What Certificate for signing an Ionic (Cordova) Windows 10 UWP application? - visual-studio

I have an Ionic application, which is currently deployed to the Apple and Android stores. I Now wish to deploy to the Windows store. I have Visual Studio 2015 and have built running the Ionic CLI. I see a lot of created files, including a CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.43_x86.appx
For iOS, the signing is handled via the xcode / developers console, and for Android I created using the keytool which is part of the JDK. Now for Windows..
I have found this on certificates, and this on signing.
I just want to see if I have this understanding correct before I do anything.... so unlike the iOS and Android, where I can just sign, with no extra cost, for the UWP, you actually need to purchase a certificate, just like you do for SSL, to use for the signing of a UWP? Also the app uses SSL (makes https calls to a server via SSL) - not sure if this makes any difference to the certificate required (as when I ran in debug, the https call seemed to be blocked).
Thanks in advance for any information!

I just want to see if I have this understanding correct before I do anything.... so unlike the iOS and Android, where I can just sign, with no extra cost, for the UWP, you actually need to purchase a certificate, just like you do for SSL, to use for the signing of a UWP?
No, you don't need to purchase an certificate to publish your app to store. You only need to create a certificate for package signing, for details, please refer to Create a certificate for package signing. Then you can sign your app using SignTool, please refer to Sign an app package using SignTool.
After that, when you are submitting your app, you will need to have a developer account, which requires some monetary cost,


Sign an electron app on macos using pfx certificate

I have created an electron app. Now I want to sign code for both windows and mac platform. But I have only go daday pfx certificate.I successfully signed code using pfx certificate from go daday in windows platform. So,Can I sign an electron app on macos platform using go daday certificate?
You can sign a macOS app with a GoDaddy code-signing certificate, but it probably won't do what you want. Here's what Apple's developer documentation says (with my emphasis added):
Note: Apple uses the industry-standard form and format of code signing
certificates. Therefore, if your company already has a third-party
signing identity that you use to sign code on other systems, you can
use it with the macOS codesign command. Similarly, if your company is
a certificate issuing authority, contact your IT department to find
out how to get a signing certificate issued by your company. However,
while these valid certificates allow you to sign your code, you can
only distribute through the App Store or through the Developer ID
program when you sign with a certificate issued by Apple.
So, the question is: how is your application going to be distributed to users' computers?
If it's sold through Apple's App Store, you need to become an Apple Developer, get a Mac App Distribution certificate from Apple, and sign the app with that before submitting it to Apple.
If it's distributed outside Apple's App Store (e.g. via web download), then you also need to become an Apple developer, get a Developer ID certificate, and use that to sign it. If you don't sign it with the right kind of certificate, Gatekeeper will prevent users from opening the app unless they go through a special procedure to trust the app.
Either way, you need to join the Apple Developer program, and use an Apple-issued code signing certificate to sign the macOS version of your app.

Can't build/run PEGKit ParserGenApp without valid Mac Developer Certificate

I'm using PEGKit to generate a parser for an iOS app I am developing. To do so, I need to run a helper app (ParserGenApp) that is distributed with PEGKit to generate the parser source code. I've followed the instruction here:
But whenever I try to build/run the app, I get an error "No signing identity found!"
I have an iOS developer certificate, but not Mac developer certificate. I'm able to build/run other sample mac apps locally.
Figured it out. PEGKit project was set to use code-signing when it shouldn't have been.

Do I need to sign apps for Windows Store?

I have developed a hybrid application for Windows 8.1 that I want to submit to the app store. As the app package requirements, it does not look at like I need to sign my package using any a trusted certificate.
I am using VS 2013 to create my project and my app package. Is the default certificate enough ?
Can some one who has submitted apps for approval, please speak about their experience regarding the app signing and if/how one can get this certificate.
Answering my own question, I was able to submit the app. I was able to sign the app once I linked my store account.

Publishing Mac App on App Store

We are developing an application for our client and he wanted us to build App so he can publish the app over the Mac App store,
As of now we don't have Mac Developer Id, and we have received App Id from the client,
My question is, is it possible to make build only using App Id ?
I guess with App ID you mean something like "com.company.product".
Getting an Application for OS X to the App store is not an easy task (compared to iPhone/iPad).
To sign the App you need the public/private Key pair and a couple of certificates from your client.
The convenient way to upload the app to apple is done using Xcode.
Does the client use Xcode? If your client uses Xcode, then your client can do all the signing stuff. Then your client needs just the source code.
If your client needs a signed binary, then it's not obvious HOW he gets the app to the Appstore. There is a tool which can be used to upload the binary: "Application Loader.app"
(Here is a similar SO question which describes the toolchain: How to submit an iOS app WITHOUT XCode?)
If you need to deliver your results to your client as a signed bundle then you need all Certificates from the client. Your code must have all entitlements set. Uploading this code without testing your entitlements on your local machine is like driving a car blindfolded.
However: If you need to deliver a signed binary to your client, then you need all certificates.
If you will distribute the code to the client, it's not a problem delivering an unsigned binary to the client. Apps can be executed without code signing. Even without an valid AppID your code may be executed.
If your client has knowledge about Mac development, this should be no problem. If your client't doesn't know anything about Mac development, you should get access to his Mac-Developer account and do it for him.
Conclusion: The AppID is just a string to identify the app. If your client does the code signing stuff and uploading to Apple by himself using Xcode, then you need nothing else.
If you should use iCloud or App-Sandboxing (Entitlements) then you NEED certificates from your client.

XCode does not want to use my Developer Certificate since I have used my Distribution Certificate !

I have just uploaded an app to the App Store. For this purpose, I used the Distribution Certificate.
Since then, I cannot switch back to my Developer Certificate when trying to sign the code. I only do Project Settings > Code Signing. My Developer Certificate is visible but when signing it does not show up. XCode only uses the Distribution one.
Did you face the same issue ?
Of course, I am going to try to generate a new project... Those tools drive me crazy.
Try changing the active scheme to debug rather than distribution.
