Laravel 9 to home page redirected - laravel

I'm starting in Laravel, and I'm using Laravel 9, I'm making an API, starting for a User CRUD, when I register the user, everything it's ok, but when I got some error, example if I try to register the same email or wrong login data, the API show me the home Laravelpage, instead of to show me some error at JSON format
User registered succefully
User doesn't registered succefully
I'm trying to handle the error, I would like to get some JSON messages showing what's wrong or what happened

I have resolved the problem, I was using Postman, and you need to add at header Accept = application/json


how to get the logged in user data in nuxtjs?

I'm using laravel backend and nuxtjs frontend, when I send a login request I get a response includes the logged in user informations with a token, the response looks like this:
after logging in I want to redirect the user to his profile page where he can see his data, how can I get the logged in user data from this response.
You can get the user details on the profile page using this.$auth.user which is provided by the nuxt auth module. This returns an array so you can access the actual details of the user using this.$auth.user[0] e.g this.$auth.user[0].email or this.$auth.user[0].firstname etc.
Also if you are using the nuxt module, you can access it using this.$store.state.auth.user.
Check out the nuxt auth module documentation for more info here
presuming the variable which you are saving response data in is response. you can access the user data via response.user. for accessing any data inside user you can access them further like
Beautified version of your response data for easier read:
if you're redirecting the user, you have to save the response in store so you can use it in another page. unless you are using Auth/Nuxt which saves the data in $auth.

Django-allauth + reactjs+ linkedin login redirect uri issue + Not enough permissions to access: GET /me

I am using drf + ReactJs to do social login am able to integrate google login and facebook login using django allauth package , but when I tried to integrate linkedin login getting error :
invalid redirect uri
TO be more precise am getting this error
allauth.socialaccount.providers.oauth2.client.OAuth2Error: Error retrieving access token: b'{"error":"invalid_redirect_uri","error_description":"Unable to retrieve access token: appid/redirect uri/code verifier does not match authorization code. Or authorization code expired. Or external member binding exists"}
----few updates after tying out few fixes -----
Tried fetching the access token from backend and login the user using a seprate api it showed the redirect uri issue.
Tried directly calling the linkedin token url from postman and now I get Invalid request error.
First method worked after few tryouts but now getting incorrect value error.
Tried fetching code with scope as r_liteprofile but now getting 403 forbidden
{'serviceErrorCode': 100, 'message': 'Not enough permissions to access: GET /me', 'status': 403}
I tried changing url to backend and frontend both showing same error. Can anyone get me how to fix this issue ?
I am not sure what all additional details needed for sorting this out, Please let me know if any needed.
Finally able to find the solution
the issue was with the code generated from the sdk used to implement linkedin login in reactjs, which has only scope
Adding additional scope
And regarding redirect uri issue
we are suppose to use the same redirect uri in both frontend and backend
made things working , posting this here since it will help someone in future facing same problem.
thank you all

Passing accessToken from frontend to PHP API

I've been trying to get authentication working (described below) in my laravel application, following these two tutorials:
On the frontend (angular app):
User clicks log in button and taken to auth0 login page
The user logs in and is redirected back to the callback with the accessToken
The access token is stored on the frontend and passed to Laravel API each request.
On the backend:
User makes a request to my http://localhost/api/route passing the accessToken in the authorisation header
Laravel validates the user is logged in and valid.
Laravel allows access to that route
It works to an extend, but when I try to use postman to access the protected route by passing the accessToken I get the error:
"message": "We can't trust on a token issued by:"
Is my workflow correct? What am I missing?
Just in case if somebody facing with the same issue. The authorized_iss must contain a trailing slash.
In the laravel-auth0.php file the field,
'authorized_issuers' => ''
should be in this form.

redirect()->intended('/login') not working laravel

I'm using a custom SocialLoginController to log my users with facebook or google in al Laravel 5.3 project
In some cases I send to users an email with info about one change and the URL to the resource, for example[the-uuid]
when the user tries to access but is not logged in, he's redirected to the Handler#render() where I send it to login with return redirect()->guest('/login'); and after login with social account I redirect them using return redirect()->intended('/home') but since I don't use the LoginController, the redirection to the requested URL is not working.
Any idea? Thanks
The problem is the request object is lost after redirect the user to login with facebook or google, so I fixed by saving the requested URI in a session variable and then checking if exists after redirect
return Session::get('intended') ? redirect()->to(\Session::get('intended')) : redirect()->to('/expenses');
Maybe this could help someone

CSRF Token mismatch error on clicking links from email

App was developed in Web API. We are using AntiForgery Token validation for all the POST calls in Registered users get email alerts for the contents they are signed up for. Users click item from email to view the content details. On click of item first click event is being saved in SilverPop and silverpop redirects to actual content in Details page is being loaded with out any issues after authenticating the user based on few query string parameters. Issue is when user make a post call(to saving for later, book mark etc) App is throwing Antiforgery token mismatch error. Sorry for bad English and long question. Strange part of this issue is We are unable to replicate this error and its not occurring consistently. We have two server and 1 load balance hosted in AWS not using sticky session enabled. Using Forms cookie authentication. finally, this issue kept occurring though we run with 1 server. Thanks for reading and appreciate if any one could help.
*User must be Authenticated to validate CSRF token ? This makes few api get and post calls.
