(windows) raw write to file without involving win32api - windows

I would like to know if there is an option, and if so - how exactly, to be able to write raw bytes to a file without using WIN32API file handling calls, while in Windows.
I tried to use a stright-forward approach using x86asm direct file calls, but without success in the meantime.

You can try using the native API from ntdll or even direct syscalls (int 2eh or systenter instruction), but it's quite tricky - you need to use kernel-style filenames, for one.

Before answering your question let me mention that writing to a file using API in Windows consists of following (simplified) stages:
You call WriteFile (kernel32.dll)
WriteFile calls NtWriteFile (ntdll.dll)
NtWriteFile calls SYSENTER and operation proceeds to kernel mode
In kernel mode NtWriteFile function of Ntoskrnl.exe is called
This sends IRP_MJ_WRITE to file system driver
File system driver determines which sectors should be written and passes to storage driver
Storage driver sends a command to the hard drive to actually write data to specified sectors
Hard drive writes the data
All operations 1 to 7 are very fast compared to 8 (unless you are working with a RAM drive or extremely fast SSD)
Method 1 - You can skip Step 1 easily (by calling NtWriteFile), and Step2 (by calling SYSENTER - not easy). However you will not gain any performance improvement, so no point in doing it. Consider WriteFile just a wrapper for those (I don't think you are after eliminating one extra function call).
Method 2 - you can find out which sectors the file occupies and write to them directly (effectively skipping all steps down to Step 7). To do that you will need to open and lock the volume, find the clusters that the target file occupies by FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS call, and call WriteFile on volume handle.
But it will be unfair comparison, because file system driver not only writes to the data sectors, but also updates file system metadata when you call WriteFile.
Bottom line is - "Testing efficiency over win32 API" doesn't make much sense. You can skip some of the stuff that OS does, but either won't give you any difference in speed (method 1), or there will be unfair comparison (method2).


Using SetFilePointer to change the location to write in the sector doesn't work?

I'm using SetFilePointer to rewrite the second half of the MBR with something, its a user-mode application and i opened a handle to PhysicalDrive
At first i tried to set the size parameter in WriteFile to 256 but the writefile gave the INVALID_PARAMETER error, as it turns out based on some search on other questions here it seems like this is because we are forced to write in multiplicand of the sector size when the handle is PhysicalDrive for some reason
then i tried to set the filePointer to 256, and Write 512 bytes, both of them return no error, but for some unknown reason it writes from the beginning of the sector! as if the SetFilePointer didn't work even tho the return value of SetFilePointer is OK and it returns 256
So my questions is :
Why the write size have to be multiplicand of sector size when the handle is PhysicalDrive? which other device handles are like this?
Why is this happening and when I set the file pointer to 256, WriteFile still writes from the start?
isn't this really redundant, considering that even if I want to change 1 byte then I have to read the entire sector, change the one byte and then write it back, instead of just writing 1 byte, it seems like 10 times more overhead! isn't there a faster way to write a few bytes in a sector?
I think you are mixing the file system and the storage (block device). File system stays above storage device stack. If your code obtains a handle to a file system device, you can write byte by byte. But if you are accessing storage device stack, you can only write sector by sector (or block size).
Directly writing to block device is definitely slow as you discovered. However, in most cases, people just talk to file systems. Most file system drivers maintain cache and use algorithms for both read and write to improve performance.
Can't comment on file pointer based offset before seeing the actual code. But I guess it might be not sector aligned or it's not used at all.

accessing process memory parts

I'm currently studying memory management of OS by the video lecture. The instructor says,
In fact, you may have, and it is quite often the case that there may
be several parts of the process memory, which are not even accessed at
all. That is, they are neither executed, loaded or stored from memory.
I don't understand the saying since even if in a simple C program, we access whole address space of it. Don't we?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Hello, World!");
return 0;
Could you elucidate the saying? If possible could you provide an example program wherein "several parts of the process memory, which are not even accessed at all" when it is run.
Imagine you have a large and complicated utility (e.g. a compiler), and the user asks it for help (e.g. they type gcc --help instead of asking it to compile anything). In this case, how much of the utility's code and data is used?
Most programs have various optional parts that aren't used (e.g. maybe something that works with graphics will have some code for 16 bits per pixel and other code for 32 bits per pixel, and will determine which code to use and not use the other code). Most heap allocators are "eager" (e.g. they'll ask the OS for 20 MiB of space and then might only "malloc() 2 MiB of it). Sometimes a program will memory map a huge file but then only access a small part of it.
Even for your trivial "hello world" example code; the virtual address space probably contains a huge (several MiB) shared library to support lots of C standard library functions (e.g. puts(), fprintf(), sprintf(), ...) and your program only uses a small part of that shared library; and your program probably reserves a conservative amount of space for its stack (e.g. maybe 20 KiB of space for its stack) and then probably only uses a few hundred bytes of stack.
In a virtual memory system, the address space of the process is created in secondary store at start up. Little or nothing gets placed in memory. For example, the operating system may use the executable file as the page file for the code and static data. It just sets up an internal structure that says some range of memory is mapped to these blocks in the executable file. The same goes for shared libraries. The other data gets mapped to the page file.
As your program runs it starts page faulting rapidly because nothing is in memory and the operating system has to load it from secondary storage.
If there is something that your program does not reference, it never gets loaded into memory.
If you had global variable declared like
char somedata [1045] ;
and your program never references that variable, it will never get loaded into memory. The same goes for code. If you have pages of code that done get execute (e.g. error handling code) it does not get loaded. If you link to shared libraries, you will likely bece including a lot of functions that you never use. Likewise, they will not get loaded if you do not execute them.
To begin with, not all of the address space is backed by physical memory at all times, especially if your address space covers 248+ bytes, which your computer doesn't have (which is not to say you can't map most of the address space to a single physical page of memory, which would be of very little utility for anything).
And then some portions of the address space may be purposefully permanently inaccessible, like a few pages near virtual address 0 (to catch NULL pointer dereferences).
And as it's been pointed out in the other answers, with on-demand loading of programs, you may have some portions of the address space reserved for your program but if the program doesn't happen to need any of its code or data there, nothing needs to be loader there either.

Equivalent to pread/pwrite in MSVC?

What calls best emulate pread/pwrite in MSVC 10?
At the C runtime library level, look at fread, fwrite and fseek.
At the Win32 API level, have a look at ReadFile, WriteFile, and SetFilePointer. MSDN has extensive coverage of file I/O API's.
Note that both ReadFile and WriteFile take an OVERLAPPED struct argument, which lets you specify a file offset. The offset is respected for all files that support byte offsets, even when opened for synchronous (i.e. non 'overlapped') I/O.
Depending on the problem you are trying to solve, file mapping may be a better design choice.
It looks like you just use the lpOverlapped parameter to ReadFile/WriteFile to pass a pointer to an OVERLAPPED structure with the offset specified in Offset and OffsetHigh.
(Note: You don't actually get overlapping IO unless the handle was opened with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED.)
The answer provided by Oren seems correct but doesn't seem to meet the needs. Actually, I too was here for searching the answer but couldn't find it. So, I will update a bit here.
As said,
At the C runtime library level, there are fread, fwrite and fseek.
At the Win32 API level, we can have two level of abstractions. One at the lower level which works with file descriptors and other at higher level which works with Windows' defined data structures such as File and Handle.
If you wish to work with Files and Handles, you have ReadFile, WriteFile, and SetFilePointer. But most the time, C++ developers prefer working with File Descriptors. For that, you have _read, _write and _lseek.

Doing a zero-copy move of data from a Linux kernel buffer to hard disk

am trying to move data from a buffer in kernel space into the hard
disk without having to incur any additional copies from kernel buffer to
user buffers or any other kernel buffers. Any ideas/suggestions would be
most helpful.
The use case is basically a demux driver which collects data into a
demux buffer in kernel space and this buffer has to be emptied
periodically by copying the contents into a FUSE-based partition on the
disk. As the buffer gets full, a user process is signalled which then
determines the sector numbers on the disk the contents need to be copied
I was hoping to mmap the above demux kernel buffer into user address
space and issue a write system call to the raw partition device. But
from what I can see, the this data is being cached by the kernel on its
way to the Hard Disk driver. And so I am assuming that involves
additional copies by the linux kernel.
At this point I am wondering if there is any other mechansim to do this
without involving additional copies by the kernel. I realize this is an
unsual usage scenario for non-embedded environments, but I would
appreciate any feedback on possible options.
BTW - I have tried using O_DIRECT when opening the raw partition, but
the subsequent write call fails if the buffer being passed is the
mmapped buffer.
You need to expose your demux buffer as a file descriptor (presumably, if you're using mmap() then you're already doing this - great!).
On the kernel side, you then need to implement the splice_read member of struct file_operations.
On the userspace side, create a pipe(), then use splice() twice - once to move the data from the demux file descriptor into the pipe, and a second time to move the data from the pipe to the disk file. Use the SPLICE_F_MOVE flag.
As documented in the splice() man page, it will avoid actual copies where it can, by copying references to pages of kernel memory rather than the pages themselves.

How do they read clusters/cylinders/sectors from the disk?

I needed to recover the partition table I deleted accidentally. I used an application named TestDisk. Its simply mind blowing. I reads each cylinder from the disk. I've seen similar such applications which work with MBR & partitioning.
I'm curious.
How do they read
clusters/cylinders/sectors from the
disk? Is there some kind of API for this?
Is it again OS dependent? If so whats the way to for Linux & for windows?
Well, I'm not just curious I want a hands on experience. I want to write a simple application which displays each LBA.
Cylinders and sectors (wiki explanation) are largely obsoleted by the newer LBA (logical block addressing) scheme for addressing drives.
If you're curious about the history, use the Wikipedia article as a starting point. If you're just wondering how it works now, code is expected to simply use the LBA address (which works largely the same way as a file does - a linear array of bytes arranged in blocks)
It's easy due to the magic of *nix special device files. You can open and read /dev/sda the same way you'd read any other file.
Just use open, lseek, read, write (or pread, pwrite). If you want to make sure you're physically fetching data from a drive and not from kernel buffers you can open with the flag O_DIRECT (though you must perform aligned reads/writes of 512 byte chunks for this to work).
For *nix, there have been already answers (/dev directory); for Windows, there are the special objects \\.\PhisicalDriveX, with X as the number of the drive, which can be opened using the normal CreateFile API. To actually perform reads or writes you have then to use the DeviceIoControl function.
More info can be found in "Physical Disks and Volumes" section of the CreateFile API documentation.
I'm the OP. I'm combining Eric Seppanen's & Matteo Italia's answers to make it complete.
*NIX Platforms:
It's easy due to the magic of *nix special device files. You can open and read /dev/sda the same way you'd read any other file.
Just use open, lseek, read, write (or pread, pwrite). If you want to make sure you're physically fetching data from a drive and not from kernel buffers you can open with the flag O_DIRECT (though you must perform aligned reads/writes of 512 byte chunks for this to work).
Windows Platform
For Windows, there are the special objects \\.\PhisicalDriveX, with X as the number of the drive, which can be opened using the normal CreateFile API. To perform reads or writes simply call ReadFile and WriteFile (buffer must be aligned on sector size).
More info can be found in "Physical Disks and Volumes" section of the CreateFile API documentation.
Alternatively you can also you DeviceIoControl function which sends a control code directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the corresponding operation.
On linux, as root, you can save your MBR like this (Assuming you drive is /dev/sda):
dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr bs=512 count=1
If you wanted to read 1Mb from you drive, starting at the 10th MB:
dd if=/dev/sda of=1Mb bs=1Mb count=1 skip=10
