstractPersistenceEventListener. By define the appropriate
void onPostInsert(entity) {}
void onPostUpdate(entity) {}
void onPostDelete(entity) {}
You get all the events for each of the objects you want to listen to.
Here are 2 a great examples:
Example 1
Example 2
