Multiple targets for project in xcode - xcode

I am using xcode 7.3.1. After pod update, it's showing multiple project target in the project having same details without any change. How can I fix this? If I delete any one of these, xcode crashes and when we reopen even the other option comes in red and we dont have any project.

Have you tried to delete the workspace file and the pod directory, and re-launch a pod install ? The workspace file does not hold any important information to be retained in CocoaPods.
If you have the same problem after regenerating, it means there is an error in the Pod file.


Deleting a pod and all of its files from a project

So I'm working on a project and I had installed RealmSwift as my DB but later on I figured I can just use a plist to store my data, I went to the pod file, I erased pod 'RealmSwift' and went on terminal to uninstall my pod, everything went well. But my question is, is there a way to fully delete a pod file from a project and revert the project from an xcworkspace to an xcode project? the Pod file still shows under the name of my project, and I feel like submitting a project like that is not clean.

Pod files are missing

I am new in iOS dev, but I need to build a certain project. The problem is that when I click on the build button xcode fails and one of the errors says
Unable to load content of list : path_to_pod_file
as well I see that in project structure xcode marked missing files with red color
I read about pod files and understood that it is a kind of configuration file, so the question is: are these files should be generated by build (somehow) or it is files that I hadn't received with a project and there is no way to generate them?
I found a solution here:
Actually, the files I asked for above are generated and I needed to install the pod and run the Pod file which (in my case) was under my project structure.
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod install
Double click on the Xcode workspace to open the project
You can clean/re-build your project and run it.

Using 'GoogleMaps' and 'GooglePlaces' pods, when archiving iOS build receive error for multiple commands produce GoogleUtilities target

Having trouble archiving - I receive a Build System Information error that says
Multiple commands produce '.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.../Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/.../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework':
1) Target 'GoogleUtilities-00567490' has create directory command with output '.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.../Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/.../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework'
2) Target 'GoogleUtilities-ac14cd06' has create directory command with output '.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.../Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/.../IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/GoogleUtilities.framework'
I recently updated to the latest version of Xcode (v 10.0). I am also using Cocoapod version 1.6.0.beta.1
Using GoogleMaps pod version 2.7.0, GooglePlaces pod version 2.7.0
When I run 'pod install' it also installs 'GoogleUtilities (5.3.0)'.
I tried deleting my Podlock, Podfile, .xcworkspace, etc and starting over with a new Podfile, pod init, pod install, etc. after updating Cocoapods but still no luck.
I'm looking for a duplicate relating to GoogleUtilities or Places or Maps in Build Phases within Embed Pod Frameworks, but not having much luck. When I look inside the Pods folder, I do see two GoogleUtilities frameworks, "GoogleUtilities-00567490" and "GoogleUtilities-ac14cd06", but both appear not to have the exact same contents.
Only now experiencing this issue after updating Xcode to version 10.0.
For me, the same issue was coming and Most of the people saying to change the build system to legacy, but when I tried its It started swift compilers error. resolved as mentioned below.
Go to your target and click on (your_app_name_target).
Select Build Phases.
Expand Copy Pods Resources.
See the section Output Files.
This section should be empty. Remove any entry there.
Rebuild your Project.
Going to File > Workspace Settings and then changing the Build System from "New Build System (Default)" to "Legacy Build System" will allow you to archive for now. Hopefully, another solution comes along for using those pods and the new build system in Xcode 10.0

I can't use Cocoapods to update Podfile

I wanted to open app(UAAppReviewManagerExample),but this demo uses CocoaPods, so I wanted to update Podfile, but it failed. It asks me to find my another app's xcodeproj file in my Mac. What should I do?
You are opening wrong file, You have to open xcodeworkspace and not xcodeproj.
Also check whether instead of deleting files from project, have you deleted the files of dependency from pods. Because according to image you sent, Xcode is unable to find the files on your system, but it is getting an update request from podfile.

How do I configure my project for Cocoa Pods correctly?

In some of my past projects, Cocoa Pods wasn't configured correctly and it would lead to undesirable things such as needing duplicate Cocoa Pod projects in the Project Navigator, or pod files having to be checked in to version control.
How do I install Cocoa Pods correctly and verify that my Directory structure and Project Navigator structures are set up properly?
The best way to use Cocoa Pods is to follow the official example's lead.
This consists of several steps.
Setting up Cocoa Pods for the first time
1. Install Cocoa Pods on your computer
Begin with the Getting Started Guide to install Cocoa Pods on your computer.
2. Create a Podfile
Do not create the Podfile in Xcode, since it should not be part of your project!
Create the file in your favorite text editor, and save it at the same level as your .xcodeproj file.
An example of a Podfile's contents are:
pod 'CupertinoYankee', '~> 1.0'
3. Run pod install
Navigate to your Podfile's directory in terminal and run pod install.
4. Open the generated workspace
Once you run pod install, you will see a message such as:
[!] From now on use MyProject.xcworkspace.
Close the Xcode project, and open up the generated .xcworkspace file.
Understanding the Changes
It is always useful to know what changes were made to your project in case things go wrong.
1. Directory structure
You should have started with a structure such as:
... then manually added a Podfile:
After running pod install, your directory structure now looks like this:
Notice how the only new objects are:
2. Project Navigator
In Xcode, you started with this:
... and ended with this in the new workspace:
For reference, here is an expanded look at the new directory structure:
Obviously, the Pods project was added to the Project Navigator, but there are a few other key things to notice:
Notice how Podfile is located at the root of the MyProject folder in Finder, but is inside of the Pods project in Xcode's project navigator.
Likewise, notice how Pods.xcconfig is located inside the Pods folder in Finder, but is inside of the MyProject in Xcode's project navigator.
3. Configurations
These are the same screenshots as before:
In Xcode, you started with this:
... and ended with this in the new workspace:
Notice how under Configurations, the "MyProject" target now has Pods specified.
This is important because otherwise PODS_ROOT will not be set up properly (among other things), and when you build, you will get errors.
4. PODS_ROOT added
Your target's Build Settings went from this: (Note: this is scrolled all the way down)
... to this:
Notice how PODS_ROOT was added as a User-Defined setting.
Note: this part of the configuration sometimes gets bugged out when reinstalling Pods, so you may need to close and open the Xcode project to fix it.
5. Other changes
You can see a complete list of the changes here.
In my case: On my project SwiftLint was added on Build Phasees -> SwiftLint as below image My root Folder structure was Volume/Project Files/iOS Project Files/Office Projects/project-name. As you can see there were space on my Directory structure , SwiftLint executed on build phase create problem for those space and show a no directory found error. After changing the high level directory by renaming like the below image solved my problem
