Taking over a Joomla created site - joomla

So i have a client, who has a disc of an entire site. Root server files, all the way to /httphome/ files...
However, it looks like it was created using Joomla. Now, i know my HTMl and CSS but have never used a CMS like Joomla.
To get this site up and running, am i going to have to install Joomla on my clients server, and then upload the files?
i am going to assume its not that easy.... anyone got any insight into this process and what im looking at?

Keep in mind that Joomla content resides in a MySql database.
You need the following:
Database export
Create a DB on you MySQL server
Upload the files
Edit configuration.php to work with you db and also set your path there
Also, some components might need some more setup, as some of them have their own cfg files.

To get this site up and running (if the file is really the entire site) should be as simple as setting up a web server and pointing it to the directory with the index in it. Joomla should already be in that file. Let me know if i can elaborate on the process.

Since you are new to Joomla, you might want to try loading the disc contents up on your localhost first. Personally, when I'm trying something new, I hate for my first attempts to be somewhat public - I always feel a little safer if I do the first install someplace local where I'm the only person who can see it.
Best of luck with your project! If you run into any problems, or if you want to confirm that the site is definitely Joomla, let us know and we will get you sorted out.

Do you have the related database? The files that make up Joomla are useless without the database. You could install Joomla and upload your files over the top, but any database changes made by any installed extensions wouldn't be made to that install. You'd also be missing all of the actual site content without the database.
If you do have the database, then all you need to do is import the database in you your mySQL, then upload the files you have on the disc and edit configuration.php file with the new database user and password.


Hostgator Addon Domain Redirecting to Primary Domain Subdirectory

This is for a client so I won't share exact domains but the problem is as follows..
I took over development of a website from a prior developer.
The hosting is Hostgator Business.
The primary domain is primary.com.
There is an addon domain addon.com.
The primary domain document root is /home1/username/public_html.
The addon's document root is /home1/username/addon.com.
www.addon.com had a WordPress installation which the developer had edited instead of using plugins to achieve his goals. The site also needed a complete redesign so I felt it logical to simply wipe the installation and replace it.
So, I deleted all of the WordPress files and uploaded a new copy of WordPress from wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
Prior to deleting the old installation, the domain loaded files from it's document root perfectly.
After uploading the new installation instead of resolving to addon.com it is instead resolving to primary.com/addon.com
I've never seen this happen before so I'm lost.
There's no errors in any available logs.
All file permissions are correct.. I've triple-checked.
I've tried deleting all files and creating simple index.php and index.html files to see if it would access them ... it doesn't.
This happens in each browser I use on Windows and Linux.
I don't understand it because all I did was swap out the old WP install for a new one.
I went and re-uploaded the old WordPress installation so everything is 100% how it was but it is still going to primary.com/addon.com instead of addon.com.
Has anyone faced this issue before? I usually use Bluehost but even when I've used Hostgator in the past I've never seen this happen.
I double-checked the addon domain settings as well as anything else I could think of and everything appears normal.
I even deleted the addon domain and re-added it with the document root of /home1/username/addon.com and it still goes to primary.com/addon.com in the browser.
I submitted a ticket with Hostgator but they have not replied yet.
I'm sorry if this is long. This is my first time asking for help on here and I wanted to be sure I included everything I could.
Hostgator finally got back to me.
The previous developer had used the one-click WordPress install.
Apparently once someone uses a one-click install the only way it works is if you keep using the one-click install/you cannot do it manually any more.
From all the servers and sites I've setup this makes no sense and is a problem with Hostgator. Support did not really tell me anything other than "you have to use the one click install since the prior developer did". Great service.
Hope this saves someone some hassle.
From this it sounds like you were moving a WordPress site from the primary domain to an add on domain.
Simply moving the files from the primary to the add on domain will not make it work on the add on domain because in the database and throughout the coding of the WordPress site it would all be configured and coded for the primary domain.
It sounds like you would need to update the site home and site url from the primary to the add on domain url.
Also I would be suggest using a search and replace type plugin to go through all the internal coding to update the urls and links to the add on domain.
There is more information here as well http://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress

Locking Out Admin After Migration - Magento

So I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle and need assistance from StackOverflow Gods.
We're trying to transfer a Magento site from one server (Godaddy) to another (Private Virtual Server) for the purpose of becoming a test site.
I'm not familiar with Magento (my first mistake) but I researched migration, and I ran across an article that said all you need to transfer is the database, theme files, catalog files and skin files.
So that's just what we did. We setup a fresh install, added the files and the site (http://boulderfootandankle.com/apv-test/) looks like it's got some formatting errors. We figured we could fix those after adding the database.
As soon as we connected the database through the local.xml file, the theme changed to a generic one (I imagine a fallback) and we were locked out of the admin.
I tried a number of the solutions offered for this very problem, which included:
Clearing the var/cache and var/session folders.
Altering the core config data values for the unsecure and secure web base urls.
Deleting the unsecure and secure web base urls and cookie values form the database.
Changing the sessions save CDATA from "files" to "db"
Changing the install date to the original
Altering the varien file
...and nothing seems to work.
At this point, I'm just wondering if doing a fresh transfer of the site from one server to another, instead of transferring specific files into a fresh install, would work
Did you use the same encryption key as the previous installation? The encryption key is set in the local.xml file and needs to be the same on both extensions. When you did a fresh install it would have given you a new encryption key and this could be why you are unable to login.
just my quick list for transferring sites...
1. run files backup and mysql dump (from source)
2. Copy local.xml (from Target)
3. Restore backup and mysql dump (to Target)
4. Restore local.xml(from step 2 to Target)
5. Correct base_url (in Target)
The only time I have ever had a problem with this is when I run things locally for dev in that case there is varien specific check that monks with admin login(but, sounds like you know this).
I am on 1.14 and the posters suggestion essentially is the same fix I found. Of course the responder is totally correct on the horror of this solution but, since this is a test site as long as you leave yourself the right notes you should be able to undo this when you move to production.

Joomla front end has no content after web server move

I am so stumped with this and I need some help from the community. I moved my joomla site over to a new server and now the content has disappeared from the front end, I am not getting an errors.... Can someone offer any suggestions on where to look for the problem? my config is fine and I am pretty sure my database is aswell because all my original articles are there.
I am running Joomla 1.5
The URL: http://www.davidjamesmedia.ca
If you moved to a new server at a different hosting company, Joomla is probably either
not looking in the right place for the database, or
not using the right credentials (host, port, username, password, whatever) for the database.
That might also be true if you moved to a different server at the same hosting company, although it's a little less likely. Look at the configuration.php file.
Assuming you have shell access, make sure you can access the database through its command-line utility. Then make sure Joomla is using the same credentials.
This is a really odd one.
The database credentials are obviously correct otherwise the site wouldn't load at all and would result in a MySQL error. Try re-assigning a new temporary article to the homepage else download the K2 component, import your articles and assign the K2 article to the homepage.
If you have the demo package for the template you are using the follow these steps:
create a sub domain
install the demo package with sample data
export the #__content database table from the main website
replace the #__content table with the one you exported
Make sure your error reporting is on in your server's php.ini file so that you can see what errors php is giving i.e. error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
In admin panel, can you see the articles in content menu?
If so, enter in each article and push the Save button.
After you save the article, it should appear again in frontpage (that worked for me).

Redirect sub domain requests to look like it's from main domain

How do I go about doing the following:
I have a main domain at say http://www.domainname.com
and a another site at http://www.domainname.com/billing/
When loading knowledgebase articles it loads with http://www.domainname.com/billing/knowledgebase.php
I want it to load the content but make it look like it's coming from
In otherwords anything when I load
it should load the content that exists at /billing/knowledgebase.php*
It can be achieved with the .htaccess file and the use of mod_rewrite, however I know what you're trying to achieve, and from personal experience I'd say to stop while you're ahead, if you want a root based WHMCS install, then delete it all and start again, by installing WHMCS in the root, rather than a sub-directory. Although WHMCS says to install itself in a sub-directory, a lot of people treat it like a CMS, and as such really want it to be the homepage and content manager of the whole site.

wkhtmktopdf on shared hosting does not return any data...?

Hi friends currently i m working on a small business project.
for this project i need to convert my dynamic html page into a PDF file..
I googled for html to pdf and found wkhtml...
in my local-host system its works like charm..
But in my shared server it does not gives any output... errors also. when php wrap execute, it fails silently..
Any idea guys??
another thing.. In my shared hosting, they are disabled exec,proc_open and other process related functions, So i used .htaccess file to point another php.ini for reconfiguring the disabled_functions.
Because your hosting provider has disabled the exec methods, I'm sure they won't be pleased to find out you're trying to use wkhtmltopdf. It might be a good idea to contact them about your plans.
When downloading wkhtmltopdf, make sure you grab the right package (based on the server specs). Your best bet is to use one of the static packages as it provides most of the libraries needed to run wkhtmltopdf. You might also need to change the file permissions to be able to execute the file.
Lastly, make sure your custom php.ini is even used by php (calling phpinfo() will do the trick).
