Symbol not found in Lauterbach cmm script - lauterbach

I have declared clk_proc on top of my script:
LOCAL &clk_proc
Later in my script I am using the variable
I am getting an error:
"Symbol not found in this context"
Any idea ?

you are getting error here because clk_proc is not defined only **&**clk_proc is defined as lauterbach will treat clk_proc as a new variable which is not defined any where so throwing error.
We need to use the "&" always while using the variable in lauterbach.
Try with below:
this will work.


Is the `_ansible_parent_role_name` variable name reserved in Ansible?

When I try to use _ansible_parent_role_name as a variable name (with the set_fact module), I get the following error message:
ERROR! invalid parameter specified for action 'set_fact': '_ansible_parent_role_name'
Is it reserved?
Ansible version is 2.9.6.
At the same time, the ansible_parent_role_name and __ansible_parent_role_name names are fine. Searching for any mentions of _ansible_parent_role_name through the source code gives nothing.
Everything starting with _ansible_ or ansible_ should be considered reserved, and _ansible is reserved for internal variables that are never set by the user. No modules can be called with parameters starting with _ansible_:

How can I handle the error in load_svmlight_file?

when I run this code in mac:
x_train, y_train = load_svmlight_file("mq2008.train")
I get this error in bash:
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
and if I run it in shell, I face this error:
NameError: name 'load_svmlight_file' is not defined
How can I solve this problem?
Welcome to StackOverflow!
IMO, you have a Python code and trying to replicate its output. If so, you should first load all Python-related imports first. This is what it means to NameError here, Python interpreter is not able to understand what it is, because this function is not part of its existing definitions it has.
If I may suggest, please spend some time to get the hands-on-learning of Python.

Error encountered when running batch file - was unexpected at this time

I have encountered an error when running a batch file. It goes like this, I run test-setup.cmd which calls another batch file test-env.cmd
test-setup.cmd calls by using this line:
call %SCRIPT_HOME%\test-env.cmd
where SCRIPT_HOME is set up as SCRIPT_HOME=%~dp0
test-env.cmd has this line:
if [%TEST_HOME%] == [] set TEST_HOME=D:\Program Files\Test\test-02.2.3.Final
After running the test-setup.cmd a message appears like this:
Files\Test\test-02.2.3.Final was unexpected at this time
Note that I have setup the TEST_HOME in the system environment variables.
Please help, thank you.
The syntax of your if command is incorrect. It would work if %TEST_HOME% didn't contain any spaces, but since it does you must use double quotes:
if "%TEST_HOME%" == "" set TEST_HOME=D:\Program Files\Test\test-02.2.3.Final
Mind you, since you're just testing to see whether the variable exists, it would be a lot more efficient to do that directly:
if not defined TEST_HOME set TEST_HOME=D:\Program Files\Test\test-02.2.3.Final

Embeddable Common-Lisp asdf:defsystem returning invalid relative pathname

I'm trying to learn how to use Common-Lisp's asdf, and I have the following code:
(asdf:defsystem example
:serial t
:components ((:file "first")
(:file "second")))
However, I keep getting the error:
Condition of type: SIMPLE-ERROR
Invalid relative pathname #P"first.lisp" for component ("example" "first")
I'm launching the repl in the same directory as these two Lisp files, but I don't understand why there is an error. What am I missing? I'm using ECL on Windows
ASDF uses *load-pathname* or *load-truename* to resolve the full paths to the system's components. If you enter the (asdf:defsystem ...) form on the REPL, these variables are not set.
Write the defsystem form into a file, then load it like (load "example.asd").

Ruby require_relative not loading file, not throwing error

I am having trouble getting constant definitions loaded via an external file. I have narrowed the problem down to the following.
require_relative '../../common/config.rb'
A_CONSTANT = 'something'
When I run this as written, it prints the message correctly. The same constant is declared in the file common/config.rb. The relative path is correct for the location of this file. Just for completeness, the above code is in /watir/dashboard/spec/ex.rb. The constant is declared in /watir/common/config.rb.
As I see it, the above code should error out for a duplicate constant declaration. It does not. If I comment out the constant declaration above and rerun, the puts statement shows an error for 'uninitialized constant.' Any ideas what's wrong?
Edit - The contents of the file common/config.rb are below.
A_CONSTANT = 'something'
On a lark, I changed the filename to common/conf.rb. When I modify the require_relative statement to load the renamed file, I get the results I originally expected. The file is loaded and the second constant declaration throws a warning saying 'already initialized constant.' If I comment out the second declaration, the script runs perfectly.
It appears that the filename 'config.rb' is somehow special when loaded by a relative path. I have use that filename in other scripts where it was in the same folder as the loading script or a sub-folder. This is the first time I have had to move up the tree to load it.
Ruby allows redefining constants, and will only print a warning. Some setting in your Ruby is just hiding that warning from you.
