Disable PHP autocomplete suggestions in Sublime Text 3 - laravel

I program php in Laravel and don't use the myriad of native php functions hardly ever. So I don't need the huge list of php functions that are irrelevant to me to pop up all the time as auto-complete suggestions.
I want my own snippets (which are really useful and cool) to appear but nothing else.
Tried in user/preferences "auto_complete": false
All that does is stop the box from showing on the screen, but the suggestions are still present and will be triggered. I want to switch them off completely, except my own snippets.
The potential of custom snippets to generate oft. used code is wonderful. Would like to add more.
But need to remove the above unnnecessaries first so it's not constantly triggering nonsense that just has to be deleted, interrupting flow. How?

You can add delay timer for auto complete with:
"auto_complete_delay": number in miliseconds
So it will delay for auto complete trigger. This way you will hardly see it if you give it something like 2-3 minutes.


How to insert text into an Ace Editor instance as a comment

I am building a website where I want to allow people to code in almost any language that the Ace editor supports. Right now I have it redirect if they try to load a language that either isn't supported by Ace, or that I didn't list in my supported languages. I only have a few languages that I allow to run (because I haven't got others to work or don't know how to), and for all those other languages that aren't run-supported, I want to load the Ace editor with a note saying that the language they loaded isn't supported for running, but I want it to be a comment in that language.
I tried inserting the text using editor.setValue([message], -1). Then set the focus on the editor using editor.focus(). Then I select all the text with editor.selectAll(). And then use the editor.toggleCommentLines() to make it a comment. For some reason this doesn't work, and I am not sure why.
I know that I could just look up how to write comment in each of the languages that I am allowing, and then convert the message into a comment before inserting it into the editor, but I want an easier way if possible.
Is there an easier way to do it? Or should I just do what I said that I could?
Since I answered my own question, I want to ask another to see if anyone has the answer for this:
When in the Ace editor you can press CTRL+/ to toggle line comments. But if you press CTRL+SHIFT+/ it will toggle multiline comments. I don't see a function for this in the Ace editor documentation but because it works with a keyboard shortcut, there must be a way to do it programmatically, right?
If someone could figure this out, that would be great!
a user found it! See his comment to see the answer to this part.
I was trying a few more things, and one of them was doing a setTimeout on the editor.toggleCommentLines(), and that worked. The timeout worked best if I used 150ms or higher (I started with 2000 just to see if it worked at all, and then slowly moved down).
So the following code works to automatically insert a message and comment it out:
const editor = ace.edit([element]);
editor.setValue([message], 0); // You can also leave the second parameter blank, 0 is the default which automatically selects all.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 150); // 150ms or more works best
You may also notice that this method clears out 2 methods that I was previously using. There are two reasons for this:
When using 0 instead of -1 for the second parameter of editor.setValue() it selects all the text.
Because we are using the editor variable, the editor doesn't need to be in "focus".

Handsontable: ReadOnly-Cells not working

I am so new to HOT, I've not even started using it! I'm just trying to go through the examples to see if I might be able to use it as a grid-control in my app. But when I look at examples like this one, it doesn't behave as readonly: I am able to overwrite every cell in the "Nissan"-Example as well as selecting the whole table and press <Del>.
Does the "readonly" only imply that no data will be changed in the returned object or is me being able to edit everything considered a bug?
After asking support, it turned out this was unintended behaviour and will be fixed. Problem was only in the way the demo was coded - it was not adjusted to latest changes in HOT.

What will prevent LVN_ITEMACTIVATE from firing?

I am writing an app with raw windows API (opensource Win32++) where I have a ListView.
The problem I have now is that whenever an item in the ListView is clicked, the system/app will generate a warning tone/sound "ding". Furthermore, I noticed I cannot get the LVN_ITEMACTIVATE through item-dbl-click or item-keypress-enter, which would normally work if this problem had not occur.
Would anyone have any idea how this might be happening?
I believe there is nothing wrong with Win32++, it just could be one of the things I do is causing this. But my program has become quite big to dissect plus I have no idea where to start looking.
PS: I had my computer muted for the longest time, hence, I don't know when this started eventhough I had the listview since a long time ago. T_T
Start looking with a tool that can show you the Windows messages that the control generates and receives. Like Microsoft's Spy++. Compare it with a working list view to have an idea what might be amiss. Also check the parent window. I haven't otherwise heard of listviews that dingaling, the LVN_ACTIVATEITEM should fire the first WM_LBUTTONDOWN, no double-click necessary.

VB6 silently deleting huge chunks of control data from forms

My project has maybe 130 controls (total of all labels, textboxes, etc.) in an SSTab (4 tabs). The project loads fine, it runs fine, I don't see a single error or warning at any point, but when I save the form with the SStab on it, the SStab data isn't saved (it is completely gone). Normally the relevant portion of the .frm file looks like this:
Begin TabDlg.SSTab SSTab1
Height = 8895
[1550 more lines of code for all the controls]
Width = 540
Begin VB.Menu FileMenu
But lately it's getting cropped to:
Begin TabDlg.SSTab SSTab1
Begin VB.Menu FileMenu
This is very frustrating! In my VB IDE, the frame, sstab, and all the controls are there, editable, running/compiling fine, no error messages at any point, but when you save the file, 1550 lines of precious sstab data just disappears - again, with no warning or error messages. So if you exit and restart the IDE, you get a form load error because 60% of the code is now missing. The log file points to the first error it finds (in this case a Begin TabDlg with no End) - there's no other info in it. (The log file was generated after the code was deleted and saved, so it makes sense that it wouldn't be helpful.)
When I first posted this question, I thought it had to do with the number of controls, because it appeared after I added a control, and in my first few tests, seemed to disappear when that control (or other controls) was deleted. Now I can't seem to get that form to save under any circumstances, even when I delete many controls (bringing the number of controls far below where it was when it was last stable).
I also tried deleting the SStab and moving all the controls to 4 different frames. I successfully did that in the IDE, but when I saved, a huge chunk of the data (starting with a slider control) was missing. So I have no fraking idea what is going on.
The problem is reproducible on two different PCs, so it doesn't appear to be a hardware/corrupt software VB install issue.
Has anyone else run into something like this?
Create a UserControl for each tab. That makes editing MUCH easier. It also allows you to nicely modularize the code, so each tab lives in its own file, and it'll allow you to reuse tabs elsewhere if you want.
Sounds horrible, never heard of anything like that.
Presumably you aren't getting an error log file from VB6 when you load the form into the IDE before it gets corrupted? The log file has the same filename as the form file but with a .log filename extension. For example, if errors occurred when loading Myform.frm, Visual Basic would create a log file named Myform.log. The error messages you might see there are documented in the manual.
Have a look in the Windows Event Log, see whether it records any interesting problems against the VB6 IDE?
Are you using any weird controls? Maybe one of them is somehow corrupting the FRM or FRX. FRM files are just text as you obviously know & the format is documented in the VB6 manual. Can you see any corruption in the FRM in a text editor? If you remove any properties defined in the FRX, does it still fail.
I think I would try creating a new project and a new form, and then use the IDE to copy and paste all the control definitions into it - no code. Play with the new form, see whether it has the same problem. Maybe you can recreate the form this way without the problem. If the new form does have the problem, do the same thing but only take half the controls. Maybe you can find a problem control by "binary search".
I get the same problem when attempting to save a form when the .FRM is writable but the .FRX is read-only
Not sure if this is the issue, but on a VB6 form, there is a limit to 255 (or is it 256) named controls. Perhaps you are running into that?
One way around that limitation is to use control arrays. For example, if you had 10 labels, instead of label1, label2, label3, etc, you could do label(0) through label(9), and use up only one named control.
The other thing worth mentioning about the SSTAB is the way it shows/hides controls. While it may appear that the controls are on separate tabs, what is really happening is that the controls are getting moved waaaayyyyy to the left (and consequently out of view). Perhaps with so many components, the SSTAB is choking on this in the IDE as it tries to render the controls in design view?
Again, not sure if this is the issue, but I know these two tidbits are relatively unknown.
So the SAVE function is not working.
I suspect one of the components you are placing on the tab strip is the culprit.
So ..
1) Take an inventory of each and every kind of component you are placing on the form
2) eliminate one (kind), SAVE
3) Did it SAVE?
-> Yes = that was the problematic control
-> No = return to step 2, but pick another kind
Of course, its important to remove all controls of a certain kind in step #2 (for example, ALL labels, or ALL textboxes, etc).
I have never heard of this happening however.
You are not alone! I've seen this problem. . .in fact I'm dealing it right now, which is what brought me to this site.
I've been working with VB since '94 (VB3) and I first saw this problem about 5 or 6 years ago, while using VB6. My solution then, was not unlike some of the suggestions that you have recieved from the good folks who've responded above: throw out the existing file and rebuild the form in a new file. I did that back and the affected form has worked ever since.
My current problem is appearing in another, much newer form, and the replace/rebuild option (performed about a month ago) only worked for about three weeks. Now the problem is back and each new iteration of the file gets corrupted very quickly. Following the reply above regarding the total number of allowable controls, I'm looking into just how many controls I have. . .and, as it happens, I was in the process of consolidating the primary the buttons and menus into control arrays, simply because it was going to streamline their management.
I can also confirm your observations about moving the project to a second PC. . . I've done that too, and problem persists. Moreover, I can add that I have moved the project from one shared storage system to another to no avail. (The original storage location was on a drive mounted to a Win-tel system and the new location is on a UNIX-based NAS!)
Just rebuilt the file again and checked: Controls.Count = 62, so I am no where near the 255 control limit mentioned previously. This is indeed strange! (Not to mention furstrating!)

Captchas to force user interaction?

I'm currently working on a program that has many of those "the user SHOULD read it but he'll click OK like a stupid monkey" dialogs... So I was thinking of adding something like a captcha in order to avoid click-without thinking...
My ideas were:
Randomly change buttons
Randomly position buttons somewhere on the form
The user must click on a randomly colored word within the text he should read
add captcha
add captcha that includes the message for the user
Has anybody made any experience with such a situation. What would you suggest to do?
Well, you asked for opinions and here goes mine, but I don't think this is what you would like to hear...
Users like programs that they can depend on. They don't like when things change and they don't like to do extra work.
Randomly change buttons and Randomly position buttons somewhere on the form will only make them either press the wrong button or become annoyed with your application, because as you say, they don't read the text, and if you think about it, neither do we. As an example think of an Ok/Cancel dialog, you allways expect the ok button to be on the left, and most times i press it without reading it. It Will happen exactly the same with your users.
The user must click on a randomly colored word within the text he should read
add captcha
add captcha that includes the message for the user
With these 3 option you will add extra work to your application, your users will curse you for that. Just think of something that you would have to do 10x per day, let's say check in your code to source safe. How would you feel if your boss told you that from now on you will have to fill a captcha for each file you try to check in?
I think it's our jobs to make the lives of the people that use our software easier. If they must read some kind of text and they don't want to, there is absolutely no way you can make them do it.
You can´t make people work right, all you can do is provide them with the best possible tools and hope that they are professional enough to do their jobs.
So basically all i'm saying is, do your best to ease their work. If this is really important than you(or whoever is in charge) should talk to them and EXPLAIN WHY this is important.
You would be surprised on how people commit to things they understand.
I suggest that you don't; and that, unless you know better, you emulate respectable well-known, well-tested UIs like <big online retailer's> or <online banking site>.
Playing games with the user in order to get them to read messages is doomed. Users will focus mental resources on completing your game, rather than understanding the message. Your users may be less likely to actually understand the important part of the message if you have things like moved buttons, relabeling, scavenger hunts, captchas, or delays. They’ll focus on the instructions for the game, not on the real issue. Errors are likely to increase.
Users’ refusal to read message boxes is due to users wanting to get things done quickly rather than take the time to read stuff, and it is also due to message boxes being overused and misused so badly in so many apps. Including silly games in message boxes will just make users resent them all the more, compounding the problem.
Here’s what you can do:
Rule 1. Don’t use messages boxes. They should only appear for exceptional circumstances. An app should not have “many” message boxes. It should not be necessary to read a whole lot of documentation each time the user uses an app. If normal use of your app results in a message box, then your UI is wrong. Find another way.
Instead of verification messages, show clearly in the main window what has happened and provide a clear way to Undo it.
Use auto-correction, pictured/masked fields, and disabling rather than error messages.
Use good defaults and automation to avoid messages. For example, rather than showing an error message saying the user can’t upload because they’re not connected to the server, simply reconnect automatically.
Break commands along options. Rather that a message box to ask if the user wants paste with or without format, provide two different commands in the menu.
Don’t have information messages spontaneously popping up telling the user everything worked fine (e.g., “Preferences Saved!”)
Don’t have pop-ups providing helpful hints or documentation. Provide a tutorial or balloon help if you can’t make your UI self-documenting.
Don’t have nagging “upgrade me” messages.
Consider providing message text in the main window rather than in a separate message box (e.g., “Page may not look or act right because ActiveX is off for security.”). Pop-ups from web surfing have conditioned users to automatically dismiss anything that pops up as irrelevant.
Rule 2. If you have to use a message:
Make the text as brief as possible to get the key information across. More text is not equivalent to more helpful. Use “No match to [filemask] in [path].” Don’t use “Nonfatal Error 307: Search action aborted. [Appname] is unable to complete your string search for the regular expression you provided because the file mask you gave, namely [filemask], does not result in any matching files in the directory that you specified (which was [path]). Please check your filemask or path selection and again re-enter it or them in the Files to Search dialog box. Click the OK button below on this message box to return to the Files to Search dialog box. Click the Cancel Button on the Files to Search dialog when you get there to cancel your search for strings.” If there are some users who will need more explanation than can be achieved in a brief message, provide a Help button or a “How do I…” link in the message box.
Use plain language and no jargon in the message. That includes “innocent” words like “dialog,” “database,” and “toner.” Do not take raw exception text and throw it in a error message. Do not include any error numbers or dumps; log these instead. Purge your app of any debugging message boxes left by developers. Better to simply let the app disappear on a fatal error than to put up a message full of jargon and then the app disappears.
Label the buttons of a message box with what the action does, not “OK.” At the very least, the users have to focus on the activating button to dismiss a message box. If that button is labeled something like “Delete” or “Install,” it should give them pause. You should never have to explain in your message text what each button does. BTW, such labeling is a GUI standard on most platforms.
Redesign your application so that it does not use message boxes.
My suggestion, live with it or redesign your dialogs/interface. Do not add randomness to dialogs or otherwise treat the user like an idiot, even though you may think most are :-).
I just recently read a Joel on Software article, Designing for People Who Have Better Things To Do With Their Lives. It makes the point that most people won't read anything and discusses ways to work around that or at least not make it worse.
You could try with a timer which waits for the "supposed reading time" before enabling the submit button. You can even calculate the supposed reading time from the number of words.
I think that subtle ways to force the user to read your text (like moving around buttons or asking them to read a captcha) can make them feel like stupid monkeys.
You could use a choice question based on what the user should read.
