Leiningen installing error? - installation

Today when I finshed install Leiningen
The below error shows up.
What is wrong
and how to fix this !

Obviously the leiningen's jar has not been downloaded. You can try to install manually:
1. download https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/lein.bat
2. lein.bat self-install
It should show the download of the jar.


can not get singularity to compile, failed to get package version

Ubuntu 20.04, downloaded singularity 3.7.3.tar.gz, sha256 matches, unzipped it and followed instructions but keep getting
Failed to get package version. Abort.
Any quick suggestions what I'm missing. I installed GO using a snap, and when I check the version I get
$ go version go version go1.16.3 linux/amd64
What am I missing. Thx, J.
I found a bug / problem!
In the file
is some code to check the version?
# if test -z "${package_version}" ; then
# echo "Failed to get package version. Abort."
# exit 1
# fi
I can't tell why this doesn't work because the file it is looking for is present.
If I comment out this code, the config, compile and install work seamlessly and do produce the correct version information! The syslabs.io people make it incredibly difficult to contact them to suggest a bug.
V2, got it to work, this is new to me but the quirk was I was downloading the .tar.gz into a directory that was already within a git repo. This affects where mconfig looks for the "VERSION" file and causes an error. Created a new directory outside any git repo's, dowloaded, untarred and mconfig,make, and make install all worked fine. Strange thae where it looks for VERSION file is changed?

[elasticsearch-image]plugin install error

I have a problem when installing plugin(elasticsearch-image).
script : bin/plugin install kiwionly/elasticsearch-image/2.4.1
error: Could not find plugin descriptor 'plugin-descriptor.properties' in plugin zip
(plugin : https://libraries.io/github/kiwionly/elasticsearch-image)
Do you know why above error is happend?
How can i solve it?
I think you need to clone the github repo and build the plugin yourself. There is no binary download. You tried to download the source and install it as a plugin, which does not work.

Why does executing debug in 0.13.7 fail with "Could not find agent library jdwp:transport on the library path"?

After update from 0.13.6 to 0.13.7 I cannot debug with SBT.
It is installed using Homebrew. I tried to reinstall it, brew doctor shows nothing.
I did not change/reinstall Java between SBT update.
lgr$ sbt -v -jvm-debug 5005 "project webapp" run
[process_args] java_version = '1.8.0_25'
# Executing command line:
"project webapp"
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not find agent library jdwp:transport on the library path, with error: dlopen(libjdwp:transport.dylib, 1): image not found
I am unsure whether SBT is missing some library, or brew formula didn't install properly.
I will be helpful for any idea how to fix it.
Reinstalled Java, didn't help.
Workaround I downloaded SBT 0.13.6 and it works without problem, so I start to consider this as a sbt bug. Can anyone help to clarify if it is?
To piggyback on Eugene's answer above, since the fix is in a bash script, it is pretty easy to apply the fix from https://github.com/sbt/sbt-launcher-package/pull/85/files manually. Just edit bin/sbt-launch-lib.bash to have this:
addJava "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=$1"
Instead of this:
addJava "-agentlib:jdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=$1"
(Mind the : not = between jdwp and transport).
It is installed using Homebrew.
Homebrew install is sanctioned by sbt project as a recommended way to install on Mac, but we (I'm one of the sbt devs) currently don't control it. We do however have the official package sbt/sbt-launcher-package, and last I checked Homebrew is also using it.
Looking at git blame of the relevant part of the script, it seems like the debug option was "fixed" in sbt/sbt-launcher-package#83:
In sbt-launch-lib.bash, -Xdebug option is used for debugging. We should use -agentlib option for Java 5+.
Maybe your issue should be tracked as a bug in sbt/sbt-launcher-package.
The problem was fixed in the 0.13.8 version.
At my case the bash fix didn't help but running from bash as:
export SBT_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"
helped. It is from here.

how to install a plugin in elasticsearch

i have downloaded the zip package for hello world plugin from https://github.com/brusic/elasticsearch-hello-world-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/plugin/helloworld/HelloWorldPlugin.java
and have installed maven also but i want to know where to unzip this package and which command will be used to install and run it.I am working on windows so please provide a stepwise procedure according to it.please help
Check the project from github, build it, place the jar from the directory
Into the lib folder in Elastcsearch
Restart Elasticsearch

mvn and the make package error

OK. Here's the problem and it's driving me crazy!!!
I followed the instruction online, installed hadoop and when running the text it said snappy local library can't be loaded.
It's said I have to install snappy first and then install hadoop-snappy.
I download snappy-1.0.4 from google code and do the following:
cd ../snappy-1.0.4
sudo make install
Then it's the problem when:
mvn package -Dsnappy.prefix=/usr/local
The post online said by default the snappy should be installed in the /usr/local.
But I got the following error and no matter what I change the path, still get erro:
The goal you specified required a project to execute but there's no POM in the directory. Please verify you invoked the maven from the correct directory.
It's the wrong directory of mvn? Or improper of snappy? And it said lack of pom that should be a .xml that in no where I can find..
Please help!
Alright, so looking at that page, you are in the wrong directory.
The directory you should be in for that step is "hadoop-snappy" which you can see has a pom.xml, you can verify by looking at the github, https://github.com/electrum/hadoop-snappy.
So after you follow these steps from the guide you showed me.
Download it(hadoop-snappy) from GitHub
Install libtool, make sure ‘libtoolize’ works
Install Maven 3 if necessary
Change your directory to hadoop-snappy and run the command you were trying before.
