How to change terminal font color in PyCharm? - terminal

I want to set my terminal color scheme, such that I will have black text on light background (white or light yellow for example).
I changed "Console Colors" settings, such as Background, Standard output, and System output, under Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Colors, but I keep running into the same problem.
If I change Background color to let's say white. It also changes text (Standard output and my user input to the same color). I can't figure out, which setting controls the color of the font, which appears in the terminal window. In fact, it appears that font color is the same as background color, which is confusing to me. I would expect to be able to independently control background color, and font color, which to me represents "Foreground".

Changing colour in
Preferences->Editor->Color Scheme->Console Colors->Standard Output
should change the terminal font's colour.

I suppose it happened on Windows. If yes then it is affected/controlled by Windows registry. Try one of the following method:
Open Windows cmd and from drop down menu selects defaults. Then change the Text and Background colors to match your choice in PyCharm. The problem occurs if you have different color settings in Windows cmd instead of default.
Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console key from Windows registry.
More information available on this link

To configure color and font scheme for consoles
Make sure you are working with an editable scheme.
Open the IDE Settings, and under Colors&Fonts, scroll through the list of components, and select the ones related to consoles:
Console Colors
Console Fonts
In the right-hand pane, click the desired component in the list, and change color settings and font type:
See Image of how to do it


WIndows "start cmd" driving me crazy (setting colors)

I have searched high and low for the answer to this, to no avail.
I am on Windows 10.
I have a batch script to launch a bunch of command windows using "start cmd".
When I do that, it is not picking up the text color I have set.
I know how this is "shortcut dependent", and I have tried every way I can
using Properties and Defaults, without success.
It seems I can set MOST of the properties to my liking (Font, Layout), but
not the Text Color.
If I open the window from the Start menu (or Run command), I get my white text.
But if I used "start cmd" it is using different Properties (which I also tried to set)
and text color is some teal/blue color.
However: when I look at the properties for that window, and click text color,
the white box at the far right is highlighted, and when I click it, it shows
(255,255,255) - but that's not what it's using!!
How do I get it do what I want? [without using any 3rd-party apps, if possible]

VS – how to change code completion pop-up foreground

How can one change foreground (text color) of code completion box items while Fonts and Colors do not allow this?
If you want this change you can count on that it’s little bit tricky such it will affect other (more) items. So foreground will be changed in other undesired places.
Install Color Theme Editor for Visual Studio.
In theme editor use Show All Elements toggle.
Find Environment ⟶ CommandBarTextActive.
Change color as you wish.

Changing CLion's background color

I'd like to change the general background color of CLion (that is, outside of where you write code), but I have been unable to find a solution neither in the IDE itself nor online.
However, changing these colors should be possible, as switching the color theme does change them.
Here is an image of what I mean, I've marked the respective areas I would like to change the color of with a bright pink circled x:
Any help on where I could find these settings would be much appreciated.
EDIT: I already know where to change Fonts, text colors and the like, but I am looking specifically for the marked areas, changes for which do not appear under any of the Color Scheme Options.
You cannot customize the colors of the main interface except for choosing the Default and Darcula themes in Appearance and Behavior - Appearance. What your and the other answer's screenshot shows are the EDITOR color scheme settings.
You can set a background image for the whole IDE in general in that settings tab, though. Make it completely opaque, the color you like, and that might do it.
To configure colors and fonts
Press Ctrl+Alt+S or choose File | Settings (for Windows and Linux) or CLion | Preferences (for macOS) from the main menu, and then go to Editor | Font.
Select the desired scheme from the Scheme name drop-down list.
Under the Color Scheme node, define the font families used in the editor and in the console. When you open the Font page, or Console Fonts under the Color Scheme node, CLion displays the Editor Font area where you can configure the primary and secondary fonts, their size and line spacing.
Under the Color Scheme node, open the corresponding pages to configure specific color preferences for the supported languages and CLion components.
To navigate to the relevant Colors & Fonts settings for the symbol at the caret
Call Help | Find Action from the main menu (or press Ctrl+Shift+A) and choose Jump to Colors and Fonts:
Explore the relevant section of the Colors & Fonts settings for the symbol under the caret:
If you want to know more about configurations : Configuring Colors and Fonts

How to customize the VS2015 Method Signature Pop-Up's Text Color?

I've started using Visual Studio 2015 and one thing I've noticed is the new fancy rich-text formatted Preview functionality when hovering over a Method, .ctor, Property etc (compared to the bare tooltip I see in VS2013), which looks for example like this (mouse cursor is not shown here):
However, this is, most likely due to my general text color & font customization, in parts barely readable.
Does anyone know what's the correct name and category for this enhanced ToolTip is in VS's Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors?
The tooltip code colors correspond to the colors you have set for the editor window. The white you see is the same as you see in the editor.
You might want to change the tooltip background color instead to something darker.
You want to change the 'Editor Tooltip'
Use these steps:
Options -> Environment -> Fonts & Colors
Show settings for: Editor Tooltip
Adjust 'Plain Text'

Change text color for Selected Text in Visual Studio [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
I can't edit selected text foreground color in Visual Studio 2010. Anyone know how to do this?
In the Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors dialog you can choose Selected Text in the Display Items listbox, but this only allows you to change the Item background property.
How does one change the text color, so that for example I can have white text on a blue background when I select an item? Also, is there a way to bold the text (the Bold box is disabled also).
Note: Here is the question that asks about the background color change.
The foreground color in the VS2010 editor is not set in one place but in many within the Options Form. If you have Resharper installed it also sets some foreground properties. The reason VS2010 does this is to allow individual items (words) within the foreground to express different colors depending on their type (e.g. comments, value types, enums etc.) even when they are selected. In other words VS2010 applies a priority to the foreground color for these specific types over the generic selected text color format.
For instance, when you look at the Fonts and Colors dialog you will notice the entry for User Types. On my VS2010 its RGB value is RGB(43, 145, 175) which looks like teal. If I change that color to Red, the User Types on my editor's foreground color changes to Red and remains Red even when with the selection area.
In some instances VS2010 will override the foreground color such as applying a breakpoint to a line. On my VS2010 enabled breakpoints when in editing mode have a white foreground color, regardless of the terms in the line.
To answer your question of how one would change the foreground color for all selected text, VS2010 does not support this out of the box.
I wrote a VS2010 Extension as outlined here. I used the example code as is and added the lines:
selectedText[EditorFormatDefinition.ForegroundBrushId] = Brushes.Green;
formatMap.SetProperties("Selected Text", selectedText);
...but this did not change the foreground color of selected text to green. It stayed black. This is probably due to the VS2010 WPF editor using a Priority Order for each format and one or more other formats overriding the selected text foreground color.
Have you tried setting the colors on the 'Highlighted Reference' option in the Fonts and Colors window?
There is no individual setting for the Selected Text Foreground properties, it uses the Plain Text Settings for the Foreground in the Options Form, but this will only work for normal text, the Foreground colors for Properties, Comments and other specialty colored text will remain the same, there is no overriding Foreground color that can be used for all items.
