Laravel 5.4 Eloquent multiple table query - laravel

Hi I want to form a query in laravel 5.4 eloquent for the following SQL:
select A.*, concat(B.firstname, ' ', B.lastname) as clientname, C.category as category from payments A, clients B, categories C where A.client_id = and A.category_id =
All the foreign keys are properly given and the models are also properly created.
My aim is to get all the master record name like category, client name, etc to come in the child table record set directly.

You can try this:
->select('payments.*',DB::raw('CONCAT(clients.firstname," ",clients.lastname) as clientname'),categories.category)
Hope this help for you !!!

Paste your row query in DB::row() and print data like following
$data= DB::row("select A.*, concat(B.firstname, ' ', B.lastname) as clientname, C.category as category from payments A, clients B, categories C where A.client_id = and A.category_id =")->get();
if your query is right and properly managed relation than its retrieve data

If you already made Models than Why you don't use ORM?
Use Models,
payment::leftJoin('clients ','payments.client_id','=','')
->leftJoin('categories ','payments.category_id ','=','categories .id')->select(['payment.*','categories.category',DB::raw("CONCAT(clients.firstname,' ',clients.lastname) as clientname")])->get();


Select from junction table

What should I do if I need to make select from junction table?
For example, I develop project and I need to make chats between users. I have two entities: User and Chat, and many-to-many relation between them (accordingly, I have three tables: user, chat, chat_user). I try to get all chats, which user is member, and to get all users from these chats.
I made the following SQL query:
FROM chat c
INNER JOIN chat_user cu ON = cu.chat_id
INNER JOIN user u ON = cu.user_id
FROM chat_user
WHERE user_id = <idUser>);
But I don't know how to translate in DQL subquery SELECT chat_id FROM chat_user WHERE user_id = <idUser>, because a haven't additional entity for table chat_user.
And I tried to add entity ChatUser and get data in ChatRepository smt. like this:
public function getChatsData($idUser)
$subQuery = $this->getEntityManager()
->andWhere('chus.user = :idUser')
->setParameter('idUser', $idUser)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
return $qb
->innerJoin('c.chatUsers', 'cu')
->innerJoin('cu.user', 'u')
->innerJoin('c.messages', 'm')
->andWhere(' = :idUser')
->setParameter('idUser', $idUser)
but it doesn't work. I get error [Semantical Error] line 0, col 12 near 'chat FROM App\Entity\ChatUser': Error: Invalid PathExpression. Must be a StateFieldPathExpression.
Have Doctrine standard tools for such tasks?

Crudbooster laravel - How to make different column relationship?

I have two table 1. table_a 2. table_b
And all table have company_id. I want to make relationship among this two table using same company id . Like
select * from table_a left join table_b on table_a.company_id = table_b.company_id;
Please help me out if its really possible. Thank you in advance.
You can use this:
$data = DB::table('table_a')->leftJoin('table_b', 'table_a.company_id', '=', 'table_b.company_id')->get();
Or raw:
$users = DB::table('table_a')
->select(DB::raw('query here'))
More on:

Aggregate function in laravel 5.4 with joining

I have two tables :
users table
{id, name}
payments table
{id, user_id, payment}
Here I want to join two tables and want to use SUM(payment) function group by id.
please give me a solution.
You can do join like this way:
$payments = DB::table('users')->join('payments','','=','payments.user_id')->groupBy('')->sum('payment');
//use DB to in you controller
You can use a queryBuilder for make de custom query.

laravel about inner join and subquery

ok, now ,I want get sql just like:
select field1,field2,field3 from orders
inner join
(select id from orders where field4=3 limit 1000, 20)
as temp using(id)
how can I get this by laravel 5.1?
er, sorry I poor in english. What I mean is I want get the native sql like that , and now I don't know what can I do with laravel DB or ORM. I create a model Order corresponding to the table orders.
thank you ~
Although it is not a good way to do it because laravel supports inner joins in query builder. You can do it like this:
DB::select(DB::raw(" select field1,field2,field3 from orders
inner join
(select id from orders where field4=3 limit 1000, 20)
as temp using(id)
Use the following code
DB::select(DB::raw(" select field1,field2,field3 from orders
inner join
(select id from orders where field4=3 limit 1000, 20)
as temp using(id)

How to return values from query when joining multiple tables in Linq?

I have a Linq queries that have tables join and couple of tables inner join together. Sometimes I got an error from the query when table is empty. What I trying to do is I am tryting to get a value from table even if other table is empty.
Thanks in Advance.
You need to do left join
Assuming left join between customer and order table.
var query =
from customer in dc.Customers
from order
in dc.Orders
.Where(o => customer.CustomerId == o.CustomerId)
select new { Customer = customer, Order = order }
Also refer below link
