Delete HipChat messages via the API - hipchat

Pretty simple -- I've searched a lot online for ways to delete messages in HipChat via the API, but haven't found anything on how to do it. The only thing I did find was this ticket on the community forums, but it's a few years old and I'm not sure whether this feature is still unavailable. If it is available, how exactly do you do it and where can I find a reference to this in the documentation?

This is a known issue. Untill now, it is not possible to delete HipChat messages via API.
See the issue here.


Self Hosting with Supabase - what are the next steps

I followed this guide in the supabase docs to get started with self-hosting. The issue is that the information is very limited. After telling you how to run Docker, open localhost, and create API keys, there’s no more instructions. I’m extremely new to this, the only database I’ve worked with is Firebase which is much simpler, so I don’t know the next steps. Are there any full guides?
I am going to try self-hosting next week, here are articles I found.

is it possible to Enable Fine-Grained XACML Authorization with PIP points Using WSO2 API Manager 1.7.0

in fact i have read this article:
it was really interesting for me. it matches very well what i want to do.
i've tried to do the same thing but using wso2am 1.7.0 API Manager.
But while i'm trying to retrieve the policies navigating in the carbon UI
i got the following exception
The following error details are available. Please refer logs for more details.
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Exception occurred while trying to invoke service method getAllPolicies
at org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.ui.client.EntitlementPolicyAdminServiceClient.handleException(
at org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.ui.client.EntitlementPolicyAdminServiceClient.getAllPolicies(
at org.apache.jsp.entitlement.index_jsp._jspService(org.apache.jsp.entitlement.index_jsp:183)
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
Can anyone help me answering these questions?
IS it possible to do the same thing with WSO2 AM?
Do you have idea to solve this issue?
Yes.. you can do it with APIM, but you need to install the XACML feature in to the Identity Server. According to the your comment, It seems to be that you have already installed the XACML feature in APIM. Because if not, you can not see the PAP->Policy Administration UI. But there can be some version mismatch when installing the feature.. Because APIM and WSO2IS may not have released in same version of the org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.stub. However same type of SO question can be found from here. I have given some solution for it. You can try it as well. But if you are looking for proper deployment, I suggest to use Identity Server as separate PDP engine rather than installing PDP feature in the APIM. You can find about more details from here as well

Programmatically Pull From GitHub

I understand conceptually what I need to do, I'm primarily here to ask about what tools I need for the job.
I've set up and configured Robut for use with HipChat so my team can, nominally, entertain themselves and also be able to access the contact info of other members (the important part). Obviously I don't want the bot hosted locally every day, so I want to push it to a server; along the same vein, I also don't want to have to constantly update Robut's plugin for whois every time the team changes.
We have a Contact Information wiki set up on Github, so I'm wondering what ruby gems/etc. I might need in order to pull down the wiki page, at which point I will be able to parse it.
Github's API doesn't have Wiki support. What you can do is contact support at Github and see what your options are.

Handle skype message using Ruby

Is there any library that allows to handle Skype messages using Ruby?
Take a look at this:
If you are using JRuby might be a better option
For the public API doc:
You can use the RestClient gem and the service to send and receive Skype IMs. See the documentation for their REST api here:
They're currently not charging for the service that sends/receives instant messages.
There are currently two ways of accessing the Skype network in a sanctioned manner. The first is the Skype Public API, which requires talking to the official Skype client running on a local machine. The other is SkypeKit which I am led to believe has a very restrictive agreement attached to it.
SkypeKit for ruby is available as a gem here.
The following is historical only; Skype no longer supports the Public API for their client. I have also been working on a Ruby wrapper around the Skype Public API. It's far from finished at the moment but supports Windows and Linux currently (OSX should be easy to implement as well, however I currently don't have a Mac) and allows you to connect and send commands to Skype manually. Long term the entire API will be wrapped.
In the interests of full disclosure, there seem to be a few other projects hanging around too, however they seem to only target a single platform and the ones I found seem to be abandonware at the moment.
libpurple have a plugin for Skype, but this is not easy to Setup.
Unfortunately, Skype protocol is closed & encripted, so there are no good libs out there.

Viewpoint gem and Exchange resource account

I'm trying my hand at using the Viewpoint gem (by zenchild # github) as the base for a meeting scheduling system. It's great at reading calendar information from regular Exchange 2007 accounts, but I got stuck trying to change the SOAP request header to allow me to read resource accounts as a delegate.
I came across Link and it seems to indicate what I need to end up with, and I have the feeling I'm in the right place, but I'm just not quite there yet as a ruby/soap programmer. Any help would be appreciated...
I just saw your posting and I know it's a little old, but if you still need to solve your issue the upcoming version of Viewpoint has delegate access integrated into it. You can get it today by cloning the github repo.
If you take a look the README file it talks about it a bit, but if you need additional help send me a message on github or stackoverflow and I'll help you out.
