Find a program by tcode - debugging

I have a transaction code FTZZ and I can't find where to edit the code...I go to se38 it doesnt exits,go to se80 I try all of the above to edit or even find where the code was built I can't.
How can I find where this program was written and how can I edit it?

Three ways that I know
SE93 to display the TCode
Run the TCode, go to Menu: System->Status->SAP Data->Repository Data->Program
Run the TCode, click the arrow in the right-bottom corner of SAP GUI, then you will see a dropdown menu button, click it an you will see the full information like TCode, Program, System, Client, User, Response Time and so on.
Hope it helps.


Tools/code to automatically click ok on dialogs

We have an 'enterprisey' system with a scheduling component which gets floored if any dialogs come up. If any modal dialogs come up in the processes it is running, it gets 'paused' and can't kick off any new processes.
Excuse me a minute ...
*goes outside*
*comes back*
.. ahem ... so anyway we need some sort of tool/technique that can lurk in the background and automatically detect specific dialogs and click OK on them. Any recommendations?
The offending system is running in Windows XP.
(NB: changing the third-party-enterprisey system or making its developers sit on the naughty step until they improve it are not options in the short term)
From this similar question I found:
Buzof by Basta Computing
which did the trick.
There is also a product called DialogDevil which looked promising but didn't work in our situation for some reason.
AutoIT is absolutely perfect for this. You can use the tool to help identify the dialog, write your own simple code and distribute the "auto clicker" via exe. It lurks in the background by running from the task tray.
DialogDavil will require exact same parameters on your dialog (for which you want buttons to be autoclicked) every time that same dialog pops up. And thats why it didnt work for me in first pass. Then i changed the control file at the following path to remove the changing items (a text box text in my case)
And then it worked like a charm.


I'm new into this.. trying to create a simple app for macosx, basically I want this app to startup right after the user login with username/password..
and it's just a simple app has a window & that window displays a warning message and then have two buttons "agree" & "decline"
if the user hit agree then it will continue to the login process.. works as "LOG IN button"
if the user hit Decline then it will go back to the like "CANCEL button"
but since am new into Xcode.. I have already created the app with both buttons.. but don't know how to add IBAction and Outlets!..
Any ideas?..
This should give you an idea. Also, since you are new to ios/mac dev, I would suggest you to read the documents from Apple that will provide you with a wealth of information. Additionally, read the FAQ of the site to get a better understanding how SO functions.

Windows7 explorer context strip hook?

Hy everybody,
I'm wondering if it's possible to add a new button via C++ or C# to windows 7 explorer "context strip"(don't know if this is correct name) - like on picture below.
My reason for this is because a lot of times I'm switching on&off "Show hidden files, folders and drives" functionality under Tools->Folder option->View. Therefore i want to simplify this process with a click of a button.
I was looking into ShellExecteEx function, but I am not sure I can do that. Can Anybody direct me in right direction?
I highly recommend using AutoIt for this task. Second URL comes complete with examples of how to insert buttons in various programs - however, be sure to read complete topic for misc. updates to the provided code.
Btw: I misread topic to begin with; gui 'context' related material in Windows is often taken to deal with right-click menus
Edit: limit on urls for new users on Stack Overflow mean I had to cut out some of less essential links - google away.
To answer part of the question, I think it is possible as for quite some time we've seen small programs to add a "New Folder" button to the explorer. I think those still works with Win 7.
Look at for example
[Edit] Forgot to clarify that Source Code for StExBar is on Google Code

Problem with Pop-up Windows using Selenium

I'm new to the testing world, so my question might seem a lil' bit too naive and stupid. At risk of looking/sounding stupid, my question is this:
I've been trying to test the contents in a pop-up window on my company's web app. I've figured out how to detect the pop-up window for now, but i can't get selenium to 'click' on the link inside of that pop-up window. there are multiple pop-ups in this web app so it's really difficult for a newbie like to create a test case.
I tried the click, clickAndWait, mouseDown and mouseKey as an option but it is still not working. can somebody guide me through this?
When the popup appears you will need to move the context of the script over to the window.
You can do this by using the selectWindow | window_ID_from_the_link and then do the clicking.
If that doesn't work you may need to use the openWindow command to create the popup and then start testing against that.
Use getConfirmation/getassert/getprompt according to the type of the pop up you use .....By default they will be clicked with ok option by the server and you have to consume the message from the pop up for the other selenium commands to work correctly.............
The above suggestion is given from my experience in working with selenium RC used with perl..........
Perhaps you can try the FireFox Plugin. You can click through your application and record your steps. After recording the steps you can easily save it as some sort of file or unittest.
I'm not sure about the command you should use for the popups, maybe the firefox plugin will help in this manner (it will create your commands).
If you created the popup with a div tag, U can use following code to stop the selenium server until the popup opens.
int second = 0;
if(second >= 5)
After a popup opens, Now you can click on any link inside the popup.You have to use the below code."id=popup_link"); (popup_link is the id of the link present on the popup)
Good Luck.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but if you want to click on something specific that Selenium is not able to handle - like browser pop-ups or other pop-ups, you can use Sikuli Script. Sikuli does an image comparison and clicks on the same - this is very powerful.
Here is the link:

Getting screenshot of Child Window

If I have a handle to a window, how do I take a screenshot of any new child windows when they show up? Right now I have code that takes a screenshot every .1 seconds of a windows form. When I click on a drop down list box the subsequent screenshots do not include it. Using spy++ I can see that a new child window was created but not sure how to make sure it is included in my screenshots. Does anybody have any code that might include child windows?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, the dropdown of a ComboBox is a special window, a LISTBOX. .NET doesn't provide a built-in way to get the handle for it, you can P/Invoke SendMessage and send the CB_GETCOMBOBOXINFO message. COMBOBOXINFO.hwndList contains the handle.
Note that there are other controls that behave that way, DateTimePicker for example. Also note that the window can extend beyond the bounds of your form.
The code in this thread should be helpful to get the P/Invoke right.
