elastic search and logstash - elasticsearch

I am new to logstash and elastic search.I am using Windows and when I run in the command line through logstash to input data into the elastic .The entire command is "\Users\Documents\logstash-5.5.1\bin\logstash -f Users\Documents\data\logsash_cars.config". If I type this command, its showing that the pipeline main started and showing" Successfully started API endpoints" and then it just stays like that. The error being shown before displaying this is "No log4js configuration file found"
The error is shown and its pic is in the link below.what to do next to move ahead??


Path settings configuration for Logstash as a Service

I want to process my logs from my db to Kibana via Logstash. Presently I am able to manually update the logs by calling the command: sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f /data/Logstash_Config/Logstash_Config_File_for_TestReport.conf --pipeline.workers 1 --path.settings "/etc/logstash"
Now, I want to automate the process by using Logstash as a Service. I understand that by placing the path.settings parameter in either the config file or other corresponding file should solve the issue, but I am not able to process further.

ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster

I am running Elasticsearch and kibana, I am not sure of the status of my elasticsearsh cluster (if its red, yellow, or green) but it seems I need to get a token generated by elasticsearch as in the screenshot when I ran bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token --scope kibana from the right directory it errors out ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster..
According Ioannis Kakavas in discuss.elastic, "CLI tools extending BaseRunAsSuperuserCommand should only connect to the local node". When I run in a local node, it works. But when I run in the elasticsearch container in a cluster, it doesn't work. The solution was execute the elastic-search-reset-password and elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token scripts, respectively, like this (inside the elasticsearch container):
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -i -u elastic --url https://localhost:9200
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s kibana --url https://localhost:9200
I encountered the same problem, and I just redid the process - unzipped the ES and kibana zip files again, and ran bin/elasticsearch in the newly created directory. Look for a message that is encapsulated in a formatted box that contains both the password for the elastic user, and the enrollment token for Kibana (the token is only valid for 30 minutes). This message will only appear once, the first time you run elasticsearch.
I proceeded to run bin/kibana for Kibana and configured it in the browser, and everything worked out from there. Hope this helps!
I have the exact issue:
$ sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic
ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster.
But after I restart the elasticsearch service:
$ sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service
then it works:
This tool will reset the password of the [elastic] user to an autogenerated value.
The password will be printed in the console.
Please confirm that you would like to continue [y/N]y
Password for the [elastic] user successfully reset.
New value: xxxxxx
Two possible solutions:
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
Your VPN might be causing the issue.
The enrollment Token will be present in the terminal itself. You just need to scroll up till you find it when you are installing.
The reason for the error - ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster is due to the fact that Elastic has not been installed yet and running that command is like calling a function without defining it.

Kibana 7.13.4 is not running in windows 10

Am using Elastic Search 7.13.4 and Kibana 7.13.5 for my work. In windows 10 am running elasticsearch.bat file given in bin folder and it running fine. In my browser http://localhost:9200/ i see its running without any error.
And when I try to run kibana.bat file in bin folder of kibana, it exits without any info or error. At http://localhost:5601/, i dont se any logs. I ran kibana.bat as administrator also, but all the batch files in bin folder exits within a second. Because of this I started using Elastic Search and Kibana 5.6.5 version and its working fine.
Issue is only with 7.13.4 version. Should I do any extra configuration for this version?
Here is the kibana.yml file link

[ERROR][logstash.config.sourceloader] No configuration found in the configured sources

I am installing Logstash locally on windows 10, to check whether logstash is working or not i have create logstash-simple.conf file which is located in logstash folder. But when running the command:
bin/logstash -f logstash-simple.conf
I am not able to type on cmd after : Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}
even if i type it is not shownup and logstash is exited
I am get the following errors:
enter image description here
enter image description here
As the error suggests, The logstash isnt able to find your file logstash-simple.conf
Please type the whole absolute path in your command:
logstash -f absolute/path/to/your/conf/file/here

Kibana - PollError ActionRequestValidationException

New to Elasticsearch and Kibana, ive one to the website and downloaded both,
elasticsearch 6.7.0 and kibana 6.7.0
Followed the instructions, elasticsearch starts up, the console output is a bit messy but i can get to the default localhost:9200/ and it shows the json data fine.
In Kibana i edited the kibana.yml file in config and uncommented the default line elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]
Then ran bin/kibana
it seems to start up but then am flooded with a info message of
[info][task_manager] Installing .kibana_task_manager index template version: 6070099
and a warning of
[task_manager] PollError ActionRequestValidationException[Validation Failed: 1: template is missing;]
There were no other instructions besides those to start it up, did i miss something?, looks like a template is missing?
