Excel Power Query Column not getting segregated - powerquery

I am compiling data from various workbooks to one using Power Query. Basically, there are 2 questions, and answer to those, all (question and the answer) in the same column. I need to pull this for 50 workbooks and put them in one column for the corresponding file name. While using power query, I can filter out the questions, but I wouldn't know which one is the response for which question (1 or 2).
And transpose is not making it any easier too. Any help please.

Your question isn't all that clear without some sample info, but I'll take a stab at what I think you want.
Put all your workbooks in the same folder. Then, in the ribbon at the top of the screen, select "New Source," then "File", then "Folder."
Then click the "Browse..." button and find and select the folder with the workbooks in it, and click "OK":
Then click "Combine & Edit:"
Then select the applicable sheet (on the left side of this box) and click "OK":
The worksheets' info will be appended into one table, with each row's asssociated worksheet's name in a "Source.Name" column. Like this:
(My original 4 worksheets only had the one column depicted above as "Column1" in each of them.)
I think you may be able to take it from there pretty easily.
If you want to separate the Answers from the Questions, into a separate column, you can use the "Split Column" button at the top of the Query Editor, with By Delimiter selected. (Change the default delimiter from "Comma" to whatever you want to use to separate the column. In my example above, I would use "? " as the delimiter.)


DataGrip column picker

Is it possible to use a column picker in JetBrains DataGrip? I was not able to use this feature in DataGrip. For instance, sql complete contains this feature: sql complete column picker image.
Currently, there is no feature like this in DataGrip. I can offer you a couple of workflows:
— Use code completion, it is really fast. Once you have the table in your query (typing SEL → Tab activates Live Template for SELECT query), start typing column names in the list and completion will prompt you column names.
— Use wildcard and then expand it by Alt+Enter → Expand column list. Yo will get the whole column list, just remove unnecessary ones.
— If you need to have a result with some columns, not all of them, press Ctrl+F12 on the result-set. Then you'll get a popup where you can show/hide columns with Space. Notice, that text speed search works there as well. See Operations with columns in the structure view.
All of them are shown in the attached gif file.

Is there a quick way to set a visiblity expression for many rows in a SQL Server Report Services RDLC report?

I have a report with many tables (tablixes?), in which I need to hide all rows that don't have a value in the 2nd column:
I can do this by right clicking on each row
and setting an expression for the visibility of the row that depends on a value appearing in the field of the 2nd column, e.g.
=IIF((Fields!MyField4.Value = ""), True, False)
But the problem is that my report has over 1000 of these rows! It will take a very long time given that each field has a specific name! I can modify the Xml, but this will also take a while. I am currently writing some code, which uses XDocument, to achieve this.
Are there any faster ways that anyone can think of? Maybe something from the designer, or some VB code? Everywhere on the internet seems to suggest right clicking one row at a time.
In the Designer, select all of the rows (using your Shift or Ctrl key), and use the Properties pane in VS/BIDS to change them all at once. There is a Hidden property there, and you can choose Expression from the dropdown in it. From there, you can apply the IIF to all rows.
Of course, I am assuming all of the visibility is based on the exact same expression for each row. If not, then the answer is no. Unless, you want to start doing some copy/paste stuff in the RDL XML, which I do not recommend.

Using XPath to locate on a button within a table

I have a table with several columns. The first column contains unique data, the 5th contains three buttons (Edit, Assignments and Delete).
I would like to use an XPath expression to locate on the edit button for one of the rows by indentifying the row using the unique data from column one (think that made sense).
I have built some expressions which will allow me to locate on the first column and edit button independantly as follows:
The closest I can get to doing what I want is:
//td[text()='Managers'] | //tr[2]//button[text()='Edit']
...However this will locate on the data/button in column 1 AND 5 at the same time, what I want is just for the button in column 5.
The reason I want to do it this way, is so later I can pass in 'Managers' as a varaible in order to select the row (as its unique and meaningful data), and then press the edit button in a different column on that row.
Hope this makes sense!
The question isn't very clear as posted, especially because I can't see any relevant part of the HTML. But if I understand this correctly, you can try to select the row that has Manager in it then get corresponding Edit button like so :

How can I split a view into x number of columns?

I have a view in OBIEE that is sectioned and returning groups as intended. My question though, is can I make the sections return in more than 1 column? Right now there are 8 sections all in a long line. I would prefer to split them into two columns of 4 sections each, in the same view.
Is this possible?
*It will be used in a dashboard at some point.
Since this will be used on a dashboard, you could consider using a compound layout.
The compound layout button is on the results page in the toolbar. Click on it, name it to something that will help you identify it later, then break your data apart into two sections (using filters, creating two different tables within the same report, or some other means. This is the part where I don't know your data or its format so it makes it difficult to answer). One section of data will go on one compound layout, and another section will go on the other compound layout. So in the report, the data will be on two tabs, but since it is intended for a dashboard, this is not a problem.
Make two side by side columns on the dashboard, and drag the same report into both. In the properties, select "show View", and select the different compound views (one for each column).
Now when you run the dash, the results will display in different columns at the same time.

Interactive sorting to matrix report in reporting services 2005

i created a matrix report that have 2 rows and 6 columns.
picture 1 (see album picture in the bottom)
i want so active a interactive sort on the last columns that named 'Matrix1_ObjName'.
to do so i clicked right click on the field and go to properties > interactive sort.
than i entered the parameters like in the picture 2 (see album picture in the bottom).
i have done some research and the closes answer was posted on this link
the interactive sort doesn't work.
to be clear i want that the LoginName column will be sorted by the grade that shown in the objName row.
sea picture 3 (see album picture in the bottom)
album pictures
thanks to all...
I never use interactive sort. When I want to be able to change sorting behavior, I do it with a parameter. Create a new report parameter and specify values. Use something descriptive for the labels, then I use integers beginning at zero for the values. After the param is set up right click on a field in report design and go to Row Group then Group Properties. Select Sorting from the menu and build an expression with an if statement similar to this:
Might help you.
