Cmder all text same colour - terminal

Im using cmder windows terminal but I but all the text is the same colour regardless of command, or output etc. Can it be different colours to make it easier to read? IE
I can change the theme in settings etc but think im in the wrong place.

You were on the right track...
On that screen (Settings > Features > Colors), there will be a dropdown for Text like so:
Select the option that best suits your needs for legibility.


WIndows "start cmd" driving me crazy (setting colors)

I have searched high and low for the answer to this, to no avail.
I am on Windows 10.
I have a batch script to launch a bunch of command windows using "start cmd".
When I do that, it is not picking up the text color I have set.
I know how this is "shortcut dependent", and I have tried every way I can
using Properties and Defaults, without success.
It seems I can set MOST of the properties to my liking (Font, Layout), but
not the Text Color.
If I open the window from the Start menu (or Run command), I get my white text.
But if I used "start cmd" it is using different Properties (which I also tried to set)
and text color is some teal/blue color.
However: when I look at the properties for that window, and click text color,
the white box at the far right is highlighted, and when I click it, it shows
(255,255,255) - but that's not what it's using!!
How do I get it do what I want? [without using any 3rd-party apps, if possible]

Change background color of function tool-tip in notepad++

I have already gone through following but that's not the issue here.
How to change background color in the Notepad++ text editor?
I am programming in python using notepad++ and applied Deep Black theme in which have a black background and white text color.
While typing a function it shows function syntax in a tool-tip having white background which contrasts with black background of notepad.
I have already searched in Style Configurator but no luck.
How can I change tool-tip's background color ?
Notepad++ uses Scintilla as its editor component. The calltip feature comes directly from scintilla. For scintilla features having no direct configuration options in the gui of Notepad++ (calltip style seems to be such a feature), you need a method to send messages to Scintilla.
One way to do that (and the only one I know of other than programming a plugin) is the use of NppExec plugin. It provides a SCI_SENDMSG command. The scintilla website provides detailed documentation about every possible message. For your use case it says this:
Call tips are small windows displaying the arguments to a function and are displayed after the user has typed the name of the function. They normally display characters using the font facename, size and character set defined by STYLE_DEFAULT. You can choose to use STYLE_CALLTIP to define the facename, size, foreground and background colours and character set with SCI_CALLTIPUSESTYLE. This also enables support for Tab characters. There is some interaction between call tips and autocompletion lists in that showing a call tip cancels any active autocompletion list, and vice versa.
Thus we need to send the SCI_CALLTIPUSESTYLE message and (continue reading on the website) we can configure foreground and background color with SCI_CALLTIPSETBACK and SCI_CALLTIPSETFORE.
So to set the color of the calltip by sending messages to the Scintilla editor component using NppExec, you need do this:
install NppExec with the PluginManager or from PluginCentral. The NppExec zip file contains the dll and some subdirectories. When installing/upgrading into Notepad++ plugin directory, take care that the subdirectories NppExec is created under the plugins directory (just unzip the file into the plugins directory). The NppExec directory contains the file Scintilla.hwhich has all the definitions for the possible messages.
store these lines as a NppExec script (Plugins -> NppExec -> Execute... , enter the following lines and select save, e.g. as SetCallTipStlye):
// background to black ( 0 )
// foreground to white ( 0xffffff )
execute the script with OK
Now your calltip Window should be white on black, you might want to adopt the colors by changing the arguments.
If everything works as you expect, then Plugins -> NppExec -> Advanced Options offers the option Execute this script when Notepad++ starts on the upper right area of the config dialog. Select the script name under
which you saved the line (e.g. SetCallTipStlye)
Alas, I have not been able to find out how to configure the autocompletion style. I hoped it would use the same style as the calltip style, but autocompletion stays black on white.

How to change terminal font color in PyCharm?

I want to set my terminal color scheme, such that I will have black text on light background (white or light yellow for example).
I changed "Console Colors" settings, such as Background, Standard output, and System output, under Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Colors, but I keep running into the same problem.
If I change Background color to let's say white. It also changes text (Standard output and my user input to the same color). I can't figure out, which setting controls the color of the font, which appears in the terminal window. In fact, it appears that font color is the same as background color, which is confusing to me. I would expect to be able to independently control background color, and font color, which to me represents "Foreground".
Changing colour in
Preferences->Editor->Color Scheme->Console Colors->Standard Output
should change the terminal font's colour.
I suppose it happened on Windows. If yes then it is affected/controlled by Windows registry. Try one of the following method:
Open Windows cmd and from drop down menu selects defaults. Then change the Text and Background colors to match your choice in PyCharm. The problem occurs if you have different color settings in Windows cmd instead of default.
Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console key from Windows registry.
More information available on this link
To configure color and font scheme for consoles
Make sure you are working with an editable scheme.
Open the IDE Settings, and under Colors&Fonts, scroll through the list of components, and select the ones related to consoles:
Console Colors
Console Fonts
In the right-hand pane, click the desired component in the list, and change color settings and font type:
See Image of how to do it

How to customize the VS2015 Method Signature Pop-Up's Text Color?

I've started using Visual Studio 2015 and one thing I've noticed is the new fancy rich-text formatted Preview functionality when hovering over a Method, .ctor, Property etc (compared to the bare tooltip I see in VS2013), which looks for example like this (mouse cursor is not shown here):
However, this is, most likely due to my general text color & font customization, in parts barely readable.
Does anyone know what's the correct name and category for this enhanced ToolTip is in VS's Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors?
The tooltip code colors correspond to the colors you have set for the editor window. The white you see is the same as you see in the editor.
You might want to change the tooltip background color instead to something darker.
You want to change the 'Editor Tooltip'
Use these steps:
Options -> Environment -> Fonts & Colors
Show settings for: Editor Tooltip
Adjust 'Plain Text'

Vim color syntax highlighting changes not having any effect

I use vim on webfaction through putty and would like to change the colours used in the syntax highlighting. I have installed some example themes and then tried to change the colors in those themes to match the ones I want. For some reason this strategy does not work. What am I doing wrong? Is it because I'm using putty, or is it something weird with webfaction's linux or vim? Or is my logic just wrong?
I created /home/user/.vim/color/theme.vim
I then load the them by adding colorscheme theme to my /home/user/.vimrc
Aside from my color changes not working on obvious parts like
hi Normal guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000 gui=none
it also does not seem to implement all the theme changes when I just use the theme without changing it. Is there something better than putty I can use?
In terminal mode, the ctermbg and ctermfg keys are used instead of guibg and guifg. It uses Xterm colors. See for example this table for a rough mapping, and even a VIM script that shows a color table.
So you would need to change your line to:
hi Normal ctermfg=15 ctermbg=0 guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000 gui=none
