i did something in laravel project coz of which i am getting this type of validatoin message.
How to fix it.?
I'm starting in Laravel, and I'm using Laravel 9, I'm making an API, starting for a User CRUD, when I register the user, everything it's ok, but when I got some error, example if I try to register the same email or wrong login data, the API show me the home Laravelpage, instead of to show me some error at JSON format
User registered succefully
User doesn't registered succefully
I'm trying to handle the error, I would like to get some JSON messages showing what's wrong or what happened
I have resolved the problem, I was using Postman, and you need to add at header Accept = application/json
I'm getting the following error trying to login using the Laravel Passport:
Symfony\Component\ErrorHandler\Error\FatalError: Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory cannot implement Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key - it is not an interface
I was wondering how can this error be solved?
I am building an api and my post request return the following message
This messsage is quite unclear. I would like to log more info about the Laravel passport authentication attempts.
I would like to log them to
Is it possible to log detailed Auth error messages into the storage log folder?
In your Laravel exception handler file create a custom handler for the
exception that is being thrown that logs more information. On the
OAuthServerException you can call getHint() to get a more specific
References :
I hope Reading following laravel passport github issues will help you
I am new to laravel. I tried using Laravel Passport for API Authentication.
Everything is going correct, but when i am using view component to add clients using UI, it`s showing ERROR "Request faild with Error 404".
Browser UI and Console
I'm trying to implement token based authentication in laravel 5.2. I'm following this blog to implement. After doing all the things, when I'm going to test, I got 500 error. On debugging the code, I found that jwt calls a function (once($credentials)) in vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/Providers/Auth/IlluminateAuthAdapter.php file. And once() function is not defined in any file of jwt-auth package. If anyone have faced same problem before and knows the solution, it will be appreciated.