Project Not Opening in XCode - xcode

My partner and I are using git to share our Xcode project. We accidentally added the same cocoapod and when I pulled from GitHub my project now won't open.
The merge error is in the podfile.lock but I can't figure out how to access that to fix it.
I've tried everything I can find on the internet which led me to the podfile.lock but I can't figure out where to go from here.

Generally, the error message is about
error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock
Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation
The usual workaround is to delete to Pod from the project, but here, the goal is to keep it, so, as the OP Ethan Hardacre comments:
the only solution to this problem that I could find was deleting the project and redownloading from GitHub.
In other words, keep the one that was pushed first to GitHub.


Committed changes on one branch break things on another branch

Here's a rundown of the issue:
I am running my project on the Xcode simulator, everything is fine.
I switch to a new branch to update react native. I run npm install and pod install.
I try building it, it fails, no problem, there are some kinks to work out.
I commit the changes I made, I'll come back to it later.
I switch back to the first branch and now the build fails with the same errors that I was getting on the new branch.
I haven't made any changes to the first branch, git log is the same as it was before, why is this happening?
Both are now failing in Android Studio too, though with a different error.
Xcode errors:
ENOENT: no such file or directory – I think this is because of a space in my path. It wasn't an issue before I did the update but if I fix that, I get:
The sandbox is not in sync with podfile.lock (What is the sandbox? I wonder if this is the issue?)
Android Studio Errors:
Gradle sync failed: Plugin with id 'maven' not found
The issue isn't the errors, I can find solutions to those, the issue is that it was working, nothing changed, and now it's not working.
I've run into this two times. The first time I read forums for hours and tried all that I could but the only thing that helped was deleting my local repo and pulling down a new one from the remote. But, it'd be nice to not have to do that every time I update something.
Has anyone run into this?
Here're some specs if helpful:
Xcode: 13.2.1
MacOS: Monterrey 12.2 (Intel)
Macbook Pro, 16G
React Native on first branch: 0.65.1
React Native on new branch: 0.67.4
Android Studio: Bumblebee| 2021.1.1 Patch 2
Node on first branch: 12.19.1
npm on first branch: 6.14.15
Node on new branch: 16.14.0
npm on new branch: 8.3.1
Many thanks in advance!
The issue is probably that changes were made to files that are in your gitignore, possibly the Podfile.lock and within node_modules. When switching back to your original branch, you'll have to run yarn / npm install again, and then pod install. The "sandbox" error occurs when the contents of the Pods directory is out of sync with what is prescribed in the Podfile.
If you've already done that, try stopping your Metro instance and running npx react-native-clean-project. There are several caches that could need to be invalidated or refreshed: native builds, Metro, gradle, watchman, etc.

Multiple targets for project in xcode

I am using xcode 7.3.1. After pod update, it's showing multiple project target in the project having same details without any change. How can I fix this? If I delete any one of these, xcode crashes and when we reopen even the other option comes in red and we dont have any project.
Have you tried to delete the workspace file and the pod directory, and re-launch a pod install ? The workspace file does not hold any important information to be retained in CocoaPods.
If you have the same problem after regenerating, it means there is an error in the Pod file.

How to change a github repo's directory to somewhere else?

To avoid being a X-Y problem, this is what happened:
I removed all the pods from the Podfile a few days ago because I didn't need them anymore. Today, I opened up the xcworkspace and see errors. One of them is this:
diff: /../Podfile.lock: No such file or directory
So I first try to solve the issue myself. I tried pod install, pod update, and lots of other stuff. They all didn't work. So I thought, FINE! I'll delete all the cocoapod-related stuff and start from scratch again! And so I did. But the problem is still there.
Then I downloaded the whole project from github and deleted the broken one. I tried updating cocoapods to the newest version and pod install, everything is working in the downloaded project.
After that, I found out that github is not tracking the changes of the downloaded project. It is still tracking the changes of the project in the trash.
I need to find a way to change the project that github is currently tracking to the downloaded project. How do I do this?
P.S. I am an absolute noob of command line interfaces. I cannot remember all those git commands. So if someone can show the solution both using the github (Mac) app and the CLI, it would be greatly appreciated.
I solved this problem with this:
Create a temp folder
Move all the stuff in the downloaded project's project folder to the temp folder
Delete the downloaded project's project folder, which is now empty
Move the deleted project from trash to the original position i.e. "Put Back"
Delete the contents of the original project folder
Move the stuff in the temp folder into the original project folder, which is now empty
You might have to add the newly downloaded copy to the SourceTree.
here are the steps -
SourceTree --> New Repository --> Add existing Local Repo --> Then in the finder window locate the newly downloaded repo.
Now I believe you can see the changes of the new project and commit as well. PFA screenshot.

Xcode creating a Realm target by itself

This is what it shows:
And when I click Manage Schemes I get this:
This is how it added the schemes:
however I do not have Realm in my pods or my project:
I used to at some point, but got rid of it. Also at some point I had installed Realm package with Alcatraz, but I also deleted that. I am using Swiftlint but I guess they are not related. So there should no reason for my scheme to automatically change to Realm randomly. (Usually when I restart Xcode or clean build)
What is this and how do I get rid of it completely?
It looks like a CocoaPods or Xcode cacheing issue to me. Try this:
pod deintegrate || rm -rf Pods
pod install --verbose
You can also try deleting derived data and cleaning the build folder in Xcode; a number of our users have reported that this solved their CocoaPods issues. To clean the build folder, hold down the ‘Option’ key while opening the ‘Product’ menu, then choose ‘Clean Build Folder…’. You can also type “Clean” into the Xcode help search menu and select the ‘Clean Build Folder…’ menu item when it shows up in the search results.

I can't use Cocoapods to update Podfile

I wanted to open app(UAAppReviewManagerExample),but this demo uses CocoaPods, so I wanted to update Podfile, but it failed. It asks me to find my another app's xcodeproj file in my Mac. What should I do?
You are opening wrong file, You have to open xcodeworkspace and not xcodeproj.
Also check whether instead of deleting files from project, have you deleted the files of dependency from pods. Because according to image you sent, Xcode is unable to find the files on your system, but it is getting an update request from podfile.
