Error trying to create session on an Excel file using Microsoft Graph - ruby

I'm trying to manipulate an Excel file using Ruby, while I seem to eb able to read it properly - I have trouble creating a session to start writing into it. There's not much help online on what this even means.
I'm trying to create a session like this, just like it suggests on the documentation (but not in ruby)
url = "{#item_id}/workbook/createSession"
response =, headers: { 'Authorization' => #access_token,
'Content-Type' => 'application/json' },
body: '{ "persistChanges" : true }')
But I get the following response.
"error": {
"code": "EditModeCannotAcquireLockUnknownUser",
"message": "",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "b088abbe-8353-4614-b9a7-d769ff85da50",
"date": "2017-08-15T17:12:41"
#response=#<Net::HTTPConflict 409 Conflict readbody=true>
I've just started with this, what could be the problem? the error indicates that some unknown user has locked the file - but the file is editable and the access_token is derived from my own user profile
Where do I go from here? has anybody manipulated excel files and formula using Microsoft Graph?

Turns out it's an issue with that particular file, I still don't know why though. it's not really an answer - but the lack of documentation for anything to do with this API is stunning. I'd appreciate links.


Can't download reference attachment from MS graph API

I'm using graph API mentioned below -
it works fine for me if attachment type is "fileattachment" but this api is not working in case of "referenceattachment"
also I went through the documentation it says that "Attempting to get the $value of a reference attachment returns HTTP 405."
and it does not return contentBytes
enter image description here
site to refer -
does anyone have any solution to get content data of reference attachment. if yes it would be great help !! Thanks in advance
GET /drive/items/{item-ID}?select=id,#microsoft.graph.downloadUrl
response =>
click to open
Here you can see downloadURL is missing in response
The graph v1.0 endpoint doesn't have any support for reference attachments (other then showing you that one existing on an email). You need to switch to the beta endpoint which will provide the sourceUrl of the attachment in question eg
would give you something like
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users('..')/mailFolders('inbox')/messages('..')/attachments/$entity",
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.referenceAttachment",
"id": "..",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2022-04-11T23:53:54Z",
"name": "User1.text",
"contentType": "application/octet-stream",
"size": 565,
"isInline": false,
"sourceUrl": "",
"providerType": "oneDriveBusiness",
"thumbnailUrl": null,
"previewUrl": null,
"permission": "other",
"isFolder": false
You then need to take the sourceURL and download that via the applicable API for the reference attachment. eg in this example its Sharepoint so you can use the SharePoint API to download the file.

how to test anything on zdefre asdf awe?

as a newbie I took sample code and try to change it. like this
int 'response:', response
and im getting this error:
"errors" : [ {
"message" : "Unable to parse GraphQL query.",
"errorType" : "MalformedHttpRequestException"
} ]
could someone suggest me what im doing wrong?
Now I tried to remove /graphql from the url the test is passing but in response im getting this:
04:45:36.321 [print] response: {
"Version": "1.0",
"Output": {
"__type": ""
There seems to be typo, a : after Given ?
If the server is returning something like that - it sounds like Karate is fine and you haven't sent the right request shape. Please work with the server-side team or someone familiar with the API to resolve that.
Otherwise please follow this process:

Google Cloud Tasks always set HttpMethod to GET when using HttpRequest as payload_type

According to this documentation [ ], one should be able to create tasks with type 'http_request' and 'http_method' set to 'POST', but the behavior is not the expected once the task is always created with method 'GET'.
After having this issue while using the Python Client Library, I've decided to try the API directly and check if it was an issue with the library or with the API itself.
Using the "Try this API" from the product's documentation page [ ], I've tried to create similar tasks using both http_request and app_engine_http_request types and always setting the http_method to POST.
If I set the request body like this:
"task": {
"appEngineHttpRequest": {
"httpMethod": "POST",
"relativeUri": "/test",
"body": "c2hhbGxvdyBub3c="
...the task is created and the method is POST, like expected. But, if I set the request body to:
"task": {
"httpRequest": {
"httpMethod": "POST",
"url": "",
"body": "c2hhbGxvdyBub3c="
...the task is created, but with method GET instead of POST.
Here's what I get at my queue:
I believe this is a bug, and that's why I'm reporting it here with tag google-apis-explorer as recommended at the support page.
Anyway, if anyone could tell me if I'm doing something wrong or if there's any workaround in the meanwhile I would really appreciate.
Thank You for this post, this is a bug in the existing Cloud Tasks UI and we are in the process of fixing this bug.
In the meantime the correct HTTP method of the task can be determined by running the following command:
gcloud beta tasks describe
The above command will show the correct HTTP method for the task.

Google Speech API: the requested URL was not found on this server

I am attempting some simple tests on the Google Speech API, and when my server makes a request to this url (below), I get the 404. that's an error response. Not sure why.[MY_API_KEY]
The body of my request looks like this:
"config": {
"languageCode": "en-US",
"encoding": "LINEAR16",
"sampleRateHertz": 16000,
"enableWordTimeOffsets": true,
"speechContexts": [{
"phrases": ["Some", "Helpful", "Phrases"]
And here is the response:
As you can see, that is a valid resource path, unless I'm totally mistaken about something (I'm sure I am):
Update 1:, Whenever I try this with the Google API explorer tool, I get this quota exceeded message (even though I have not yet issued a successful request to the API).
"error": {
"code": 429,
"message": "Quota exceeded for quota metric '' and limit 'DefaultRequestsPerMinutePerProject' of service '' for consumer '[MY_API_KEY]'.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"links": [
"description": "Google developer console API key",
"url": "[my_project_id]/apiui/credential"
Update 2: Interestingly, I was able to get some 200 ok's using the Restlet client, but even in those cases, the response body is empty (see screenshot below)
I have made a test by using the exact URL and Body content you added to the post, however, I was able to execute the API call correctly.
I noticed that if I add some extra character to the URL, it fails with the same 400 error since it doesn't exist. I would suggest you to verify that the URL of your request doesn't contain a typo and that the client you use is executing the API call correctly. Also, ensure that your calling code is not encoding the url, which could cause issues given the colon : that appears in the url.
I recommend you to perform this test by using the Try this API tool directly or Restlet client which are the ones that I used to replicate this scenario.

Google Genomics API Callsets Search "Unknown field name: datasetIds"

I've been using the Google Genomics API for about a day now. I've successfully called many of the APIs like Datasets.list, Datasets.get, and even but I'm having a problem with the
I'm making POST request to:
And my request body is:
"datasetIds" : [
But the response I'm getting back is:
"error" : {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalid",
"message": "Unknown field name: datasetIds",
"locationType": "other",
"location": ""
"code": 400,
"message": "Unknown field name: datasetIds"
According to the documentation: datasetIds is a perfectly valid parameter.
The crazy thing that's perplexing me is this identical request works just fine on the readsets/search endpoint but not the callsets/search endpoint? I'm almost wondering if it's a bug in the API. Can anyone help?
Received this from Google:
The variants and callsets APIs just went
through some breaking changes so that they'll be compliant with GA4GH
v0.5 when they go fully public.
All breaking changes should be done now - and I'll try to get all the
docs and code samples updated today or tomorrow.
Until then, you can see the real parameters in the API explorer (it
can't lie :) - in this case, the datasetId field has now changed to
"variantSetIds" (still using that same value, just a rename)
I just tested it, and it works. Below are the results:
$ java -jar target/genomics-tools-client-java-v1beta.jar searchcallsets --dataset_id 376902546192
Getting call sets from: 1000 Genomes
Hope it helps,
