C++ CreateFile and fopen functions preemptively reading entire remote file - windows

While doing performance analysis on some source code, I noticed both CreateFile and fopen to be taking an unusually long time to complete on remote files.
Digging in further with wireshark, I discovered that when either of the two functions are used to open a file for reading, the entire contents of the file (up to approximately 4MB) are being read. Let me also note that neither function returns until the SMB2 read operations are completed (which takes up approximately 99% of the elapsed call time).
Is there anyway to prevent this behavior? Can anyone explain what's going here?
From Wireshark:
SMB2 426 Create Request File: Jim\Data0\CRUISE_DATA.bin
SMB2 386 Create Response File: Jim\Data0\CRUISE_DATA.bin
SMB2 171 Read Request Len:65536 Off:0 File:Jim\Data0\ CRUISE_DATA.bin
SMB2 1434 Read Response
SMB2 171 Read Request Len:65536 Off:3735552 File: Jim\Data0\CRUISE_DATA.bin
SMB2 1434 Read Response

It was definitely scanning for something... virus scanning actually. Once I turned off my virus scanner and repeated the test, the behavior went away. Apparently the real-time protection scans every file as it is opened within a given process. The least it could have done is updated the local cache ;)
This issue has stumped us for a while now. It figures that the day after I post the question, the answer falls in our laps. Anyway, I hope this helps someone else.

You could try some of the CreateFile flag options: FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS and/or FILE_FLAG_OPEN_NO_RECALL. FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING might also help but it requires sector aligned I/O.
Newer versions of Visual Studio maps R in the fopen mode string to FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS.


ReadFile !=0, lpNumberOfBytesRead=0 but offset is not at the end of the file

We're struggling to understand the source of the following bug:
We have a call to "ReadFile" (Synchronous) that returns a non-zero value (success) but fills the lpNumberOfBytesRead parameter to 0. In theory, that indicates that the offset is outside the file but, in practice, that is not true. GetLastError returns ERROR_SUCCESS(0).
The files in question are all on a shared network drive (Windows server 2016 + DFS, windows 8-10 clients, SMBv3). The files are used in shared mode. In-file locking (lockFileEx) is used to handle concurrent file access (we're just locking the first byte of the file before any read/write).
The handle used is not fresh: it isn't created locally in the functions but retrieved from a application-wide "file handle cache manager". This means that it could have been created (unused) some times ago. However, everything we did indicates the handle is valid at the moment of the call: GetLastError returns 0, GetFileInformationByHandle returns "true" and a valid structure.
The error is logged to a file that is located on the same file server as the problematic files.
We have done a lot of logging and testing around this issue. here are the additional facts we gathered:
Most (but not all) of the problematic read happen at the very tail of the file: we're reading the last record. However, the read is still within the file GetlastError does not return ERROR_HANDLE_EOF. If the program is restarted, the same read with the same parameters works.
The issue is not temporary: repeated calls yield the same result even if we let the program loop indefinitely. Restarting the program, however, does not automatically leads to the issue being raised again immediately.
We are sure the offset if inside the file: we check the actual file pointer location after the failure and compare it with the expected value as well as the size of the file as reported by the OS: all matches across multiple retries.
The issue only shows up randomly: there is no real pattern to the program working as expected and the program failing. It occurs a 2-4 times a day in our office (about 20 people).
The issue does not only occurs in our network. we've seen the symptoms and the log entries in multiple locations although we have no clear view of the OS involved in these cases.
We just deployed a new version of the program that will attempt to re-open the file in case of failure but that is a workaround, not a fix: we need to understand what is happening here and I must admit that I found no rational explanation for it
Any suggestion about what could be the cause of this error or what other steps could be taken to find out will be welcome.
Edit 2
(In the light of keeping this clear, I removed the code: the new evidence gives a better explanation of the issue)
We managed to get a procmon trace while the problem was happening and we got the following sequence of events that we simply cannot explain:
Text version:
"Time of Day","Process Name","PID","Operation","Path","Result","Detail","Command Line"
"9:43:24.8243833 AM","wacprep.exe","33664","ReadFile","\\office.git.ch\dfs\Data\EURDATA\GIT18\JNLS.DTA","END OF FILE","Offset: 7'091'712, Length: 384, Priority: Normal","O:\WinEUR\wacprep.exe /company:GIT18"
"9:43:24.8244011 AM","wacprep.exe","33664","QueryStandardInformationFile","\\office.git.ch\dfs\Data\EURDATA\GIT18\JNLS.DTA","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 7'094'272, EndOfFile: 7'092'864, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False","O:\WinEUR\wacprep.exe /company:GIT18"
(there are thousands of these logged since the application is in an infinite loop.)
As we understand this, the ReadFile call should succeed: the offset is well within the boundary of the file. Yet, it fails. ProcMon reports END OF FILEalthough I suspect it's just because ReadFile returned != 0 and reported 0 bytes read.
While the loop was running, we managed to unblock it by increasing the size of the file from a different machine:
"Time of Day","Process Name","PID","Operation","Path","Result","Detail","Command Line"
"9:46:58.6204637 AM","wacprep.exe","33664","ReadFile","\\office.git.ch\dfs\Data\EURDATA\GIT18\JNLS.DTA","END OF FILE","Offset: 7'091'712, Length: 384, Priority: Normal","O:\WinEUR\wacprep.exe /company:GIT18"
"9:46:58.6204810 AM","wacprep.exe","33664","QueryStandardInformationFile","\\office.git.ch\dfs\Data\EURDATA\GIT18\JNLS.DTA","SUCCESS","AllocationSize: 7'094'272, EndOfFile: 7'092'864, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False","O:\WinEUR\wacprep.exe /company:GIT18"
"9:46:58.7270730 AM","wacprep.exe","33664","ReadFile","\\office.git.ch\dfs\Data\EURDATA\GIT18\JNLS.DTA","SUCCESS","Offset: 7'091'712, Length: 384, Priority: Normal","O:\WinEUR\wacprep.exe /company:GIT18"

Call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag never returns

I am having some issues with my virtualHBA driver on Windows Server 2016. A ran the HLK crashdump support test. 3 times out of 10 the test passed. In those 3 failing tests, the crashdump hangs at 0% while taking Complete dump, or Kernel dump or minidump.
By kernel debugging my code, I found that the call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag() for buffer allocation never actually returns.
Below is the statement which never returns.
pDeviceExtension->pcmdbuf=(struct mycmdrsp *)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPoolCacheAligned,pcmdqSignalSize,((ULONG)'TA1'));
I searched on the web regarding this. However, all of the found pages are focusing on this function returning NULL which in my case never returns.
Any help on how to move forward would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can't allocate memory in crash dump mode. You're running at HIGH_LEVEL with interrupts disabled and so you're calling this API at the wrong IRQL.
The typical solution for a hardware adapter is to set the RequestedDumpBufferSize in the PORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION structure during the normal HwFindAdapter call. Then when you're called again in crash dump mode you use the CrashDumpRegion field to get your dump buffer allocation. You then need to write your own "crash dump mode only" allocator to allocate buffers out of this memory region.
It's a huge pain, especially given that it's difficult/impossible to know how much memory you're ultimately going to need. I usually calculate some minimal configuration overhead (i.e. 1 channel, 8 I/O requests at a time, etc.) and then add in a registry configurable slush. The only benefit is that the environment is stripped down so you don't need to be in your all singing, all dancing configuration.

MiniFilter Driver - modify a file bytes on IRP_MJ_CLOSE and IRP_MJ_CREATE

I'd like to change a file when it is closed and reverse the change when it is opened.
It's kind of like encryption driver except I don't want to encrypt the file.
I've created a new "Filter Driver: Filesystem Mini-Filter" project with WDK8 in Visual Studio 2012 and registered PreCreate, PostCreate, PreClose and PostClose as callback functions.
For example, on IRP_MJ_CLOSE of file which it's byte are {72,101,108,108,111} ("Hello"), I want that after the PostClose function the file would look like this on the hard disk:
I suspect it is not as easy as just:
PreClose (
_Flt_CompletionContext_Outptr_ PVOID *CompletionContext
//some if statment...
Data->Iopb->Parameters.Write.WriteBuffer = newBfr;
Data->Iopb->Parameters.Write.Length = newLen;
I'd like some guidance on the subject.
Also what is the best way to debug this? I Haven't found a way to print to the windows 7 debug.
EDIT: I've read http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowshardware/swapBuffer-File-System-6b7e6e2d but I don't think it'll help me because it is for read/write, which I don't want to deal with.
EDIT2: Or maybe I should do my changes in the PreCreate and PostClose, when the file is on the hard drive and not in the middle of an IRP, and then I won't need to deal with buffers "on the fly" but on the disk?
You will have to write something like swap buffers. Modifying file data in PostCreate/PreClose would not be good idea.
Few reasons:
Firstly in PostCreate/PreClose you shouldn't be accessing Data->Iopb->Parameters.Write.WriteBuffer. That is valid only in IRP_MJ_WRITE. You can do FltWriteFile to write data to file.
Windows kernel may not write file data immediately to the disk in/after IRP_MJ_CLOSE. Think about page cache.
There are may complexities like paging i/o, direct i/o etc. that need to be taken care properly.
Another major thing I notice it that you will also change the file size (as said in your question actual data length is 5 bytes while you will update data to 8 bytes). Now this is very difficult to manage. It never recommended to change the file size in minifilter/file system driver.

(windows) raw write to file without involving win32api

I would like to know if there is an option, and if so - how exactly, to be able to write raw bytes to a file without using WIN32API file handling calls, while in Windows.
I tried to use a stright-forward approach using x86asm direct file calls, but without success in the meantime.
You can try using the native API from ntdll or even direct syscalls (int 2eh or systenter instruction), but it's quite tricky - you need to use kernel-style filenames, for one.
Before answering your question let me mention that writing to a file using API in Windows consists of following (simplified) stages:
You call WriteFile (kernel32.dll)
WriteFile calls NtWriteFile (ntdll.dll)
NtWriteFile calls SYSENTER and operation proceeds to kernel mode
In kernel mode NtWriteFile function of Ntoskrnl.exe is called
This sends IRP_MJ_WRITE to file system driver
File system driver determines which sectors should be written and passes to storage driver
Storage driver sends a command to the hard drive to actually write data to specified sectors
Hard drive writes the data
All operations 1 to 7 are very fast compared to 8 (unless you are working with a RAM drive or extremely fast SSD)
Method 1 - You can skip Step 1 easily (by calling NtWriteFile), and Step2 (by calling SYSENTER - not easy). However you will not gain any performance improvement, so no point in doing it. Consider WriteFile just a wrapper for those (I don't think you are after eliminating one extra function call).
Method 2 - you can find out which sectors the file occupies and write to them directly (effectively skipping all steps down to Step 7). To do that you will need to open and lock the volume, find the clusters that the target file occupies by FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS call, and call WriteFile on volume handle.
But it will be unfair comparison, because file system driver not only writes to the data sectors, but also updates file system metadata when you call WriteFile.
Bottom line is - "Testing efficiency over win32 API" doesn't make much sense. You can skip some of the stuff that OS does, but either won't give you any difference in speed (method 1), or there will be unfair comparison (method2).

Out of memory error in VB6 application

Before anyone says it, I know this isn't the way it should be done, but it's the way it was done and I'm trying to support it without rewriting it all.
I can assure you this isn't the worst bit by far.
The problem occurs when the application reads an entire file into a string variable.
Normally this work OK because the files are small, but one user created a file of 107MB and that falls over.
intFreeFile = FreeFile
Open strFilename For Binary Access Read As intFreeFile
ReadFile = String(LOF(intFreeFile), " ")
Get intFreeFile, , ReadFile
Close intFreeFile
Now, it doesn't fall over at the line
ReadFile = String(LOF(intFreeFile), " ")
but on the
Get intFreeFile, , ReadFile
So what's going on here, surely the String has done the memory allocation so why would it complain about running out of memory on the Get?
Usually reading a file involves some buffering, which takes space. I'm guessing here, but I'd look at the space needed for byte to character conversion. VB6 strings are 16 bit, but (binary) files are 8 bit. You'll need 107MB for the file content, plus 214 MB for the converted results. The string allocation only reserves the 214 MB.
You do not need that "GET" call, just remove it, you are already putting the file into a string, so there is no need to use the GET call.
ReadFile = Input(LOF(intFreeFile), intFreeFile)
I got the same error . And we just checked the taskmanager showing 100% resource usage . we found out one of the update application was taking too much ram memory and we just killed it.
this solved the issue for me. One more thing was we gone in to config settings.
and go to startup tab and uncheck the application that looks like a updater application or some odd application that you dont use.
