[elasticsearch-image]plugin install error - elasticsearch

I have a problem when installing plugin(elasticsearch-image).
script : bin/plugin install kiwionly/elasticsearch-image/2.4.1
error: Could not find plugin descriptor 'plugin-descriptor.properties' in plugin zip
(plugin : https://libraries.io/github/kiwionly/elasticsearch-image)
Do you know why above error is happend?
How can i solve it?

I think you need to clone the github repo and build the plugin yourself. There is no binary download. You tried to download the source and install it as a plugin, which does not work.


How to install a NativeScript plugin from a forked repository?

I currently need to use the nativescript-https plugin but its repository is not updated and not packed to npm and it has a couple bugs (including one with AFNetworking with version) without a solution so I've forked the repository and try to add from this forked repo using:
tns pluging add [url of the repo]
this install the plugin with no errors, but when I try to run the app it shows the following error:
NativeScript encountered a fatal error: Error: Could not find module 'nativescript-https'
So I would like to know... which is the correct workflow to do this?
Compile and add the plugin folder to your package.json using relative path.
"myplugin": "file:myplugin/dist"
Assuming myplugin is your plugin folder placed at your project root, dist is where you have your compiled JS files.
The error wasn't related to the plugin installation, the problem was that I needed to run Typescript compiler on plugin's folder to generate the .js files.

Jmeter failed download library cmdrunner

I'm trying to install plugin "Selenium/WebDriver support", but got Jmeter failed download library cmdrunner>=2.2 Error screen
I resolved this issue by manually downloading the cmdrunner-2.2.jar file and placing the jar file in my apache-jmeter-4.0\lib directory.
Download link: https://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=kg/apc/cmdrunner/2.2/cmdrunner-2.2.jar

Leiningen installing error?

Today when I finshed install Leiningen
The below error shows up.
What is wrong
and how to fix this !
Obviously the leiningen's jar has not been downloaded. You can try to install manually:
1. download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/lein.bat
2. lein.bat self-install
It should show the download of the jar.

Elasticsearch use icu_tokenizer from ICU Analysis plugin

I am trying to install ICU Analysis plugin manually in Elasticsearch 1.4.0. I have downloaded elasticsearch-analysis-icu-2.4.1.jar, lucene-analyzers-icu-4.10.2.jar and icu4j-54.1.1.jar. The plugin appears normally in the console, but when I try to use icu_tokenizer, I get the following error:
NoClassDefFoundError[Could not initialize class org.apache.lucene.analysis.icu.segmentation.DefaultICUTokenizerConfig]
This class actually exists in lucene-analyzers-icu. Is there something I am missing?
Did you try using the plugin installer instead of downloading the jar files manually as suggested in the documentation?
./bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-analysis-icu/2.6.0
Run the command and restart the server. The plugin will be registered and functional.
sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install analysis-icu

mvn and the make package error

OK. Here's the problem and it's driving me crazy!!!
I followed the instruction online, installed hadoop and when running the text it said snappy local library can't be loaded.
It's said I have to install snappy first and then install hadoop-snappy.
I download snappy-1.0.4 from google code and do the following:
cd ../snappy-1.0.4
sudo make install
Then it's the problem when:
mvn package -Dsnappy.prefix=/usr/local
The post online said by default the snappy should be installed in the /usr/local.
But I got the following error and no matter what I change the path, still get erro:
The goal you specified required a project to execute but there's no POM in the directory. Please verify you invoked the maven from the correct directory.
It's the wrong directory of mvn? Or improper of snappy? And it said lack of pom that should be a .xml that in no where I can find..
Please help!
Alright, so looking at that page, you are in the wrong directory.
The directory you should be in for that step is "hadoop-snappy" which you can see has a pom.xml, you can verify by looking at the github, https://github.com/electrum/hadoop-snappy.
So after you follow these steps from the guide you showed me.
Download it(hadoop-snappy) from GitHub
Install libtool, make sure ‘libtoolize’ works
Install Maven 3 if necessary
Change your directory to hadoop-snappy and run the command you were trying before.
