Standalone PVS-Studio (free) still counts remaining clicks - pvs-studio

I'm using PVS-Studio Standalone version 6.16.222236. I have added the special comments to all of my files with How-To-Use-PVS-Studio-FREE.exe so I presumed I can use it for free without any trial restrictions.
But after a few runs I saw red text: "Clicks remaining: 0 (can be extended)" and I can't click on any of the diagnostics.
My question is: is that normal? So PVS-Studio will analyze everything for free but the number of clicks is still finite? I'm not saying it's bad or anything, I just want to know if that's the intended behaviour.

Probably, you forgot to state registration information in PVS-Studio settings (Registration section). You need to write in the Name section - PVS-Studio Free, Serial Number - FREE-FREE-FREE-FREE for the free version to work.
Despite the fact that you use Standalone utility but not a plugin for Visual Studio, you still need to state registration information in the way it is described in the article "How to use PVS-Studio for Free".
Please, let us know if it helped to solve your problem.


More information following 0xc0000139 error on windows

I'm developing with Qt. Following a tiny change my program now will not start up and if I run the debugger, this dialog box is displayed:
I have looked at several other answers to questions about this error and Qt, and they all propose using a different compiler or a different version. I don't believe this will solve my problem.
Searching a little more diligently on Google, I came upon this article, about Visual C++ which suggests, very plausibly, that additional information is available but has been swallowed by one of the tools somewhere. The article goes on to suggest that by changing something in the registry, you can get additional information output when the error occurs. Now, I can run my program from the command line, with minimal intervening tools, so this looked like a really useful idea. Sadly, the link in the article that I believe will tell me more about the required registry change is dead.
Does this ring any bells with anyone? How can I found out the dll and entry point that isn't being found?
Thanks to helpful comments, I managed to get the additional trace enabled using the "image files" tab of gflags.exe. I then found an enormous quantity of trace information on the "Debugger Log" tab of the QCreator debugger.
Close examination showed that the function containing the tiny chnge which kicked off this problem was failing to load.
I have no idea what caused this, but a clean rebuild of the program in question now allows it to run to the point of the original failure that made me want to make a tiny change in the first place.
I guess the moral of the story is to do a clean build immediately when things start getting weird - before trying to pin down the weirdness!

How can i recover data/code from visual studio 2010 made debug folders?

I have a serious issue, my harddisk crashed yesterday , and i had tons of projects on it .I lost most of them but the ones i recovered are all the debug folders i sent to clients (most of them are desktop applications). I am unable to recover the code for most of the work , but i do have debug folders , my question is is there any way that i can recover my code from them.
I am sure some one you would have gone through it in the past, please help if you have any information regarding this.
Files in the debug folder:Example i make application apple
apple.exe type=application
apple.pdb type=PDBFIle
apple.vshost type=Application
apple.vshost.exe.mainfest type=MANIFEST File
My laptop hardisk crashed so i am currently using it as a usb drive with another laptop . I had 3 partitions but now i see 4 i,j,k,l . One of them which used to be my D: drive working fine, i see it shows 72 GB free out of 150 GB. Rest of them they are just there no info, when i click them nothing for minutes then it says format drive etc... If you know how to fix that that would be wonderful.
Thank you
You really lucked out with having access to the Debug folders containing your compiled binaries. The fact that you're working in a managed language (C#) means that you can use one of the many .NET decompilers to display the source code that they contain in a readable format. It may not be exactly the same as what you initially typed into Visual Studio, but it will be pretty darn close—way better than can normally be expected in the event of a system crash.
I used to recommend Redgate's .NET Reflector for this task, but they recently decided to eliminate the free version of their decompiler utility and adopted some business practices that I personally disagreed with. Then again, their tools are probably still the best around, so you might consider downloading their 30-day trial to attempt to get your code back. Who knows, you might like it so much that you buy!
If you're a cheapskate like me, or a devotee to truly free software, you can try one of the free alternatives that cropped up after Reflector became not free, like ILSpy, developed by the same people who develop SharpDevelop. Even more alternatives are listed here.
Whichever decompiler utility you choose, download a copy and open its executable. Then from the "File" menu, choose "Open", and navigate to the first compiled .exe from which you want to recover source. The utility will display the name of your application and some metadata about your assembly. From here, you can make sure that you opened the correct file.
In both ILSpy and .NET Reflector, you can click the [+] toggle next to your application's name to expand its listing. You'll see a bunch more expandable items, like References (the DLLs that your application uses), Resources (the resource files compiled into your application), and the namespaces defined in your code. Expanding an individual namespace will show you all of the types defined in that namespace, and expanding a type will show you all of the types, methods, members, etc. defined in that type, and so on down the hierarchy. Clicking on individual items in the source tree to the left will display the decompiled code in the output pane to the right; both ILSpy and .NET Reflector support displaying the code as C#, which should look very readable to you.
For example, using ILSpy to open the ILSpy.exe application itself produces the following output:
You really can't break anything in here, so navigate around, exploring and seeing what all can be recovered, amazed at how well this works. Everything works just as well with DLLs as it does with EXEs.
Then get started copying and pasting...
The next order of business is getting your system stable again. If you had a hard disk crash, you definitely don't want to trust that drive ever again! Run out and buy a new one immediately, wipe it, and reload Windows.
Once you finish with that, you definitely want to get on setting up a source/version/revision control system to use in the future to store your code. All smart developers use this for so many reasons. Find more information with a Google search. There are lots of different options. Which one you pick is not important; the important thing is that you pick one!

Game Boy emulator with a full debugger?

As part of the work I've been doing to answer this question about the technical workings of a glitch in Pokémon Red, I've been looking for a way to use a standard debugger to debug a Game Boy ROM. Although many of the emulators I've found have some support for debugging, nothing I've found so far has been helpful.
As a background, as of now I have tried to use the Visual Boy Advance built-in features to do debugging, but they aren't particularly useful for what I'm trying to do. VBA lacks the ability to set breakpoints, and since it steps forward at the level of frames rather than instructions I'm unable to see how the code is executing when I actually need it to. Although VBA says that it supports GDB debugging, I have been completely unable to get it working. I tried cross-compiling GDB for ARM as per the instructions, but could not get GDB to connect to the emulator (it would recognize that there was a program to connect to, but reported that the protocol had been violated). I repeated this with similar success in both Windows with Cygwin and on Ubuntu Linux. A friend and I tried to use Insight/GDB, but ran into exactly the same problems.
I also tried to use the NO$GBA debugger, but it refused to load my ROM for Pokémon Red (and then insulted me by saying that nothing I could try to do would fix it, as the file was just flat-out wrong).
Additionally, I tried downloading this version of Visual Boy Advance that claims to have a debugger in it, but for some reason I can't get it to enable the debugger. Pressing F11 as per its instructions has no effect whatsoever.
I believe that I've done my due diligence trying to get a debugger working, and I'm surprised that not a single one of them has worked. Does anyone know of a simple, straightforward way to debug Game Boy games using standard debugging techniques? I'm interested mostly in being able to put in memory write breakpoints (to see what routine is clobbering certain parts of memory). I would really appreciate it if someone with first-hand experience doing this could provide details on how to do this, as online resources on the subject seem pretty limited.
If you just want to debug your old gameboy games you can also use bgb which has several debugging options such as tracing, breakpoints, profiler and a lot more.
No$GBA is for GBA games; you want NO$GMB. Note that it's very buggy, and without a registered version (which may be impossible to get legitimately) rather crippled.
bgb is free and is very similar to No$GMB, but even buggier.
VBA is supposed to have a debugger, but there are a million different versions out there, so good luck finding the right one.
Check out the site and look on the forums. This is the best spot on the web for GBA or even GBC questions. I can tell you that there are many versions of VBA and no$ out and about. The No$ you want was technically a pay for version, but Martin Korth hasn't been answering emails or anything for years now and I'm not sure of its status anymore. I can also answer some questions for you personally if you'd like or help you with the debugger.
I was able to go to the no$ main website, download the windows version of no$gmb, and use it to debug when run in B/W mode - should be sufficient for you needs. F12 opens roms, F2 toggles break points, space traces, F3 steps over, Ctrl-G takes you to an address (or symbol), and Ctrl_B allows conditional break points (by far the most powerful feature for you to use.) For instance, (3000)! would set a read/write breakpoint on address 0x3000. (0300..03003)! sets on a range. As you are looking for specific address changes, this is what you want.
VBA-M has a bunch of debugging tools under "Tools" menu, including memory & tile inspectors and a disassembler. It even has support for GDB. I didn't test with any frontends like gdbgui, or VSCode's GDB support, so YMMV, but the other built-in tools look pretty decent.
Go to the releases section for a build for your platform (arch linux also has it in AUR, for easy install in package manager.)
Here it is running some of the tools on a Mac:

"This program might not have installed correctly"

I am aware of both this and this questions.
Which unfortunately didn't quite answer what I'd like to know:
The answers in the above questions suggest that it has to do with adding shortcuts to the start menu, but that can't be the sole reason. So far I've been unable to reliably figure out what makes windows think my application is an installer in the first place and why does windows think it failed?
I do not want to simply suppress the message with a compatibilty tag in the manifests. I want to write a proper solution and tell Windows if my installation has failed or not. Also, what does the install using recommended settings option do, that comes along with the dialog? How can I properly utilize this functionality? Again, I don't want to simply disregard the features Windows provides, I'd like to use them.
I've been browsing around MSDN but with no success. I've asked google, but all I could find is ways to suppress the message using compatibility tricks in either the manifest or the registry. I'd be already grateful if someone could provide a viable resource on MSDN that covers this topic well.
So far, I am using a custom installer that utilizes several Windows API calls. I am not messing around with the Windows Registry other than registering two services. It also has requireAdministrator as the requested execution level (not that anyone cares, but this is suprisingly clean and simple - it's merely a flag in the project settings). I am currently not using MFC or CLR.
See Installer Detection, it lists what is checked to decide whether an executable is an installer.
"This program might not have..." is a product of "Program Compatibility Assitant", and is documented in the Application Compatibility: Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) topic. According to the document the reinstall option applies XPSP2 compatibility mode.

How do I do whatever it was that the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility did?

Microsoft's "Windows Installer CleanUp Utility" could be used to help fix broken installations of MSI-installer based products. When the installer failed in some strange way and left corrupt data behind, so bad that even Add/Remove Programs couldn't help, you could often fix things by running this utility and then running the application's installer again.
I just discovered that Microsoft announced a couple weeks ago that they were discontinuing this utility. They didn't merely say "we're not supporting it anymore"; they seemingly removed it from their site entirely.
I have to support a Windows program for a whole bunch of users. Given the number of users, every so often something will go wrong, and this program has been invaluable for me, as a last-ditch line of defense.
I know I could point customers to some third party site that has a cached copy of it, but this seems dangerous (malware potential and such).
So, are there any replacement products? Or, if not, how can I myself do whatever it is that this program did?
To be clear, I'm not asking for help like "how do I programatically modify the registry". I can do that fine. But I need to know what in the registry needs to be modified.
Thanks in advance.
Windows Installer CleanUp utility was never intended to be used in the wild. It was only meant to be used by software developers. If you occasionally have end users needing to use WCU you have some serious installer quality issues that should be addressed.
WCU only removes the Windows Instaleller meta data and doesn't actually uninstall any software. This leaves the machine in a very dirty state. These days with test labs becoming virtualized there's no reason to have this tool anymore. You just roll back to a prior snapshot and keep on working.
I've seen all kinds of online forums full of users who think they know what they are doing ( and don't ) suggest using WCU to solve various problems so in the end Microsoft decided to try to get the horse back in the barn.
I have old copies of WCU archived in my CM system so if you'd like me to generate checksums to help you determine if you are getting a good copy just let me know.
The cleanup utility was a wrapper around the command line utility msizap.exe, described here:
