Is the `_ansible_parent_role_name` variable name reserved in Ansible? - ansible

When I try to use _ansible_parent_role_name as a variable name (with the set_fact module), I get the following error message:
ERROR! invalid parameter specified for action 'set_fact': '_ansible_parent_role_name'
Is it reserved?
Ansible version is 2.9.6.
At the same time, the ansible_parent_role_name and __ansible_parent_role_name names are fine. Searching for any mentions of _ansible_parent_role_name through the source code gives nothing.

Everything starting with _ansible_ or ansible_ should be considered reserved, and _ansible is reserved for internal variables that are never set by the user. No modules can be called with parameters starting with _ansible_:


Jenkins Pipeline throws "syntax error: bad substitution" when Passing in Parameter

I have a Terraform project that I was trying to use Jenkin's Custom Checkbox plugin (Custom Checkbox Parameter) with so that I can build separate applications dynamically using the same IaC, however, I'm getting the following error when passing in the name parameter for that plugin into the Terraform plan and apply commands.
syntax error: bad substitution
The idea for all this is just to click on "select all" or each individual app and run the build, and this will create the IaC for the given application(s).
I have a terraform plan that I am running as a smoke test to verify the parameters above are being passed in correctly before running the apply. This looks like the following:
sh 'terraform plan -var-file="terraform-dev.tfvars" -var "app_name=[${params[${please-work}]}]" -input=false'
The documentation for the plugin states that you can reference the items checked by using this format: "${params['please-work']}" which is what I've done above. That said, one caveat to this is that Im having to set the values in quotes for this to work since the variables are being set in the Terraform using list(string).
NOTE: I have tested that all this works if I just hardcode the app names with the escapes as following:
sh 'terraform plan -var-file="terraform-dev.tfvars" -var "app_name=[\\"app-1\\",\\"app-2\\"]" -input=false'
Again, what I need is for this to work with the -var "app_name=[${params[${please-work}]}]" without throwing that error.
If needed, here is the setup for the JSON that the plugin is using:
Additionally, I can see the values are being set the way I need them to be set when running the echo of echo "${params['please-work']}" on the initial build step. So these are coming back as "app-1", "app-2"
Again, all but that one bit is working and I've tried various ways to escape the needed strings to get this work and I need insight on a path forward. This would be greatly appreciated.
You are casting the script argument in your sh step method as a literal string, and therefore it will not interpolate the pipeline variable of type object params within the Groovy pipeline interpreter. You also are passing the variable value for the app_name with [] syntax (attempted list constructor?), which is not syntactically valid for shell, Terraform, or JSON, but is for Jenkins Pipeline and Groovy with undesired behavior (unclear what is desired here). Finally, please-work is a literal string and not a Jenkins Pipeline or Groovy variable, and since params is technically an object and not a Map, you must use the . syntax and not the [] syntax for accessors. You must update with:
sh(label: 'Execute Terraform Plan', script: "terraform plan -var-file='terraform-dev.tfvars' -var 'app_name=${params.please-work}' -input=false")
If another issue arises after fixing all of this, then it would be recommended to convert the plugin usage to the pipeline with a parameters directive, and also to probably remove the unusual characters e.g. - from the parameter name.
Thanks for helping me think through this, Matt. I was able to resolve the issue with the following shell script in the declarative pipeline:
sh "terraform plan -var-file='terraform-dev.tfvars' -var 'app_name=[${params['please-work']}]' -input=false"
This is working now.

Fail to use yaml reference in ansible inventory plugin

I would like to use this config with an inventory plugin
# test_inventory_xxx.yml
plugin: cloudscale # or openstack or ...
inventory_hostname: &inventory_hostname_value uuid
setting_of_inventory_hostname: *inventory_hostname_value
I get no error, but the value is not set. And it is valid yaml. (At least my checker nor myself see an error.
So I decided to simplify it by using the constructed plugin, which is standard:
# inventory_constructed.yaml
plugin: constructed
# add variables to existing inventory
- key: from_inventory
prefix: inventory
parent_group: &common_parent_group test_group_1
var_from_constructed: 1233456789
also_from_constr: "'also'" # must be in quotes 2x!
some_from_constr: &ref1 1234567777
ref_from_constr: *ref1 # this works fine
ref_to_test: *common_parent_group # <--- this line returns an error
strict: yes
Now I get the error: Could not set ref_to_test for host my_host: 'test_group_1' is undefined
But it passes when I uncomment the marked line. (the ref &common_parent_group is still defined, but not used with *common_parent_group.) Why is test_group_1 undefined in one case, but not in the other?
How to reproduce: ansible -i some_of/your_inventory -i inventory_constructed.yaml -m debug -a var=vars
What do I do wrong? Or what else is the problem?
(I tought it is an missing feature, so original info in
It seems like parent_group takes a literal string while ref_to_test takes a Jinja2 expression (because it's under compose). It should fail the same way if you write
ref_to_test: test_group_1
because test_group_1 simply isn't a Jinja2 variable. You'll have to write
ref_to_test: "'test_group_1'"
just like above so Jinja2 sees 'test_group_1' which is a literal string. This also means you can't use an alias because parent_group does not evaluate its content with Jinja2 and therefore shouldn't include quotes in its content.

Symbol not found in Lauterbach cmm script

I have declared clk_proc on top of my script:
LOCAL &clk_proc
Later in my script I am using the variable
I am getting an error:
"Symbol not found in this context"
Any idea ?
you are getting error here because clk_proc is not defined only **&**clk_proc is defined as lauterbach will treat clk_proc as a new variable which is not defined any where so throwing error.
We need to use the "&" always while using the variable in lauterbach.
Try with below:
this will work.

Error encountered when running batch file - was unexpected at this time

I have encountered an error when running a batch file. It goes like this, I run test-setup.cmd which calls another batch file test-env.cmd
test-setup.cmd calls by using this line:
call %SCRIPT_HOME%\test-env.cmd
where SCRIPT_HOME is set up as SCRIPT_HOME=%~dp0
test-env.cmd has this line:
if [%TEST_HOME%] == [] set TEST_HOME=D:\Program Files\Test\test-02.2.3.Final
After running the test-setup.cmd a message appears like this:
Files\Test\test-02.2.3.Final was unexpected at this time
Note that I have setup the TEST_HOME in the system environment variables.
Please help, thank you.
The syntax of your if command is incorrect. It would work if %TEST_HOME% didn't contain any spaces, but since it does you must use double quotes:
if "%TEST_HOME%" == "" set TEST_HOME=D:\Program Files\Test\test-02.2.3.Final
Mind you, since you're just testing to see whether the variable exists, it would be a lot more efficient to do that directly:
if not defined TEST_HOME set TEST_HOME=D:\Program Files\Test\test-02.2.3.Final

Ansible nested variables in inventory

I've been using Ansible for a while now, and in general have no trouble with variables in inventories. However, for the first time I have to override a nested variable in the inventory, and the I'd expect it to work... doesn't.
The default/main.yml of the role looks like this:
archiver_folder: "/opt/archiver"
source_folder: "/var/tmp/images"
archive_folder: "/var/tmp/imagearchive"
min_diskspace: 1e6
logfile: "/var/log/archiver.log"
I need to override the default archive folder for some hosts because some of them have an external filesystem attached for this purpose, so I did this in the inventory:
[tdevices] adeploy_name=16014c archiver_config.archive_folder=/media/ext
I have also tried putting the value in double and single quotes, like e.g.
But it doesn't work. Ansible doesn't throw any errors, but the default value does not get overridden. What's the correct syntax to do this?
There are no "nested variables" in your example. There is only one variable archiver_config which is a dictionary (hash).
You cannot assign a value to a dictionary key in the inventory file.
What you can do is add a variable in the defaults/main.yml, use it as a value for the key (now, this can be called a nested variable):
archive_folder: "/var/tmp/imagearchive"
archiver_folder: "/opt/archiver"
source_folder: "/var/tmp/images"
archive_folder: "{{archive_folder}}"
min_diskspace: 1e6
logfile: "/var/log/archiver.log"
and assign value to it in the inventory file:
[tdevices] adeploy_name=16014c archive_folder=/media/ext
