Xamarin Live Player does not exist - visual-studio

Using VS 2017 community 15.3 preview 5
Xamarin Preview is up to date and xamarin for visual studio is included , xamarin updater is installed but the xamarin live player button is not showing up .

BETA RELEASE: 15.3 PREVIEW 5 does not include the Xamarin Live Player:
Note that this Beta version is a smaller release compared to the current Alpha preview. In particular, it does not include the Xamarin Live Player, Docker, Azure Functions, or Xamarin IoT preview features announced at Build. Please stay on the Alpha channel if you wish to continue to preview those features.
Re: https://releases.xamarin.com/beta-release-15-3-preview-5/

I've struggled with a similar issue, I found that Xamarin Live Player is not enabled by default you need to do this yourself:
Go to Tools> Options> Xamarin > Other > Enable Xamarin Live Player.

There’s problems with the versions of Visual Studio. Now you first need to install the TestFlight app from apple and then from inside of it you download the newest version of Xamarin live player. I leave you the link where you can find it.


Xamarin App Google Play Store Incompatible Chromebook VS 2019

I have developed an Android app using Visual Studio 2019 and Xamarin Forms, all patched with the latest updates. For verification on an Android device, I purchased an Asus C214M Chromebook and published to it from within Visual Studio. To boost my confidence level, it published and ran both debug and release versions of my app.
In the process of publishing to Play Store, I added d8 as the dex compiler and release still runs on my Chromebook.Once it is published to Play Store it shows compatibility with 13,060 devices and there are no exclusions. When searching for Chromebook or Asus my device does not show up and no Chromebooks show as compatible.
Research and testing experience show that Xamarin apps are compatible with Chromebook, so what could I be missing in the manifest or compiler settings? The link is https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.linkemupllc.wetyourwhistel. Any suggestions?

Xamarin android hangs on start

Using visual studio 15.7.4
Xamarin forms project
compile version api level 26
target android version api level 26
release mode
sdk link assemblies only
using Xamarin forms 3.1.0
app starts fine (although long startup time) in debug mode. After installed to 2 different real phones the app splash screen shows on launch but hangs indefinitely
The solution for me was to enable "Zipalign" on the "Signing and aligning APK file(s)" task in my Xamarin Android build definition on Azure Devops (previously VSTS). I got the answer from here
This turned out to be something with the build definition in VSTS, as it worked when built right from Visual Studio

Android studio 3.1 version image assert is not working on my android studio toll Any one help me

Android studio 3.1.0 version image assert doesn't work my side
Adaptive icons were introduced in Android 8 (SDK 26).
I'm guessing that you selected Adaptive Icons when you started to create your launcher icon. You'll either need to create a standard icon or update the SDK version in your app.gradle file.

Could not find the Blank Android Wear Application template in Xamarin Studio

I am new to Xamarin Studio. I am trying to create an app for Android Wear using Xamarin studio. I have installed the Xamarin Studio 5.5 (upto date version) and Xamarin.Android version 4.18 (Trial Edition). I've gone through the below link before I start to set up my environment.
As said in the blog, I have installed the latest Xamarin Studio, in which I couldn't find the template for creating a new Android Wear application in either my XamarinStudio or Visual Studio.
I have tried to download the sample given in the below link:
On building the samples, it gives me the dll missing errors.
for ex: I have downloaded the Eliza Chat sample from the above sample, and on running the sample I have been faced some dll missing issues. After downloading them manually from internet and refer them, I am facing the below error
"Error 1 No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:windowSwipeToDismiss'. C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Android.Wearable\1.0.0\embedded.\res\values\values.xml 128 ElizaChat"
Note: I have installed the Android Wear Emulator with the help of the SDK Manager. And I have installed the Android L (API 20, L Preview) and Android 4.4 W(API20) through SDK Manager. And I have installed Android Support Repository and Android Support Library.
Do I need to install any thing else to work with Android Wear application. Any help would be appreciable.
Karuppasamy P

Xamarin Studio 5 Unity Add-in Repository

I was trying to get Xamarin Studio 5 setup on OS X since it's a much better IDE than the one Unity ships with and I successfully got it working as an editor with Unity. However, I have read that it is possible to get the debugger working with it.
Apparently in Xamarin Studio 4, there was an add-in in the alpha channel (from here http://www.cliffordroche.ca/monodevelop-4-xamarin-studio-debugging-in-unity/ and other sources) and there was a Unity section in the Gallery tab of the add-in manager that included a Unity Utilities add-in.
In Xamarin Studio 5, I don't see this. Does anyone know if it's possible to get Unity debugging support working in Xamarin Studio 5 even if you have to add a manual add-in repository? I can't seem to find any information on this.
It is in the beta channel http://www.cliffordroche.ca/unity-debugger-for-monodevelop-5-xamarin-2-updated/
Currently it doesn't support unity 4.5 debugger features like ios usb debugging and is some what unstable sometimes with unity 4.5. But is stable for versions till unity 4.3.x
You have to attach the process while the Unity player is not running. You also have to stop the debugger in Xamarin studio before you stop the player in Unity3D, otherwise Unity will crash.
It's not ideal, but it works.
