[ERROR][logstash.config.sourceloader] No configuration found in the configured sources - elasticsearch

I am installing Logstash locally on windows 10, to check whether logstash is working or not i have create logstash-simple.conf file which is located in logstash folder. But when running the command:
bin/logstash -f logstash-simple.conf
I am not able to type on cmd after : Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}
even if i type it is not shownup and logstash is exited
I am get the following errors:
enter image description here
enter image description here

As the error suggests, The logstash isnt able to find your file logstash-simple.conf
Please type the whole absolute path in your command:
logstash -f absolute/path/to/your/conf/file/here


Path settings configuration for Logstash as a Service

I want to process my logs from my db to Kibana via Logstash. Presently I am able to manually update the logs by calling the command: sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f /data/Logstash_Config/Logstash_Config_File_for_TestReport.conf --pipeline.workers 1 --path.settings "/etc/logstash"
Now, I want to automate the process by using Logstash as a Service. I understand that by placing the path.settings parameter in either the config file or other corresponding file should solve the issue, but I am not able to process further.

elastic search and logstash

I am new to logstash and elastic search.I am using Windows and when I run in the command line through logstash to input data into the elastic .The entire command is "\Users\Documents\logstash-5.5.1\bin\logstash -f Users\Documents\data\logsash_cars.config". If I type this command, its showing that the pipeline main started and showing" Successfully started API endpoints" and then it just stays like that. The error being shown before displaying this is "No log4js configuration file found"
The error is shown and its pic is in the link below.what to do next to move ahead??

unable to start kibana process

I am trying to install kibana using rpm kibana-4.5.0-1.x86_64.rpm.
However when i try to start the Kibana process, i am getting below prompt
Starting kibana....... unable to start process kibana.
To check the reason i have enabled log file by setting the below parameter in kibana.yml :
logging.dest: /opt/kibana/kibana.log
However no log file is getting created and i am unable to identify why kibana process is not starting.
Any suggestion would be appreciated..
Please check ---
RPM install is not supported on distributions with old versions of RPM, such as SLES 11 and CentOS 5.
My suggetion you can install Kibana with .tar.gz
Can follow the link :

Logstash- Windows 7

I try to install logstash basis on this website:
When I call this comand:
logstash agent -f logstash.conf
in my CMD console, I get and error:
My bin file:
PS. I get similar error with .conf file. Both are empty.
Logstash comes with OpenJDK and fully packet all needed things. In the error message, seen that the error exist because of using system jvm and your jvm is not supported. Try to change your jdk to jdk8 or use installed OpenJDK of the logstash and check if your config file is ok.

logstash as service on red hat 5 error?

I am trying to run logstash 1.4.1 as a service on my red hat 5.3. So I do the following
rpm -ivh logstash-1.4.1-1_bd507eb.noarch.rpm
when I run service logstash start it gives logstash started and when I check service logstash status it gives logstash is not running.
I check /var/log/logstash/logstash.err and it has:
chroot: invalid option -- -
Try `chroot --help' for more information.
inside this.
Get another init.d script, like this one.
