How to efficiently hash (SHA 256) in golang data where only the last few bytes changes - go

Assuming you had 80 bytes of data and only the last 4 bytes was constantly changing, how would you efficiently hash the total 80 bytes using Go. In essence, the first 76 bytes are the same, while the last 4 bytes keeps changing. Ideally, you want to keep a copy of the hash digest for the first 76 bytes and just keep changing the last 4.

You can try the following examples on the Go Playground. Benchmark results is at the end.
Note: the implementations below are not safe for concurrent use; I intentionally made them like this to be simpler and faster.
Fastest when using only public API (always hashes all input)
The general concept and interface of Go's hash algorithms is the hash.Hash interface. This does not allow you to save the state of the hasher and to return or rewind to the saved state. So using the public hash APIs of the Go standard lib, you always have to calculate the hash from start.
What the public API offers is to reuse an already constructed hasher to calculate the hash of a new input, using the Hash.Reset() method. This is nice so that no (memory) allocations will be needed to calculate multiple hash values. Also you may take advantage of the optional slice that may be passed to Hash.Sum() which is used to append the current hash to. This is nice so that no allocations will be needed to receive the hash results either.
Here's an example that takes advantage of these:
type Cached1 struct {
hasher hash.Hash
result [sha256.Size]byte
func NewCached1() *Cached1 {
return &Cached1{hasher: sha256.New()}
func (c *Cached1) Sum(data []byte) []byte {
return c.hasher.Sum(c.result[:0])
Test data
We'll use the following test data:
var fixed = bytes.Repeat([]byte{1}, 76)
var variantA = []byte{1, 1, 1, 1}
var variantB = []byte{2, 2, 2, 2}
var data = append(append([]byte{}, fixed...), variantA...)
var data2 = append(append([]byte{}, fixed...), variantB...)
var c1 = NewCached1()
First let's get authentic results (to verify if our hasher works correctly):
fmt.Printf("%x\n", sha256.Sum256(data))
fmt.Printf("%x\n", sha256.Sum256(data2))
Now let's check our Cached1 hasher:
fmt.Printf("%x\n", c1.Sum(data))
fmt.Printf("%x\n", c1.Sum(data2))
Output is the same:
Even faster but may break (in future Go releases): hashes only the last 4 bytes
Now let's see a less flexible solution which truly calculates the hash of the first 76 fixed part only once.
The hasher of the crypto/sha256 package is the unexported sha256.digest type (more precisely a pointer to this type):
// digest represents the partial evaluation of a checksum.
type digest struct {
h [8]uint32
x [chunk]byte
nx int
len uint64
is224 bool // mark if this digest is SHA-224
A value of the digest struct type basically holds the current state of the hasher.
What we may do is feed the hasher the fixed, first 76 bytes, and then save this struct value. When we need to caclulate the hash of some 80 bytes data where the first 76 is the same, we use this saved value as a starting point, and then feed the varying last 4 bytes.
Note that it's enough to simply save this struct value as it contains no pointers and no descriptor types like slices and maps. Else we would also have to make a copy of those, but we're "lucky". So this solution would need adjustment if a future implementation of crypto/sha256 would add a pointer or slice field for example.
Since sha256.digest is unexported, we can only use reflection (reflect package) to achieve our goals, which inherently will add some delays to computation.
Example implementation that does this:
type Cached2 struct {
origv reflect.Value
hasherv reflect.Value
hasher hash.Hash
result [sha256.Size]byte
func NewCached2(fixed []byte) *Cached2 {
h := sha256.New()
c := &Cached2{origv: reflect.ValueOf(h).Elem()}
hasherv := reflect.New(c.origv.Type())
c.hasher = hasherv.Interface().(hash.Hash)
c.hasherv = hasherv.Elem()
return c
func (c *Cached2) Sum(data []byte) []byte {
// Set state of the fixed hash:
return c.hasher.Sum(c.result[:0])
Testing it:
var c2 = NewCached2(fixed)
fmt.Printf("%x\n", c2.Sum(variantA))
fmt.Printf("%x\n", c2.Sum(variantB))
Output is again the same:
So it works.
The "ultimate", fastest solution
Cached2 could be faster if reflection would not be involved. If we want an even faster solution, simply we can make a copy of the sha256.digest type and its methods into our package, so we can directly use it without having to resort to reflection.
If we do this, we will have access to the digest struct value, and we can simply make a copy of it like:
var d digest
// init d
saved := d
And restoring it is like:
d = saved
I simply "cloned" the crypto/sha256 package to my workspace, and changed / exported the digest type as Digest just for demonstration purposes. Then using this mysha256.Digest type I implemented Cached3 like this:
type Cached3 struct {
orig mysha256.Digest
result [sha256.Size]byte
func NewCached3(fixed []byte) *Cached3 {
var d mysha256.Digest
return &Cached3{orig: d}
func (c *Cached3) Sum(data []byte) []byte {
// Make a copy of the fixed hash:
d := c.orig
return d.Sum(c.result[:0])
Testing it:
var c3 = NewCached3(fixed)
fmt.Printf("%x\n", c3.Sum(variantA))
fmt.Printf("%x\n", c3.Sum(variantB))
Output again is the same. So this works too.
We can benchmark performance with this code:
func BenchmarkCached1(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkCached2(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkCached3(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
Benchmark results (go test -bench . -benchmem):
BenchmarkCached1-4 1000000 1569 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCached2-4 2000000 926 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCached3-4 2000000 872 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
Cached2 is approximately 41% faster than Cached1 which is quite noticable and nice. Cached3 only gives a "little" performance boost compared to Cached2, another 6%. Cached3 is 44% faster than Cached1.
Also note that none of the solutions use any allocations which is also nice.
For that extra 40% or 44%, I would probably not go for the Cached2 or Cached3 solutions. Of course it really depends on how important the performance is to you. If it is important, I think the Cached2 solution presents a fine compromise between minimum added complexity and the noticeable performance gain. It does pose a threat as future Go implementations may break it; if it is a problem, Cached3 solves this by copying the current implementation (and also improves its performance a little).


How do I do a FAST conversion of an int array to an array of bytes?

I have a process that needs to pack a large array of int16s to a protobuf every few milliseconds. Understanding the protobuf side of it isn't critical, since all I really need is a way to convert a bunch of int16s (160-16k of them) to []byte. It's a CPU-critical operation, so I don't want to do something like this:
for _, sample := range listOfIntegers {
protobufObject.ByteStream = append(protobufObject.Bytestream, byte(sample>>8))
protobufObject.ByteStream = append(protobufObject.Bytestream, byte(sample&0xff))
(If you're interested, this is the protobuf)
message ProtobufObject {
bytes byte_stream = 1;
... = 2;
There has to be a faster way to supply that list of ints as a block of memory to the protobuf. I've fiddled with the cgo library to get access to memcpy, but suspect I've been destroying an underlying go data structure because I get crashes in totally unrelated sections of code.
A faster version of the above code is:
protobufObject.ByteStream := make([]byte, len(listOfIntegers) * 2)
for i, n := range listOfIntegers {
j := i * 2
protobufObject.ByteStream[j+1] = byte(n)
protobufObject.ByteStream[j] = byte(n>>8)
You can avoid copying the data when running on a big-endian architecture.
Use the unsafe package to copy the []int16 header to the []byte header. Use the unsafe package again to get a pointer to the []byte header and adjust the length and capacity for the conversion.
b = *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&listOfIntegers))
hdr := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
hdr.Len *= 2
hdr.Cap *= 2
protobufObject.ByteStream = b

encode object to bytes by golang unsafe?

func Encode(i interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 1024))
// size := unsafe.Sizeof(i)
size := reflect.TypeOf(i).Size()
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&i)
startAddr := uintptr(ptr)
endAddr := startAddr + size
for i := startAddr; i < endAddr; i++ {
bytePtr := unsafe.Pointer(i)
b := *(*byte)(bytePtr)
return buffer.Bytes(), nil
func TestEncode(t *testing.T) {
test := Test{10, "hello world"}
b, _ := Encode(test)
ptr := unsafe.Pointer(&b)
newTest := *(*Test)(ptr)
I am learning how to use golang unsafe and wrote this function for encoding any object. I meet with two problems, first, dose unsafe.Sizeof(obj) always return obj's pointer size? Why it different from reflect.TypeOf(obj).Size()? Second, I want to iterate the underlying bytes of obj and convert it back to obj in TestEncode function by unsafe.Pointer(), but the object's values all corrupt, why?
First, unsafe.Sizeof returns the bytes that needs to store the type. It is a little bit tricky, but it does not mean bytes that needs to store the data.
For example, a slice, as it is well known, stores 3 4-byte ints on a 32bit machine. One uintptr for memory address of the underlying array, and two int32 for len and cap. So no matter how long a slice is or what type it is of, a slice takes always 12 bytes on a 32 bit machine. Likely, a string uses 8 bytes: 1 uintptr for address and 1 int32 for len.
As for difference between reflect.TypeOf().Size, it is about interface. reflect.TypeOf looks into the interface and gets an concrete type, and reports bytes needed about the concrete type, while unsafe.Sizeof just returns 8 for an interface type: 2 uintptr for a pointer to the data and a pointer to the method lists.
Second part is quite clear now. For one, unsafe.Pointer is taking the address of the interface, instead of the concrete type. Two, in TestEncode, unsafe.Pointer is taking address to the 12-byte slice "header". There might be other errors, but with the two mentioned, they are meaningless to spot.
Note: I avoid talking about orders of the uintptr and int32 not only because I don't know, but also becuase they are not documented, unsafe, and implentation depended.
Note 2: Conclusion: Don't try to dump memory of a Go data.
Note 3: I change everything to 32 bit becuase playground is using it, so it is easier to check.

performance improvements for my hashmap implementation

I decided i'd try make my own hashmap (here)
For reads it's 28% slower than the standard library implementation, I'm wondering if it's possible to speed up the following code, Index() which is critical for lookups:
const numOnes = uint8(20)
const ones = uint32(1 << numOnes - 1)
func (m *Map) Index(num uint64) uint32 {
part := uint32(num) & ones
remaining := num >> numOnes
start := m.starts[part]
bitsNum := m.bitNums[part]
matchedBits := bitsNum & uint16(remaining)
offset := BitScoreCache[bitsNum][matchedBits]
return start + uint32(offset)
note BitScoreCache is var BitScoreCache [5000][5000]uint16 which is supposed to be readonly and be shared between multiple different map instances.
example usage:
func (pa PrimeAdvancedAnagrammar) GetAnagrams(word string) []string {
return pa.m[pa.locator.Index(PrimeProduct(word))] //pa.m is an [][]string
versus standard library:
func (pba PrimeBasicAnagrammar) GetAnagrams(word string) []string {
return pba.m[PrimeProduct(word)] //pba.m is a map[uint64][]string
What are the main reasons it's slower than the standard library for so few operations?
Combining the two arrays into one array of structs reduced cache misses and was the biggest performance improvement.
also returning early on the case that there is no collisions improved performance.

GoLang conventions - create custom type from slice

Is it a good idea to create own type from a slice in Golang?
type Trip struct {
From string
To string
Length int
type Trips []Trip // <-- is this a good idea?
func (trips *Trips) TotalLength() int {
ret := 0
for _, i := range *trips {
ret += i.Length
return ret
Is it somehow a convention in Golang to create types like Trips in my example? Or it is better to use []Trip in the whole project? Any pros and cons?
There's no convention, as far as I am aware of. It's OK to create a slice type if you really need it. In fact, if you ever want to sort your data, this is pretty much the only way: create a type and define the sort.Interface methods on it.
Also, in your example there is no need to take the address of Trips since slice is already a "fat pointer" of a kind. So you can simplify your method to:
func (trips Trips) TotalLength() (tl int) {
for _, l := range trips {
tl += l.Length
return tl
If this is what your type is (a slice), it's just fine. It gives you an easy access to underlying elements (and allows for range iteration) while providing additional methods.
Of course you probably should only keep essential set of methods on this type and not bloating it with everything that would take []Trip as an argument. (For example I would suggest having DrawTripsOnTheGlobe(t Trips) rather than having it as a Trips' method.)
To calm your mind there are plenty of such slice-types in standard packages:

Is there an efficient way of reclaiming over-capacity slices?

I have a large number of allocated slices (a few million) which I have appended to. I'm sure a large number of them are over capacity. I want to try and reduce memory usage.
My first attempt is to iterate over all of them, allocate a new slice of len(oldSlice) and copy the values over. Unfortunately this appears to increase memory usageĀ (up to double) and the garbage collection is slow to reclaim the memory.
Is there a good general way to slim down memory usage for a large number of over-capacity slices?
Choosing the right strategy to allocate your buffers is hard without knowing the exact problem.
In general you can try to reuse your buffers:
type buffer struct{}
var buffers = make(chan *buffer, 1024)
func newBuffer() *buffer {
select {
case b:= <-buffers:
return b
return &buffer{}
func returnBuffer(b *buffer) {
select {
case buffers <- b:
The heuristic used in append may not be suitable for all applications. It's designed for use when you don't know the final length of the data you'll be storing. Instead of iterating over them later, I'd try to minimize the amount of extra capacity you're allocating as early as possible. Here's a simple example of one strategy, which is to use a buffer only while the length is not known, and to reuse that buffer:
type buffer struct {
names []string
... // possibly other things
// assume this is called frequently and has lots and lots of names
func (b *buffer) readNames(lines bufio.Scanner) ([]string, error) {
// Start from zero, so we can re-use capacity
b.names = b.names[:0]
for lines.Scan() {
b.names = append(b.names, lines.Text())
// Figure out the error
err := lines.Err()
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
// Allocate a minimal slice
out := make([]string, len(b.names))
copy(out, b.names)
return out, err
Of course, you'll need to modify this if you need something that's safe for concurrent use; for that I'd recommend using a buffered channel as a leaky bucket for storing your buffers.
